ELF($4( H-M   00S 00( 0 K- M Ћ/- M 0:;Ћ/H-M   0 |0t000S00T0 0 0S 0 0S,0(0 $ 0K8DHLH-M   0 000S 000S l000dT00 0 0S 0 0S,0(0 $ 0KDHLH-M   0 00D0S000 00 0KH-M   0 00P 0S0 400,  0K8H-M   0 00T 0S0 8000   0K8O- dM0 00 0S>> 0>00 00 0S>>0x>00S d>0 00 0S<>8>D00>0 0S >0 00 0S==0=00S =0 00 0S==0=00S =0 00 0Sd=`=x0X=00S* D=0 8=00R$=00 00 0S<<0<00 <0000 0S<<000<00S/ <00S* p<0 d<00RP<00 00 0S$< Interval between sending subsequent Flow Control PDUs Interval time in seconds flow-control force-bvc-bucket-size <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC bucket size Bucket size in octets no flow-control force-bvc-bucket-sizeNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC bucket size flow-control force-bvc-leak-rate <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC leak rate Leak rate in bit/s no flow-control force-bvc-leak-rateNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the BVC leak rate flow-control force-ms-bucket-size <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS bucket size Bucket size in octets no flow-control force-ms-bucket-sizeNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS bucket size flow-control force-ms-leak-rate <1-6553500>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS leak rate Leak rate in bit/s no flow-control force-ms-leak-rateNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Force a fixed value for the default MS leak rate flow-control bucket-time <1-65534>BSSGP Flow Control configuration Set target downlink maximum queueing time (only affects the advertised bucket size) Time in centi-seconds no flow-control bucket-timeNegate a command or set its defaults BSSGP Flow Control configuration Set target downlink maximum queueing time (only affects the advertised bucket size) cs <1-4> [<1-4>]Coding Scheme configuration Initial CS value to be used (overrides BTS config) Use a different initial CS value for the uplinkno csNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration cs max <1-4> [<1-4>]Coding Scheme configuration Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) Maximum CS value to be used Use a different maximum CS value for the uplinkno cs maxNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) mcs <1-9> [<1-9>]Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) Initial MCS value to be used (default 1) Use a different initial MCS value for the uplinkno mcsNegate a command or set its defaults Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) mcs max <1-9> [<1-9>]Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) Maximum MCS value to be used Use a different maximum MCS value for the uplinkno mcs maxNegate a command or set its defaults Modulation and Coding Scheme configuration (EGPRS) Set maximum values for adaptive CS selection (overrides BTS config) egprs dl arq-type (spb|arq2)EGPRS configuration downlink specific configuration ARQ options enable SPB(ARQ1) support enable ARQ2 supportarq2window-size <0-1024> [<0-256>]Window size configuration (b + N_PDCH * f) Base value (b) Factor for number of PDCH (f)queue lifetime <1-65534>Packet queue options Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN) Lifetime in centi-secondsqueue lifetime infinitePacket queue options Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds (overrides the value given by SGSN) Infinite lifetimeno queue lifetimeNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Disable lifetime limit of LLC frame (use value given by SGSN) queue hysteresis <1-65535>Packet queue options Set lifetime hysteresis of LLC frame in centi-seconds (continue discarding until lifetime-hysteresis is reached) Hysteresis in centi-secondsno queue hysteresisNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Set lifetime hysteresis of