20250124163621227 DLGLOBAL NOTICE Available via telnet 4242 (telnet_interface.c:88) 20250124163621227 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) enabling ipaccess BSC mode on with OML 3002 and RSL 3003 TCP ports (ipaccess.c:970) 20250124163621227 DLCTRL NOTICE CTRL at 4249 (control_if.c:1026) 20250124163621227 DLMGCP NOTICE MGW(mgw) MGCP client: using endpoint domain '@mgw' (mgcp_client.c:944) 20250124163621228 DNM NOTICE MGW pool with 1 pool members configured, (ignoring MGW configuration in VTY node 'msc'). (osmo_bsc_main.c:889) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE Initializing SCCP connection for A/m3ua on cs7 instance 0 (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:658) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP ERROR SS7 instance 0: no primary point-code set, using default point-code (sccp_user.c:566) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE A-0-m3ua: Using SS7 instance 0, pc:0.23.3 (sccp_user.c:572) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE A-0-m3ua: Creating AS instance (sccp_user.c:579) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE A-0-m3ua: Using AS instance as-clnt-A-0-m3ua (sccp_user.c:590) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE A-0-m3ua: Creating default route (sccp_user.c:596) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE A-0-m3ua: ASP asp-clnt-msc-0 for m3ua is not associated with any AS, using it (sccp_user.c:629) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE A-0-m3ua: Using ASP instance asp-clnt-msc-0 (sccp_user.c:705) 20250124163621228 DLSS7 NOTICE 0: Creating SCCP instance (osmo_ss7_instance.c:158) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-0: local (BSC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:714) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-0: remote (MSC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:716) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-0: binding SCCP user (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:721) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-1: local (BSC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:714) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-1: remote (MSC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:716) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-1: user already bound for this SCCP instance (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:721) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-2: local (BSC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:714) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-2: remote (MSC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:716) 20250124163621228 DMSC NOTICE A-0-m3ua msc-2: user already bound for this SCCP instance (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:721) 20250124163621228 DLCS NOTICE Initializing SCCP connection for Lb/m3ua on cs7 instance 0 (lb.c:454) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE Lb-0-m3ua: Using SS7 instance 0, pc:0.23.3 (sccp_user.c:572) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE Lb-0-m3ua: Using AS instance as-clnt-A-0-m3ua (sccp_user.c:590) 20250124163621228 DLSCCP NOTICE Lb-0-m3ua: Using ASP instance asp-clnt-msc-0 (sccp_user.c:705) 20250124163621228 DLCS NOTICE Lb: Lb-0-m3ua smlc: local (BSC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.3,SSN=BSC_BSSAP_LE (lb.c:489) 20250124163621228 DLCS NOTICE Lb: Lb-0-m3ua smlc: remote (SMLC) SCCP address: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:491) 20250124163621230 DLSS7 ERROR XUA_AS(as-clnt-A-0-m3ua)[0x612000017f20]{AS_INACTIVE}: Event AS-TRANSFER.req not permitted (m3ua.c:532) 20250124163621230 DLSS7 ERROR XUA_AS(as-clnt-A-0-m3ua)[0x612000017f20]{AS_INACTIVE}: Event AS-TRANSFER.req not permitted (m3ua.c:532) 20250124163621230 DLSS7 ERROR XUA_AS(as-clnt-A-0-m3ua)[0x612000017f20]{AS_INACTIVE}: Event AS-TRANSFER.req not permitted (m3ua.c:532) 20250124163621230 DLSS7 ERROR XUA_AS(as-clnt-A-0-m3ua)[0x612000017f20]{AS_INACTIVE}: Event AS-TRANSFER.req not permitted (m3ua.c:532) 20250124163622653 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163622653 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163622653 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163622655 DLSS7 ERROR XUA_AS(as-clnt-A-0-m3ua)[0x612000017f20]{AS_INACTIVE}: Event AS-TRANSFER.req not permitted (m3ua.c:532) 20250124163622655 DLSS7 ERROR XUA_AS(as-clnt-A-0-m3ua)[0x612000017f20]{AS_INACTIVE}: Event AS-TRANSFER.req not permitted (m3ua.c:532) 20250124163622655 DLSS7 ERROR XUA_AS(as-clnt-A-0-m3ua)[0x612000017f20]{AS_INACTIVE}: Event AS-TRANSFER.req not permitted (m3ua.c:532) 20250124163623231 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received NOTIFY Type State Change:AS Inactive () (m3ua.c:660) 20250124163623233 DLSS7 NOTICE xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x612000018820]{ACTIVE}: Ignoring primitive M-ASP_ACTIVE.confirm (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:403) 20250124163623233 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received NOTIFY Type State Change:AS Active () (m3ua.c:660) 20250124163625615 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625619 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625620 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163625620 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163625627 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163625628 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163625628 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163625956 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163625957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163625958 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163625964 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163625966 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163625966 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163626065 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163626066 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163626077 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626078 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626078 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163626083 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626083 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626083 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163626086 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626087 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626087 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163626089 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626089 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163626089 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163627674 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163627674 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163627674 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163627916 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163627916 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163628733 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163629738 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_msc_connection_status() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163629743 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163629743 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163629744 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163629744 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163629744 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163629745 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163629746 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163629746 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163629746 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163629746 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163629747 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163629747 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163629747 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163629747 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163629748 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163629748 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163632809 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163632809 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163632810 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163632811 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163632811 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163636006 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163636006 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163636007 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163636233 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163636233 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163636233 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163636233 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163636233 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163636233 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163636233 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163636467 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163636467 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163637339 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163638342 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_msc0_connection_status() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163638347 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163638348 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163638348 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163638348 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163638348 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163638351 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163638351 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163638351 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163638351 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163638351 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163638353 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163638353 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163638353 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163638353 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163638353 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163638353 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163641408 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163641408 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163641409 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163641409 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163641409 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163644607 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163644609 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163644610 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163644842 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163644842 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163644842 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163644862 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163644862 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163645652 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163645652 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163645652 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163645652 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163645654 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163645672 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124163645672 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124163645673 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163645750 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163646860 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_stat_num_msc_connected_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163648198 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163648198 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163648198 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163648198 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163648198 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163648202 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163648202 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163648202 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163648202 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163648203 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163648204 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163648204 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163648204 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163648204 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163648206 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163648206 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163651268 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163651269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163651271 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163651271 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163651271 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163654445 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163654446 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163654448 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163654669 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163654669 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163654669 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163654681 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163654681 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163654681 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163654700 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163654701 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163655473 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163655473 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163655473 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163655473 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163655474 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163655481 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163655481 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163655482 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163655482 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163655484 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163655501 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124163655501 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163655501 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124163655501 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163655537 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163656649 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_stat_num_msc_connected_2() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163657989 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163657989 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163657989 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163657989 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163657989 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163657989 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163657989 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163657989 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163657989 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163657989 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163657991 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163657992 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163657992 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163657992 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163657992 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163657994 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163657994 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163657994 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163657994 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163657995 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163657995 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163701049 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163701049 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701049 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701049 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701049 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701049 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701049 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701049 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163701050 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163701051 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163701051 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163701051 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163704243 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163704244 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163704245 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163704465 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163704465 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163704465 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163704475 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163704475 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163704475 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163704483 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163704483 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163704484 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163704495 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163704495 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163705272 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163705272 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163705272 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163705273 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163705275 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163705275 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163705275 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163705276 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163705276 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163705278 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163705289 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163705289 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163705289 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163705289 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163705289 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163705299 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124163705299 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163705299 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124163705300 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163705332 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163706439 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_stat_num_msc_connected_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163707777 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163707777 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163707777 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163707777 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163707777 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163707777 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163707777 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163707777 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163707777 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163707777 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163707778 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163707778 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163707778 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163707778 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163707778 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163707780 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163707780 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163707780 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163707780 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163707780 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163707782 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163707782 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163707782 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163707783 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163707784 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163707784 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163710838 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163710839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163710840 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163710840 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163710840 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163714041 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163714041 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163714041 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163714264 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163714264 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163714264 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163714282 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163714282 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163715071 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163715071 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163715072 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163715072 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163715074 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163715082 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124163715082 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163715082 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124163715083 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163715129 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163716242 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_stat_num_bts_connected_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163717576 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163717576 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163717576 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163717576 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163717576 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163717579 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163717579 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163717579 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163717579 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163717579 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163717579 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163717580 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163717580 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163717580 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163717580 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163717580 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163720636 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163720636 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163720637 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163720638 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163720638 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163723808 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163723808 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163723809 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163724032 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163724033 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163724033 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163724053 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163724054 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163724839 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163724839 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163724839 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163724839 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163724841 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163724851 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124163724851 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163724852 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124163724852 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163724920 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163727075 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163728188 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_stat_num_bts_connected_2() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163729545 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163729545 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163729545 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163729545 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163729545 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163729546 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124163729547 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163729547 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163729547 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163729547 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163729547 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163729549 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163729549 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163729549 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163729549 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163729549 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163729549 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163729549 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163729549 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163729549 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163729550 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163729550 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163729551 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163729551 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163729551 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163729551 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163732599 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163732599 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163732600 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163732601 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163732601 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163732602 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163732602 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163732602 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163732602 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163732602 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163735699 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163735700 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163735700 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163735923 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163735923 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163735923 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163735937 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163735938 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163736721 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163736721 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163736722 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163736722 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163736724 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163736738 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124163736739 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163736739 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124163736739 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163736770 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163738927 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163741070 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163741079 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163741083 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124163741083 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124163741089 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163741093 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124163741093 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124163741099 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163741103 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124163741103 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124163742214 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_stat_num_bts_connected_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163743566 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163743566 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163743566 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163743566 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163743566 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163743569 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163743569 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163743569 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743570 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163743570 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743572 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743572 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743572 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163743572 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743573 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163743573 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163743573 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743573 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163743573 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743576 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743576 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743576 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163743576 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743577 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163743577 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163743578 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743578 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163743578 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743585 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743585 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743586 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163743586 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743586 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743586 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124163743587 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163743587 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743588 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163743588 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743588 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743588 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124163743589 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163743589 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163743589 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163743590 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124163743590 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163743591 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163746615 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746615 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746615 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163746617 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746617 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746617 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746617 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746617 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746617 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746622 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746623 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746624 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163746627 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746627 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746627 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746628 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746628 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746628 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746629 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746629 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746629 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163746630 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746630 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163746630 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163749396 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163749396 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163749397 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163749606 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163749606 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163749606 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163749607 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163749607 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163749607 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163749607 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163749821 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163749821 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163750645 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163751650 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163753669 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163753669 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163753669 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163753669 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163753669 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163753675 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163753675 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163753675 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163753676 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163753676 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163753681 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163753681 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163753681 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163753681 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163753682 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163753682 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163756739 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163756739 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163756740 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163756740 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163756740 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163759952 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163759952 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163759953 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163800171 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163800171 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163800171 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163800173 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163800173 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163800173 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163800173 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163800212 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si_default() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163800395 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163800395 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163801234 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163807264 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163807264 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163807264 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163807264 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163807264 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163807266 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163807266 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163807266 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163807266 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163807266 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163807267 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163807267 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163807267 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163807267 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163807268 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163807268 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163810293 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163810293 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163810294 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163810294 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163810294 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163813468 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163813470 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163813471 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163813693 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163813693 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163813693 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163813696 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163813696 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163813697 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163813697 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163813709 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163813752 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_2_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163813949 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163813950 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163814795 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163823084 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163823084 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163823085 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163823085 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163823085 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163823091 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163823091 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163823091 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163823091 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163823092 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163823098 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163823098 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163823098 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163823098 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163823102 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163823102 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163826125 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163826126 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163826128 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163826129 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163826129 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163829316 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163829316 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163829317 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163829528 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163829528 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163829528 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163829529 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163829529 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163829529 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163829529 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163829553 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_3_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163829742 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163829742 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163830592 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163838877 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163838877 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163838877 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163838877 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163838877 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163838883 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163838884 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163838884 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163838884 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163838884 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163838888 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163838888 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163838888 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163838888 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163838890 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163838891 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163841936 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163841937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163841939 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163841939 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163841939 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163845155 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163845157 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163845159 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163845376 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163845376 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163845376 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163845376 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163845376 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163845376 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163845376 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163845452 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_4_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163845620 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163845620 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163846500 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163854792 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163854792 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163854792 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163854792 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163854792 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163854795 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163854795 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163854795 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163854795 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163854795 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163854796 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163854796 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163854796 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163854796 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163854797 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163854797 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163857845 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163857846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163857847 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163857847 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163857847 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163901059 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163901060 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163901063 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163901285 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163901285 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163901285 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163901286 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163901286 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163901286 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163901286 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163901323 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_5_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163901518 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163901518 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163902359 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163910613 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163910613 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163910614 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163910614 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163910614 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163910618 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163910618 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163910618 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163910618 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163910618 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163910619 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163910619 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163910619 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163910619 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163910620 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163910620 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163913679 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163913679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163913680 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163913681 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163913681 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163916852 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163916852 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163916853 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163917070 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163917070 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163917070 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163917073 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163917073 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163917073 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163917074 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163917084 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163917123 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_6_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163917319 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163917319 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163918157 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163926446 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163926446 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163926446 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163926446 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163926447 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163926447 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124163926455 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163926455 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163926455 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163926455 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163926456 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163926462 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163926462 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163926463 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163926463 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163926467 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163926467 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163929522 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163929522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163929523 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163929523 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163929523 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163932755 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163932756 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163932758 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163932976 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163932976 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163932976 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163932977 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163932977 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163932977 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163932977 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163933031 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_12_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163933225 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163933226 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163934075 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163942355 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163942355 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163942355 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163942355 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163942355 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163942357 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163942357 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163942357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163942357 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163942357 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163942359 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163942359 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163942359 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163942359 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163942360 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163942360 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163945414 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163945414 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124163945415 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163945416 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124163945416 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124163948602 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163948603 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163948604 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124163948833 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163948833 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124163948833 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163948836 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124163948837 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124163948837 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124163948837 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124163948847 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124163948914 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_23_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124163949082 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124163949082 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163949974 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124163958284 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163958284 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124163958285 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124163958285 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124163958285 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124163958288 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124163958288 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124163958288 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163958288 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124163958288 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163958290 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124163958290 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163958290 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124163958290 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124163958291 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124163958291 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164001351 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164001351 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164001352 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164001352 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164001353 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164004547 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164004548 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164004550 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164004774 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164004774 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164004774 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164004774 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164004774 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164004775 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164004775 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164004820 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_32_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164005004 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164005005 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164005881 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164014197 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164014197 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164014197 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164014197 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164014198 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164014198 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124164014200 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164014200 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164014200 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164014200 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164014200 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164014201 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164014201 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164014201 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164014201 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164014202 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164014202 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164017255 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164017256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164017257 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164017257 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164017257 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164020454 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164020455 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164020458 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164020684 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164020685 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164020685 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164020685 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164020685 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164020685 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164020685 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164020727 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_33_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164020922 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164020922 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164021794 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164030112 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164030113 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164030113 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164030113 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164030113 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164030115 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164030115 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164030115 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164030115 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164030115 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164030117 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164030117 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164030117 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164030117 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164030118 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164030119 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164033183 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164033184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164033185 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164033185 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164033185 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164036375 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164036375 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164036377 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164036601 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164036601 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164036601 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164036602 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164036602 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164036602 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164036602 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164036684 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_42_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164036846 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164036846 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164037801 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164046134 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164046134 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164046134 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164046134 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164046134 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164046134 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124164046135 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164046135 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164046135 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164046135 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164046135 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164046136 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164046136 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164046136 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164046136 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164046137 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164046137 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164049189 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164049189 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164049190 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164049190 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164049190 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164052385 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164052386 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164052388 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164052612 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164052612 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164052612 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164052613 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164052613 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164052613 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164052613 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164052674 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_48_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164052855 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164052855 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164053746 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164102072 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164102072 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164102072 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164102072 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164102072 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164102073 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164102073 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164102073 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164102073 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164102073 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164102075 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164102075 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164102075 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164102075 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164102076 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164102076 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164105131 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164105133 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164105134 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164105135 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164105135 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164108332 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164108332 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164108332 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164108553 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164108553 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164108553 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164108557 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164108557 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164108557 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164108557 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164108564 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164108632 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2quater_49_earfcns() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164108804 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164108804 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164109725 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164115828 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164115828 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164115828 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164115828 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164115828 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164115830 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164115830 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164115830 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164115830 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164115830 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164115832 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164115832 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164115832 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164115832 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164115833 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164115833 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164118884 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164118884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164118885 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164118885 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164118885 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164122068 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164122069 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164122071 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164122303 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164122303 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164122303 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164122303 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164122303 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164122304 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164122304 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164122369 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si_acc_rotate() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164122372 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 11 01 80 1e 01 27 17 55 06 19 8f b3 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e5 04 20 2b (e1_input.c:304) 20250124164122374 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 11 01 80 1e 01 27 17 55 06 19 8f b3 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e5 04 7f 2b (e1_input.c:304) 20250124164122542 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164122542 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164123416 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164201410 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164201410 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164201410 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164201410 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164201410 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164201419 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164201419 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164201419 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164201419 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164201419 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164201423 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164201423 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164201424 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164201424 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164201427 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164201427 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164204470 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164204470 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164204471 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164204471 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164204471 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164207665 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164207666 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164207667 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164207879 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164207879 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164207879 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164207880 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164207880 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164207880 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164207880 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164207907 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si_acc_ramp_rotate() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164207908 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 11 01 80 1e 01 27 17 55 06 19 8f b3 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e5 04 10 2b (e1_input.c:304) 20250124164207908 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 11 01 80 1e 01 27 17 55 06 19 8f b3 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e5 07 ff 2b (e1_input.c:304) 20250124164208096 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164208096 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164208934 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164222916 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164222916 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164222916 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164222916 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164222916 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164222921 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164222921 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164222921 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164222921 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164222921 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164222922 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164222922 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164222922 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164222922 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164222922 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164222922 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164225969 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164225970 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164225970 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164225971 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164225971 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164229187 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164229188 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164229189 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164229407 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164229407 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164229407 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164229408 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164229408 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164229408 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164229408 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164229653 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164229653 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164230532 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164231542 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_si2_ncc_permitted() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164231551 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164231552 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164231552 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164231552 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164231552 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164231553 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164231553 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164231553 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164231554 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164231554 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164231555 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164231555 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164231555 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164231555 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164231556 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164231556 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164234595 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164234595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164234596 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164234596 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164234596 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164237821 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164237822 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164237823 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164238041 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164238041 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164238041 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164238042 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164238042 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164238043 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164238043 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164238291 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164238291 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164239147 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164240152 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_act_noreply() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164240166 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164240166 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164240166 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164240166 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164240166 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164240217 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164240217 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164240217 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164240217 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164240217 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164240217 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164240217 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164240218 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164240218 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164240218 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164240218 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164243270 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164243271 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164243271 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164243271 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164246485 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164246486 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164246487 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164246704 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164246704 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164246704 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164246705 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164246705 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164246705 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164246705 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164246936 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164246936 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164247818 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164248830 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_act_counter() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164248865 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_chan_act_counter(emerg) (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164248869 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124164248869 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xa3, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164248917 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-5-TCH_H-0)[0x612000028420]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_H) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124164249919 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_chan_act_counter(call) (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164249989 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200002a220]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124164250991 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_chan_act_counter(location_upd) (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164251075 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-1)[0x61200002a3a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124164252077 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_chan_act_counter(pag) (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164252152 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-3)[0x612000027ca0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124164253155 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_chan_act_counter(pag) (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164253160 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164253160 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164253227 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-5-TCH_H-0)[0x612000028420]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_H) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124164254229 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_chan_act_counter(other) (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164254335 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200002a220]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124164255347 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164255347 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164255348 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164255348 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164255348 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164255355 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164255355 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164255356 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164255356 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164255356 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164255361 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164255361 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164255361 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164255361 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164255364 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164255365 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164258421 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164258421 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164258421 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164258422 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164258422 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164301664 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164301665 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164301668 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164301899 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164301899 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164301899 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164301903 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164301903 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164301903 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164301903 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164301910 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164302158 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164302159 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164303002 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164304009 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_act_ack_noest() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164307021 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000028ea0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124164307036 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164307036 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164307036 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164307036 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164307037 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164307041 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164307041 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164307041 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164307041 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164307041 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164307046 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164307046 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164307047 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164307047 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164307050 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164307050 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164310104 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164310104 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164310105 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164310105 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164310105 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164313329 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164313330 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164313333 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164313549 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164313549 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164313549 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164313549 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164313549 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164313550 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164313550 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164313785 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164313785 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164314629 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164315647 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_act_ack_noest_emerg() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164315657 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124164315658 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xa5, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164318666 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-5-TCH_H-0)[0x6120000258a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_H) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124164318677 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164318677 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164318677 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164318677 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164318677 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164318682 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164318682 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164318682 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164318682 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164318682 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164318682 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164318683 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164318683 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164318683 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164318683 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164318683 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164321734 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164321734 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164321735 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164321735 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164321735 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164324904 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164324905 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164324906 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164325129 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164325129 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164325129 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164325130 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164325130 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164325130 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164325130 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164325358 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164325358 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164326235 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164327247 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rqd_emerg_deny() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164327259 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD: MS attempts EMERGENCY CALL although EMERGENCY CALLS are not allowed in sysinfo (cfg: network / bts / rach emergency call allowed 0) (abis_rsl.c:2093) 20250124164327271 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164327271 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164327271 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164327271 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164327271 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164327275 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164327276 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164327276 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164327276 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164327276 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164327280 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164327281 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164327281 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164327281 