import yaml from collections import OrderedDict def construct_odict(load, node): """This is the same as SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_omap(), except the data type is changed to OrderedDict() and setitem is used instead of append in the loop. >>> yaml.load(''' ... !!omap ... - foo: bar ... - mumble: quux ... - baz: gorp ... ''') OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('mumble', 'quux'), ('baz', 'gorp')]) >>> yaml.load('''!!omap [ foo: bar, mumble: quux, baz : gorp ]''') OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('mumble', 'quux'), ('baz', 'gorp')]) """ omap = OrderedDict() yield omap if not isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode): raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( "while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark, "expected a sequence, but found %s" %, node.start_mark ) for subnode in node.value: if not isinstance(subnode, yaml.MappingNode): raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( "while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark, "expected a mapping of length 1, but found %s" %, subnode.start_mark ) if len(subnode.value) != 1: raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( "while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark, "expected a single mapping item, but found %d items" % len(subnode.value), subnode.start_mark ) key_node, value_node = subnode.value[0] key = load.construct_object(key_node) value = load.construct_object(value_node) omap[key] = value yaml.add_constructor(u',2002:omap', construct_odict) def repr_pairs(dump, tag, sequence, flow_style=None): """This is the same code as BaseRepresenter.represent_sequence(), but the value passed to dump.represent_data() in the loop is a dictionary instead of a tuple.""" value = [] node = yaml.SequenceNode(tag, value, flow_style=flow_style) if dump.alias_key is not None: dump.represented_objects[dump.alias_key] = node best_style = True for (key, val) in sequence: item = dump.represent_data({key: val}) if not (isinstance(item, yaml.ScalarNode) and not best_style = False value.append(item) if flow_style is None: if dump.default_flow_style is not None: node.flow_style = dump.default_flow_style else: node.flow_style = best_style return node def repr_odict(dumper, data): """ >>> data = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('mumble', 'quux'), ('baz', 'gorp')]) >>> yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False) '!!omap\\n- foo: bar\\n- mumble: quux\\n- baz: gorp\\n' >>> yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=True) '!!omap [foo: bar, mumble: quux, baz: gorp]\\n' """ return repr_pairs(dumper, u',2002:omap', data.iteritems()) yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, repr_odict)