LLC frame in centi-seconds (continue discarding until lifetime-hysteresis is reached) queue codelPacket queue options Set CoDel queue management queue codel interval <1-1000>Packet queue options Set CoDel queue management Specify interval Interval in centi-secondsno queue codelNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Set CoDel queue management queue idle-ack-delay <1-65535>Packet queue options Request an ACK after the last DL LLC frame in centi-seconds Idle ACK delay in centi-secondsno queue idle-ack-delayNegate a command or set its defaults Packet queue options Request an ACK after the last DL LLC frame in centi-seconds alloc-algorithm (a|b|dynamic)Select slot allocation algorithm to use when assigning timeslots on PACCH Single slot is assigned only Multiple slots are assigned for semi-duplex operation Dynamically select the algorithm based on the system state two-phase-accessForce two phase access when MS requests single phase access no two-phase-accessNegate a command or set its defaults Only use two phase access when requested my MS alpha (si13|<0-10>)Alpha parameter for MS power control in units of 0.1 (see TS 05.08) NOTE: Be sure to set Alpha value at System information 13 too. Use value received from BSC in System Intormation 13 (default) Force Alpha in units of 0.1 %% 'alpha <0-10>' is now deprecated: use osmo-bsc's 'gprs power-control alpha <0-10>' instead%ssi13gamma <0-62>Gamma parameter for MS power control in units of dB (see TS 05.08) Gamma in even unit of dBs show bts statisticsShow running system information BTS related functionality Statistics BTS%u:%s show bts pdchShow running system information BTS related functionality PDCH timeslots dl-tbf-idle-time <1-5000>keep an idle DL TBF alive for the time given idle time in msec%% 'dl-tbf-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2031 ' instead%sno dl-tbf-idle-timeNegate a command or set its defaults keep an idle DL TBF alive for the time given %% 'no dl-tbf-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2031 0' instead%sdl-tbf-preemptive-retransmissionretransmit blocks even before the MS had a chance to receive them (better throughput, less readable traces) (enabled by default)no dl-tbf-preemptive-retransmissionNegate a command or set its defaults retransmit blocks even before the MS had a chance to receive them (better throughput, less readable traces)multislot-class default <1-45>MultiSlot Class configuration Set assumed default MultiSlot Class if unknown during TBF allocation MultiSlot Class number to use as default (default: 12) ms-idle-time <1-7200>keep an idle MS object alive for the time given idle time in sec%% 'ms-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2030 ' instead%sno ms-idle-timeNegate a command or set its defaults keep an idle MS object alive for the time given %% 'no ms-idle-time' is now deprecated: use 'timer X2030 0' instead%scs threshold <0-100> <0-100>Coding Scheme configuration set thresholds for error rate based downlink (M)CS adjustment lower limit in % upper limit in % The lower limit must be less than or equal to the upper limit.%sno cs thresholdNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration set thresholds for error rate based downlink (M)CS adjustment cs downgrade-threshold <1-10000>Coding Scheme configuration set threshold for data size based downlink (M)CS downgrade downgrade if less octets left no cs downgrade-thresholdNegate a command or set its defaults Coding Scheme configuration set threshold for data size based downlink (M)CS downgrade cs link-quality-ranges cs1 <0-35> cs2 <0-35> <0-35> cs3 <0-35> <0-35> cs4 <0-35>Coding Scheme configuration Set link quality ranges for each uplink CS Set quality range for CS-1 (high value