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164327283 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164327283 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164330330 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164330330 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164330331 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164330331 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164330331 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164333542 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164333542 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164333542 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164333758 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164333759 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164333759 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164333761 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164333761 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164333761 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164333761 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164333772 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164334002 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164334002 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164334847 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164335863 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_noreply() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164355895 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164355895 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164355895 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164355895 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164355895 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164355899 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164355899 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164355899 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164355899 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164355899 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164355899 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164355899 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164355899 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164355899 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164355900 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164355900 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164358957 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164358957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164358958 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164358958 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164358958 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164402146 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164402147 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164402148 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164402373 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164402373 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164402373 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164402374 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164402374 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164402374 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164402374 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164402607 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164402608 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164403475 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164404485 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_act_ack_est_ind_refused() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164406517 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164406517 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164406517 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164406517 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164406517 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164406521 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164406522 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164406522 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164406522 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164406522 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164406526 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164406527 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164406527 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164406527 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164406529 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164406530 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164409582 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164409583 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164409584 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164409585 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164409585 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164412796 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164412797 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164412797 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164413019 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164413020 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164413020 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164413022 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164413022 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164413023 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164413023 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164413031 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164413253 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164413253 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164414143 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164415158 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_act_nack() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164415164 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200002d820]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124164415164 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200002d820]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124164415164 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200002d820]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) Tx Immediate Assignment Reject (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:150) 20250124164415674 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164415674 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164415674 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164415674 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164415674 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164415676 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164415676 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164415676 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164415676 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164415676 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164415679 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164415679 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164415679 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164415679 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164415681 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164415681 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164418730 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164418730 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164418731 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164418731 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164418731 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164421941 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164421941 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164421942 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164422163 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164422163 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164422163 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164422165 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164422165 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164422166 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164422166 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164422177 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164422414 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164422414 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164423255 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164424265 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_exhaustion() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164424301 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424301 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164424309 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424309 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164424316 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424316 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164424316 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424316 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124164424322 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424322 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164424323 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424323 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124164424329 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424329 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164424330 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424330 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124164424336 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424336 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164424336 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424336 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124164424346 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[call (re-)establishment]: no resources for SDCCH 0x42, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124164424347 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424347 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[call (re-)establishment]: no resources for SDCCH 0x42, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124164424347 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_F channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124164424347 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[call (re-)establishment]: no resources for TCH_H 0x42 (abis_rsl.c:2354) 20250124164424365 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164424365 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164424365 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164424365 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164424365 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164424373 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164424373 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164424373 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164424373 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164424373 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164424378 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164424378 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164424378 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164424378 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164424381 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164424381 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164427435 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164427435 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164427437 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164427437 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164427437 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164430673 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164430674 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164430677 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164430893 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164430893 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164430893 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164430893 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164430893 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164430893 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164430893 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164431119 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164431119 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164431963 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164432981 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_deact_silence() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164435994 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200001a020]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124164436004 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164436004 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164436004 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164436004 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164436004 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164436005 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124164436009 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164436009 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164436009 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164436009 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164436009 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164436011 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164436011 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164436011 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164436012 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164436013 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164436013 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164439071 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164439071 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164439072 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164439072 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164439072 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164442291 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164442292 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164442294 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164442523 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164442523 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164442523 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164442524 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164442524 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164442524 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164442524 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164442766 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164442766 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164443628 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164444640 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_rll_rel_ind() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164447720 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164447721 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164447721 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164447721 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164447721 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164447725 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164447725 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164447725 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164447725 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164447725 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164447726 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164447726 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164447726 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164447726 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164447727 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164447727 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164450782 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164450782 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164450783 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164450783 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164450783 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164453973 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164453974 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164453975 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164454192 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164454192 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164454192 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164454194 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164454194 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164454195 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164454195 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164454447 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164454447 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164455320 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164456332 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_conn_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164456560 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200000c820]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124164459585 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164459585 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164459586 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164459586 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164459586 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164459591 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164459591 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164459592 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164459592 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164459592 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164459596 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164459596 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164459596 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164459596 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164459599 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164459599 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164502659 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164502659 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164502660 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164502660 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164502660 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164505889 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164505890 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164505890 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164506116 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164506116 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164506116 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164506116 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164506116 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164506116 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164506116 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164506359 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164506360 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164507238 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164508251 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_hard_clear() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164510495 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164510495 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164510495 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164510495 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164510495 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164510496 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124164510504 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164510504 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164510504 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164510504 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164510504 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164510507 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164510507 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164510508 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164510508 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164510509 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164510509 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164513563 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164513563 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164513564 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164513564 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164513564 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164516786 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164516787 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164516788 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164517005 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164517005 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164517005 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164517005 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164517006 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164517006 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164517006 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164517259 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164517260 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164518129 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164519141 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_no_csfb() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164521387 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164521388 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164521388 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164521388 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164521388 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164521392 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164521392 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164521393 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164521393 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164521393 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164521395 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164521396 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164521396 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164521396 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164521397 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164521397 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164524449 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164524449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164524450 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164524450 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164524450 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164527691 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164527692 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164527694 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164527915 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164527915 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164527915 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164527916 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164527916 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164527916 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164527916 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164528162 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164528162 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164529025 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164530038 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_last_eutran_plmn_hard_clear_csfb() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164532283 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164532283 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164532283 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164532283 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164532283 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164532289 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164532289 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164532289 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164532289 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164532290 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164532294 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164532294 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164532294 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164532294 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164532297 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164532298 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164535348 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164535349 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164535349 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164535349 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164538587 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164538589 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164538591 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164538816 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164538816 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164538816 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164538817 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164538817 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164538817 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164538817 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164539058 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164539058 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164539935 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164540951 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_hard_clear_csfb() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164541179 DMSC NOTICE SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn19_subscr-IMSI-001019296777116)[0x612000038aa0]{ACTIVE}: Clear Command: CSFB Indication present, but subscriber has no Last Used E-UTRAN PLMN Id! This probably means MSC doesn't support proper return to the last used PLMN after CS fallback. (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:447) 20250124164543193 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164543193 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164543193 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164543193 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164543194 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164543200 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164543201 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164543201 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164543201 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164543201 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164543203 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164543203 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164543203 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164543203 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164543204 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164543205 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164546260 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164546260 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164546261 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164546261 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164546261 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164549496 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164549496 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164549497 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164549709 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164549709 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164549709 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164549710 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164549710 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164549710 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164549710 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164549934 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164549934 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164550762 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164551774 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164554009 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164554009 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164554009 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164554009 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164554009 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164554016 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164554016 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164554016 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164554016 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164554016 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164554020 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164554020 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164554021 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164554021 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164554023 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164554024 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164557045 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164557045 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164557046 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164557046 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164557046 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164600293 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164600294 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164600296 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164600524 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164600524 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164600524 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164600525 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164600525 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164600525 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164600525 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164600758 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164600758 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164601625 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164602631 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_hard_rlsd_ms_dead() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164604861 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164604861 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164604861 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164604861 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164604862 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164604865 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164604865 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164604865 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164604865 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164604865 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164604866 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164604866 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164604866 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164604867 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164604867 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164604867 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164607891 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607892 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607892 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607892 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164607892 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164607892 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164607892 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164607892 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164607892 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164611112 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164611112 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164611113 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164611342 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164611343 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164611343 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164611345 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164611345 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164611345 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164611345 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164611356 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164611596 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164611597 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164612468 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164613482 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_a_reset() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164613715 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164613715 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164613715 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164613716 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164613716 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164613716 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164615731 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164615731 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164615731 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164615731 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164615731 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164615740 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164615740 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164615740 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164615740 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164615740 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164615745 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164615745 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164615745 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164615745 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164615748 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164615749 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164618788 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164618788 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164618789 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164618789 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164618789 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164622018 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164622019 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164622022 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164622245 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164622245 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164622245 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164622246 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164622246 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164622246 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164622246 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164622499 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164622499 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164623355 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164624367 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_sccp_tiar_timeout() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164631406 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164631406 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164631407 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164631407 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164631407 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164631407 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124164631413 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164631414 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164631414 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164631414 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164631414 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164631418 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164631419 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164631419 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164631419 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164631421 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164631422 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164634466 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164634466 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164634467 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164634467 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164634467 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164637704 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164637704 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164637705 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164637931 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164637931 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164637931 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164637932 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164637932 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164637932 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164637932 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164638183 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164638183 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164639017 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164640029 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_rel_rr_cause() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164653387 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164653387 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164653387 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164653387 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164653387 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164653390 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164653390 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164653390 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164653390 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164653390 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164653392 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164653392 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164653392 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164653392 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164653393 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164653393 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164656448 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164656449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164656449 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164656453 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164656453 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164656453 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164659643 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164659643 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164659643 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164659865 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164659865 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164659865 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164659866 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164659866 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164659866 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164659866 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164700094 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164700094 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164700954 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164701957 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_outbound_connect() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164701960 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn1)[0x6120000402a0]{INIT}: No support for initial BSSMAP: MANAGEMENT: ASSIGNMENT REQ (bsc_subscr_conn_fsm.c:320) 20250124164701964 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164701964 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164701964 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164701964 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164701965 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164701969 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164701969 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164701969 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164701969 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164701969 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164701972 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164701972 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164701972 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164701972 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164701974 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164701974 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164705020 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164705020 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164705021 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164705022 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164705022 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164708188 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164708189 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164708189 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164708409 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164708409 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164708409 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164708412 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164708412 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164708412 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164708413 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164708420 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164708675 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164708675 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164709557 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164710569 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_cic_only() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164710800 DMSC ERROR AoIP transport address missing in ASSIGN REQ, audio would not work; rejecting (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:923) 20250124164715817 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164715817 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164715817 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164715817 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164715817 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164715818 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164715818 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164715818 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164715818 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164715818 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164715820 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164715820 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164715820 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164715820 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164715820 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164715821 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164718845 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164718845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164718846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164718847 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164718847 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164718847 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164722048 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164722048 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164722050 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164722271 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164722271 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164722271 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164722288 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164722288 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164723077 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164723077 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164723078 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164723078 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164723081 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164723093 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164723093 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164723093 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164723094 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164723125 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164724236 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_csd() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164725631 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000041aa0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164727648 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164727658 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164727663 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164727665 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164729663 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164730011 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000042ca0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164732026 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164732040 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164732041 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164732042 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164734039 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164734391 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000026320]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164736405 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164736413 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164736413 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164736414 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164738415 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164738757 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000249a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164740773 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164740781 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164740785 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164740787 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164742787 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164743127 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000002f20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164745141 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164745149 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164745151 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164745153 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164747153 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164747486 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000044920]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164749503 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164749511 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164749513 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164749515 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164751515 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164751858 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000045b20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164753873 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164753882 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164753885 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164753887 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164755883 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164756229 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000046d20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164758246 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164758254 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164758256 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164758258 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164800258 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164800612 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000047f20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164802617 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164802619 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164802620 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164802621 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164804625 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164804916 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000049120]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164806920 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164806922 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164806923 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164806923 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164808924 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164809208 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200004a320]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164811211 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164811213 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164811214 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164811214 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164813215 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164813223 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164813223 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164813223 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164813224 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164813224 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164813232 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164813233 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164813233 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164813233 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164813233 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164813237 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164813237 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164813237 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164813237 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164813239 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164813239 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164816275 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164816275 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816275 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816275 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816275 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816275 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816275 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164816276 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164816276 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164816276 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164819543 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164819544 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164819545 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164819771 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164819771 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164819771 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164819773 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164819773 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164819774 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164819774 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164819784 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164820010 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164820010 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164820847 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164821859 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_ctm() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164827117 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164827117 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164827117 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164827117 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164827117 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164827124 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164827124 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164827125 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164827125 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164827125 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164827129 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164827129 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164827129 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164827129 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164827132 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164827133 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164830189 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164830190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164830191 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164830192 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164830192 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164833414 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164833416 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164833418 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164833643 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164833643 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164833643 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164833658 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164833658 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164834450 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164834450 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164834451 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164834451 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164834453 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164834464 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164834464 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164834464 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164834464 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164834502 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164835615 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_sign() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164837151 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164837153 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164837155 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164837155 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164839161 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164839178 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164839178 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164839178 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164839178 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164839178 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164839186 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164839186 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164839187 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164839187 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164839187 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164839190 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164839190 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164839190 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164839190 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164839192 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164839192 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164842250 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164842250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164842251 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164842251 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164842252 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164845476 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164845476 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164845476 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164845704 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164845704 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164845704 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164845729 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164845729 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164846509 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164846509 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164846509 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164846509 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164846511 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164846532 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164846532 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164846532 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164846532 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164846615 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164847726 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_aoip_tla_v6() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164849099 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000501a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164851116 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164851125 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164851129 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164851131 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164853127 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164853143 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164853143 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164853143 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164853143 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164853143 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164853151 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164853151 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164853152 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164853152 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164853152 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164853157 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164853157 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164853157 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164853158 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164853161 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164853162 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164856223 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164856224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164856226 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164856226 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164856226 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164859449 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164859450 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164859452 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164859686 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164859686 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164859686 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164859704 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164859704 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164900490 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164900490 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164900490 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164900490 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164900493 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164900504 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164900504 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164900504 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164900505 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164900544 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164901658 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_fr_a5_0() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164903070 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200002c020]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164905088 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164905097 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164905102 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164905104 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164907097 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164907114 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164907115 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164907115 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164907115 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164907115 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164907125 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164907126 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164907126 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164907126 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164907126 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164907131 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164907131 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164907132 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164907132 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164907135 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164907136 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164910187 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164910187 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164910188 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164910188 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164910188 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164913456 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164913456 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164913456 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164913676 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164913676 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164913676 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164913688 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164913688 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164914480 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164914480 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164914480 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164914480 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164914483 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164914494 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164914494 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164914494 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164914494 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164914553 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164915657 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_fr_a5_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164917033 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000270a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164919052 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164919061 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164919068 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164919072 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164921064 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164921079 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164921079 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164921079 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164921079 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164921080 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164921083 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164921083 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164921083 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164921083 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164921083 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164921084 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164921084 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164921084 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164921084 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164921085 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164921085 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164924143 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164924145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164924145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164924147 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164924148 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164924148 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164927309 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164927309 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164927310 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164927535 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164927535 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164927535 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164927553 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164927553 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164928338 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164928338 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164928338 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164928339 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164928340 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164928351 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164928351 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164928351 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164928351 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164928385 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164929486 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_fr_a5_1_codec_missing() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164930763 DMSC ERROR subscr-IMSI-001010575777152: AoIP Assignment Request: Missing or empty Speech Codec List IE (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:988) 20250124164930775 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164930783 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164930790 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164930790 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164932786 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164932800 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164932801 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164932801 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164932801 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164932801 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164932809 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164932809 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164932809 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164932809 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164932809 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164932814 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164932814 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164932814 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164932814 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164932818 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164932818 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164935866 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164935866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164935866 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164935867 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164935867 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164939097 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164939097 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164939098 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164939327 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164939327 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164939327 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164939343 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164939343 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164940123 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164940123 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164940123 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164940123 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164940124 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164940137 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164940137 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164940137 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164940137 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164940179 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164941293 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_fr_a5_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164942607 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000021220]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164944624 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164944630 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164944636 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164944637 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164946631 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164946643 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164946643 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124164946643 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164946643 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124164946643 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164946654 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124164946654 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124164946655 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164946655 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124164946655 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164946658 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124164946658 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164946658 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124164946658 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124164946660 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124164946660 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164949720 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164949720 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124164949721 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164949721 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124164949721 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124164952947 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164952949 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164952950 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124164953176 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164953177 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124164953177 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164953192 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124164953192 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124164953981 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124164953981 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124164953981 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164953981 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124164953984 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124164953995 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124164953995 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124164953995 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124164953995 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124164954031 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124164955138 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_fr_a5_4() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164956547 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000201a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124164958561 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164958569 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164958575 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124164958578 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165000567 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165000573 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165000573 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165000574 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165000574 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165000574 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165000580 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165000581 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165000581 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165000581 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165000581 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165000584 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165000584 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165000584 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165000585 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165000587 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165000587 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165003646 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165003648 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165003650 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165003650 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165003650 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165006843 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165006843 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165006844 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165007064 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165007064 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165007064 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165007079 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165007080 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165007867 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165007867 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165007867 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165007867 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165007868 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165007879 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165007879 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165007879 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165007879 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165007942 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165009045 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_fr_a5_4_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165010314 DMSC ERROR Reject: no overlapping A5 ciphers between BSC (0x0b) and MSC (0x10) (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:535) 20250124165010316 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165010318 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165010319 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165010320 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165012322 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165012339 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165012339 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165012339 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165012339 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165012339 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165012349 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165012350 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165012350 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165012350 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165012350 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165012356 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165012356 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165012357 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165012357 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165012360 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165012360 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165015404 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165015405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165015406 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165015406 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165015406 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165018640 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165018640 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165018641 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165018863 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165018864 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165018864 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165018877 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165018877 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165019664 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165019665 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165019665 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165019665 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165019667 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165019682 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165019682 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165019682 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165019682 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165019725 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165020831 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_fr_a5_not_sup() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165022099 DMSC ERROR Reject: no overlapping A5 ciphers between BSC (0x0b) and MSC (0x20) (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:535) 20250124165022106 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165022114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165022121 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165022123 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165024115 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165024132 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165024132 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165024132 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165024132 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165024132 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165024134 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165024134 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165024134 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165024134 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165024135 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165024136 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165024136 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165024136 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165024136 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165024137 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165024137 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165027176 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165027176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165027177 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165027177 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165027177 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165030400 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165030401 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165030402 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165030623 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165030623 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165030623 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165030640 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165030641 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165031429 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165031429 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165031430 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165031430 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165031433 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165031447 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165031447 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165031447 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165031448 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165031544 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165032654 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ciph_mode_a5_0() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165033945 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165033948 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165033949 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165033950 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165035953 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165035970 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165035970 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165035970 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165035970 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165035970 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165035979 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165035979 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165035979 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165035979 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165035979 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165035982 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165035982 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165035982 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165035982 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165035989 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165035989 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165039043 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165039043 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165039043 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165039044 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165039044 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165042281 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165042281 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165042281 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165042508 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165042508 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165042508 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165042525 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165042526 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165043310 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165043310 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165043311 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165043311 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165043312 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165043324 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165043324 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165043324 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165043324 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165043356 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165044467 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ciph_mode_a5_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165045781 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165045790 