<html> <head> <title>/vobs/ttcn/TCC_Common/Libraries/TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCFileIO.cc - TCCUsefulFunctions</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles/main.css"> <script language=JavaScript src="../javascript/main.js"></script></head> <body class="FramedContentPage" onLoad="NDOnLoad()"> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- if (browserType) {document.write("<div class=" + browserType + ">");if (browserVer) {document.write("<div class=" + browserVer + ">"); }}// --></script> <!-- Generated by Natural Docs, version 1.4 --> <!-- http://www.naturaldocs.org --> <!-- saved from url=(0026)http://www.naturaldocs.org --> <div id=Content> <div class="CFile"> <div class=CTopic id=MainTopic> <h1 class=CTitle> <a name="TCCFileIO.cc"></a>TCCFileIO.cc</h1> <div class=CBody> <!--START_ND_SUMMARY--> <div class=Summary> <div class=STitle>Summary</div> <div class=SBorder> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=STable> <tr class="SMain"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#TCCFileIO.cc" >TCCFileIO.cc</a></td> <td class=SDescription></td></tr> <tr class="SGroup"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#Functions" >Functions</a></td> <td class=SDescription></td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__get__error__string" >f__FIO__get__error__string</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Returns the actual error message.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__get__error__code" >f__FIO__get__error__code</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Returns the actual error code.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__realize__error" >f__FIO__realize__error</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Builds the error message. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__opened" >f__FIO__opened</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Checks if the file with the given name is already opened. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__opened" >f__FIO__opened</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Checks if there is a file opened with the given file descriptor. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open" >f__FIO__open</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Opens a file with the given name in the given mode. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__rdonly" >f__FIO__open__rdonly</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__append__wronly" >f__FIO__open__append__wronly</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__append__rdwr" >f__FIO__open__append__rdwr</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly" >f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr" >f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__close" >f__FIO__close</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Closes a file associated with the given file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__append__wronly__excl" >f__FIO__open__append__wronly__excl</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__append__rdwr__excl" >f__FIO__open__append__rdwr__excl</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly__excl" >f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly__excl</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr__excl" >f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr__excl</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__seek__home" >f__FIO__seek__home</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Moves the file pointer to the beginning of the file.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__seek__end" >f__FIO__seek__end</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Moves the file pointer to the end of the file.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__seek__forward" >f__FIO__seek__forward</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Moves the file pointer forward with a given number of bytes from the current position.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__seek__backward" >f__FIO__seek__backward</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Moves the file pointer backward with a given number of bytes from the current position.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__flush" >f__FIO__flush</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Transfers (“flushes”) all modified in-core data of the file referred to by the file descriptor to the disk device.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__write" >f__FIO__write</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Writes the given data to the file associated with the given file descriptor. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__write__text" >f__FIO__write__text</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__write__text__flush" >f__FIO__write__text__flush</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__write__data" >f__FIO__write__data</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__write__data__flush" >f__FIO__write__data__flush</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__read" >f__FIO__read</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Reads a given number of bytes to a given buffer from a file associated with the given file descriptor. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__read__text" >f__FIO__read__text</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__read. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__read__data" >f__FIO__read__data</a></td> <td class=SDescription>A wrapper function for f__FIO__read. </td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__read__text__until" >f__FIO__read__text__until</a></td> <td class=SDescription>It reads textual data until a given pattern is matched.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__read__data__until" >f__FIO__read__data__until</a></td> <td class=SDescription>It reads binary data until a given pattern is matched.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__set__filedescriptor__previousline" >f__FIO__set__filedescriptor__previousline</a></td> <td class=SDescription>It sets the file descriptor to the begin of the previous line.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__read__data__TLV" >f__FIO__read__data__TLV</a></td> <td class=SDescription>It reads binary data until a full ASN.1 TLV structure is read.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f__FIO__chdir" >f__FIO__chdir</a></td> <td class=SDescription>It changes the current directory.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f_FIO_mkdir" >f_FIO_mkdir</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Create a new directory</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f_FIO_rmdir" >f_FIO_rmdir</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Removes a directory</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f_FIO_fileOrDirExists" >f_FIO_fileOrDirExists</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Checks the existence of files and directories.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f_FIO_stat" >f_FIO_stat</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Query the permissions of the file or directory.</td></tr> <tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"> <td class=SEntry> <a href="#f_FIO_chmod" >f_FIO_chmod</a></td> <td class=SDescription>Change the permissions of the file or directory.</td></tr></table></div></div> <!--END_ND_SUMMARY--></div></div></div> <div class="CGroup"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="Functions"></a>Functions</h3></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__get__error__string"></a>f__FIO__get__error__string</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Returns the actual error message.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The actual error message as a string.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__get__error__code"></a>f__FIO__get__error__code</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Returns the actual error code.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The actual error message as a string.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__realize__error"></a>f__FIO__realize__error</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Builds the error message. (For internal use only.)</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>Always -1.