/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Raul Tremsal * File : smpp34_params.c * Author: Raul Tremsal <ultraismo@yahoo.com> * * This file is part of libsmpp34 (c-open-smpp3.4 library). * * The libsmpp34 library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "smpp34.h" #include "smpp34_structs.h" #include "smpp34_heap.h" int build_udad( udad_t **dest, udad_t *source ) { /* Build new DAD-Chain ************************************************/ udad_t *dummy = (udad_t*)smpp34_malloc(sizeof( udad_t )); if( dummy == NULL ){ printf("Error in smpp34_malloc()\n" ); return( -1 ); }; memcpy(dummy, source, sizeof( udad_t )); dummy->next = (*dest); (*dest) = dummy; return( 0 ); }; int destroy_udad( udad_t *sourceList ) { udad_t *i = NULL; /* Destroy DAD-Chain **************************************************/ while( sourceList != NULL ){ i = sourceList->next; smpp34_free((void*)sourceList); sourceList = i; }; return( 0 ); }; int build_dad( dad_t **dest, dad_t *source ) { /* Build new DAD-Chain ************************************************/ dad_t *dummy = (dad_t*)smpp34_malloc(sizeof( dad_t )); if( dummy == NULL ){ printf("Error in smpp34_malloc()\n" ); return( -1 ); }; memcpy(dummy, source, sizeof( dad_t )); dummy->next = (*dest); (*dest) = dummy; return( 0 ); }; int destroy_dad( dad_t *sourceList ) { dad_t *i = NULL; /* Destroy DAD-Chain **************************************************/ while( sourceList != NULL ){ i = sourceList->next; smpp34_free((void*)sourceList); sourceList = i; }; return( 0 ); }; int build_tlv( tlv_t **dest, tlv_t *source ) { /* Build new TLV-Chain ************************************************/ tlv_t *dummy = (tlv_t*)smpp34_malloc(sizeof( tlv_t )); if( dummy == NULL ){ printf("Error in smpp34_malloc()\n" ); return( -1 ); }; memcpy(dummy, source, sizeof( tlv_t )); dummy->next = (*dest); (*dest) = dummy; return( 0 ); }; int destroy_tlv( tlv_t *sourceList ) { tlv_t *i = NULL; /* Destroy TLV-Chain **************************************************/ while( sourceList != NULL ){ i = sourceList->next; smpp34_free((void*)sourceList); sourceList = i; }; return( 0 ); }; char* str_tlv_id( uint16_t tlv_id, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", #define OPERACION( p_tlv_id ) (tlv_id == p_tlv_id)?#p_tlv_id: #include "def_list/tlv_id.list" "Reserved" #undef OPERACION ); return( buff ); }; char* str_command_id( uint32_t command, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", #define OPERACION( p_command ) (command == p_command)?#p_command: #include "def_list/command_id.list" "" #undef OPERACION ); return( buff ); }; char* str_addr_ton( uint8_t ton, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", #define OPERACION( p_command ) (ton == p_command)?#p_command: #include "def_list/addr_ton.list" "" #undef OPERACION ); return( buff ); }; char* str_addr_npi( uint8_t npi, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", #define OPERACION( p_command ) (npi == p_command)?#p_command: #include "def_list/addr_npi.list" "" #undef OPERACION ); return( buff ); }; char* str_command_status( uint32_t command, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", #define OPERACION( p_command ) (command == p_command)?#p_command: #include "def_list/command_status.list" "" #undef OPERACION ); return( buff ); }; char *test_interface_version( uint8_t interface_version, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", (interface_version==0x34)?"OK":"" ); return( buff ); }; char *test_dest_flag( uint8_t dest_flag, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", #define OPERACION( p_command ) (dest_flag == p_command)?#p_command: #include "def_list/dest_flag.list" "" #undef OPERACION ); return( buff ); }; char *test_sequence_number( uint32_t sequence_number, char* buff ) { char numero[20]; snprintf(numero, sizeof(numero), "%d", sequence_number); snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", (sequence_number>0)?numero:"" ); return( buff ); }; char *nothing( uint32_t var, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%s", "OK" ); return( buff ); }; char *valueDec_32( uint32_t var, char *buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%d", var); return( buff ); }; char *valueDec_16( uint16_t var, char *buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%d", var); return( buff ); }; char *valueDec_08( uint8_t var, char* buff ) { snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF, "%d", var); return( buff ); };