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165045796 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165045797 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165047794 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165047813 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165047813 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165047813 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165047813 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165047813 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165047820 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165047820 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165047820 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165047820 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165047820 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165047823 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165047823 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165047823 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165047824 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165047825 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165047825 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165050882 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165050882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165050883 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165050883 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165050883 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165054105 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165054105 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165054105 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165054323 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165054323 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165054323 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165054337 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165054337 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165055127 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165055128 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165055128 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165055128 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165055129 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165055143 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165055143 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165055143 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165055143 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165055183 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165056289 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_0() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165057616 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165057624 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165057628 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165057629 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165059626 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165059647 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165059647 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165059647 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165059647 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165059647 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165059649 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165059649 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165059650 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165059650 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165059650 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165059650 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165059650 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165059650 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165059650 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165059650 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165059651 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165102696 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102696 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102697 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102697 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102697 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102697 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165102697 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165102697 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165102698 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165102698 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165102698 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165105885 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165105885 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165105885 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165106101 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165106101 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165106101 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165106118 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165106118 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165106908 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165106908 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165106908 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165106908 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165106910 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165106924 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165106924 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165106924 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165106924 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165106953 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165108060 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ciph_mode_a5_2_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165109352 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165109356 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165109361 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165109363 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165111359 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165111376 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165111376 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165111376 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165111376 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165111376 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165111386 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165111386 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165111386 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165111386 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165111386 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165111390 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165111390 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165111390 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165111390 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165111394 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165111395 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165114452 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165114452 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165114454 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165114454 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165114454 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165117673 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165117674 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165117675 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165117897 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165117897 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165117897 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165117921 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165117921 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165118701 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165118701 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165118701 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165118701 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165118703 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165118733 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165118733 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165118733 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165118734 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165118790 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165119906 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ciph_mode_a5_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165121220 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165121226 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165121231 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165121232 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165123228 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165123242 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165123242 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165123242 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165123242 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165123242 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165123251 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165123252 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165123252 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165123252 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165123252 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165123256 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165123257 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165123257 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165123257 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165123260 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165123261 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165126316 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165126316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165126318 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165126318 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165126318 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165129533 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165129533 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165129535 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165129770 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165129770 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165129770 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165129789 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165129789 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165130574 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165130574 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165130574 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165130574 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165130574 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165130586 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165130586 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165130587 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165130587 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165130644 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165131749 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ciph_mode_a5_4() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165133060 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165133067 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165133072 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165133073 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165135071 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165135091 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165135092 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165135092 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165135092 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165135092 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165135100 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165135101 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165135101 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165135101 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165135101 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165135106 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165135106 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165135106 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165135107 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165135110 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165135110 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165138155 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165138155 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165138156 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165138156 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165138156 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165141385 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165141386 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165141386 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165141619 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165141619 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165141620 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165141651 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165141651 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165142423 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165142423 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165142423 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165142423 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165142425 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165142443 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165142443 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165142443 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165142444 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165142485 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165143592 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_fr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165144971 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003b4a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165146993 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165147002 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165147007 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165147008 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165149007 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165149043 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165149043 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165149043 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165149043 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165149044 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165149044 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124165149046 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165149046 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165149046 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165149046 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165149046 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165149047 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165149047 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165149047 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165149047 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165149048 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165149048 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165152102 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165152102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165152103 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165152103 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165152104 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165152104 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165155289 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165155289 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165155291 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165155510 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165155510 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165155510 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165155527 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165155527 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165156316 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165156317 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165156317 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165156317 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165156319 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165156331 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165156331 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165156331 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165156332 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165156355 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165157467 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_fr_by_mode_modify() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165158527 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124165158527 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x23, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124165158527 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124165158527 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x23, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124165158793 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165158795 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165158796 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165158797 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165200801 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165200816 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165200817 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165200817 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165200817 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165200817 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165200819 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165200819 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165200819 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165200819 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165200819 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165200820 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165200820 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165200821 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165200821 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165200821 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165200821 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165203882 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165203882 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165203883 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165203883 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165203883 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165207044 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165207045 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165207045 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165207265 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165207265 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165207265 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165207281 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165207281 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165208062 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165208062 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165208062 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165208062 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165208063 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165208076 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165208076 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165208076 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165208076 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165208098 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165209206 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165210609 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000055120]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165212628 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165212643 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165212647 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165212650 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165214645 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165214689 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165214689 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165214689 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165214689 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165214689 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165214693 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165214693 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165214693 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165214693 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165214693 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165214696 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165214696 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165214696 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165214696 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165214697 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165214698 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165217749 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165217749 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165217749 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165217750 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165217750 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165220932 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165220933 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165220934 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165221162 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165221162 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165221162 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165221178 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165221178 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165221968 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165221968 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165221969 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165221969 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165221971 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165221982 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165221982 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165221982 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165221983 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165222026 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165223146 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_efr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165224475 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200001b220]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165226493 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165226500 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165226504 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165226505 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165228503 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165228517 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165228517 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165228517 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165228517 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165228517 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165228529 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165228529 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165228529 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165228529 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165228529 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165228534 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165228534 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165228534 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165228534 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165228537 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165228538 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165231595 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165231595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165231597 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165231597 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165231597 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165234834 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165234835 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165234837 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165235069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165235069 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165235069 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165235088 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165235088 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165235870 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165235870 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165235871 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165235871 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165235875 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165235887 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165235887 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165235887 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165235887 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165235928 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165237036 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165238381 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000038020]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165240401 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165240412 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165240414 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165240415 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165242411 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165242445 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165242445 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165242445 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165242445 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165242445 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165242447 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165242447 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165242447 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165242447 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165242447 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165242449 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165242449 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165242449 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165242449 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165242450 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165242450 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165245492 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165245492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165245493 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165245493 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165245493 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165248660 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165248660 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165248661 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165248888 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165248888 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165248888 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165248904 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165248904 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165249690 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165249690 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165249690 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165249690 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165249691 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165249698 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165249698 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165249698 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165249698 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165249726 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165250834 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165252280 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000045520]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165254301 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165254311 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165254316 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165254319 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165256311 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165256359 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165256359 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165256359 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165256359 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165256359 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165256364 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165256364 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165256364 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165256364 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165256364 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165256367 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165256367 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165256367 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165256367 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165256368 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165256369 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165259416 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165259416 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259416 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259416 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259416 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259416 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259416 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165259417 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165259418 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165259418 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165259418 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165302656 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165302656 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165302656 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165302880 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165302880 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165302880 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165302900 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165302900 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165303680 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165303680 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165303681 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165303681 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165303681 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165303696 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165303696 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165303696 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165303696 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165303726 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165304836 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165306175 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000249a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165308190 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165308198 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165308205 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165308209 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165310199 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165310219 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165310219 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165310219 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165310220 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165310220 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165310229 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165310229 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165310229 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165310229 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165310229 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165310233 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165310234 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165310234 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165310234 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165310237 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165310237 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165313328 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165313328 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165313330 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165313330 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165313331 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165316509 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165316511 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165316512 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165316742 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165316742 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165316742 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165316760 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165316760 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165317547 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165317547 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165317547 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165317547 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165317549 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165317568 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165317568 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165317568 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165317569 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165317598 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165318710 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_S1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165320068 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000042e20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165322090 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165322100 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165322105 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165322108 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165324105 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165324131 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165324131 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165324131 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165324131 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165324131 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165324131 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124165324138 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165324138 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165324138 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165324138 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165324138 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165324141 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165324142 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165324142 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165324142 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165324144 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165324144 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165327168 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165327168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165327169 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165327169 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165327169 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165330413 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165330414 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165330414 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165330636 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165330637 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165330637 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165330650 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165330650 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165331444 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165331444 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165331444 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165331444 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165331446 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165331456 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165331456 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165331456 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165331456 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165331525 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165332634 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S124() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165334005 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000001720]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165336028 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165336036 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165336041 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165336043 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165338038 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165338053 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165338053 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165338053 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165338053 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165338053 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165338060 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165338060 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165338060 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165338060 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165338061 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165338065 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165338066 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165338066 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165338066 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165338069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165338069 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165341097 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165341097 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165341098 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165341098 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165341098 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165344348 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165344350 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165344352 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165344587 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165344587 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165344587 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165344598 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165344598 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165345385 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165345385 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165345385 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165345385 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165345386 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165345395 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165345395 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165345395 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165345395 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165345436 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165346542 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_S124() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165347911 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000049420]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165349931 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165349938 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165349941 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165349943 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165351941 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165351965 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165351965 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165351965 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165351965 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165351965 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165351974 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165351974 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165351974 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165351974 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165351974 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165351977 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165351977 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165351977 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165351977 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165351979 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165351979 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165355034 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355034 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165355035 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165355035 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165355036 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165355037 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165355037 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165358239 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165358240 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165358240 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165358461 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165358461 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165358461 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165358475 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165358475 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165359265 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165359265 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165359265 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165359265 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165359267 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165359280 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165359280 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165359280 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165359281 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165359305 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165400416 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S0() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165401787 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200002b2a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165403808 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165403814 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165403816 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165403817 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165405814 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165405819 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165405820 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165405820 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165405820 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165405820 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165405820 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124165405831 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165405832 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165405832 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165405832 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165405832 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165405834 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165405835 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165405835 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165405835 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165405836 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165405836 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165408870 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165408870 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165408871 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165408871 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165408871 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165412098 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165412099 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165412101 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165412331 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165412331 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165412331 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165412343 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165412343 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165413139 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165413139 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165413139 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165413139 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165413141 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165413149 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165413149 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165413149 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165413150 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165413202 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165414312 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S02() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165415647 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000050020]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165417667 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165417677 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165417683 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165417685 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165419679 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165419702 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165419703 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165419703 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165419703 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165419703 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165419707 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165419707 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165419707 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165419707 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165419707 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165419709 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165419709 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165419710 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165419710 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165419711 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165419711 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165422763 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165422763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165422764 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165422764 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165422764 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165425956 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165425957 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165425957 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165426185 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165426185 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165426185 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165426206 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165426206 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165426992 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165426992 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165426992 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165426992 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165426994 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165427007 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165427007 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165427007 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165427007 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165427044 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165428158 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S024() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165429597 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000021820]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165431616 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165431622 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165431627 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165431629 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165433624 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165433657 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165433658 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165433658 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165433658 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165433658 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165433667 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165433667 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165433667 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165433667 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165433667 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165433672 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165433672 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165433672 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165433673 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165433676 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165433676 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165436735 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165436735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165436736 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165436736 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165436736 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165439955 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165439956 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165439959 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165440177 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165440177 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165440177 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165440189 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165440189 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165440986 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165440986 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165440986 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165440986 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165440987 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165440995 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165440996 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165440996 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165440996 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165441030 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165442147 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S0247() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165443511 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200002d9a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165445534 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165445542 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165445547 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165445549 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165447543 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165447567 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165447567 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165447567 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165447567 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165447567 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165447575 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165447575 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165447575 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165447575 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165447575 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165447580 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165447580 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165447580 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165447580 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165447583 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165447583 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165450631 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165450632 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165450632 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165450633 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165450633 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165453843 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165453844 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165453845 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165454066 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165454066 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165454066 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165454082 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165454082 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165454872 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165454872 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165454872 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165454873 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165454874 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165454884 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165454884 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165454884 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165454885 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165454905 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165456012 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_S0() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165457379 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000519a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165459396 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165459405 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165459409 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165459411 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165501410 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165501433 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165501433 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165501433 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165501433 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165501433 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165501443 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165501443 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165501443 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165501443 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165501444 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165501448 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165501448 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165501448 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165501448 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165501452 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165501452 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165504490 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165504490 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504490 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165504491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165504492 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165504493 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165504493 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165507732 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165507732 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165507733 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165507961 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165507961 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165507962 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165507969 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165507969 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165508757 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165508757 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165508757 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165508757 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165508758 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165508768 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165508768 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165508768 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165508768 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165508801 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165509910 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_S02() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165511259 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200000ec20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165513264 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165513268 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165513270 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165513272 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165515273 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165515300 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165515301 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165515301 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165515301 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165515301 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165515305 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165515305 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165515305 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165515305 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165515305 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165515306 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165515306 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165515306 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165515306 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165515307 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165515307 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165518358 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165518359 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165518360 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165518360 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165518360 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165521563 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165521564 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165521565 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165521796 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165521796 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165521796 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165521808 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165521808 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165522599 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165522600 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165522600 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165522600 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165522602 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165522615 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165522615 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165522615 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165522616 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165522632 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165523751 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_S024() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165525077 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000053920]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165527101 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165527109 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165527113 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165527114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165529110 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165529137 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165529137 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165529138 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165529138 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165529138 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165529144 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165529144 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165529145 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165529145 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165529145 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165529150 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165529150 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165529150 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165529150 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165529154 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165529154 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165532210 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165532211 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165532211 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165532211 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165535408 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165535408 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165535408 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165535629 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165535629 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165535629 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165535645 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165535645 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165536432 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165536432 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165536432 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165536432 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165536432 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165536446 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165536446 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165536446 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165536447 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165536473 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165537588 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_S0247() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165538957 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000034120]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165540977 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165540986 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165540991 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165540993 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165542992 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165543016 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165543016 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165543016 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165543016 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165543016 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165543024 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165543024 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165543025 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165543025 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165543025 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165543027 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165543027 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165543027 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165543027 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165543029 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165543029 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165546066 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165546067 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165546067 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165546067 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165549272 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165549273 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165549273 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165549490 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165549490 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165549491 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165549506 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165549506 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165550296 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165550296 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165550296 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165550296 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165550298 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165550304 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165550304 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165550304 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165550305 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165550334 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165551444 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S01234567() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165552815 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200002caa0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165554837 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165554847 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165554853 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165554857 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165556850 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165556876 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165556876 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165556876 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165556876 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165556876 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165556883 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165556883 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165556884 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165556884 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165556884 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165556888 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165556889 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165556889 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165556889 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165556892 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165556892 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165559941 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165559942 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165559943 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165559943 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165559943 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165603173 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165603173 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165603173 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165603397 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165603397 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165603397 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165603411 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165603411 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165604203 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165604203 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165604204 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165604204 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165604206 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165604224 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165604224 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165604224 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165604224 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165604259 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165605370 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_S0234567() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165606725 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000432a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165608736 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165608743 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165608746 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165608748 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165610745 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165610766 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165610766 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165610766 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165610766 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165610766 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165610773 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165610773 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165610773 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165610773 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165610774 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165610778 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165610778 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165610778 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165610778 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165610781 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165610782 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165613826 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165613828 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165613829 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165613829 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165613829 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165617052 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165617052 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165617054 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165617284 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165617284 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165617284 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165617300 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165617300 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165618089 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165618089 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165618089 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165618089 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165618092 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165618108 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165618108 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165618108 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165618108 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165618135 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165619246 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_zero() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165620520 DMSC ERROR No supported audio type found for channel_type = { ch_indctr=0x1, ch_rate_type=0x8, perm_spch=[21 ] } (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:798) 20250124165620534 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165620543 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165620547 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165620549 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165622544 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165622553 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165622553 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165622553 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165622553 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165622553 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165622559 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165622559 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165622559 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165622559 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165622559 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165622560 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165622560 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165622560 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165622560 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165622561 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165622561 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165625617 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165625617 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165625618 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165625618 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165625618 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165628794 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165628794 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165628796 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165629029 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165629029 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165629029 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165629041 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165629041 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165629833 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165629833 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165629833 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165629833 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165629835 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165629850 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165629850 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165629850 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165629850 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165629895 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165631002 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_unsupp() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165632283 DMSC ERROR No supported audio type found for channel_type = { ch_indctr=0x1, ch_rate_type=0x8, perm_spch=[21 ] } (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:798) 20250124165632299 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165632307 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165632314 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165632315 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165634306 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165634321 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165634322 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165634322 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165634322 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165634322 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165634330 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165634330 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165634331 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165634331 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165634331 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165634335 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165634335 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165634335 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165634335 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165634338 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165634338 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165637369 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165637369 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165637370 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165637370 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165637370 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165640612 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165640613 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165640614 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165640839 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165640839 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165640839 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165640858 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165640858 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165641639 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165641639 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165641639 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165641639 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165641639 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165641655 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165641655 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165641656 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165641656 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165641726 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165642836 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_S7() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165644099 DMSC ERROR No supported audio type found for channel_type = { ch_indctr=0x1, ch_rate_type=0x9, perm_spch=[25 ] } (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:798) 20250124165644114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165644122 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165644128 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165644130 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165646127 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165646153 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165646154 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165646154 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165646154 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165646154 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165646163 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165646163 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165646163 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165646163 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165646163 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165646168 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165646168 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165646168 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165646168 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165646169 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165646169 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165649215 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165649216 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165649216 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165649216 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165652406 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165652406 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165652407 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165652620 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165652620 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165652620 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165652635 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165652635 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165653423 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165653423 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165653423 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165653423 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165653424 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165653441 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165653441 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165653441 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165653441 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165653479 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165654589 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_start_mode_auto() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165655948 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003bc20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165657966 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165657975 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165657979 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165657980 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165659979 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165700003 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165700003 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165700003 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165700003 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165700003 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165700005 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165700005 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165700005 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165700005 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165700005 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165700006 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165700006 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165700006 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165700006 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165700007 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165700007 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165703069 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165703069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165703070 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165703070 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165703070 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165706240 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165706241 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165706241 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165706464 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165706464 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165706464 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165706480 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165706480 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165707270 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165707270 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165707270 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165707270 