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More pending.oml.c:785%s End of SAPI cmd queue encountered.%s Failed to find lchan for hLayer3=0x%x %s MPH-ACTIVATE.conf (%s Successful activation of L1 SAPI %s on TS %u Error activating L1 SAPI %s on TS %u: %s %s Got activation confirmation with empty queue %s Confirmation mismatch (%d, %d) (%d, %d) RX_REQ -> RX_CONF RX_CONF_TX_REQ -> RXTX_CONF RXTX_REQ -> RX_CONF_TX_REQ unhandled state %u %s Got ciphering conf with empty queue %s MPH-DEACTIVATE.conf (%s Successful deactivation of L1 SAPI %s on TS %u Error deactivating L1 SAPI %s on TS %u: %s %s Got de-activation confirmation with empty queue %s Trying to activate lchan, but commands in queue %s is now broken. Stopping the release. Rx %s, status: %s 0====> trying to activate lchans of BCCH Rx MPH-INIT.conf (status=%s) Rx MPH-INIT.conf status=%s MPH-INIT failureUnsupported GSM band %s Init TRX (ARFCN %u, TSC %u, RxPower % 2f dBm, TxPower % 2.2f dBm Discarding adm change command: pending procedure on RC %d %s modifying channel for handover %s already in release request state. %s TS disconnect Set NB TSCSet Tx power levelSet logical channel paramsConfigure ciphering paramsGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0AAaeabi7Cortex-A15 A   "*,D 00.3xI0LWa f(k0p|tX  $@ | 8< T %+ `0  EKQW]ci`~<(,4@` X6LL0 %L |*"(.4:@FL8R\XD^d%lu$l$lt&><&X0(`(H(/h5@;XAtGtMSY@_e(1<1kqw}T6X6|0L?$P<TCT\E HLLL0l PP&,;80N|@^ j<0u 0l0    $:KUly(>T,\``wt\hTX|L07F^dt} <(H<X<(:L|Ep]E@p,FhF4F`(GT|GGG lH" @ [ o }  LLL M M N lO0 Ox  P) PXA Q@V hb (oml.c$atrx_close_compl_cbsapi_clear_queue.LC0mph_info_chan_confirmlchan2lch_par.LANCHOR0.LC1.LC2.LC3chmod_txpower_compl_cb.LC5.LC4$dtrx_mute_on_init_cb.LC7.LC6ts_connect_cb.LC9.LC8.LC10.LC14.LC11.LC12.LC13prim_init.isra.6.LC15alive_timer_cb.LC16ts_disconnect_cb.LC17dump_lch_par.constprop.17.LC18.LC23.LC20.LC19.LC22.LC21ts_connect_as.isra.8.LC28.LC24.LC25.LC26.LC27.LC29.LC30.LC31sapi_queue_exeute.LC34lchan_deact_compl_cbchmod_modif_compl_cb.LC39check_sapi_release.LC40lchan_act_compl_cb.LC44.LC41.LC32.LC43.LC42.LC33.LC35.LC36.LC38.LC37enqueue_sapi_deact_cmdqueue_sapi_commandenqueue_sapi_act_cmd.LC45sapi_activate_cbsapi_deactivate_cbenqueue_sapi_ciphering_cmd.LC46enqueue_sapi_logchpar_cmdenqueue_sacch_rel_markersapi_queue_dispatch.LC49.LC47.LC48.LC50.LC56.LC54.LC52.LC55.LC53.LC51.LC60.LC61.LC58.LC57.LC59.LC62.LC65.LC63.LC66.LC64.LC67.LC68opstart_compl.LC70.LC69.LC71trx_init_compl_cb.LC74.LC72.LC73opstart_compl_cb.LC75.LC76.LC77.LC78.LC79.LC80__func__.18446pchan_to_logChCombsapis_for_lchansdcch_sapistchf_sapistchh_sapisccch_sapispdtch_sapiscbch_sapismsgb_freebts_model_trx_close_cb_talloc_freegsm_lchan2chan_nrl1sap_uposmo_log_infolog_check_levelamr_get_initial_modelogp2gsm48_chan_mode_namesget_value_stringlogp_stubpower_trx_change_complgsm_trx_namebts_shutdownbts_update_statusfemtobts_l1status_namescb_ts_connectedgsm_pchan_nameosmo_panicosmo_timer_scheduleexitcb_ts_disconnectedl1p_msgb_allocl1if_gsm_req_complgsm_ts_and_pchan_namefemtobts_chcomb_namesprim_statusgsm_abis_mo_check_attrtrx_get_hlayer1bts_model_trx_closetrx_rf_lockl1if_mute_rfoml_mo_rf_lock_chgoml_mo_statechg_ackoml_mo_statechg_nacklchan_to_GsmL1_Sapi_tlchan_to_GsmL1_SubCh_tfemtobts_dir_namesmemcpyosmo_timer_deltrx_ms_pwr_ctrl_is_osmoabortlchan_set_statenum_agchfemtobts_l1sapi_names_talloc_zerol1if_lchan_to_hLayerl1if_hLayer_to_lchanlchan_activategsm_bts_trx_num_osmo_fsm_inst_dispatchfemtobts_l1prim_namesgsm_bts_get_cbchget_p_target_mdBm_power_ramp_startl1if_set_txpowerl1if_set_cipheringl1if_set_ul_accbts_model_adjst_ms_pwrl1if_rsl_mode_modifybts_model_lchan_deactivatebts_model_lchan_deactivate_sacchbts_model_check_omlbts_model_apply_omlbts_model_opstartpower_ramp_initial_power_mdBmsysmobts_select_femto_bandoml_mo_opstart_nackgsm_band_namerxlev2dbmbts_model_chg_adm_statel1if_rsl_chan_actl1if_rsl_chan_modl1if_rsl_chan_rell1if_rsl_deact_sacchbts_model_trx_deact_rfl1if_activate_rfbts_model_change_powerbts_model_ts_disconnectbts_model_ts_connectrsl2l1_ciphfemtobts_l1cfgt_namesT+h,4+<,d`+ d+ l, p, x+ |, +, +,+ $, <+ + , + , , +,++ ,, +,+,+ , 4<`pt+|,+ , ++ ,, ++ , , D+L,dp+x,|+,+,+ , +,++ ,, `+d,|++,,++,,+, + 4, Lhp+x,|+,+,+,+,+ , + ++, ,,  $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x  + ,  +" ," + ,   +" + ( ,", , 4 |  + ,  +$ + ,$ ,   +$ + ,$ , 0 +4 ,L \ | +& ,& + ,  + + + , , ,  +& + ,& ,  + ,0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |   +* + ,* ,   ++ ,+ +  ,  H X +*` + d ,*l ,  +, + ,, ,  +- + ,- , $+*,+ 0,*8, Xd+.h+ p,.t, +++ ,+, $0+/<,/@+ H, `l+-p+ t,-x, +,+ ,,, +*+ ,*, +/+ ,/, +*+ ,* , 0<+*@+ D,*H, X+,,+ 0+8, <,h+1+ ,1, +2+3+,2,3,+4 +5+,4,5,$0<D+L,PT+6\,6`+ h, +,+6+ ,6, +1+ ,1 , $@DHLPTX\+2 +3$+(,2,,30,8<+4@+5D+H,4L,5P,X+,+,+9,9 + (, <\d+9h+ l,9p, |+2+3+,2,3,+4+5+,4,5,+2+3+ ,2$,3(,04+48+5<+@,4D,5H,P+,+:$,:(+ 0, DT+:X+ \, `,:p 4+8L,+,+> ,>$+ ,, DH+?T,?\LPTX\`dhlptx| \+ `+d, h,+B,B+C,C@+EH,EX+ , |+, $+B0,B8Dh+l,+F,F+,+G$,G48T+X,p+2+3+,2,3,+4+5+,4,5,+H,H +  ,  ( H +IP ,IT d +Jl ,Jp + x ,  + ,  +K ,K + ,  + ,  +> ,> + !, ! 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