only) CS-1 high (dB) Set quality range for CS-2 CS-2 low (dB) CS-2 high (dB) Set quality range for CS-3 CS-3 low (dB) CS-3 high (dB) Set quality range for CS-4 (low value only) CS-4 low (dB) mcs link-quality-ranges mcs1 <0-35> mcs2 <0-35> <0-35> mcs3 <0-35> <0-35> mcs4 <0-35> <0-35> mcs5 <0-35> <0-35> mcs6 <0-35> <0-35> mcs7 <0-35> <0-35> mcs8 <0-35> <0-35> mcs9 <0-35>Coding Scheme configuration Set link quality ranges for each uplink MCS Set quality range for MCS-1 (high value only) MCS-1 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-2 MCS-2 high (dB) MCS-2 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-3 MCS-3 high (dB) MCS-3 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-4 MCS-4 high (dB) MCS-4 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-5 MCS-5 high (dB) MCS-5 low (dB) Set quality range for MCS-6 MCS-6 low (dB) MCS-6 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-7 MCS-7 low (dB) MCS-7 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-8 MCS-8 low (dB) MCS-8 high (dB) Set quality range for MCS-9 (low value only) MCS-9 low (dB) pcu-socket PATHConfigure the osmo-bts PCU socket file/path name Path of the socket to connect to Changing PCU socket path at run-time has no effect%sgb-dialect (classic|ip-sns)Select which Gb interface dialect to use Classic Gb interface with NS-{RESET,BLOCK,UNBLOCK} and static configuration Modern Gb interface with IP-SNS (Sub Network Service) and dynamic configuration ip-snsgb ip-dscp <0-63>Configure Gb interface Set IP DSCP value for outbound packets IP DSCP value to use gb socket-priority <0-255>Configure Gb interface Set socket priority value for outbound packets Socket priority value to use (>6 requires CAP_NET_ADMIN)show bts-timer [TNNNN]Show running system information Show BTS controlled timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. show timer [TNNNN]Show running system information Show PCU timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. timer [TNNNN] [(<0-2147483647>|default)]Configure or show PCU timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. New timer value Set to default timer value show tbf (all|ccch|pacch)Show running system information information about TBFs All TBFs TBFs allocated via CCCH TBFs allocated via PACCH show ms allShow running system information information about MSs All TBFs show ms tlli TLLIShow running system information information about MSs Select MS by TLLI TLLI as hex Invalid TLLI.%sshow ms imsi IMSIShow running system information information about MSs Select MS by IMSI IMSI Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Ivan Kluchnikov and Andreas Eversberg Copyright (C) 2013-2022 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH License GNU GPL version 2 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. OsmoPCU1.5.1.6-56993This command applies when a new TBF is beginsThis command applies when a new subscriber attachesThis command applies when the NS is reset|gsmtap-category ()GSMTAP Category no gsmtap-category (Negate a command or set its defaults GSMTAP Category GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  d `d,d 5,G8^( t( P((dd P(0x0 &x(? (T(p00 T (<D(d l( d  x(T ((GP $b((D( h (lPl 4(D \(2P LL(mPDP (P (D $((X( |*$(HD bL(q d|t(hXh ( P(THT ( <(@X@ $<(8 (Hd(_,H, pr(txt ( x(|X| (D 1,(OD XiT(\X\ |(D (D 8((<h< E(`D w(X <D(@D@ l(   (/ D  ` A(Zd Dd  o(   X! (l!`l! !4(!! 