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165707273 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165707286 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165707286 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165707286 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165707286 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165707319 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165708425 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_start_mode_auto() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165709790 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000031ba0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165711808 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165711817 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165711821 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165711823 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165713818 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165713846 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165713846 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165713846 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165713846 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165713846 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165713855 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165713856 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165713856 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165713856 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165713856 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165713859 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165713860 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165713860 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165713860 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165713861 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165713861 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165716905 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165716906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165716906 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165716907 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165716907 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165720121 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165720123 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165720125 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165720363 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165720363 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165720363 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165720377 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165720377 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165721167 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165721167 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165721168 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165721168 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165721170 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165721184 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165721184 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165721184 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165721185 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165721211 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165722320 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_f_start_mode_4() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165723646 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003a420]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165725665 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165725675 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165725679 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165725682 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165727678 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165727696 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165727697 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165727697 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165727697 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165727697 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165727707 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165727707 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165727707 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165727707 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165727708 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165727711 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165727711 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165727711 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165727711 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165727713 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165727713 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165730766 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165730766 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165730767 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165730767 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165730767 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165733970 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165733970 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165733972 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165734195 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165734195 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165734195 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165734222 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165734223 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165735001 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165735001 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165735001 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165735001 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165735002 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165735022 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165735022 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165735022 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165735023 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165735085 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165736195 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_h_start_mode_4() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165737543 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000411a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165739563 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165739572 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165739577 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165739578 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165741577 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165741601 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165741601 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165741601 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165741601 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165741601 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165741607 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165741607 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165741607 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165741607 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165741607 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165741608 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165741608 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165741608 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165741608 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165741609 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165741609 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165744662 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744662 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165744663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165744663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165744663 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165744663 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165744663 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165747837 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165747837 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165747838 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165748062 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165748062 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165748062 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165748076 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165748077 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165748866 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165748866 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165748866 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165748866 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165748868 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165748884 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165748884 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165748884 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165748884 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165748914 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165750020 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_amr_startmode_cruft() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165751342 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000034ba0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165753349 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165753352 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165753353 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165753354 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165755360 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165755385 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165755385 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165755385 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165755385 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165755386 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165755386 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124165755395 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165755396 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165755396 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165755396 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165755396 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165755400 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165755400 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165755400 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165755400 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165755401 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165755401 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165758448 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165758448 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165758449 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165758449 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165758449 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165801673 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165801675 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165801677 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165801898 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165801898 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165801898 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165801912 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165801912 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165802700 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165802700 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165802700 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165802700 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165802701 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165802713 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165802713 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165802713 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165802713 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165802740 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165803844 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165805173 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000046420]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165807181 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165807185 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165807188 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165807189 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165809187 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165809194 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165809194 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165809194 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165809194 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165809194 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165809197 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165809197 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165809197 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165809197 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165809197 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165809198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165809198 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165809198 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165809198 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165809199 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165809199 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165812223 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165812224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165812224 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165812224 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165812224 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165812224 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165815424 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165815425 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165815425 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165815644 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165815644 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165815644 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165815661 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165815661 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165816448 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165816448 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165816449 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165816449 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165816450 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165816472 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165816472 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165816472 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165816473 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165816519 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165817627 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165818924 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_F channel (SELECT_FOR_ASSIGNMENT) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124165818924 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn87_subscr-IMSI-001016415940641)[0x612000037d20]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause NO RADIO RESOURCE AVAILABLE: BSSMAP Assignment Command: No lchan available for: pref=SPEECH_V1:FR / alt1=: / alt2=: (assignment_fsm.c:689) 20250124165818924 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn87_subscr-IMSI-001016415940641)[0x612000037d20]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124165818939 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165818948 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165818955 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165818956 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165820948 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165820953 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165820953 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165820953 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165820953 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165820953 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165820954 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165820954 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165820954 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165820954 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165820954 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165820956 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165820956 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165820956 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165820956 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165820957 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165820957 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165824016 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165824017 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165824019 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165824019 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165824019 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165827677 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165827677 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165827677 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165827907 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165827907 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165827907 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165827918 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165827918 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165828713 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165828713 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165828714 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165828714 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165828716 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165828726 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165828727 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165828727 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165828727 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165828762 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165829876 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_fr_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165831113 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_F channel (SELECT_FOR_ASSIGNMENT) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124165831200 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000023920]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165833218 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165833227 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165833233 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165833235 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165835228 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165835245 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165835245 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165835245 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165835245 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165835245 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165835254 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165835254 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165835254 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165835254 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165835254 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165835257 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165835257 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165835257 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165835257 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165835259 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165835259 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165838316 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165838316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165838317 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165838317 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165838317 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165841522 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165841523 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165841524 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165841750 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165841750 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165841750 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165841765 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165841765 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165842554 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165842554 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165842555 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165842555 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165842557 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165842572 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165842572 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165842572 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165842572 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165842619 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165843730 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_fr_exhausted_req_hr_fr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165845064 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000240a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165847078 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165847083 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165847088 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165847089 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165849088 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165849111 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165849111 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165849111 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165849111 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165849111 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165849120 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165849121 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165849121 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165849121 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165849121 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165849124 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165849124 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165849124 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165849124 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165849126 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165849126 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165852185 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165852186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165852186 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165852187 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165852187 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165855411 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165855411 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165855411 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165855631 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165855631 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165855631 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165855640 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165855641 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165856434 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165856434 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165856434 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165856434 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165856436 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165856447 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165856447 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165856447 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165856448 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165856482 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165857590 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165858937 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000043d20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165900948 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165900956 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165900960 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165900962 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165902956 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165902963 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165902963 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165902963 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165902963 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165902963 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165902967 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165902967 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165902967 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165902967 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165902967 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165902968 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165902968 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165902968 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165902968 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165902968 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165902969 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165905997 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905997 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905998 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905998 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905998 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905998 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165905998 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165905998 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165905998 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165905999 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165905999 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165909254 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165909255 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165909255 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165909483 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165909483 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165909483 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165909506 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165909506 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165910284 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165910284 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165910285 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165910285 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165910287 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165910309 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165910309 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165910309 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165910310 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165910330 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165911441 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165912670 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_ASSIGNMENT) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124165912670 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn91_subscr-IMSI-001013574248931)[0x612000026620]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause NO RADIO RESOURCE AVAILABLE: BSSMAP Assignment Command: No lchan available for: pref=SPEECH_V1:HR / alt1=: / alt2=: (assignment_fsm.c:689) 20250124165912670 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn91_subscr-IMSI-001013574248931)[0x612000026620]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124165912674 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165912676 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165912677 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165912678 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165914679 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165914693 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165914693 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165914693 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165914693 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165914693 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165914701 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165914702 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165914702 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165914702 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165914702 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165914707 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165914707 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165914707 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165914708 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165914711 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165914711 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165917733 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165917733 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165917734 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165917734 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165917734 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165920982 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165920984 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165920984 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165921205 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165921205 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165921205 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165921217 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165921217 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165922015 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165922015 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165922015 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165922015 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165922017 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165922031 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165922031 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165922031 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165922032 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165922058 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165923170 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_hr_fr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165924444 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_ASSIGNMENT) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124165924527 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000049d20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165926543 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165926554 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165926559 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165926562 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165928556 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165928581 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165928581 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165928581 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165928581 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165928581 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165928584 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165928584 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165928584 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165928584 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165928584 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165928585 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165928585 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165928585 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165928585 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165928585 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165928585 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165931641 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931642 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165931642 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165931642 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165931643 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165931643 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165931643 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165934841 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165934841 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165934842 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165935069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165935069 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165935069 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165935081 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165935081 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165935872 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165935872 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165935873 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165935873 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165935873 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165935879 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165935879 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165935879 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165935880 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165935939 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165937050 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_hr_exhausted_req_fr_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165938316 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200002db20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165940321 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165940325 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165940327 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165940328 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165942328 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165942351 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165942351 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165942352 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165942352 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165942352 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165942361 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165942361 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165942361 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165942361 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165942361 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165942366 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165942366 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165942367 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165942367 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165942370 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165942370 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165945424 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165945424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165945425 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165945425 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165945425 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165948631 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165948631 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165948631 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124165948846 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165948846 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124165948846 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165948858 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124165948858 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165949652 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124165949652 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124165949652 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165949652 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124165949654 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124165949673 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124165949673 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165949673 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124165949673 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124165949711 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124165950821 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_req_hr_fr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165952183 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000021e20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124165954201 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165954210 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165954216 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165954217 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165956216 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124165956231 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165956231 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124165956231 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124165956231 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124165956231 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165956234 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124165956234 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124165956234 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165956234 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124165956234 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165956235 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124165956235 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165956235 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124165956235 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124165956236 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124165956236 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124165959285 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124165959286 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124165959287 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165959287 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124165959287 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170002501 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170002501 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170002501 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170002728 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170002728 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170002728 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170002742 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170002742 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170003530 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170003530 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170003530 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170003530 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170003531 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170003543 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170003543 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170003543 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170003544 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170003563 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170004679 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_req_fr_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170006007 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000507a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124170008021 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170008026 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170008028 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170008029 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170010030 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170010042 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170010042 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170010042 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170010042 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170010042 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170010051 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170010051 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170010051 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170010052 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170010052 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170010056 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170010057 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170010057 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170010057 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170010068 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170010068 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170013108 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170013109 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170013110 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170013110 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170013110 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170016355 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170016356 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170016358 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170016582 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170016582 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170016582 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170016600 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170016600 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170017379 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170017379 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170017380 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170017380 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170017380 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170017390 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170017391 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170017391 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170017391 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170017417 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170018527 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170019589 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124170019589 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[Location updating]: no resources for SDCCH 0x2, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124170019624 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170019828 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170019835 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170019838 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170021841 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170021848 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170021848 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170021848 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170021848 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170021848 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170021851 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170021851 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170021851 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170021851 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170021851 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170021852 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170021852 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170021852 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170021852 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170021852 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170021852 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170024907 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170024908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170024909 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170024909 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170024909 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170028084 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170028085 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170028086 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170028309 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170028309 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170028309 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170028309 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170028309 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170028309 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170028309 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170028523 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170028523 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170029371 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170030383 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_signalling_tch_forbidden() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170031402 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124170031402 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[Location updating]: no resources for SDCCH 0x2 (abis_rsl.c:2354) 20250124170031420 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170031420 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170031420 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170031420 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170031420 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170031426 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170031426 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170031426 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170031426 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170031426 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170031429 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170031429 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170031429 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170031429 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170031431 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170031431 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170034470 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170034471 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170034471 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170034472 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170034472 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170037718 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170037719 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170037720 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170037951 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170037951 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170037951 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170037965 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170037965 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170038754 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170038754 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170038755 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170038755 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170038756 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170038767 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170038767 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170038767 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170038767 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170038805 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170039911 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_sdcch_exhausted_req_voice_tch_forbidden() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170040970 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[call (re-)establishment]: no resources for SDCCH 0x43, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124170041009 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170041213 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170041220 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170041221 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170043218 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170043238 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170043238 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170043238 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170043238 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170043238 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170043243 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170043243 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170043243 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170043243 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170043243 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170043246 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170043246 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170043246 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170043246 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170043248 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170043248 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170046301 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170046301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170046302 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170046302 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170046303 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170046303 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170049506 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170049507 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170049507 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170049719 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170049719 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170049719 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170049729 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170049730 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170050529 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170050529 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170050530 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170050530 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170050532 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170050544 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170050544 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170050544 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170050545 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170050562 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170051671 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_codec_hr_osmux_on() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170052991 DMSC NOTICE MSC not using Osmux but we have Osmux enabled. (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:962) 20250124170053098 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000020aa0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124170055120 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170055129 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170055135 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170055138 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170057130 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170057171 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170057172 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170057172 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170057172 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170057172 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170057175 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170057175 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170057176 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170057176 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170057176 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170057178 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170057178 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170057178 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170057178 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170057179 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170057179 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170100235 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170100235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170100236 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170100236 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170100236 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170103440 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170103441 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170103444 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170103662 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170103662 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170103662 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170103674 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170103674 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170104468 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170104468 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170104468 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170104468 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170104470 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170104484 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170104484 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170104484 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170104485 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170104517 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170105626 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_osmux() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170106954 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000053c20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124170108978 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170108987 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170108992 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170108994 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170110990 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170111011 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170111011 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170111012 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170111012 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170111012 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170111017 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170111017 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170111017 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170111017 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170111017 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170111020 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170111020 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170111020 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170111020 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170111022 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170111022 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170114078 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170114079 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170114079 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170114079 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170117292 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170117293 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170117294 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170117526 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170117526 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170117526 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170117547 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170117547 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170118333 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170118333 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170118334 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170118334 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170118336 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170118351 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170118351 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170118351 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170118351 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170118387 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170119498 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_osmux_cn() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170120753 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000303a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124170122775 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170122784 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170122789 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170122791 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170124789 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170124809 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170124809 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170124809 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170124809 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170124809 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170124819 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170124819 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170124819 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170124820 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170124820 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170124824 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170124824 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170124825 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170124825 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170124828 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170124828 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170127886 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170127887 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170127887 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170127888 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170127888 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170131137 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170131138 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170131139 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170131371 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170131371 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170131371 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170131399 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170131400 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170132179 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170132179 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170132179 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170132179 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170132181 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170132202 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170132202 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170132202 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170132202 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170132237 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170133346 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_osmux_bts() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170134703 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000042220]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124170136709 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170136711 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170136712 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170136712 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170138717 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170138737 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170138738 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170138738 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170138738 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170138738 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170138746 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170138746 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170138746 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170138746 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170138747 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170138751 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170138751 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170138752 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170138752 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170138755 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170138755 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170141791 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170141791 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170141791 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170141792 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170141792 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170145003 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170145003 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170145004 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170145221 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170145221 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170145221 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170145224 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170145224 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170145224 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170145224 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170145232 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170145472 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170145473 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170146310 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170147316 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_est_ind_inact_lchan() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170147317 DLGLOBAL ERROR Trying to dispatch event 5 to non-existent FSM instance! (abis_rsl.c:2728) 20250124170147325 DLGLOBAL ERROR backtrace() returned 14 addresses (backtrace.c:42) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmocore.so.22(+0x155271) [0x7f149b955271] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmocore.so.22(_osmo_fsm_inst_dispatch+0xb9e) [0x7f149b983d7e] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR osmo-bsc(+0xa1682b) [0x55635da3782b] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmoabis.so.13(+0xe967a) [0x7f149bce967a] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmocore.so.22(+0x1c316d) [0x7f149b9c316d] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmocore.so.22(+0x1c95fd) [0x7f149b9c95fd] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmocore.so.22(+0x1cb68a) [0x7f149b9cb68a] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmocore.so.22(+0x1d7de6) [0x7f149b9d7de6] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libosmocore.so.22(osmo_select_main_ctx+0x9) [0x7f149b9d8329] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR osmo-bsc(+0x970fa7) [0x55635d991fa7] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x2724a) [0x7f149a84624a] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x85) [0x7f149a846305] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147326 DLGLOBAL ERROR osmo-bsc(+0x973d81) [0x55635d994d81] (backtrace.c:53) 20250124170147327 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170147327 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170147327 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170147327 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170147327 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170147330 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170147330 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170147330 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170147330 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170147330 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170147332 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170147332 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170147332 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170147332 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170147333 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170147333 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170150391 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170150392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170150393 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170150393 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170150393 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170153573 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170153573 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170153575 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170153797 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170153797 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170153798 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170153798 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170153798 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170153798 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170153798 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170154033 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170154033 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170154914 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170155922 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170155926 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000032620]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) MS attempted to establish DCCH on SAPI=1 (expected SAPI=0) (abis_rsl.c:2702) 20250124170157934 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170157934 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170157934 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170157934 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170157934 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170157940 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170157940 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170157940 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170157940 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170157940 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170157945 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170157945 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170157945 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170157945 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170157948 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170157949 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170200968 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170200968 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170200969 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170200969 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170200969 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170204209 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170204209 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170204209 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170204431 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170204432 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170204432 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170204434 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170204434 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170204435 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170204435 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170204442 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170204673 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170204673 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170205528 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170206532 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sapi3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170206536 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200003b4a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) MS attempted to establish DCCH on SAPI=3 (expected SAPI=0) (abis_rsl.c:2702) 20250124170208547 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170208548 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170208548 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170208548 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170208548 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170208554 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170208555 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170208555 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170208555 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170208555 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170208560 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170208560 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170208560 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170208560 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170208563 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170208564 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170211586 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170211586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170211587 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170211587 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170211587 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170214858 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170214859 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170214859 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170215077 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170215077 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170215077 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170215078 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170215078 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170215078 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170215078 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170215316 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170215316 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170216179 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170217184 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_est_ind_inval_sacch() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170217188 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200000c0a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) MS attempted to establish an SACCH in MF mode on SAPI=0 (not permitted) (abis_rsl.c:2718) 20250124170219191 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170219191 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170219191 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170219191 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170219191 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170219193 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170219193 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170219193 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170219193 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170219193 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170219194 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170219194 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170219194 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170219194 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170219194 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170219194 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170222222 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170222223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170222223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170222224 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170222224 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170222224 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170225371 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170225371 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170225371 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170225584 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170225584 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170225584 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170225596 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170225596 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170226392 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170226392 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170226393 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170226393 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170226394 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170226406 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124170226406 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170226406 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124170226406 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170226429 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170227532 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_tch_dlci_link_id_sapi() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170228800 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000402a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124170230906 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170231112 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170231113 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170231114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170236111 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000000e20]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_RELEASED}: (type=TCH_F) lchan failure in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_RELEASED: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124170236116 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170236133 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170236133 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170236133 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170236133 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170236133 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170236143 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170236143 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170236143 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170236143 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170236144 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170236150 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170236151 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170236151 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170236152 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170236156 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170236156 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170239177 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170239177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170239178 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170239179 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170239179 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170242381 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170242381 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170242381 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170242591 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170242591 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170242591 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170242591 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170242591 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170242592 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170242592 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170242805 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170242805 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170243631 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170244634 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_rel_ind_sapi_n_reject() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170244843 DMSC NOTICE (bts=0) Tx MSC SAPI N REJECT (dlci=0x83, cause='MS NOT EQUIPPED') (gsm_08_08.c:80) 20250124170246848 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170246849 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170246849 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170246849 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170246849 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170246850 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170246850 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170246850 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170246850 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170246850 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170246850 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170246850 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170246850 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170246850 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170246850 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170246850 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170249874 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170249874 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170249875 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170249875 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170249875 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170253014 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170253014 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170253015 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170253226 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170253226 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170253226 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170253227 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170253227 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170253227 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170253227 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170253441 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170253441 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170254265 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170255268 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_err_ind_sapi_n_reject() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170255480 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000031ea0]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=SDCCH) ERROR INDICATION cause=unknown 0x0 (abis_rsl.c:2638) 20250124170255480 DMSC NOTICE (bts=0) Tx MSC SAPI N REJECT (dlci=0x83, cause='BSS NOT EQUIPPED') (gsm_08_08.c:80) 20250124170257486 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170257486 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170257486 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170257486 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170257486 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170257488 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170257488 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170257488 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170257488 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170257488 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170257488 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170257488 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170257488 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170257488 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170257489 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170257489 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170300529 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170300529 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170300530 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170300530 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170300530 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170303675 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170303676 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170303676 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170303886 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170303886 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170303886 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170303887 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170303887 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170303887 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170303887 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170304101 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170304101 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170304932 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170305936 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_timeout_sapi_n_reject() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170313143 DMSC NOTICE (bts=0) Tx MSC SAPI N REJECT (dlci=0x83, cause='BSS NOT EQUIPPED') (gsm_08_08.c:80) 20250124170315565 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170315565 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170315565 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170315565 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170315565 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170315567 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170315567 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170315567 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170315567 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170315567 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170315567 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170315567 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170315567 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170315567 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170315568 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170315568 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170318595 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170318595 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170318596 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170318596 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170318596 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170321799 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170321799 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170321799 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170322016 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170322016 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170322016 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170322017 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170322017 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170322017 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170322017 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170322251 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170322251 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170323074 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170324083 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rll_sapi_n_reject_dlci_cc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170324309 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x6120000456a0]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=SDCCH) ERROR INDICATION