/* Auto-generated config file hpl_rtc_config.h */ #ifndef HPL_RTC_CONFIG_H #define HPL_RTC_CONFIG_H // <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> // <h> Basic settings #ifndef CONF_RTC_ENABLE #define CONF_RTC_ENABLE 1 #endif // <q> Force reset RTC on initialization // <i> Force RTC to reset on initialization. // <i> Note that the previous power down data in RTC is lost if it's enabled. // <id> rtc_arch_init_reset #ifndef CONF_RTC_INIT_RESET #define CONF_RTC_INIT_RESET 1 #endif // <o> Prescaler configuration // <0x0=>OFF(Peripheral clock divided by 1) // <0x1=>Peripheral clock divided by 1 // <0x2=>Peripheral clock divided by 2 // <0x3=>Peripheral clock divided by 4 // <0x4=>Peripheral clock divided by 8 // <0x5=>Peripheral clock divided by 16 // <0x6=>Peripheral clock divided by 32 // <0x7=>Peripheral clock divided by 64 // <0x8=>Peripheral clock divided by 128 // <0x9=>Peripheral clock divided by 256 // <0xA=>Peripheral clock divided by 512 // <0xB=>Peripheral clock divided by 1024 // <i> These bits define the RTC clock relative to the peripheral clock // <id> rtc_arch_prescaler #ifndef CONF_RTC_PRESCALER #define CONF_RTC_PRESCALER 0xb #endif #ifndef CONF_RTC_COMP_VAL #define CONF_RTC_COMP_VAL 0 #endif // <e> RTC Tamper Input 0 settings // <id> tamper_input_0_settings #ifndef CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_0_SETTINGS #define CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_0_SETTINGS 0 #endif // <q> Tamper Level Settings // <i> Indicates Tamper input 0 level // <id> tamper_level_0 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_0 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_0 0 #endif // <o> RTC Tamper Input Action // <0x0=>OFF(Disabled) // <0x1=>Wake and Set Tamper Flag // <0x2=>Capture Timestamp and Set Tamper Flag // <0x3=>Active Layer Mode.IN and OUT pin is used.Timestamp is also captured. // <i> These bits define the RTC Tamper Input Action to be performed // <id> rtc_tamper_input_action_0 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_0 #define CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_0 0 #endif // <q> Debounce Enable for Tamper Input // <i> Indicates Debounce should be enabled for Tamper input 0 // <id> tamper_debounce_enable_0 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_0 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_0 0 #endif // </e> // <e> RTC Tamper Input 1 settings // <id> tamper_input_1_settings #ifndef CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_1_SETTINGS #define CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_1_SETTINGS 0 #endif // <q> Tamper Level Settings // <i> Indicates Tamper input 1 level // <id> tamper_level_1 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_1 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_1 0 #endif // <o> RTC Tamper Input Action // <0x0=>OFF(Disabled) // <0x1=>Wake and Set Tamper Flag // <0x2=>Capture Timestamp and Set Tamper Flag // <0x3=>Active Layer Mode.IN and OUT pin is used.Timestamp is also captured. // <i> These bits define the RTC Tamper Input Action to be performed // <id> rtc_tamper_input_action_1 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_1 #define CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_1 0 #endif // <q> Debounce Enable for Tamper Input // <i> Indicates Debounce should be enabled for Tamper input 1 // <id> tamper_debounce_enable_1 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_1 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_1 0 #endif // </e> // <e> RTC Tamper Input 2 settings // <id> tamper_input_2_settings #ifndef CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_2_SETTINGS #define CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_2_SETTINGS 0 #endif // <q> Tamper Level Settings // <i> Indicates Tamper input 2 level // <id> tamper_level_2 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_2 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_2 0 #endif // <o> RTC Tamper Input Action // <0x0=>OFF(Disabled) // <0x1=>Wake and Set Tamper Flag // <0x2=>Capture Timestamp and Set Tamper Flag // <0x3=>Active Layer Mode.IN and OUT pin is used.Timestamp is also captured. // <i> These bits define the RTC Tamper Input Action to be performed // <id> rtc_tamper_input_action_2 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_2 #define CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_2 0 #endif // <q> Debounce Enable for Tamper Input // <i> Indicates Debounce should be enabled for Tamper input 2 // <id> tamper_debounce_enable_2 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_2 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_2 0 #endif // </e> // <e> RTC Tamper Input 3 settings // <id> tamper_input_3_settings #ifndef CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_3_SETTINGS #define CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_3_SETTINGS 0 #endif // <q> Tamper Level Settings // <i> Indicates Tamper input 3 level // <id> tamper_level_3 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_3 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_3 0 #endif // <o> RTC Tamper Input Action // <0x0=>OFF(Disabled) // <0x1=>Wake and Set Tamper Flag // <0x2=>Capture Timestamp and Set Tamper Flag // <0x3=>Active Layer Mode.IN and OUT pin is used.Timestamp is also captured. // <i> These bits define the RTC Tamper Input Action to be performed // <id> rtc_tamper_input_action_3 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_3 #define CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_3 0 #endif // <q> Debounce Enable for Tamper Input // <i> Indicates Debounce should be enabled for Tamper input 3 // <id> tamper_debounce_enable_3 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_3 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_3 0 #endif // </e> // <e> RTC Tamper Input 4 settings // <id> tamper_input_4_settings #ifndef CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_4_SETTINGS #define CONF_TAMPER_INPUT_4_SETTINGS 0 #endif // <q> Tamper Level Settings // <i> Indicates Tamper input 4 level // <id> tamper_level_4 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_4 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_LVL_4 0 #endif // <o> RTC Tamper Input Action // <0x0=>OFF(Disabled) // <0x1=>Wake and Set Tamper Flag // <0x2=>Capture Timestamp and Set Tamper Flag // <0x3=>Active Layer Mode.IN and OUT pin is used.Timestamp is also captured. // <i> These bits define the RTC Tamper Input Action to be performed // <id> rtc_tamper_input_action_4 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_4 #define CONF_RTC_TAMPER_INACT_4 0 #endif // <q> Debounce Enable for Tamper Input // <i> Indicates Debounce should be enabled for Tamper input 4 // <id> tamper_debounce_enable_4 #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_4 #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBNC_4 0 #endif // </e> // <o> RTC Tamper Active Layer Frequency Prescalar // <0x0=>DIV2 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /2 // <0x1=>DIV4 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /4 // <0x2=>DIV8 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /8 // <0x3=>DIV16 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /16 // <0x4=>DIV32 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /32 // <0x5=>DIV64 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /64 // <0x6=>DIV128 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /128 // <0x7=>DIV256 CLK_RTC_OUT is CLK_RTC /256 // <i> These bits define the RTC Tamper Active Layer Frequecny Prescalar // <id> rtc_tamper_active_layer_frequency_prescalar #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_ACT_LAYER_FREQ_PRES #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_ACT_LAYER_FREQ_PRES 0 #endif // <o> RTC Tamper Debounce Frequency Prescalar // <0x0=>DIV2 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /2 // <0x1=>DIV4 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /4 // <0x2=>DIV8 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /8 // <0x3=>DIV16 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /16 // <0x4=>DIV32 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /32 // <0x5=>DIV64 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /64 // <0x6=>DIV128 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /128 // <0x7=>DIV256 CLK_RTC_DEB is CLK_RTC /256 // <i> These bits define the RTC Debounce Frequency Prescalar // <id> rtc_tamper_debounce_frequency_prescalar #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBF_PRES #define CONF_RTC_TAMP_DEBF_PRES 0 #endif // <e> Event control // <id> rtc_event_control #ifndef CONF_RTC_EVENT_CONTROL_ENABLE #define CONF_RTC_EVENT_CONTROL_ENABLE 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 0 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 0 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo0 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO0 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO0 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 1 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 1 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo1 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO1 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO1 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 2 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 2 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo2 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO2 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO2 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 3 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 3 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo3 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO3 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO3 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 4 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 4 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo4 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO4 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO4 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 5 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 5 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo5 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO5 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO5 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 6 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 6 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo6 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO6 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO6 0 #endif // <q> Periodic Interval 7 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Periodic interval 7 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_pereo7 #ifndef CONF_RTC_PEREO7 #define CONF_RTC_PEREO7 0 #endif // <q> Compare 0 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Compare O event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_cmpeo0 #ifndef CONF_RTC_COMPE0 #define CONF_RTC_COMPE0 0 #endif // <q> Compare 1 Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Compare 1 event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_cmpeo1 #ifndef CONF_RTC_COMPE1 #define CONF_RTC_COMPE1 0 #endif // <q> Overflow Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Overflow event is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_ovfeo #ifndef CONF_RTC_OVFEO #define CONF_RTC_OVFEO 0 #endif // <q> Tamper Event Output // <i> This bit indicates whether Tamper event output is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_tampereo #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMPEREO #define CONF_RTC_TAMPEREO 0 #endif // <q> Tamper Event Input // <i> This bit indicates whether Tamper event input is enabled and will be generated // <id> rtc_tampevei #ifndef CONF_RTC_TAMPEVEI #define CONF_RTC_TAMPEVEI 0 #endif // </e> // </h> // <<< end of configuration section >>> #endif // HPL_RTC_CONFIG_H