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-=pcu_vty.c$d$aosmo_talloc_replace_stringprefetchbts_rate_counterspcu_gsmtap_categ_namespcu_gsmtap_categ_helpcfg_pcu_gsmtap_remote_host_cmdcfg_pcu_gsmtap_remote_hostcfg_pcu_no_gsmtap_remote_host_cmdcfg_pcu_no_gsmtap_remote_hostpcucfg_pcu_gsmtap_categ_all_cmdcfg_pcu_gsmtap_sapi_allcfg_pcu_gsmtap_categ_cmdcfg_pcu_gsmtap_categcfg_pcu_no_gsmtap_categ_cmdcfg_pcu_no_gsmtap_categpcu_nodeconfig_write_pcucfg_pcu_cmdcfg_pcucfg_pcu_egprs_cmdcfg_pcu_egprscfg_pcu_no_egprs_cmdcfg_pcu_no_egprscfg_pcu_fc_interval_cmdcfg_pcu_fc_intervalcfg_pcu_fc_bvc_bucket_size_cmdcfg_pcu_fc_bvc_bucket_sizecfg_pcu_no_fc_bvc_bucket_size_cmdcfg_pcu_no_fc_bvc_bucket_sizecfg_pcu_fc_bvc_leak_rate_cmdcfg_pcu_fc_bvc_leak_ratecfg_pcu_no_fc_bvc_leak_rate_cmdcfg_pcu_no_fc_bvc_leak_ratecfg_pcu_fc_ms_bucket_size_cmdcfg_pcu_fc_ms_bucket_sizecfg_pcu_no_fc_ms_bucket_size_cmdcfg_pcu_no_fc_ms_bucket_sizecfg_pcu_fc_ms_leak_rate_cmdcfg_pcu_fc_ms_leak_ratecfg_pcu_no_fc_ms_leak_rate_cmdcfg_pcu_no_fc_ms_leak_ratecfg_pcu_fc_bucket_time_cmdcfg_pcu_fc_bucket_timecfg_pcu_no_fc_bucket_time_cmdcfg_pcu_no_fc_bucket_timecfg_pcu_cs_cmdcfg_pcu_cscfg_pcu_no_cs_cmdcfg_pcu_no_cscfg_pcu_cs_max_cmdcfg_pcu_cs_maxcfg_pcu_no_cs_max_cmdcfg_pcu_no_cs_maxcfg_pcu_mcs_cmdcfg_pcu_mcscfg_pcu_no_mcs_cmdcfg_pcu_no_mcscfg_pcu_mcs_max_cmdcfg_pcu_mcs_maxcfg_pcu_no_mcs_max_cmdcfg_pcu_no_mcs_maxcfg_pcu_dl_arq_cmdcfg_pcu_dl_arq_typecfg_pcu_window_size_cmdcfg_pcu_window_sizecfg_pcu_queue_lifetime_cmdcfg_pcu_queue_lifetimecfg_pcu_queue_lifetime_inf_cmdcfg_pcu_queue_lifetime_infcfg_pcu_no_queue_lifetime_cmdcfg_pcu_no_queue_lifetimecfg_pcu_queue_hysteresis_cmdcfg_pcu_queue_hysteresiscfg_pcu_no_queue_hysteresis_cmdcfg_pcu_no_queue_hysteresiscfg_pcu_queue_codel_cmdcfg_pcu_queue_codelcfg_pcu_queue_codel_interval_cmdcfg_pcu_queue_codel_intervalcfg_pcu_no_queue_codel_cmdcfg_pcu_no_queue_codelcfg_pcu_queue_idle_ack_delay_cmdcfg_pcu_queue_idle_ack_delaycfg_pcu_no_queue_idle_ack_delay_cmdcfg_pcu_no_queue_idle_ack_delaycfg_pcu_alloc_cmdcfg_pcu_alloccfg_pcu_two_phase_cmdcfg_pcu_two_phasecfg_pcu_no_two_phase_cmdcfg_pcu_no_two_phasecfg_pcu_alpha_cmdcfg_pcu_alphacfg_pcu_gamma_cmdcfg_pcu_gammashow_bts_stats_cmdshow_bts_statsshow_bts_pdch_cmdcfg_pcu_dl_tbf_idle_time_cmdcfg_pcu_dl_tbf_idle_timecfg_pcu_no_dl_tbf_idle_time_cmdcfg_pcu_no_dl_tbf_idle_timecfg_pcu_dl_tbf_preemptive_retransmission_cmdcfg_pcu_dl_tbf_preemptive_retransmissioncfg_pcu_no_dl_tbf_preemptive_retransmission_cmdcfg_pcu_no_dl_tbf_preemptive_retransmissioncfg_pcu_msclass_default_cmdcfg_pcu_msclass_defaultcfg_pcu_ms_idle_time_cmdcfg_pcu_ms_idle_timecfg_pcu_no_ms_idle_time_cmdcfg_pcu_no_ms_idle_timecfg_pcu_cs_err_limits_cmdcfg_pcu_cs_err_limitscfg_pcu_no_cs_err_limits_cmdcfg_pcu_no_cs_err_limitscfg_pcu_cs_downgrade_thrsh_cmdcfg_pcu_cs_downgrade_thrshcfg_pcu_no_cs_downgrade_thrsh_cmdcfg_pcu_no_cs_downgrade_thrshcfg_pcu_cs_lqual_ranges_cmdcfg_pcu_cs_lqual_rangescfg_pcu_mcs_lqual_ranges_cmdcfg_pcu_mcs_lqual_rangescfg_pcu_sock_cmdcfg_pcu_sockcfg_pcu_gb_dialect_cmdcfg_pcu_gb_dialectcfg_pcu_gb_ip_dscp_cmdcfg_pcu_gb_ip_dscpcfg_pcu_gb_priority_cmdcfg_pcu_gb_priorityshow_bts_timer_cmdshow_bts_timershow_timer_cmdshow_timercfg_pcu_timer_cmdcfg_pcu_timershow_tbf_cmdshow_tbfshow_ms_all_cmdshow_ms_tlli_cmdshow_ms_tllishow_ms_imsi_cmdshow_ms_imsipcu_copyright_talloc_freetalloc_strdupvty_outthe_pcustrcmpget_string_valueget_value_string_or_nullosmo_tdef_vty_writealloc_algorithm_aalloc_algorithm_balloc_algorithm_dynamicatoigprs_pcu_set_initial_csgprs_pcu_set_max_csgprs_pcu_set_initial_mcsgprs_pcu_set_max_mcsvty_out_rate_ctr_grouppcu_vty_show_bts_pdchosmo_tdef_settall_pcu_ctxosmo_tdef_vty_show_cmdosmo_tdef_vty_set_cmdosmo_tdef_vty_parse_T_argneigh_cache_set_keep_time_intervalsi_cache_set_keep_time_intervalpcu_vty_show_tbf_allpcu_vty_show_ms_allstrtollpcu_vty_show_ms_by_tllipcu_vty_show_ms_by_imsipcu_vty_infopcu_vty_initvty_cmd_string_from_valstrlogging_vty_add_cmdsosmo_stats_vty_add_cmdsosmo_talloc_vty_add_cmdsosmo_fsm_vty_add_cmdsinstall_nodeinstall_elementinstall_element_ve8/D0`<1P2TX\`/12 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