cause=unknown 0x0 (abis_rsl.c:2638) 20250124170324309 DMSC NOTICE (bts=0) Tx MSC SAPI N REJECT (dlci=0x83, cause='BSS NOT EQUIPPED') (gsm_08_08.c:80) 20250124170326332 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170326332 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170326332 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170326332 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170326332 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170326340 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170326340 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170326340 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170326340 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170326340 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170326345 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170326345 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170326345 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170326345 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170326348 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170326349 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170329389 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170329389 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170329390 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170329390 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170329390 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170332625 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170332626 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170332630 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170332856 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170332856 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170332856 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170332859 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170332860 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170332860 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170332860 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170332867 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170333106 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170333106 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170333962 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170336014 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170338070 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170338084 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170338109 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170338129 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170339141 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170353186 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170353187 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170353187 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170353187 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170353187 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170353192 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170353192 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170353192 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353192 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170353192 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353197 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353197 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353197 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170353197 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353197 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170353197 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170353198 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170353198 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170353199 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170353199 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170353200 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170353200 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170353200 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170353200 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170353200 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353200 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170353200 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353201 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353201 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353202 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170353202 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353202 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170353202 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170353202 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353202 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170353202 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353204 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170353204 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170353204 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170353204 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170356252 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356254 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356254 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356254 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356255 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356255 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356255 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356255 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356255 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356255 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356255 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356256 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170356257 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356260 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356260 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356262 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356262 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356263 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356263 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356263 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356263 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356265 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356266 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356266 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356269 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356269 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356269 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170356269 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356270 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170356270 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170359051 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170359051 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170359052 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170359268 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170359268 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170359268 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170359270 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170359270 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170359270 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170359270 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170359502 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170359503 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170400345 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170402393 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170404421 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170404429 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170404438 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170404447 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170405455 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_tmsi_nochan() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170419492 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170419492 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170419492 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170419492 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170419492 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170419495 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170419495 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170419496 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419496 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170419496 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419496 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419496 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419496 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170419496 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419497 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170419497 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170419497 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419497 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170419497 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419499 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419499 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419499 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170419499 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419499 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170419499 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419499 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419499 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170419499 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170419499 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170419500 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170419500 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170419500 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419500 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170419500 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419501 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170419501 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170419501 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170419501 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170422542 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422542 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422543 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422543 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422544 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170422546 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422547 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422547 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422547 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422548 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422548 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422548 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422549 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422549 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422551 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422552 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422552 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422552 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422553 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422553 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170422553 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422553 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170422553 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170425346 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170425346 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170425346 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170425568 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170425568 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170425568 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170425571 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170425571 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170425571 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170425571 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170425578 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170425791 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170425791 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170426618 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170428664 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170430692 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170430701 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170430710 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170430718 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170431729 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_tmsi_any() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170445780 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170445780 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170445780 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170445780 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170445780 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170445786 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170445786 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170445786 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445786 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170445786 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445791 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445791 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445791 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170445791 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445791 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445791 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170445792 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170445792 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445792 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170445792 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445792 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445792 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170445792 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170445792 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445792 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445792 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170445793 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170445793 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170445793 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170445793 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170445793 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445793 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170445793 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445794 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445794 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445794 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170445794 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445794 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170445794 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170445794 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445794 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170445794 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445795 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170445795 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170445795 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170445795 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170448836 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448836 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448838 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448838 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448839 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170448839 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448839 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448839 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448840 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448841 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448841 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448841 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448841 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448841 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448844 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448844 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448844 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448845 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448845 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448845 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170448846 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448846 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170448846 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170451652 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170451652 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170451652 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170451862 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170451862 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170451862 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170451863 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170451863 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170451863 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170451863 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170452089 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170452089 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170452930 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170454979 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170457007 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170457015 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170457024 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170457038 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170458052 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_tmsi_sdcch() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170512099 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170512099 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170512099 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170512099 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170512099 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170512113 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170512113 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170512113 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512113 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170512113 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512131 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512131 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512132 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170512132 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512133 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512133 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170512134 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170512135 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512137 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170512137 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512138 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512138 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170512139 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170512139 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512140 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512140 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170512143 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170512143 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170512143 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170512143 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170512143 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512143 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170512144 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512149 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512149 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512149 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170512149 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512151 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170512151 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170512152 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512152 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170512152 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512155 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170512155 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170512155 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170512156 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170515183 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515183 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515183 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515183 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515183 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170515185 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515186 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515186 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515187 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515187 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515188 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515191 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515192 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515192 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515192 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170515194 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515194 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515195 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515195 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515195 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515195 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170515195 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515195 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170515195 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170518025 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170518026 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170518027 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170518247 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170518247 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170518247 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170518248 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170518248 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170518248 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170518248 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170518490 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170518490 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170519366 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170521422 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170523470 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170523485 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170523499 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170523514 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170524526 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_tmsi_tch_f() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170538553 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170538553 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170538553 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170538553 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170538553 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170538557 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170538557 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170538557 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538557 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170538557 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538559 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538559 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538559 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170538559 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538560 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170538560 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170538560 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538560 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170538560 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538561 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538561 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538561 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170538561 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538562 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170538562 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170538562 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538562 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170538562 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538566 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538566 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538566 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170538566 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538567 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170538567 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538567 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538567 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170538568 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170538568 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538568 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538568 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170538568 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170538568 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170538569 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170538569 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170538569 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170538569 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170541585 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541585 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170541588 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541588 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170541589 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541589 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541592 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541595 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541595 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541595 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541596 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170541598 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541598 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541598 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541600 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541601 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541601 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541601 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541601 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541601 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170541602 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541602 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170541602 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170544367 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170544367 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170544367 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170544577 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170544577 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170544577 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170544578 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170544578 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170544578 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170544578 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170544791 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170544791 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170545616 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170547633 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170549675 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170549688 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170549700 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170549709 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170550719 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_tmsi_tch_hf() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170604745 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170604745 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170604745 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170604745 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170604745 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170604747 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170604747 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170604747 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604747 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170604747 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604755 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604755 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604755 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170604755 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604755 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604755 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170604756 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170604756 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604756 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170604756 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604757 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604757 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170604757 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170604757 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604757 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604757 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170604758 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170604758 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170604758 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170604758 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170604758 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604758 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170604758 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604760 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604760 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604760 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170604760 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604761 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170604761 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170604761 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604761 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170604761 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604762 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170604762 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170604762 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170604762 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170607811 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607811 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607812 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607812 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170607813 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607813 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607813 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607813 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607815 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607815 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607815 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607815 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607815 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607817 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607818 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607818 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607819 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607819 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607819 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170607820 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607820 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170607820 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170610576 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170610576 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170610576 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170610793 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170610793 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170610793 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170610795 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170610795 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170610795 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170610795 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170610803 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170611031 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170611031 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170611888 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170613904 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170615933 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170615957 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170615967 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170615979 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170616988 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170631241 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170631241 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170631241 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170631241 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170631241 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170631252 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170631253 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170631253 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631253 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170631253 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631259 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631259 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631259 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170631259 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631263 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170631263 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170631263 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170631263 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170631264 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631264 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170631264 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631270 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631270 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631270 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170631270 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631273 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170631273 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170631274 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631274 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170631274 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631292 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631292 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631292 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170631292 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631295 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170631295 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631296 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631296 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170631298 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170631298 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631299 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631299 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170631300 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170631300 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170631301 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170631301 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170634306 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634306 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170634307 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634307 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634307 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634308 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634308 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170634310 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634310 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634310 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634320 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634320 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170634322 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634322 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634322 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634323 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634323 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634323 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634325 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634325 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634325 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170634326 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634326 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170634326 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170637179 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170637179 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170637180 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170637406 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170637406 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170637406 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170637407 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170637407 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170637407 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170637407 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170637621 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170637621 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170638470 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170640506 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170642532 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170642542 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170642550 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170642557 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170643569 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_ci() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170657823 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170657823 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170657823 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170657823 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170657823 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170657836 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170657836 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170657836 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657836 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170657836 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657839 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657839 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657839 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170657840 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657841 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170657841 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170657841 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170657841 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170657842 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657842 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170657842 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657845 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657845 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657845 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170657845 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657846 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170657846 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170657846 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657846 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170657847 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657854 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657854 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657854 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170657855 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657856 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170657856 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657857 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657857 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170657858 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170657858 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657858 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657858 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170657859 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170657859 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170657859 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170657859 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170700866 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700866 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700867 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700867 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170700867 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700867 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700868 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700869 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700869 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170700870 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700871 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700871 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700883 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700884 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170700885 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700885 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700886 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700886 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700887 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700887 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700887 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700888 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700888 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170700888 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700889 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170700889 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170703743 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170703743 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170703744 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170703965 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170703965 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170703965 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170703965 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170703965 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170703965 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170703965 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170704190 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170704191 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170705023 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170707071 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170709123 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170709140 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170709161 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170709184 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170710196 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170724450 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170724450 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170724450 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170724450 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170724450 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170724454 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170724454 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170724455 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724455 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170724455 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724457 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724457 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724457 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170724457 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724457 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724457 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170724457 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170724457 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170724458 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170724458 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170724458 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170724458 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724458 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170724458 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724459 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724459 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724459 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170724459 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724460 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170724460 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170724460 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724460 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170724460 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724462 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170724462 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170724462 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170724462 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170727490 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727491 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727491 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727492 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170727494 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727494 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727494 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727494 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727494 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170727495 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727495 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727495 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727496 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727496 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727496 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727496 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727496 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727498 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727498 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727498 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170727500 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727500 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170727500 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170730321 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170730321 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170730322 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170730540 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170730540 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170730540 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170730541 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170730541 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170730541 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170730541 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170730788 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170730788 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170731666 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170733716 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170735759 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170735775 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170735798 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170735817 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170736829 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lai() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170750965 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170750965 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170750965 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170750965 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170750965 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170750967 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170750967 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170750967 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750967 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170750967 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750970 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750970 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750970 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170750970 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170750971 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170750971 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170750971 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170750972 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170750972 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170750972 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170750972 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170750972 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750972 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170750972 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750972 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750972 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750972 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170750972 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750973 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170750973 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170750973 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750973 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170750973 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750973 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170750973 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170750973 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170750973 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170754002 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754002 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170754003 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754003 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170754004 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754004 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170754005 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754005 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754005 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754006 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754006 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754006 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754007 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754007 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754009 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754010 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754010 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754010 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754010 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754010 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170754011 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754011 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170754011 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170756818 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170756819 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170756820 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170757038 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170757039 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170757039 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170757039 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170757039 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170757039 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170757039 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170757282 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170757282 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170758149 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170800198 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170802247 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170802260 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170802272 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170802284 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170803294 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170817447 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170817447 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170817447 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170817447 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170817447 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170817460 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170817460 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170817460 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817460 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170817460 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817478 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817478 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817479 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170817479 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817481 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170817481 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817482 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817482 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170817484 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170817484 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817485 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817485 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170817486 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170817486 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817487 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817487 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170817490 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170817490 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170817490 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170817490 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170817490 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817490 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170817490 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817496 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817496 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817496 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170817496 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817499 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170817499 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170817500 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817500 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170817500 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817504 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170817505 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170817505 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170817505 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170820535 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170820540 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820540 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820540 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820540 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170820543 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820543 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820543 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820543 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820543 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820543 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820543 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820543 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820543 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820545 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820545 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820545 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170820547 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820547 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170820547 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170823367 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170823367 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170823367 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170823582 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170823582 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170823582 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170823583 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170823583 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170823583 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170823583 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170823828 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170823828 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170824708 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170826761 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170828807 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170828822 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170828847 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170828863 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170829867 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_all() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170843902 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170843902 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170843902 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170843902 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170843902 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170843915 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170843915 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170843915 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843915 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170843915 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843927 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843927 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843927 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170843927 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843928 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843928 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170843929 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170843929 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843929 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843929 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170843930 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170843930 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843931 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170843931 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843931 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843931 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170843932 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170843932 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170843932 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170843933 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170843933 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843933 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170843933 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843936 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843936 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170843936 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843938 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170843938 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170843938 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843938 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170843938 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843941 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170843941 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170843941 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170843941 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170846952 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846952 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846953 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170846954 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846954 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846954 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846955 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846955 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846955 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846956 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846956 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846956 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846957 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846957 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846957 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846960 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846961 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170846962 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846962 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846962 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846963 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170846964 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170846965 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846965 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170846965 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170849831 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170849832 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170849833 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170850059 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170850059 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170850059 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170850060 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170850060 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170850061 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170850061 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170850301 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170850301 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170851166 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170853215 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170855264 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170855292 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170855311 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170855332 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170856345 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_plmn_lac_rnc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170856352 DMSC ERROR (msc=0) Paging: subscr-null: Could not parse Cell Identifier List (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:327) 20250124170858665 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170858665 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170858665 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170858665 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170858665 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170858674 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170858674 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170858674 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858674 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170858675 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858678 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858678 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858678 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170858678 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858680 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170858680 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170858680 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170858680 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170858680 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858680 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170858680 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858681 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858681 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858681 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170858681 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858681 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170858681 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170858681 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858681 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170858681 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858683 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858683 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858683 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170858683 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858683 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170858683 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858683 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858683 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170858683 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170858683 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858684 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858684 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170858684 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170858684 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170858684 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170858684 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170901705 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901705 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170901707 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901707 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901707 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901707 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901707 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901707 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901709 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901710 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170901713 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901713 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901713 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901713 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901714 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901714 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901714 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901714 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901714 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170901715 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901715 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170901715 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170904553 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170904554 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170904555 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170904782 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170904782 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170904782 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170904784 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170904784 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170904785 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170904785 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170904794 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170905047 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170905047 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170905917 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170907961 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170910012 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170910028 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170910040 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170910049 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170911060 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_rnc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170911066 DMSC ERROR (msc=0) Paging: subscr-null: Could not parse Cell Identifier List (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:327) 20250124170913379 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170913379 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170913379 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170913379 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170913379 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170913386 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170913386 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170913387 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913387 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170913387 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913390 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913390 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913391 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170913391 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913392 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170913392 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170913392 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913392 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170913392 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913396 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913396 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913396 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170913396 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913398 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170913398 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170913398 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913398 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170913398 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913408 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913408 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913408 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170913408 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913409 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170913409 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913410 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913410 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170913411 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170913411 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913411 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913411 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170913412 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170913412 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170913412 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170913412 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170913413 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170913414 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170916435 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916435 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916436 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170916436 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916437 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916437 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916437 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916437 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916437 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916444 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916444 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170916447 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916447 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916447 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916448 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916448 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916448 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916449 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916449 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916449 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170916450 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916450 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170916450 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170919313 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170919314 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170919316 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170919537 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170919537 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170919537 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170919538 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170919538 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170919538 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170919538 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170919778 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170919778 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170920646 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170922694 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170924746 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170924761 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170924783 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170924806 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170925817 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lac_rnc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170925823 DMSC ERROR (msc=0) Paging: subscr-null: Could not parse Cell Identifier List (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:327) 20250124170928132 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170928132 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170928132 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170928132 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170928132 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170928141 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170928141 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170928141 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928141 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170928141 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928145 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928145 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928146 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170928146 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928147 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170928148 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170928148 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170928148 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170928148 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928148 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170928148 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928151 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928151 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928151 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170928152 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928153 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170928153 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170928153 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928153 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170928153 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928161 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928161 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928161 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170928161 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928162 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170928162 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928163 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928163 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170928163 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170928163 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928164 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928164 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170928165 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170928165 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170928165 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170928165 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170931186 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931186 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170931186 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931187 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931187 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931189 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170931193 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931193 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170931193 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931193 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931195 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931195 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931195 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931197 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931197 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931197 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931198 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931198 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931198 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170931199 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931199 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170931199 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170934049 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170934051 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170934052 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124170934281 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170934281 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124170934281 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170934283 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124170934283 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124170934283 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124170934283 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124170934292 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124170934532 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124170934533 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170935388 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170937440 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170939480 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170939498 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170939517 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170939536 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124170940548 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124170954594 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170954594 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124170954594 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124170954594 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124170954594 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170954609 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170954609 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170954609 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954609 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170954610 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954612 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954613 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954613 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170954613 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954614 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170954614 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170954615 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954615 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170954615 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954625 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954625 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954625 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170954625 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954626 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170954626 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954627 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954627 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170954628 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170954628 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954628 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954628 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170954635 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170954635 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954635 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954635 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124170954636 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124170954636 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124170954636 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124170954636 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124170954637 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954637 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124170954637 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954639 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124170954639 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170954640 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124170954640 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124170957640 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957640 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170957642 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957642 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957642 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957651 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957651 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170957653 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957653 