/** @addtogroup scif * * @brief <b>Access functions for the SAM4 Analog to Digital Converter Interface (ADCIFE)</b> * @ingroup SAM4 * LGPL License Terms @ref lgpl_license * @author @htmlonly © @endhtmlonly 2016 * Maxim Sloyko <maxims@google.com> * */ #include <libopencm3/sam/adcife.h> /** @brief Enable ADC interface. Must be done before any other configuration. * * This function does it synchronously and returns only when the interface is * actually enabled. */ void adcife_enable_sync(void) { ADCIFE_CR = ADCIFE_CR_EN; while (!(ADCIFE_SR & ADCIFE_SR_EN)); } void adcife_configure( enum adcife_refsel ref, enum adcife_speed speed, enum adcife_clk clk, enum adcife_prescal prescal) { ADCIFE_CFG = ADCIFE_CFG_REFSEL_MASKED(ref) | ADCIFE_CFG_SPEED_MASKED(speed) | ADCIFE_CFG_PRESCAL_MASKED(prescal) | clk; } void adcife_select_channel(enum adcife_channel ad) { ADCIFE_SEQCFG |= ADCIFE_SEQCFG_MUXPOS_MASKED(ad); } void adcife_set_resolution(enum adcife_resolution res) { if (ADCIFE_RESOLUTION_12BITS == res) { ADCIFE_SEQCFG &= ~ADCIFE_SEQCFG_RES; } else { ADCIFE_SEQCFG |= ADCIFE_SEQCFG_RES; } } void adcife_select_trigger(enum adcife_trigger trig) { ADCIFE_SEQCFG &= ~ADCIFE_SEQCFG_TRGSEL_MASK; ADCIFE_SEQCFG |= ADCIFE_SEQCFG_TRGSEL_MASKED(trig); } void adcife_set_gain(enum adcife_gain gain) { ADCIFE_SEQCFG &= ~ADCIFE_SEQCFG_GAIN_MASK; ADCIFE_SEQCFG |= ADCIFE_SEQCFG_GAIN_MASKED(gain); } void adcife_set_bipolar(bool enable) { if (enable) { ADCIFE_SEQCFG |= ADCIFE_SEQCFG_BIPOLAR; } else { ADCIFE_SEQCFG &= ~ADCIFE_SEQCFG_BIPOLAR; } } void adcife_set_left_adjust(bool enable) { if (enable) { ADCIFE_SEQCFG |= ADCIFE_SEQCFG_HWLA; } else { ADCIFE_SEQCFG &= ~ADCIFE_SEQCFG_HWLA; } } void adcife_start_conversion(void) { ADCIFE_CR = ADCIFE_CR_STRIG; } void adcife_wait_conversion(void) { while (!(ADCIFE_SR & ADCIFE_SR_SEOC)); ADCIFE_SCR = ADCIFE_SR_SEOC; } struct adcife_lcv adcife_get_lcv(void) { struct adcife_lcv res; res._lc_u.lcv = ADCIFE_LCV; return res; } void adcife_enable_interrupts(uint32_t imask) { ADCIFE_IER = imask; } void adcife_disable_interrupts(uint32_t imask) { ADCIFE_IDR = imask; } void adcife_timer_start(void) { ADCIFE_CR = ADCIFE_CR_TSTART; } void adcife_timer_stop(void) { ADCIFE_CR = ADCIFE_CR_TSTOP; } void adcife_timer_set_timeout(uint16_t timeout) { ADCIFE_TIM = timeout; }