OsmoGGSN/Mac OS X notes Mac OS X support is experimental, please test and report bugs. The Mac OS X port is tested on Mac OS X 10.3.5, but may also work on other versions. 1. Compiling Everything should be straight-forward. Create a separate build directory, run ../openggsn/configure and then make. If you have problems with configure, execute $ aclocal && automake && autoheader && autoconf and then again configure and make. 2. Kernel extensions You need to add a tunnel kernel extension to your kernel. The one I've used is available at http://www-user.rhrk.uni-kl.de/~nissler/tuntap/ but there are others. If you want to compile that from sources (instead of using the binary installer), you will also need kernel sources from opensource.apple.com. 3. Known problems None. -- Pekka Nikander <pekka.nikander@nomadiclab.com>