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957653 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957653 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957654 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957654 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957654 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957654 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957654 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957655 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957655 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957655 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957662 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124170957663 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957663 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124170957663 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171000518 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171000519 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171000520 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171000742 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171000742 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171000742 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171000743 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171000743 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171000743 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171000743 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171000982 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171000983 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171001854 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171003876 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171005908 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171005925 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171005937 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171005959 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171006970 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_lacs_empty() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171009290 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171009290 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171009290 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171009291 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171009291 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171009295 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171009295 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171009295 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009295 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171009295 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009297 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009297 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009297 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171009298 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171009298 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171009298 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171009298 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171009298 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009299 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171009299 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171009299 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171009299 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171009299 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009299 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171009299 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009299 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009299 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009300 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171009300 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009300 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171009300 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171009300 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009300 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171009300 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009300 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171009300 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171009300 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171009300 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171012341 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012341 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171012342 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012343 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171012343 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012343 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012344 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012344 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012344 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012344 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012345 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012345 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012345 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012348 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012348 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012348 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012349 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012349 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012349 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171012350 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012350 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171012350 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171015185 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171015185 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171015187 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171015407 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171015407 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171015407 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171015408 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171015408 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171015408 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171015408 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171015652 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171015652 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171016522 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171018567 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171020611 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171020623 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171020642 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171020668 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171021677 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_cgi_unknown_cid() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171023984 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171023984 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171023984 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171023984 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171023984 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171023987 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171023987 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171023987 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023987 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171023987 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023991 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023991 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023991 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171023991 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023992 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023992 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171023992 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171023992 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023992 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023992 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171023993 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171023993 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023993 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171023993 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023994 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023994 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171023994 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171023994 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171023994 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171023994 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171023994 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023994 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171023994 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023996 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023996 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023996 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171023996 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023996 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171023996 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171023997 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023997 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171023997 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023998 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171023998 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171023998 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171023998 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171027019 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171027021 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027021 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027021 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027021 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027022 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171027023 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027023 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027023 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171027024 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027024 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027024 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027024 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027025 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027025 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027027 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027027 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027027 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171027029 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027029 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171027029 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171029783 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171029783 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171029783 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171029994 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171029994 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171029994 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171029994 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171029994 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171029994 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171029994 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171030209 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171030209 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171031034 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171033051 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171035066 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171035074 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171035083 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171035091 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171036095 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_a_reset() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171038100 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171038100 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171038100 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171038100 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171038100 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171038100 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171041305 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171041305 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171041305 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171041305 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171041305 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171041307 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171041307 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171041307 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041307 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171041307 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041312 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041312 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041312 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171041312 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041312 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171041312 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041312 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041313 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171041313 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171041313 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041313 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041313 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171041314 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171041314 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041314 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041314 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171041314 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171041314 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171041315 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171041315 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171041315 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041315 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171041315 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041316 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041316 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041316 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171041316 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041317 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171041317 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171041317 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041317 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171041317 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041318 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171041318 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171041318 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171041318 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171044361 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044362 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044363 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171044365 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044366 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044366 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044367 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044367 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044368 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044368 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044368 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044368 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044370 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044370 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044370 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044371 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044372 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044372 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171044372 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044372 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171044372 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171047167 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171047168 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171047169 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171047397 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171047398 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171047398 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171047398 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171047398 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171047398 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171047398 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171047637 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171047637 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171048493 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171050512 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171052528 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171052538 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171052546 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171052555 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171053560 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_load() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171105776 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171105776 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171105776 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171105776 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171105776 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171105791 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171105791 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171105791 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105791 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171105792 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105796 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105796 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105796 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171105796 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105798 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171105798 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171105798 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105798 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171105798 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105815 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105815 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105815 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171105815 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105816 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171105817 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105817 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105817 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171105818 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171105818 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105819 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105819 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171105820 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171105820 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105820 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105820 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171105821 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171105821 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171105821 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171105821 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171105821 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105821 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171105822 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105824 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171105824 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171105824 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171105824 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171108850 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171108852 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108852 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108853 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108859 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108859 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171108861 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108861 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108861 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108861 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108862 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108862 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108863 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108864 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108864 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108868 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108868 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108868 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171108869 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108870 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171108870 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171111647 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171111647 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171111648 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171111863 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171111863 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171111863 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171111864 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171111864 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171111864 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171111864 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171112090 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171112090 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171112949 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171114987 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171117040 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171117059 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171117082 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171117104 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171118117 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_counter() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171132204 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171132204 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171132204 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171132204 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171132205 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171132219 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171132219 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171132219 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132219 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171132219 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132231 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132231 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132231 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171132231 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132232 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132232 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171132233 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171132233 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132233 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132233 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171132234 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171132234 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132235 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171132235 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132235 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132235 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171132236 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171132237 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171132237 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171132237 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171132237 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132237 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171132237 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132240 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132240 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132240 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171132240 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132242 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171132242 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171132242 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132242 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171132242 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132244 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171132244 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171132244 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171132245 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171135274 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171135276 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135276 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135276 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171135278 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135278 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135279 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171135280 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135281 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135281 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135281 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135281 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135281 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135284 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135284 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135284 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171135285 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135286 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171135286 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171138125 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171138126 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171138126 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171138342 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171138342 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171138343 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171138345 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171138345 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171138345 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171138345 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171138348 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171138573 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171138573 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171139407 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171140420 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_resp_unsol() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171145669 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171145669 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171145670 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171145670 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171145670 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171145676 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171145676 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171145676 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171145676 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171145676 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171145681 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171145681 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171145681 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171145681 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171145685 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171145685 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171148735 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171148736 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171148736 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171148737 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171148737 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171151970 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171151970 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171151971 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171152186 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171152186 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171152186 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171152186 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171152186 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171152186 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171152186 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171152399 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171152400 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171153248 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171154255 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_500req() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171207696 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171207696 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171207698 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171207698 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171207698 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171207698 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171207699 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171207699 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171207719 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171207719 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171207719 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171207719 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171207719 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171207726 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171207726 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171210755 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210756 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171210757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171210758 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171210758 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171210758 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171214089 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171214090 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171214091 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171214318 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171214318 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171214318 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171214320 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171214320 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171214321 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171214321 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171214329 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171214577 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171214577 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171215448 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171216459 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_450req_no_paging_load_ind() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171310808 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171310808 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171310810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171310810 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171310810 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171310810 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171310810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171310810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171310825 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171310825 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171310825 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171310825 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171310825 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171310835 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171310835 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171313862 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171313863 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171313864 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171313865 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171313865 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171317197 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171317198 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171317199 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171317422 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171317422 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171317422 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171317422 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171317422 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171317422 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171317422 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171317673 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171317674 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171318537 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171320586 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171322639 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171322656 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171322681 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171322701 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171323712 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_paging_imsi_nochan_ci_resp_invalid_mi() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171325942 DRSL ERROR RR GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_RESP: Cannot extract Mobile Identity: (L1=data-3) [L2]> 02 06 01 20 02 00 0b 00 0d [L3]> 06 27 00 03 53 59 92 61 79 65 72 00 00 (gsm_08_08.c:403) 20250124171337194 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171337194 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171337194 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171337194 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171337194 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171337198 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171337198 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171337198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337198 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171337198 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337199 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337199 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171337199 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337199 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171337199 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171337199 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171337199 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171337199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337199 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171337200 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337201 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337201 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337201 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171337202 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337202 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171337202 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171337203 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337203 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171337203 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337207 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337207 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337207 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171337207 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337207 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171337208 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337208 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337208 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171337208 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171337208 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337209 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337209 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171337209 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171337209 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171337209 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171337209 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171340247 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340249 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340249 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340249 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171340251 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340251 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340252 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340252 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340254 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340254 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340254 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340254 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340254 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340257 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340258 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340258 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340259 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340259 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340259 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171340260 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340261 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171340261 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171343072 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171343073 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171343074 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171343299 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171343299 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171343299 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171343300 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171343300 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171343300 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171343300 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171343537 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171343537 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171344410 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171345422 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_rsl_drop_counter() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171345431 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171345431 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171345431 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171345431 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171345431 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171345433 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171345433 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171345434 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171345434 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171345446 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171345446 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171345446 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171345446 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171345447 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171345456 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171345457 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171348486 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171348486 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171348487 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171348487 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171348487 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171351770 DLINP ERROR Unable to find BTS configuration for 99/0/0, disconnecting (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:639) 20250124171351770 DLINP ERROR E1L(0) Unable to set signal link, closing socket. (ipaccess.c:312) 20250124171351771 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171351771 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171358151 DLINP ERROR Unable to find BTS configuration for 99/0/0, disconnecting (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:639) 20250124171358151 DLINP ERROR E1TS(0:1) Unable to set signal link, closing socket. (ipaccess.c:297) 20250124171358151 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171358151 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124171404523 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171404524 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171404526 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171404759 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171404759 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171404759 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171404777 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171404777 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171405565 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171405565 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171405566 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171405566 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171405566 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171405584 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171405584 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171405584 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171405584 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171405647 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171406757 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_classmark() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171410101 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171410101 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171410101 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171410101 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171410101 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171410109 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171410110 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171410110 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171410110 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171410110 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171410115 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171410115 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171410115 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171410115 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171410119 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171410119 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171413177 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171413177 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171413178 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171413178 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171413178 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171416397 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171416397 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171416398 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171416632 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171416632 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171416632 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171416645 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171416645 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171417435 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171417435 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171417435 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171417435 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171417437 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171417449 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171417450 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171417450 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171417450 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171417488 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171418600 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_common_id() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171419699 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171419898 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171419905 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171419907 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171421899 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171421915 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171421915 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171421915 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171421915 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171421915 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171421923 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171421923 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171421923 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171421923 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171421924 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171421928 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171421928 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171421928 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171421928 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171421931 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171421932 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171424981 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171424981 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171424982 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171424982 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171424982 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171428235 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171428236 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171428237 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171428465 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171428465 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171428465 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171428481 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171428481 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171429269 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171429269 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171429270 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171429270 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171429272 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171429290 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171429290 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171429290 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171429291 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171429327 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171430442 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_unsol_ass_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171431554 DRR ERROR (bts=0,trx=0,ts=0,pchan=CCCH+SDCCH4+CBCH,state=IN_USE) (ss=0,SDCCH) (subscr-IMSI-001019877182526) Rx RR Assignment Failure, but no assignment is ongoing (gsm_04_08_rr.c:1194) 20250124171438567 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171438567 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171438567 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171438567 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171438567 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171438573 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171438573 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171438573 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171438573 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171438573 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171438578 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171438579 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171438579 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171438579 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171438582 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171438582 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171441640 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171441641 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171441643 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171441643 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171441643 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171444892 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171444892 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171444893 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171445113 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171445113 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171445113 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171445129 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171445129 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171445919 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171445919 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171445919 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171445919 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171445921 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171445928 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171445928 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171445928 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171445929 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171445963 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171447072 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_unsol_ass_compl() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171448186 DRR ERROR (bts=0,trx=0,ts=0,pchan=CCCH+SDCCH4+CBCH,state=IN_USE) (ss=0,SDCCH) (subscr-IMSI-001010144133272) Rx RR Assignment Complete, but no assignment is ongoing (gsm_04_08_rr.c:1186) 20250124171455185 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171455185 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171455185 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171455185 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171455186 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171455188 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171455188 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171455188 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171455188 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171455188 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171455190 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171455190 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171455190 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171455190 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171455191 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171455191 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171458237 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171458238 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171458238 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171458239 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171458239 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171501449 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171501450 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171501451 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171501670 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171501670 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171501670 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171501685 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171501685 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171502477 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171502477 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171502478 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171502478 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171502479 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171502490 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171502490 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171502490 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171502490 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171502511 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171503626 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_unsol_ho_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171504722 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000055720]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=SDCCH) Rx RR Handover Fail, but no handover is ongoing (gsm_04_08_rr.c:1173) 20250124171511724 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171511724 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171511724 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171511724 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171511724 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171511728 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171511728 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171511728 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171511729 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171511729 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171511730 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171511730 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171511730 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171511730 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171511731 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171511731 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171514785 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514785 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514786 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514786 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171514786 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171514786 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171514787 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171514787 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171514787 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171517988 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171517988 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171517988 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171518219 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171518219 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171518219 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171518235 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171518235 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171519018 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171519018 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171519018 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171519018 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171519020 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171519034 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171519034 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171519034 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171519035 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171519109 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171520217 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_err_82_short_msg() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171528318 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171528319 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171528319 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171528319 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171528319 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171528325 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171528325 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171528325 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171528325 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171528326 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171528330 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171528330 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171528330 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171528331 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171528334 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171528334 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171531385 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171531385 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171531386 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171531386 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171531386 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171534619 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171534619 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171534619 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171534845 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171534846 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171534846 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171534864 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171534864 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171535646 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171535646 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171535647 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171535647 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171535647 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171535658 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171535658 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171535658 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171535658 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171535709 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171536827 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_err_84_unknown_msg() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171537918 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x6120000894a0]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=SDCCH) Unknown RR message: DTM ASSIGNMENT FAILURE (gsm_04_08_rr.c:1223) 20250124171540105 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171540105 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171540105 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171540105 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171540105 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171540114 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171540114 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171540114 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171540114 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171540114 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171540118 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171540118 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171540118 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171540118 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171540120 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171540120 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171543166 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171543166 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171543167 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171543167 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171543167 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171546406 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171546407 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171546408 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171546635 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171546635 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171546635 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171546648 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171546648 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171547442 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171547442 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171547442 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171547443 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171547445 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171547453 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171547453 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171547454 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171547454 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171547488 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171549639 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171550748 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_int() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171552263 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200008c320]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171554287 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124171556665 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171556675 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171556680 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171556681 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171558679 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171559327 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171559327 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171559327 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171559327 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171559327 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171559327 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124171559329 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171559329 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171559329 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171559329 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171559329 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171559331 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171559332 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171559332 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171559332 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171559333 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171559333 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171559333 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171559333 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171559333 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171559333 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171559333 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171559334 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171559335 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171559335 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171559335 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171602362 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171602363 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171602364 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171602364 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171602364 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171602364 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171602365 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171602365 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171602365 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171605492 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171605493 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171605493 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171605713 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171605713 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171605713 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171605734 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171605734 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171606521 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171606521 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171606521 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171606521 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171606523 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171606537 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171606537 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171606537 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171606538 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171606590 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171608747 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171609859 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_int_a5_0() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171611392 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200008ff20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171613408 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124171615785 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171615793 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171615798 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171615800 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171617795 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171618453 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171618453 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171618453 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171618453 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171618453 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171618456 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171618456 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171618456 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171618456 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171618456 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171618457 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171618457 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171618457 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171618457 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171618458 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171618458 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171618458 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171618458 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171618458 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171618459 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171618459 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171618459 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171618459 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171618459 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171618459 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171621498 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171621498 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171621498 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171621499 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171621499 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171621499 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171621499 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171621500 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171621500 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171624595 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171624595 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171624595 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171624813 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171624813 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171624813 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171624831 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171624832 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171625619 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171625619 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171625619 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171625619 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171625619 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171625627 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171625627 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171625627 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171625627 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171625661 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171627815 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171628921 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_int_a5_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171630429 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003e620]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171632451 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124171634823 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171634832 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171634836 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171634838 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171636837 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171637482 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171637483 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171637483 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171637483 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171637483 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171637484 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171637484 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171637485 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171637485 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171637485 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171637486 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171637487 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171637487 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171637487 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171637487 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171637487 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171637487 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171637487 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171637487 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171637487 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171637487 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171637488 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171637488 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171637488 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171637488 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171640536 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640537 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640537 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640537 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171640537 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171640539 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171640539 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171640539 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640539 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171640540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171640540 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171640540 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171640540 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171640540 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171643648 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171643649 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171643650 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171643874 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171643874 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171643874 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171643889 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171643889 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171644680 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171644680 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171644681 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171644681 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171644683 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171644694 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171644694 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171644694 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171644694 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171644726 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171646868 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171647979 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_int_a5_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171649533 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000045820]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171651556 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124171653933 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171653941 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171653947 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171653950 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171655946 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171656608 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171656608 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171656608 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171656608 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171656608 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171656612 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171656612 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171656612 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171656612 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171656612 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171656615 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171656615 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171656615 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171656615 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171656616 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171656616 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171656616 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171656616 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171656616 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171656616 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171656616 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171656617 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171656617 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171656618 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171656618 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171659675 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171659675 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171659676 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171659678 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171659678 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171659679 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171659679 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171659679 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171659679 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171702784 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171702784 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171702786 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171703009 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171703009 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171703009 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171703026 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171703026 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171703816 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171703816 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171703817 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171703817 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171703818 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171703831 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171703831 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171703831 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171703832 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171703865 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171706027 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171707135 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_int_a5_4() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171708629 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000057b20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171710651 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124171713026 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171713036 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171713041 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171713042 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171715040 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171715684 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171715684 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171715684 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171715684 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171715685 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171715685 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124171715688 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171715688 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171715688 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171715688 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171715688 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171715690 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171715690 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171715690 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171715690 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171715691 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171715691 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171715691 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171715691 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171715691 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171715691 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171715691 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171715693 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171715693 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171715693 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171715693 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171718743 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171718743 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171718743 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171718744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171718744 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171718745 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171718745 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171718745 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171718745 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171718745 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171721850 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171721851 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171721852 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171722072 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171722073 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171722073 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171722088 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171722088 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171722878 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171722878 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171722878 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171722878 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171722880 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171722888 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171722888 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171722888 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171722889 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171722929 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171725082 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171726192 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_int_radio_link_failure() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171727665 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000501a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171729687 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124171730715 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200007dc20]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=TCH_F) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124171730724 DRSL ERROR handover(intraBSC_msc0-conn121_subscr-IMSI-001012986438289)[0x612000062020]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (1-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012986438289) HO-intraBSC: Handover failed in state WAIT_SCCP_RLSD, Connection released: Connection releasing in the middle of handover (handover_fsm.c:1535) 20250124171733368 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171733368 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171733368 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171733368 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171733368 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171733373 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171733373 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171733373 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171733373 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171733373 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171733375 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171733375 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171733375 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171733375 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171733376 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171733376 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171733376 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171733376 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171733376 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171733376 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171733376 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171733377 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171733377 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171733377 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171733377 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171736418 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171736418 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171736419 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171736420 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171736420 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171736420 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171736420 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171736420 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171736420 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171739545 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171739546 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171739548 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171739772 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171739772 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171739772 