// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
//  File:               TCCOpenSecurity.ttcn
//  Description:        TCC Useful Functions: Security Functions
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

module TCCOpenSecurity_Functions {

type octetstring OCT_16 length(16);
type octetstring OCT_64 length(64);

//  Function: f_calculateDigestResponse
//  Purpose:
//    Calculate digest response
//  Parameters:
//      nonce - *in* *charstring* -   a server-specified data string which may
//  `                                 be uniquely generated each time a 401
//                                    response is made
//      cnonce - *in* *charstring* -  client nonce
//      user - *in* *charstring* -    user name
//      realm - *in* *charstring* -   user realm
//      passwd - *in* *charstring* -  user password
//      alg - *in* *charstring* -     a string indicating a pair of algorithms
//                                    used to produce the digest and a checksum
//      nonceCount - *in* *charstring* - nonce count (8 hex digits)
//      method - *in* *charstring* -  method (from the request)
//      qop - *in* *charstring* -     qop-value: "", "auth", "auth-int"
//      URI - *in* *charstring* -     digest URI
//      HEntity - *in* *charstring* - H(entity body) if qop="auth-int"
//  Return Value:
//    charstring - digest response
//  Errors:
//    -
//  Detailed description:
//    Support HTTP authentication (detailed description in RFC 2617) using
//    uses one-way hash (md5) specified in RFC 1321.
//    When a request arrives to server for an access-protected object, it
//    responds an "401 Unauthorized" status code and a WWW-Authenticate
//    header (encapsulate nonce and other necessary parameters). The client
//    is expected to retry the request, passing an Authorization header with
//    response field calculated with f_calculateDigestResponse().
//    Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication
external function f_calculateDigestResponse(
  charstring nonce,
  charstring cnonce,
  charstring user,
  charstring realm,
  charstring passwd,
  charstring alg,
  charstring nonceCount,
  charstring method,
  charstring qop,
  charstring URI,
  charstring HEntity) return charstring;

//  Function: f_calculateDigestHA1
//  Purpose:
//    Calculate digest H(A1) hash
//  Parameters:
//      nonce - *in* *charstring* -   a server-specified data string which may
//  `                                 be uniquely generated each time a 401
//                                    response is made
//      cnonce - *in* *charstring* -  client nonce
//      user - *in* *charstring* -    user name
//      realm - *in* *charstring* -   user realm
//      passwd - *in* *charstring* -  user password
//      alg - *in* *charstring* -     a string indicating a pair of algorithms
//                                    used to produce the digest and a checksum
//  Return Value:
//    charstring - digest response
//  Errors:
//    -
//  Detailed description:
//    Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication
external function f_calculateDigestHA1(
  charstring nonce,
  charstring cnonce,
  charstring user,
  charstring realm,
  charstring passwd,
  charstring alg) return charstring;

//  Function: f_calculateRAND_oct
//  Purpose:
//    Compute random value
//  Parameters:
//      pl_length - *in* *integer* -  length of random value
//  Return Value:
//      random value - *out* *octetstring* -  random value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_calculateRAND_oct(in integer pl_length) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_calculateMD5
//  Purpose:
//    Compute MD5 hash value
//  Parameters:
//      pszHashInput - *in* *charstring* -  input value to compute MD5 hash
//  Return Value:
//      charstring - hexa hash value of input
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      - MD5() is an openssl specific function, should be found under openssl/md5.h
external function f_calculateMD5(in charstring pszHashInput) return charstring;

external function f_calculateMD5_oct(in octetstring pszHashInput) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_calculateSHA1
//  Purpose:
//    Compute SHA1 hash value
//  Parameters:
//      pszHashInput - *in* *charstring* -  input value to compute SHA1 hash
//  Return Value:
//      charstring - hexa hash value of input
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      - SHA1() is an openssl specific function, should be found under openssl/sha.h
external function f_calculateSHA1(in charstring pszHashInput) return charstring;