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__opened"></a>f__FIO__opened</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Checks if the file with the given name is already opened. This function runs in linear time. (For internal use only.)</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The file descriptor of the file or -1 if the file is not yet opened.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__opened"></a>f__FIO__opened</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Checks if there is a file opened with the given file descriptor. This function runs in logarithmic time. (For internal use only.)</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The descriptor for the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The name of the file or an empty string if the file is not yet opened.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open"></a>f__FIO__open</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Opens a file with the given name in the given mode. It creates the file if it doesn’t exist. (For internal use only.)</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FLAGS</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The way to open the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The file descriptor for the file or -1 on error. The error message is available through the f__FIO__get__error function.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__rdonly"></a>f__FIO__open__rdonly</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for reading only.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__append__wronly"></a>f__FIO__open__append__wronly</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for writing only. If the file already exists it is opened in appending mode.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__append__rdwr"></a>f__FIO__open__append__rdwr</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for reading and writing. If the file already exists it is opened in appending mode.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly"></a>f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for writing only. If the file was not empty it is truncated.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr"></a>f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for reading and writing. If the file was not empty it is truncated.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__close"></a>f__FIO__close</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Closes a file associated with the given file descriptor.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The file descriptor to close.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What the POSIX function close returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__append__wronly__excl"></a>f__FIO__open__append__wronly__excl</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for writing only in exclusive mode. If the file already exists it is opened in appending mode.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__append__rdwr__excl"></a>f__FIO__open__append__rdwr__excl</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for reading and writing in exclusive mode. If the file already exists it is opened in appending mode.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly__excl"></a>f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly__excl</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for writing only in exclusive mode. If the file was not empty it is truncated.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr__excl"></a>f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr__excl</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__open. It opens the file with the given name for reading and writing in exclusive mode. If the file was not empty it is truncated.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__seek__home"></a>f__FIO__seek__home</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Moves the file pointer to the beginning of the file.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What the POSIX function lseek returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__seek__end"></a>f__FIO__seek__end</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Moves the file pointer to the end of the file.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What the POSIX function lseek returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__seek__forward"></a>f__FIO__seek__forward</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Moves the file pointer forward with a given number of bytes from the current position.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>BYTES</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The number of bytes.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What the POSIX function lseek returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__seek__backward"></a>f__FIO__seek__backward</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Moves the file pointer backward with a given number of bytes from the current position.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>BYTES</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The number of bytes.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What the POSIX function lseek returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__flush"></a>f__FIO__flush</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Transfers (“flushes”) all modified in-core data of the file referred to by the file descriptor to the disk device.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What fsync returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__write"></a>f__FIO__write</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Writes the given data to the file associated with the given file descriptor. It works with textual and binary data. (For internal use only.)</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>DATA</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The data to write to the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The number of bytes written or -1 on error.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__write__text"></a>f__FIO__write__text</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. It writes textual data.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>TEXT</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The text to write to the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__write returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__write__text__flush"></a>f__FIO__write__text__flush</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. It writes textual data and calls f__FIO__flush.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>TEXT</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The text to write to the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__write returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__write__data"></a>f__FIO__write__data</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. It writes binary data.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>DATA</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The data to write to the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__write returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__write__data__flush"></a>f__FIO__write__data__flush</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__write. It writes binary data and calls f__FIO__flush.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>DATA</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The data to write to the file.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__write returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__read"></a>f__FIO__read</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>Reads a given number of bytes to a given buffer from a file associated with the given file descriptor. (For internal use only.)</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>DATA</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The buffer where the data will be stored.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>BYTES</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The number of bytes to read.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The number of bytes read or -1 if the requested number of bytes couldn’t be read.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__read__text"></a>f__FIO__read__text</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__read. It reads textual data.