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171739800 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171739800 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171740577 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171740577 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171740577 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171740577 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171740579 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171740603 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171740603 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171740603 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171740604 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171740701 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171741808 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_out_fail_no_msc_response() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171743443 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003f9a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171755465 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCout_msc0-conn122_subscr-IMSI-001013991173266)[0x6120000369a0]{inter-BSC-OUT:WAIT_HO_COMMAND}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (ARFCN-BSIC:123-any) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001013991173266) HO-interBSC-Out: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (timeout): Timeout (handover_fsm.c:1562) 20250124171801499 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171801512 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171801517 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171801519 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171803515 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171803655 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171803655 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171803655 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171803655 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171803655 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171803655 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124171803657 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171803657 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171803657 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171803657 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171803657 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171803658 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171803658 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171803658 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171803658 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171803658 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171803658 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171806712 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171806713 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171806713 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171806713 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171809921 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171809922 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171809923 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171810148 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171810148 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171810148 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171810170 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171810170 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171810955 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171810955 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171810955 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171810955 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171810957 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171810976 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171810976 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171810976 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171810976 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171811060 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171812172 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_out_fail_rr_ho_failure() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171813753 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200001f8a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171816505 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCout_msc0-conn123_subscr-IMSI-001010962583569)[0x61200001fea0]{inter-BSC-OUT:WAIT_CLEAR}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (ARFCN-BSIC:123-any) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001010962583569) HO-interBSC-Out: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (MS sent RR Handover Failure): Received RR Handover Failure message (handover_fsm.c:1413) 20250124171819526 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171819537 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171819542 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171819544 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171821541 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171821682 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171821683 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171821683 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171821683 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171821683 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171821684 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171821684 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171821685 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171821685 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171821685 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171821685 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171821685 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171821685 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171821685 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171821686 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171821686 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171824746 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171824746 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171824747 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171824747 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171824747 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171827949 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171827949 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171827950 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171828172 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171828172 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171828172 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171828192 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171828192 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171828978 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171828978 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171828979 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171828979 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171828981 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171828996 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171828997 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171828997 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171828997 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171829032 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171830140 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_out_fail_no_result_after_ho_cmd() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171831624 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200000da20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124171844171 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCout_msc0-conn124_subscr-IMSI-001015681909804)[0x61200003a8a0]{inter-BSC-OUT:WAIT_CLEAR}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (ARFCN-BSIC:123-any) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001015681909804) HO-interBSC-Out: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (timeout): Timeout (handover_fsm.c:1562) 20250124171844172 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn124_subscr-IMSI-001015681909804)[0x612000036ca0]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event HANDOVER_END not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1080) 20250124171845377 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171845377 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171845377 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171845377 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171845377 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171845380 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171845380 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171845380 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171845380 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171845380 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171845381 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171845381 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171845381 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171845381 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171845382 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171845382 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171848442 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171848442 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171848443 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171848443 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171848443 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171851658 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171851660 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171851661 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171851881 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171851881 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171851881 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171851895 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171851895 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171852687 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171852687 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171852687 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171852688 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171852689 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171852699 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171852699 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171852699 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171852700 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171852748 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171853861 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171856083 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000041c20]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124171856135 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171856145 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171856151 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171856152 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171858158 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171858308 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171858308 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171858308 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171858309 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171858309 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171858311 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171858311 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171858311 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171858311 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171858311 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171858314 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171858314 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171858314 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171858314 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171858318 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171858318 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171901371 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171901371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171901372 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171901372 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171901372 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171904586 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171904587 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171904589 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171904820 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171904820 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171904820 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171904835 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171904835 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171905623 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171905623 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171905624 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171905624 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171905625 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171905645 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171905645 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171905645 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171905646 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171905718 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171906824 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_0() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171909114 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200002e8a0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124171909163 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171909173 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171909179 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171909181 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171911178 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171911335 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171911335 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171911335 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171911335 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171911335 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171911336 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124171911338 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171911338 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171911338 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171911338 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171911338 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171911339 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171911339 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171911339 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171911339 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171911340 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171911340 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171914397 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171914397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171914398 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171914398 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171914398 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171917602 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171917603 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171917604 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171917824 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171917824 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171917824 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171917835 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171917835 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171918630 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171918630 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171918630 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171918630 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171918632 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171918644 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171918644 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171918644 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171918644 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171918674 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171919791 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171922075 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000023aa0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124171922127 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171922137 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171922142 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171922144 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171924141 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171924285 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171924285 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171924285 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171924285 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171924285 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171924288 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171924288 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171924289 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171924289 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171924289 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171924291 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171924291 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171924291 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171924291 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171924292 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171924292 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171927345 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171927345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171927346 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171927346 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171927346 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171930633 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171930634 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171930636 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171930855 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171930855 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171930855 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171930872 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171930873 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171931659 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171931659 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171931660 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171931660 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171931661 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171931671 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171931671 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171931671 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171931671 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171931711 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171932819 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171935051 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000088ba0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124171935103 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171935114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171935119 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171935122 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171937116 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171937299 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171937299 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171937299 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171937299 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171937299 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171937308 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171937308 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171937309 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171937309 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171937309 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171937313 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171937314 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171937314 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171937314 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171937317 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171937317 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171940373 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171940373 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171940374 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171940374 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171940374 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171943612 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171943613 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171943616 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171943845 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171943845 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171943845 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171943860 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171943860 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171944650 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171944650 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171944651 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171944651 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171944653 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171944664 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171944664 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171944664 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171944664 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171944719 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171945832 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_4() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171948136 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008b2a0]{WAIT_MGW_ENDPOINT_CONFIGURED}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124171948187 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171948196 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171948202 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171948204 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171950199 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124171950345 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171950345 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124171950345 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171950345 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124171950345 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171950350 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124171950350 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124171950350 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171950350 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124171950350 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171950350 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124171950350 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171950350 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124171950350 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124171950352 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124171950352 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171953377 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171953378 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124171953378 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171953379 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124171953379 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124171956623 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171956624 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171956625 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124171956845 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171956845 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124171956845 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171956869 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124171956869 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124171957652 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124171957653 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124171957653 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171957653 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124171957655 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124171957669 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124171957669 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124171957669 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124171957669 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124171957727 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124171958843 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3_no_chosen_enc_alg() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172001108 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008d3a0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172001160 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172001171 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172001177 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172001179 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172003176 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172003321 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172003321 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172003321 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172003321 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172003321 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172003323 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172003324 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172003324 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172003324 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172003324 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172003324 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172003324 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172003324 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172003324 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172003325 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172003325 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172006371 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172006371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006371 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172006372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172006372 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172006373 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172006373 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172009593 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172009594 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172009594 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172009816 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172009816 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172009816 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172009832 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172009832 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172010624 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172010624 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172010624 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172010624 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172010626 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172010637 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172010637 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172010638 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172010638 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172010679 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172011792 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_1_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172014121 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008f020]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172014173 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172014183 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172014188 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172014190 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172016186 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172016332 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172016332 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172016332 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172016332 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172016332 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172016334 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172016334 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172016334 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172016334 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172016334 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172016337 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172016337 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172016337 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172016337 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172016338 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172016338 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172019397 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172019397 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172019399 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172019399 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172019399 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172022584 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172022585 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172022585 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172022815 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172022815 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172022815 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172022842 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172022842 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172023617 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172023617 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172023618 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172023618 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172023620 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172023646 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172023646 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172023646 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172023647 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172023705 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172024814 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_a5_mismatch() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172027034 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCin_msc0-conn9)[0x61200007cea0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (remote:LAC-CI:1-1) --HO-> (local:LAC-CI:1-0|0-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-null) HO-interBSC-In: Handover failed in state WAIT_INITIAL_USER_DATA, Failure (MS sent RR Handover Failure): There is no A5 encryption mode that both BSC and MSC permit: MSC 0x18 & BSC 0x3 = 0 (handover_fsm.c:737) 20250124172027045 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172027053 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172027186 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172027186 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172027186 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172027186 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172027187 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172027188 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172027188 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172027188 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172027188 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172027188 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172027190 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172027190 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172027191 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172027191 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172027192 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172027192 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172030250 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172030251 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172030251 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172030253 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172030253 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172033463 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172033464 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172033467 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172033688 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172033688 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172033688 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172033702 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172033702 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172034497 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172034497 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172034497 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172034497 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172034500 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172034512 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172034512 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172034512 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172034512 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172034547 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172035663 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_tla_v6() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172037937 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000056c20]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172037986 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172037995 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172038001 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172038003 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172040000 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172040151 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172040151 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172040151 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172040151 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172040151 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172040153 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172040153 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172040153 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172040153 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172040153 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172040156 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172040156 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172040156 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172040156 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172040158 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172040158 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172043216 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172043216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172043218 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172043218 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172043218 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172046412 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172046412 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172046412 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172046634 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172046634 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172046634 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172046649 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172046649 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172047438 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172047438 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172047438 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172047438 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172047440 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172047454 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172047454 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172047454 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172047455 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172047487 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172048595 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172050850 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200007cd20]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172050902 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172050913 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172050918 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172050920 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172052917 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172053223 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172053223 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172053223 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172053223 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172053223 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172053224 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124172053227 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172053227 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172053227 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172053227 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172053228 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172053230 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172053231 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172053231 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172053231 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172053233 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172053234 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172056279 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172056279 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172056280 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172056281 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172056281 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172059511 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172059511 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172059512 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172059737 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172059737 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172059737 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172059752 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172059752 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172100541 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172100541 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172100541 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172100541 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172100542 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172100552 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172100552 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172100552 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172100552 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172100589 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172101702 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_a5_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172103974 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200001b220]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172104027 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172104037 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172104044 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172104046 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172106041 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172106296 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172106296 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172106296 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172106296 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172106297 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172106297 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124172106300 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172106300 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172106300 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172106300 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172106300 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172106302 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172106302 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172106302 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172106303 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172106304 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172106304 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172109364 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172109365 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172109367 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172109367 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172109367 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172112573 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172112574 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172112576 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172112815 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172112815 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172112815 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172112841 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172112841 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172113623 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172113623 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172113623 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172113623 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172113624 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172113642 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172113642 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172113642 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172113642 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172113693 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172114806 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_src_sai() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172117051 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000033a0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172117103 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172117112 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172117118 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172117119 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172119116 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172119378 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172119378 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172119378 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172119378 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172119378 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172119380 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172119380 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172119380 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172119380 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172119380 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172119381 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172119381 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172119381 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172119381 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172119381 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172119381 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172122442 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172122443 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172122444 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172122444 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172122444 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172125625 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172125625 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172125626 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172125626 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172125646 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172125647 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172125648 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172125870 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172125870 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172125870 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172125891 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172125891 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172126671 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172126671 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172126671 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172126671 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172126674 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172126691 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172126691 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172126691 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172126691 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172128678 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172128678 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172128679 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172128679 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172128679 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172129761 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172130869 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172133138 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000060b20]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172133197 DHODEC NOTICE (lchan 0.010 TCH_F SPEECH_V1) (subscr subscr-null) RX level is TOO LOW: -102 < -100 (handover_decision_2.c:1574) 20250124172136098 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172136098 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172136098 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172136098 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172136098 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172136101 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172136101 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172136101 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172136101 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172136101 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172136103 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172136103 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172136103 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172136103 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172136104 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172136104 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172139156 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172139157 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172139157 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172139158 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172139158 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172142377 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172142380 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172142381 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172142605 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172142605 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172142605 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172142621 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172142621 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172143409 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172143409 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172143410 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172143410 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172143412 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172143426 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172143426 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172143426 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172143426 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172143463 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172144570 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_forbid_fast_return() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172146851 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000591a0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172146901 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172146910 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172146916 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172146918 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172148915 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172149086 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172149086 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172149086 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172149086 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172149086 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172149088 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172149088 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172149088 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172149088 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172149088 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172149089 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172149089 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172149089 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172149089 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172149090 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172149090 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172152149 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172152150 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172152150 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172152150 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172155336 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172155336 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172155337 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172155337 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172155355 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172155356 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172155357 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172155578 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172155578 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172155578 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172155595 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172155595 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172156387 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172156387 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172156388 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172156388 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172156390 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172156400 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172156400 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172156400 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172156400 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172158392 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172158392 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172158393 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172158393 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172158393 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172159435 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172200547 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_srvcc_eutran_to_geran_ho_out_forbid_fast_return() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172202805 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000030fa0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172202862 DHODEC NOTICE (lchan 0.010 TCH_F SPEECH_V1) (subscr subscr-null) RX level is TOO LOW: -102 < -100 (handover_decision_2.c:1574) 20250124172205733 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172205733 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172205733 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172205733 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172205733 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172205735 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172205735 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172205735 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172205735 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172205735 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172205736 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172205736 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172205737 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172205737 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172205738 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172205738 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172208791 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172208792 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172208793 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172208793 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172208793 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172212010 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172212011 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172212012 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172212233 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172212233 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172212233 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172212252 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172212252 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172213040 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172213040 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172213040 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172213040 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172213042 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172213052 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172213052 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172213052 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172213052 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172213097 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172214207 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172217505 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCin_msc0-conn17)[0x61200002a6a0]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (remote:LAC-CI:1-1) --HO-> (local:LAC-CI:1-0|0-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-null) HO-interBSC-In: Handover failed in state WAIT_SCCP_RLSD, Connection released: Connection releasing in the middle of handover (handover_fsm.c:1535) 20250124172218668 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172218669 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172218669 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172218669 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172218669 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172218672 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172218672 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172218672 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172218672 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172218672 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172218674 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172218674 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172218675 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172218675 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172218675 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172218676 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172221734 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172221735 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172221735 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172221736 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172221736 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172224944 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172224945 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172224946 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172225166 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172225166 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172225166 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172225178 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172225178 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172225973 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172225973 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172225974 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172225974 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172225976 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172225985 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172225985 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172225985 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172225985 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172226028 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172227141 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_in_fail_msc_clears_after_ho_detect() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172229378 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000030b20]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172229380 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCin_msc0-conn18)[0x612000086c20]{WAIT_RR_HO_COMPLETE}: (remote:LAC-CI:1-1) --HO-> (local:LAC-CI:1-0|0-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-null) HO-interBSC-In: Handover failed in state WAIT_SCCP_RLSD, Connection released: Connection releasing in the middle of handover (handover_fsm.c:1535) 20250124172229380 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000393a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Rx RSL IPACC: MDCX ACK message for unconfigured lchan (abis_rsl.c:3194) 20250124172229380 DLINP ERROR E1TS(0:2) Bad signalling message, sign_link returned error: Invalid argument. (ipaccess.c:590) 20250124172230530 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172230531 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172230531 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172230531 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172230531 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172230531 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124172230533 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172230533 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172230533 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172230533 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172230533 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172230533 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172230534 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172230534 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172230534 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172230534 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172230534 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172233586 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172233586 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172233587 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172233587 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172233587 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172236803 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172236803 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172236804 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172237022 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172237022 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172237022 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172237035 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172237035 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172237828 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172237828 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172237828 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172237828 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172237830 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172237839 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172237839 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172237839 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172237839 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172237880 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172238993 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172244197 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000043ba0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=yes) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124172244197 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000043ba0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=yes)) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172244197 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCin_msc0-conn19)[0x612000030e20]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (remote:LAC-CI:1-1) --HO-> (local:LAC-CI:1-0|0-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-null) HO-interBSC-In: Handover failed in state WAIT_INITIAL_USER_DATA, Failure: Error while establishing lchan (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (handover_fsm.c:1549) 20250124172245369 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172245369 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172245369 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172245369 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172245369 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172245372 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172245372 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172245372 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172245372 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172245372 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172245374 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172245374 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172245374 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172245374 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172245376 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172245376 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172248430 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172248430 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172248431 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172248431 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172248431 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172251639 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172251639 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172251640 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172251875 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172251875 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172251876 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172251908 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172251908 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172252684 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172252684 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172252684 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172252684 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172252686 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172252709 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172252709 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172252709 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172252709 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172252770 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172253876 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_in_fail_no_detect2() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172259083 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000228a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=yes) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124172259084 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000228a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=yes)) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172259084 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCin_msc0-conn20)[0x61200003b920]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (remote:LAC-CI:1-1) --HO-> (local:LAC-CI:1-0|0-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-null) HO-interBSC-In: Handover failed in state WAIT_INITIAL_USER_DATA, Failure: Error while establishing lchan (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (handover_fsm.c:1549) 20250124172300243 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172300243 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172300243 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172300243 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172300243 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172300245 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172300245 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172300245 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172300245 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172300245 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172300247 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172300247 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172300247 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172300247 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172300248 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172300248 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172303301 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172303301 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172303302 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172303304 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172303304 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172306522 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172306523 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172306525 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172306755 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172306755 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172306755 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172306771 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172306771 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172307563 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172307563 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172307563 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172307563 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172307565 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172307579 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172307579 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172307579 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172307580 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172307609 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172308721 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_in_fail_mgw_mdcx_timeout() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172313932 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000873a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124172313932 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000873a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=no)) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172313932 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCin_msc0-conn21)[0x61200008d820]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (remote:LAC-CI:1-1) --HO-> (local:LAC-CI:1-0|0-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-null) HO-interBSC-In: Handover failed in state WAIT_INITIAL_USER_DATA, Failure: Error while establishing lchan (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (handover_fsm.c:1549) 20250124172314975 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172314986 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172315123 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172315123 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172315123 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172315123 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172315123 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172315125 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172315125 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172315126 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172315126 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172315126 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172315126 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172315126 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172315126 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172315126 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172315127 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172315127 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172318175 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172318176 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172318177 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172318178 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172318178 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172321381 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172321381 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172321381 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172321609 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172321609 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172321609 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172321620 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172321620 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172322415 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172322415 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172322415 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172322415 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172322417 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172322425 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172322425 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172322425 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172322425 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172322476 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172323586 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_in_fail_ipa_crcx_timeout() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172328800 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000087fa0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124172328800 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000087fa0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=yes,voice_ready=no)) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172328800 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCin_msc0-conn22)[0x612000088ea0]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (remote:LAC-CI:1-1) --HO-> (local:LAC-CI:1-0|0-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-null) HO-interBSC-In: Handover failed in state WAIT_INITIAL_USER_DATA, Failure: Error while establishing lchan (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (handover_fsm.c:1549) 20250124172328819 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172328827 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172328965 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172328966 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172328966 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172328966 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172328966 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172328968 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172328968 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172328968 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172328968 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172328969 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172328971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172328971 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172328971 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172328975 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172328976 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172328976 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172332012 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172332013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172332014 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172332014 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172332014 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172335244 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172335244 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172335246 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172335474 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172335474 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172335474 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172335494 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172335494 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172336280 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172336280 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172336281 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172336281 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172336282 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172336297 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172336297 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172336297 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172336298 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172336317 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172337428 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_into_this_bsc_sccp_cr_without_bssap() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172339704 DCHAN ERROR lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008f1a0]{WAIT_IPACC_MDCX_ACK}: Event LCHAN_RTP_EV_READY_TO_SWITCH_RTP not permitted (handover_fsm.c:1271) 20250124172339755 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172339764 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172339771 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172339772 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172341768 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172341931 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172341931 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172341931 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172341931 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172341931 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172341933 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172341933 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172341933 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172341933 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172341933 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172341936 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172341936 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172341937 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172341937 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172341938 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172341938 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172344994 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172344995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172344995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172344996 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172344996 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172344996 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172348208 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172348210 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172348211 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172348437 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172348437 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172348437 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172348453 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172348453 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172349243 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172349243 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172349243 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172349243 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172349245 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172349251 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172349251 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172349251 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172349252 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172349304 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172351455 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172353608 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172353618 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172353621 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172353621 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172353627 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172353628 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172353628 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172353635 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172353637 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172353637 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172354753 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_neighbor_config_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172356253 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000056920]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124172358308 DRSL ERROR handover(intraBSC_msc0-conn125_subscr-IMSI-001012400605614)[0x61200001d4a0]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (1-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012400605614) HO-intraBSC: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (MS sent RR Handover Failure): Received RR Handover Fail message (handover_fsm.c:1288) 20250124172401820 DRSL ERROR handover(msc0-conn125_subscr-IMSI-001012400605614)[0x612000047620]{NOT_STARTED}: (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012400605614) HO-none: Cannot Handover, no cell matches ARFCN-BSIC:13-39 (handover_logic.c:213) 20250124172403309 DCHAN ERROR lchan(1-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000061720]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124172403309 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(1-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000061720]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172403309 DCHAN ERROR lchan(1-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000061720]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan activation for Handover failed, but activation request has no conn (lchan_fsm.c:182) 20250124172406841 DRSL ERROR handover(msc0-conn125_subscr-IMSI-001012400605614)[0x61200008dfa0]{NOT_STARTED}: (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012400605614) HO-none: NEIGHBOR CONFIGURATION ERROR: Multiple local cells match ARFCN-BSIC:871-12 (BTS 2 and BTS 3). Aborting Handover because of ambiguous network topology. (handover_logic.c:196) 20250124172411877 DRSL ERROR handover(intraBSC_msc0-conn125_subscr-IMSI-001012400605614)[0x61200008e120]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (1-0-2-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012400605614) HO-intraBSC: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (MS sent RR Handover Failure): Received RR Handover Fail message (handover_fsm.c:1288) 20250124172415385 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172415397 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172415403 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172415405 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172416878 DCHAN ERROR lchan(1-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000060ca0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124172416878 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(1-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000060ca0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172416878 DCHAN ERROR lchan(1-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000060ca0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan activation for Handover failed, but activation request has no conn (lchan_fsm.c:182) 20250124172417401 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172417550 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172417550 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172417550 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172417550 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172417550 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172417551 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124172417555 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172417555 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172417555 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417555 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172417555 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417556 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417556 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417556 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172417556 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417557 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172417557 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172417557 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172417557 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172417557 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417557 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172417557 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417558 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417558 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417558 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172417558 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417558 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172417558 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172417558 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417558 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172417558 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417561 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417562 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417562 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172417562 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417562 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172417562 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417562 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417563 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172417563 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172417563 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417563 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417563 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172417563 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172417563 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172417564 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172417564 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172420602 