//  Function: f_calculateSHA1_oct
//  Purpose:
//    Compute SHA1 hash value, octetstring output
//  Parameters:
//      pszHashInput - *in* *charstring* -  input value to compute SHA1 hash
//  Return Value:
//      octetstring - octetstring hash value of input
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      - SHA1() is an openssl specific function, should be found under openssl/sha.h
external function f_calculateSHA1_oct(in octetstring pszHashInput) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_calculateHMACMD5
//  Purpose:
//      Calculate the 128 bit HMAC MD5 value of a message with specified 64 bit key.
//  Parameters:
//      msg - *in* *octetstring* - message to be hashed
//      key - *in* *OCT_64*      - 64 bit key of the hash function
//  Return Value:
//      octetstring - Hash value (16 octet)
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      - key should be 64 bit long, output is 128 bit long
external function f_calculateHMACMD5(in octetstring msg, in OCT_64 key) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_calculate_HMAC_MD5
//  Purpose:
//      Calculate the HMAC MD5 value of a message with specified key.
//  Parameters:
//      pl_key - *in* *octetstring*   - key of the hash function
//      pl_input - *in* *octetstring* - message to be hashed
//      pl_length - *in* *integer*    - length of the output hash value (should be 16 in most of the cases)
//  Return Value:
//      octetstring - Hash value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      - key can be any length
//      - the length of output can be set in pl_length
external function  f_calculate_HMAC_MD5(in octetstring pl_key, in octetstring pl_input, in integer pl_length) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_calculate_HMAC_SHA1
//  Purpose:
//      Calculate the HMAC SHA1 value of a message with specified key.
//  Parameters:
//      pl_key - *in* *octetstring*   - key of the hash function
//      pl_input - *in* *octetstring* - message to be hashed
//      pl_length - *in* *integer*    - length of the output hash value (should be 16 in most of the cases)
//  Return Value:
//      octetstring - Hash value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      - key can be any length
//      - the length of output can be set in pl_length
external function  f_calculate_HMAC_SHA1(in octetstring pl_key, in octetstring pl_input, in integer pl_length) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_calculate_HMAC_SHA256
//  Purpose:
//      Calculate the HMAC SHA256 value of a message with specified key.
//  Parameters:
//      pl_key - *in* *octetstring*   - key of the hash function
//      pl_input - *in* *octetstring* - message to be hashed
//      pl_length - *in* *integer*    - length of the output hash value (should be 32 in most of the cases)
//  Return Value:
//      octetstring - Hash value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      - key can be any length
//      - the length of output can be set in pl_length
external function  f_calculate_HMAC_SHA256(in octetstring pl_key, in octetstring pl_input, in integer pl_length) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_AES_CBC_128_Encrypt_OpenSSL
//  Purpose: Calculate AES 128 CBC encrypted value
//  Parameters:
//          p_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          p_iv        - *in* *octetstring*   - Initialiazation Vector
//          p_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Data
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - encrypted value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_AES_CBC_128_Encrypt_OpenSSL
  in octetstring p_key,
  in octetstring p_iv,
  in octetstring p_data
) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_AES_CBC_128_Decrypt_OpenSSL
//  Purpose: Dectrypts AES 128 CBC encrypted data
//  Parameters:
//          p_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          p_iv        - *in* *octetstring*   - Initialiazation Vector
//          p_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Encrypted Value
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - decrypted original data
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_AES_CBC_128_Decrypt_OpenSSL
  in octetstring p_key,
  in octetstring p_iv,
  in octetstring p_data
) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_AES_CBC_Encrypt_OpenSSL
//  Purpose: Calculate AES 128 CBC encrypted value with arbitrary key length
//  Parameters:
//          p_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          p_iv        - *in* *octetstring*   - Initialiazation Vector
//          p_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Data
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - encrypted value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_AES_CBC_Encrypt_OpenSSL
    in octetstring p_key,
    in octetstring p_iv,
    in octetstring p_data
) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_AES_CBC_Decrypt_OpenSSL
//  Purpose: Dectrypts AES CBC encrypted data with arbitrary key length
//  Parameters:
//          p_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          p_iv        - *in* *octetstring*   - Initialiazation Vector
//          p_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Encrypted Value
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - decrypted original data
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_AES_CBC_Decrypt_OpenSSL
    in octetstring p_key,
    in octetstring p_iv,
    in octetstring p_data
) return octetstring;

//  Function: ef_3DES_ECB_Encrypt
//  Purpose: Encrypts data using 3DES algorithm in ECB mode.
//  Parameters:
//          pl_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Data to be encrypted
//          pl_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          pl_use_padding - *in* *boolean*     - control the usage of PKCS padding
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - encrypted data
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function ef_3DES_ECB_Encrypt
    in octetstring pl_data,
    in octetstring pl_key,
    in boolean     pl_use_padding:=true

) return octetstring;

//  Function: ef_3DES_ECB_Decrypt
//  Purpose:  Dectrypts 3DES ECB encrypted data.
//  Parameters:
//          pl_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Encrytped data
//          pl_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          pl_use_padding - *in* *boolean*     - control the usage of PKCS padding
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - decrypted data
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function ef_3DES_ECB_Decrypt
    in octetstring pl_data,
    in octetstring pl_key,
    in boolean     pl_use_padding:=true
) return octetstring;

