// autogenerated by show asciidoc counters These counters and their description are based on OsmoTRX (OsmoTRX). === Rate Counters // generating tables for rate_ctr_group // rate_ctr_group table osmo-trx statistics .trx:chan - osmo-trx statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | device:rx_overruns | <> | Number of Rx overruns in FIFO queue | device:tx_underruns | <> | Number of Tx underruns in FIFO queue | device:rx_drop_events | <> | Number of times Rx samples were dropped by HW | device:rx_drop_samples | <> | Number of Rx samples dropped by HW | device:tx_drop_events | <> | Number of times Tx samples were dropped by HW | device:tx_drop_samples | <> | Number of Tx samples dropped by HW |=== == Osmo Stat Items // generating tables for osmo_stat_items == Osmo Counters // generating tables for osmo_counters // there are no ungrouped osmo_counters