# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pySim: card handler utilities. A 'card handler' is some method by which cards can be inserted/removed into the card reader. For normal smart card readers, this has to be done manually. However, there are also automatic card feeders. """ # # (C) 2019 by Sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH # All Rights Reserved # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import subprocess import sys import yaml from pySim.transport import LinkBase class CardHandlerBase: """Abstract base class representing a mechanism for card insertion/removal.""" def __init__(self, sl: LinkBase): self.sl = sl def get(self, first: bool = False): """Method called when pySim needs a new card to be inserted. Args: first : set to true when the get method is called the first time. This is required to prevent blocking when a card is already inserted into the reader. The reader API would not recognize that card as "new card" until it would be removed and re-inserted again. """ print("Ready for Programming: ", end='') self._get(first) def error(self): """Method called when pySim failed to program a card. Move card to 'bad' batch.""" print("Programming failed: ", end='') self._error() def done(self): """Method called when pySim failed to program a card. Move card to 'good' batch.""" print("Programming successful: ", end='') self._done() def _get(self, first: bool = False): pass def _error(self): pass def _done(self): pass class CardHandler(CardHandlerBase): """Manual card handler: User is prompted to insert/remove card from the reader.""" def _get(self, first: bool = False): print("Insert card now (or CTRL-C to cancel)") self.sl.wait_for_card(newcardonly=not first) def _error(self): print("Remove card from reader") print("") def _done(self): print("Remove card from reader") print("") class CardHandlerAuto(CardHandlerBase): """Automatic card handler: A machine is used to handle the cards.""" verbose = True def __init__(self, sl: LinkBase, config_file: str): super().__init__(sl) print("Card handler Config-file: " + str(config_file)) with open(config_file) as cfg: self.cmds = yaml.load(cfg, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) self.verbose = self.cmds.get('verbose') is True def __print_outout(self, out): print("") print("Card handler output:") print("---------------------8<---------------------") stdout = out[0].strip() if len(stdout) > 0: print("stdout:") print(stdout) stderr = out[1].strip() if len(stderr) > 0: print("stderr:") print(stderr) print("---------------------8<---------------------") print("") def __exec_cmd(self, command): print("Card handler Commandline: " + str(command)) proc = subprocess.Popen( [command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out = proc.communicate() rc = proc.returncode if rc != 0 or self.verbose: self.__print_outout(out) if rc != 0: print("") print("Error: Card handler failure! (rc=" + str(rc) + ")") sys.exit(rc) def _get(self, first: bool = False): print("Transporting card into the reader-bay...") self.__exec_cmd(self.cmds['get']) if self.sl: self.sl.connect() def _error(self): print("Transporting card to the error-bin...") self.__exec_cmd(self.cmds['error']) print("") def _done(self): print("Transporting card into the collector bin...") self.__exec_cmd(self.cmds['done']) print("")