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>TEXT</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The buffer for storing the text.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>BYTES</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The number of bytes to read.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__read returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__read__data"></a>f__FIO__read__data</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>A wrapper function for f__FIO__read. It reads binary data.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>DATA</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The buffer for storing the data.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>BYTES</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The number of bytes to read.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>What f__FIO__read returns.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__read__text__until"></a>f__FIO__read__text__until</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>It reads textual data until a given pattern is matched.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>TEXT</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The buffer for storing the text.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>SEPARATOR</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The separator pattern.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The number of bytes read from the file, not including the delimiter. In case of error it returns -1.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__read__data__until"></a>f__FIO__read__data__until</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>It reads binary data until a given pattern is matched.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>TEXT</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The buffer for storing the data.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>SEPARATOR</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The separator pattern.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The number of bytes read from the file, not including the delimiter. In case of error it returns -1.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__set__filedescriptor__previousline"></a>f__FIO__set__filedescriptor__previousline</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>It sets the file descriptor to the begin of the previous line.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>If there was no problem, then the return value will be 1.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__read__data__TLV"></a>f__FIO__read__data__TLV</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>It reads binary data until a full ASN.1 TLV structure is read.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>FD</td> <td class=CDLDescription>A file descriptor.</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>TEXT</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The buffer for storing the data.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>The number of bytes read from the file. In case of error it returns -1.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f__FIO__chdir"></a>f__FIO__chdir</h3> <div class=CBody> <p>It changes the current directory.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>NAME</td> <td class=CDLDescription>The name of the new directory.</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4> <p>Boolean value for successful or unsuccessful directory change</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f_FIO_mkdir"></a>f_FIO_mkdir</h3> <div class=CBody> <h4 class=CHeading>Purpose</h4> <p>Create a new directory</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>p_dir_name</td> <td class=CDLDescription> <b>in</b> <b>charstring</b> - name of the directory to create</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Return Value</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>boolean</td> <td class=CDLDescription>indicate the successful or unsuccessful directory creation</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Errors</h4> <p>In the case of unsuccessful operation the cause of the error can be queried by the f_FIO_get_error_code, f_FIO_get_error_string functions</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Detailed description</h4> <p>The path to the directory must exist, so the existence of the path should be checked, and the missing directories should be created recursively.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f_FIO_rmdir"></a>f_FIO_rmdir</h3> <div class=CBody> <h4 class=CHeading>Purpose</h4> <p>Removes a directory</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>p_dir_name</td> <td class=CDLDescription> <b>in</b> <b>charstring</b> - name of the directory to remove</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Return Value</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>boolean</td> <td class=CDLDescription>indicate the successful or unsuccessful directory creation</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Errors</h4> <p>In the case of unsuccessful operation the cause of the error can be queried by the f_FIO_get_error_code, f_FIO_get_error_string functions</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Detailed description</h4> <p>The directories must be empty, so the child directories should be cleaned and deleted recursively.</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f_FIO_fileOrDirExists"></a>f_FIO_fileOrDirExists</h3> <div class=CBody> <h4 class=CHeading>Purpose</h4> <p>Checks the existence of files and directories.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>p_name</td> <td class=CDLDescription> <b>in</b> <b>charstring</b> - name of the file or directory to check</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Return Value</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>boolean</td> <td class=CDLDescription>indicate the exictense of the file or diectory</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Errors</h4> <p>-</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Detailed description</h4> <p>-</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f_FIO_stat"></a>f_FIO_stat</h3> <div class=CBody> <h4 class=CHeading>Purpose</h4> <p>Query the permissions of the file or directory.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>p_name</td> <td class=CDLDescription> <b>in</b> <b>charstring</b> - name of the file or directory to check</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>p_permissions</td> <td class=CDLDescription> <b>out</b> <b>FIO_permissions</b> - the permissions of the object</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Return Value</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>boolean</td> <td class=CDLDescription>indicate sucessfull execution</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Errors</h4> <p>-</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Detailed description</h4> <p>-</p></div></div></div> <div class="CFunction"> <div class=CTopic> <h3 class=CTitle> <a name="f_FIO_chmod"></a>f_FIO_chmod</h3> <div class=CBody> <h4 class=CHeading>Purpose</h4> <p>Change the permissions of the file or directory.</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>p_name</td> <td class=CDLDescription> <b>in</b> <b>charstring</b> - name of the file or directory to check</td></tr> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>p_permissions</td> <td class=CDLDescription> <b>in</b> <b>FIO_permissions</b> - the permissions of the object</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Return Value</h4> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList> <tr> <td class=CDLEntry>boolean</td> <td class=CDLDescription>indicate sucessfull execution</td></tr></table> <h4 class=CHeading>Errors</h4> <p>-</p> <h4 class=CHeading>Detailed description</h4> <p>Change the permissions of the file or directory according to the p_permissions. If the value of the field is:</p> <ul> <li>true: set the permission</li> <li>false: clear the permission</li> <li>omit: doesn’t change the permission</li></ul></div></div></div> </div> <!--Content--> <!--START_ND_TOOLTIPS--> <!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS--> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- if (browserType) {if (browserVer) {document.write("</div>"); }document.write("</div>");}// --></script></body></html>