//  Function: ef_3DES_CBC_Encrypt
//  Purpose: Encrypts data using TripleDES algorithm in CBC mode.
//  Parameters:
//          pl_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Data to be encrypted
//          pl_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          pl_iv        - *in* *octetstring*   - Initialiazation Vector
//          pl_use_padding - *in* *boolean*     - control the usage of PKCS padding
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - decrypted original data
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function ef_3DES_CBC_Encrypt
    in octetstring pl_data,
    in octetstring pl_key,
    in octetstring pl_iv,
    in boolean     pl_use_padding:=true

) return octetstring;

//  Function: ef_3DES_CBC_Decrypt
//  Purpose: Decrypts TripleDES encrypted data.
//  Parameters:
//          pl_data       - *in* *octetstring*   - Encrypted Value
//          pl_key        - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          pl_iv         - *in* *octetstring*   - Initialiazation Vector
//          pl_use_padding - *in* *boolean*     - control the usage of PKCS padding
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - decrypted original data
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function ef_3DES_CBC_Decrypt
    in octetstring pl_data,
    in octetstring pl_key,
    in octetstring pl_iv,
    in boolean     pl_use_padding:=true

) return octetstring;

//  Function: ef_Calculate_AES_XCBC_128
//  Purpose: Calculates the AES XCBC value of the data with a 128 bit key.
//  Parameters:
//          pl_data       - *in* *octetstring*   - Data
//          pl_key        - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          pl_out_length - *in* *integer*       - Length of the output
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - AES XCBC value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      AES XCBC generates a 16 byte long value which can be truncated
//      to a length given in pl_out_length.
external function ef_Calculate_AES_XCBC_128
    in octetstring pl_data,
    in octetstring pl_key,
    in integer pl_out_length
) return octetstring;

//  Function: ef_DH_generate_private_public_keys
//  Purpose: Generates public and private keys (this party).
//  Parameters:
//          pl_keyLength - *in* *integer*          - Key length (bytes)
//          pl_pubkey    - *inout* *octetstring*   - Public key (other party)
//          pl_privkey   - *inout* *octetstring*   - Private key (this party)
//  Return Value:
//         integer - 0: failure, 1 success
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      Computes the shared secret from the originating side's private key and
//      the public key of the responding side as described in DH group 2 and 14.
//      Keys must be either 96, 128 or 256 bytes long.
external function ef_DH_generate_private_public_keys
    in integer pl_keyLength,
    inout octetstring pl_pubkey,
    inout octetstring pl_privkey
) return integer;

//  Function: ef_DH_shared_secret
//  Purpose: Calculates the shared secret from the given public and private keys.
//  Parameters:
//          pl_pubkey      - *in* *octetstring*   - Public key (other party)
//          pl_privkey     - *in* *octetstring*   - Private key (this party)
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - DH shared secret
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      Computes the shared secret from the originating side's private key and
//      the public key of the responding side as described in DH group 1, 2 and 14.
//      Keys must be either 96, 128 or 256 bytes long.
external function ef_DH_shared_secret
    in octetstring pl_pubkey,
    in octetstring pl_privkey
) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_AES_ECB_128_Encrypt_OpenSSL
//  Purpose: Calculate AES 128 ECB encrypted value
//  Parameters:
//          p_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          p_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Data
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - encrypted value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_AES_ECB_128_Encrypt_OpenSSL
  OCT_16 p_key,
  octetstring p_data
) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_AES_ECB_128_Decrypt_OpenSSL
//  Purpose: Dectrypts AES 128 EBC encrypted data
//  Parameters:
//          p_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          p_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Encrypted Value
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - decrypted original data
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_AES_ECB_128_Decrypt_OpenSSL
  OCT_16 p_key,
  octetstring p_data
) return octetstring;

//  Function: f_AES_CTR_128_Encrypt_Decrypt_OpenSSL
//  Purpose: Calculate AES 128 CTR encrypted value
//  Parameters:
//          p_key       - *in* *octetstring*   - Key
//          p_iv        - *in* *octetstring*   - Initialiazation Vector (IV+counter)
//          p_data      - *in* *octetstring*   - Data
//  Return Value:
//         octetstring - encrypted value
//  Errors:
//      -
//  Detailed description:
//      -
external function f_AES_CTR_128_Encrypt_Decrypt_OpenSSL
  OCT_16 p_key,
  OCT_16 p_iv,
  octetstring p_data
) return octetstring;