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420602 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420603 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420603 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420604 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172420605 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420605 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420606 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420606 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420606 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420606 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420606 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420607 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420607 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420611 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420612 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420612 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420613 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420613 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420613 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172420614 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420614 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172420614 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172423459 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172423459 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172423461 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172423693 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172423693 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172423693 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172423721 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172423721 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172424501 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172424501 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172424501 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172424501 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172424502 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172424524 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172424524 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172424524 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172424524 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172424597 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172426750 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172428891 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172428903 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172428908 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172428908 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172428916 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172428920 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172428920 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172428929 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172428933 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172428933 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172430042 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_neighbor_config_2() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172431537 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000459a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124172434097 DRSL ERROR handover(intraBSC_msc0-conn126_subscr-IMSI-001012081231962)[0x612000018220]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (1-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012081231962) HO-intraBSC: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (MS sent RR Handover Failure): Received RR Handover Fail message (handover_fsm.c:1288) 20250124172437612 DRSL ERROR handover(msc0-conn126_subscr-IMSI-001012081231962)[0x612000029020]{NOT_STARTED}: (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012081231962) HO-none: Cannot handover BTS 0 -> ARFCN-BSIC:871-12: neighbor unknown (handover_logic.c:244) 20250124172439098 DCHAN ERROR lchan(1-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200007c8a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124172439098 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(1-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200007c8a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172439098 DCHAN ERROR lchan(1-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200007c8a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan activation for Handover failed, but activation request has no conn (lchan_fsm.c:182) 20250124172442629 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172442640 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172442647 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172442649 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172444644 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172444787 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172444788 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172444788 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172444788 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172444788 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172444793 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172444793 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172444793 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444793 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172444793 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444799 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444800 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444800 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172444800 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444801 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444801 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172444801 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172444801 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444803 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172444803 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444803 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444803 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172444809 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172444810 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172444811 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172444811 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172444811 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172444811 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172444811 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444811 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172444811 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444813 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444813 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444813 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172444813 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444814 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172444814 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172444815 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444815 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172444815 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444816 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172444816 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172444817 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172444817 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172447841 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447842 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447842 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447843 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172447843 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447845 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447845 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447845 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172447845 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447845 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447846 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447847 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447847 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447847 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447847 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447847 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447849 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447849 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447849 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172447852 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447852 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172447852 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172450701 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172450703 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172450704 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172450927 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172450927 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172450927 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172450940 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172450940 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172451734 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172451734 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172451734 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172451734 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172451734 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172451746 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172451747 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172451747 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172451747 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172451789 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172453949 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172456099 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172456111 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172456115 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172456115 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172456120 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172456123 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172456123 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172456128 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172456131 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172456131 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172457242 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_neighbor_config_3() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172458765 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000062620]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124172501297 DRSL ERROR handover(msc0-conn127_subscr-IMSI-001012324465933)[0x61200000d5a0]{NOT_STARTED}: (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012324465933) HO-none: Cannot handover BTS 0 -> ARFCN-BSIC:871-11: neighbor unknown (handover_logic.c:244) 20250124172506346 DRSL ERROR handover(intraBSC_msc0-conn127_subscr-IMSI-001012324465933)[0x612000060b20]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (2-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001012324465933) HO-intraBSC: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (MS sent RR Handover Failure): Received RR Handover Fail message (handover_fsm.c:1288) 20250124172509856 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172509867 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172509871 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172509874 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172511347 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000044320]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124172511347 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000044320]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172511347 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000044320]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan activation for Handover failed, but activation request has no conn (lchan_fsm.c:182) 20250124172511870 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172512017 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172512017 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172512017 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172512017 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172512017 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172512017 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124172512022 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172512022 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172512022 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512022 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172512022 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512028 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512028 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512028 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172512028 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512028 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512028 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172512029 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172512029 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512029 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512029 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172512029 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172512029 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512030 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512030 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172512030 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172512030 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512031 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172512031 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172512031 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172512031 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172512031 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512031 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172512031 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512033 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512033 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512033 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172512033 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512034 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172512034 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172512034 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512034 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172512034 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512035 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172512035 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172512036 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172512036 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172515072 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515072 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515073 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172515073 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515074 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515074 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172515074 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515074 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515075 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515075 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515075 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515079 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515079 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515079 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515082 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515082 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515082 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515083 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515083 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515083 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172515083 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515084 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172515084 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172517954 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172517955 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172517956 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172518181 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172518181 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172518181 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172518196 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172518196 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172518988 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172518988 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172518988 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172518988 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172518989 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172518998 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172518998 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172518998 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172518999 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172519039 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172521202 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172523339 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172523353 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172523360 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172523360 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172523367 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172523371 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172523371 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172523377 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172523380 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172523380 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172524492 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_neighbor_config_4() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172525939 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200002d820]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124172528466 DRSL ERROR handover(msc0-conn128_subscr-IMSI-001015092252241)[0x612000003820]{NOT_STARTED}: (subscr subscr-IMSI-001015092252241) HO-none: Cannot handover BTS 0 -> ARFCN-BSIC:871-11: neighbor unknown (handover_logic.c:244) 20250124172533490 DRSL ERROR handover(msc0-conn128_subscr-IMSI-001015092252241)[0x6120000441a0]{NOT_STARTED}: (subscr subscr-IMSI-001015092252241) HO-none: Cannot handover BTS 0 -> ARFCN-BSIC:871-12: neighbor unknown (handover_logic.c:244) 20250124172539508 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCout_msc0-conn128_subscr-IMSI-001015092252241)[0x612000043d20]{inter-BSC-OUT:WAIT_HO_COMMAND}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (ARFCN-BSIC:123-45) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001015092252241) HO-interBSC-Out: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (timeout): Timeout (handover_fsm.c:1562) 20250124172543026 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172543037 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172543043 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172543045 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172545042 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172545184 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172545184 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172545184 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172545184 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172545184 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172545186 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172545186 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172545187 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545187 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172545187 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545189 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545189 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545189 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172545189 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545190 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172545190 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172545190 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545190 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172545190 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545195 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545196 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545196 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172545196 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545196 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172545197 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545197 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545197 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172545197 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172545198 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545198 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172545198 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172545198 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172545200 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172545200 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172545200 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172545200 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172545200 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545200 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172545201 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545202 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172545202 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172545202 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172545203 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172548243 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548243 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172548243 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548244 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548244 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548247 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548247 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548247 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172548250 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548250 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548250 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548250 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548250 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548250 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548251 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548251 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548251 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548252 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548252 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548252 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172548253 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548253 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172548253 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172551080 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172551080 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172551080 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172551301 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172551301 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172551301 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172551318 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172551319 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172552108 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172552108 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172552109 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172552109 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172552110 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172552124 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172552124 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172552124 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172552125 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172552168 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172554325 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172556472 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172556484 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172556487 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172556487 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172556497 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172556502 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172556502 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172556508 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172556511 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172556511 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172557626 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_neighbor_config_5() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172559148 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000052ba0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124172602684 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCout_msc0-conn129_subscr-IMSI-001015306461755)[0x6120000528a0]{inter-BSC-OUT:WAIT_HO_COMMAND}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (ARFCN-BSIC:871-12) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001015306461755) HO-interBSC-Out: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (timeout): Timeout (handover_fsm.c:1562) 20250124172606199 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172606208 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172606213 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172606215 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172608213 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172608389 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172608389 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172608389 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172608390 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172608390 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172608397 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172608397 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172608398 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608398 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172608398 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608401 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608401 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608401 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172608401 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608402 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172608403 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172608403 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608403 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172608403 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608406 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608406 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608406 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172608406 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608408 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172608408 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172608408 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608408 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172608409 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608417 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608417 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608417 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172608417 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608418 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608418 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172608419 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172608419 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608419 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608420 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172608421 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172608421 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608422 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172608422 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172608422 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172608423 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172608424 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172608424 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172611449 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611450 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172611452 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611453 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611453 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611453 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172611461 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611461 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611461 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611461 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172611462 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611462 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172611464 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611465 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611465 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611466 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611467 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611467 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611468 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611468 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611468 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172611469 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611469 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172611470 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172614319 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172614321 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172614322 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172614555 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172614555 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172614555 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172614576 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172614576 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172615359 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172615359 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172615360 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172615360 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172615361 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172615378 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172615378 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172615378 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172615378 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172615424 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172617579 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172619722 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172619731 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172619735 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172619735 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172619742 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172619745 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172619745 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172619754 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172619757 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172619757 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172620867 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_neighbor_config_6() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172622347 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200000d8a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124172624884 DRSL ERROR handover(msc0-conn130_subscr-IMSI-001014398440146)[0x612000089320]{NOT_STARTED}: (subscr subscr-IMSI-001014398440146) HO-none: NEIGHBOR CONFIGURATION ERROR: Both a local and a remote-BSS cell match BTS 0 -> ARFCN-BSIC:871-12 (BTS 0 and remote LAC[1]:{99}). Aborting Handover because of ambiguous network topology. (handover_logic.c:258) 20250124172629903 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172629914 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172629919 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172629921 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172631918 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172632070 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172632070 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172632070 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172632070 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172632070 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172632077 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172632077 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172632077 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632077 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172632078 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632081 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632081 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632081 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172632081 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632082 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172632082 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172632082 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632082 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172632082 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632083 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632083 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632083 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172632084 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632084 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172632084 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172632084 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632085 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172632085 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632089 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632089 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632089 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172632089 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632089 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632089 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172632090 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172632090 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632091 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172632091 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632092 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632092 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172632092 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172632092 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172632093 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172632093 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172632093 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172632093 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172635125 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635125 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172635127 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635127 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635128 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635128 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635128 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172635131 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635131 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635131 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635133 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635133 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635133 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635135 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635136 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635137 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635137 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635137 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172635138 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635138 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172635138 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172637979 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172637980 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172637981 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172638212 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172638212 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172638212 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172638227 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172638227 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172639017 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172639017 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172639017 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172639017 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172639018 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124172639032 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124172639032 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172639032 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124172639032 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172639077 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172641233 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172643376 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172643389 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172643392 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172643392 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172643398 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172643401 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172643401 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172643407 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172643409 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124172643409 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124172644522 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_neighbor_config_7() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172645963 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000089da0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124172648522 DRSL ERROR handover(intraBSC_msc0-conn131_subscr-IMSI-001014294442591)[0x61200008f1a0]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (2-0-1-TCH/F-0) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001014294442591) HO-intraBSC: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (MS sent RR Handover Failure): Received RR Handover Fail message (handover_fsm.c:1288) 20250124172653038 DRSL ERROR handover(interBSCout_msc0-conn131_subscr-IMSI-001014294442591)[0x61200008f020]{inter-BSC-OUT:WAIT_HO_COMMAND}: (0-0-1-TCH_F-0-SPEECH_V1) --HO-> (ARFCN-BSIC:123-45) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001014294442591) HO-interBSC-Out: Handover failed in state HANDOVER, Failure (timeout): Timeout (handover_fsm.c:1562) 20250124172653523 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000609a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124172653523 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000609a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Handover FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout) (lchan_fsm.c:179) 20250124172653523 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000609a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan activation for Handover failed, but activation request has no conn (lchan_fsm.c:182) 20250124172656563 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172656576 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172656581 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172656584 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172658580 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172658757 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172658757 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172658757 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172658757 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172658757 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172658762 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172658762 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172658762 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658762 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172658762 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658764 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658764 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658764 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172658764 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658766 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172658766 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172658766 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172658766 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172658766 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658766 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172658766 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658768 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658769 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658769 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172658769 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658770 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172658770 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172658770 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658770 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172658770 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658775 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658775 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658775 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172658775 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658776 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172658776 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658776 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658776 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172658776 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172658776 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658777 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658777 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172658777 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172658777 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172658778 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172658778 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172701799 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701799 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701799 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701800 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701800 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701800 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701800 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701800 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701801 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172701801 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701802 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701802 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701802 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701803 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701803 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701803 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172701806 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701807 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701807 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701808 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701808 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701808 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701809 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701809 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701809 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172701810 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701810 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172701810 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172704661 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172704662 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172704664 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172704892 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172704892 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172704892 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172704893 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172704893 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172704893 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172704893 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172705133 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172705133 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172706010 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172708060 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172710110 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172710125 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172710150 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172710169 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172711182 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_bssap_rlsd_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172715269 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124172715269 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[Location updating]: no resources for SDCCH 0x3, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124172719286 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172719286 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172719286 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172719286 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172719286 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172719299 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172719299 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172719299 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719299 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172719300 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719305 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719305 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719305 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172719306 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719309 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172719309 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172719309 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172719309 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172719310 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719310 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172719310 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719315 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719316 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719316 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172719316 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719319 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172719319 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172719319 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719319 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172719320 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719337 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719337 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719337 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172719338 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719340 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172719340 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719341 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719341 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172719343 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172719343 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719344 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719344 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172719346 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172719346 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172719347 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172719347 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172722358 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722358 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172722359 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722359 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722359 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722361 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722362 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172722362 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722363 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722363 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722372 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722372 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172722373 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722374 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722374 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722374 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722374 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722374 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722375 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722375 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722375 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172722376 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722376 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172722376 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172725217 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172725217 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172725219 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172725453 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172725453 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172725453 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172725453 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172725453 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172725453 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172725453 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172725694 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172725695 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172726594 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172728640 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172730689 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172730706 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172730734 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172730750 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172731761 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_bssmap_clear_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172757596 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172757596 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172757596 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172757596 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172757596 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172757612 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172757612 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172757613 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757613 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172757613 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757618 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757618 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757618 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172757618 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757621 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172757622 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172757622 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172757622 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172757622 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757622 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172757622 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757628 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757629 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757629 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172757629 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757632 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172757632 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172757632 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757632 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172757633 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757650 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757650 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757650 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172757650 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757652 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172757652 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757653 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757653 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172757655 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172757655 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757655 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757655 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172757656 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172757656 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172757657 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172757657 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172800670 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800670 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800671 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172800672 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800674 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800674 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800674 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800674 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800674 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800680 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800680 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800680 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800680 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800680 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800680 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800681 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172800682 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800683 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800683 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800683 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800683 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800683 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800684 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800684 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800684 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172800685 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800685 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172800685 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172803500 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172803500 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172803501 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172803721 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172803721 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172803721 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172803721 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172803721 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172803721 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172803721 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172803959 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172803959 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172804841 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172806873 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172808927 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172808940 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172808960 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172808979 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172809993 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ms_rel_ind_does_not_cause_bssmap_reset() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172834793 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172834793 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172834793 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172834793 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172834793 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172834797 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172834797 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172834797 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834797 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172834797 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834801 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834801 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834801 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172834801 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834802 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834802 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172834802 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172834802 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834802 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834802 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172834803 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172834803 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834803 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172834803 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834804 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834804 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124172834804 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172834804 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172834804 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172834804 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172834804 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834804 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172834804 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834806 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834806 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834806 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172834806 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834806 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172834806 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172834807 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834807 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172834807 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834808 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172834808 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172834808 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172834808 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172837844 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837844 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837845 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837845 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172837847 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837847 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837848 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172837848 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837848 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837851 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837851 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837851 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837851 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837851 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837851 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837851 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837853 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837854 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837854 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837855 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837856 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837856 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172837859 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837859 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172837859 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172840670 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172840670 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172840671 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172840671 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172840691 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172840693 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172840694 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172840924 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172840924 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172840924 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172840924 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172840924 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172840924 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172840924 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172841168 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172841168 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172843723 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172843724 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172843724 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172843724 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172843725 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172844821 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172845834 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_deact() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172847852 DTS NOTICE timeslot(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_IPACCESS)[0x612000007720]{PDCH}: (pchan_is=PDCH) telnet VTY user asks to PDCH DEACT (bsc_vty.c:1579) 20250124172849867 DTS NOTICE timeslot(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_IPACCESS)[0x612000007720]{PDCH}: (pchan_is=PDCH) telnet VTY user asks to PDCH DEACT (bsc_vty.c:1579) 20250124172850890 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172850890 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172850890 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172850890 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172850891 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172850898 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172850898 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172850898 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172850898 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172850898 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172850902 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172850902 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172850902 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172850903 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172850906 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172850906 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172853936 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172853936 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172853937 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172853937 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172853937 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172857161 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172857161 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172857163 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172857163 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172857175 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172857176 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172857176 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172857400 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172857400 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172857400 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172857401 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172857401 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172857401 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172857401 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172857638 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172857638 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172900215 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900215 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172900216 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172900216 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172900216 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172901296 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172902308 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_pdch_ipa_act_nack() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172904322 DTS NOTICE timeslot(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_IPACCESS)[0x612000007720]{PDCH}: (pchan_is=PDCH) telnet VTY user asks to PDCH DEACT (bsc_vty.c:1579) 20250124172905335 DTS ERROR timeslot(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_IPACCESS)[0x612000007720]{WAIT_PDCH_ACT}: (pchan_is=TCH/F) Received PDCH activation NACK (timeslot_fsm.c:185) 20250124172906351 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172906351 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172906351 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172906351 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172906351 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172906358 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172906358 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172906358 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172906358 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172906358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172906360 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172906360 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172906360 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172906361 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172906362 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172906362 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172909399 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172909399 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172909399 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172909400 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172909400 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172912635 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172912635 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172912637 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172912637 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172912652 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172912652 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172912653 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172912873 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172912873 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172912873 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172912873 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172912873 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172912874 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172912874 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172913105 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172913105 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172915692 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172915692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172915692 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172915693 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172915693 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172916771 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172917783 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_deact() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172919812 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172919812 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172919812 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172919812 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172919812 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172919820 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172919820 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172919820 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172919820 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172919821 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172919827 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172919827 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172919827 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172919827 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172919831 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172919831 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172922875 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172922876 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172922877 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172922877 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172922877 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172926114 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172926114 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172926115 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172926115 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172926135 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172926136 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172926137 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172926373 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172926373 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172926373 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172926374 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172926374 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172926374 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172926374 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172926629 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172926629 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172929165 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172929165 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172929168 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172929168 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172929168 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172930218 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172931235 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_pdch_osmo_act_nack() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172932251 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_OSMOCOM-0)[0x612000044020]{UNUSED}: (type=NONE) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124172932251 DTS ERROR timeslot(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_OSMOCOM)[0x612000007720]{WAIT_PDCH_ACT}: (pchan_is=NONE) Received PDCH activation NACK (timeslot_fsm.c:185) 20250124172933266 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172933266 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172933266 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172933266 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172933266 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172933272 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172933272 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172933273 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172933273 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172933273 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172933278 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172933279 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172933279 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172933279 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172933282 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172933282 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172936339 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172936340 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172936341 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172936341 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172936341 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172939541 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172939541 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172939542 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172939542 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172939555 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172939555 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172939556 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124172939779 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172939779 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124172939779 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172939780 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124172939780 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124172939780 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124172939780 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124172940023 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124172940023 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172942597 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172942597 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172942598 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172942598 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172942598 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172943647 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124172944659 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_deact() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124172946856 DRSL ERROR PDSS1 PDSS1:0x34: Cannot extract Mobile Identity: (L1=data-3) [L2]> 02 06 01 46 02 00 0b 00 02 [L3]> 12 34 (gsm_08_08.c:403) 20250124172956122 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172956122 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124172956122 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124172956122 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124172956123 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172956128 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124172956128 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124172956129 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172956129 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124172956129 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172956132 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124172956132 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172956132 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124172956132 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124172956134 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124172956134 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124172959189 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124172959190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124172959191 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172959191 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124172959191 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173002423 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173002423 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173002423 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173002423 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173002432 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173002432 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173002433 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173002656 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173002656 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173002656 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173002657 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173002657 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173002657 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173002657 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173002905 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173002905 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173005473 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005473 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173005474 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173005474 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173005474 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173005474 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173005474 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173006545 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173007559 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_all_subslots_used() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173031459 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173031459 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173031459 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173031459 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173031459 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173031463 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173031463 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173031463 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173031463 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173031463 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173031467 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173031467 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173031467 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173031468 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173031470 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173031471 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173034516 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173034516 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173034518 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173034518 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173034518 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173037775 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173037775 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173037775 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173037775 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173037784 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173037784 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173037784 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173038011 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173038011 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173038011 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173038014 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173038014 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173038014 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173038015 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173038023 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173038268 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173038268 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173040826 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173040827 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173040828 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173040828 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173040828 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173041929 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173042942 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_tch_call_act_deact() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173045118 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[call (re-)establishment]: no resources for SDCCH 0x46, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124173045136 DRSL ERROR PDSS1 PDSS1:0x34: Cannot extract Mobile Identity: (L1=data-3) [L2]> 02 06 01 16 02 00 0b 00 02 [L3]> 12 34 (gsm_08_08.c:403) 20250124173054422 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173054423 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173054423 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173054423 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173054423 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173054426 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173054426 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173054426 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173054426 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173054426 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173054427 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173054427 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173054427 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173054427 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173054428 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173054428 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173057481 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173057481 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173057482 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173057482 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173057482 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173100695 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173100695 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173100696 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173100696 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173100712 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173100712 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173100712 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173100929 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173100929 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173100929 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173100930 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173100930 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173100930 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173100930 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173101177 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173101177 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173103758 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173103759 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173103759 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173103760 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173103760 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173104797 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173105811 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_dyn_ts_sdcch8_act_nack() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173108001 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_OSMOCOM-0)[0x61200008a0a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124173108001 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_OSMOCOM-0)[0x61200008a0a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124173108001 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-6-DYNAMIC_OSMOCOM-0)[0x61200008a0a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) Tx Immediate Assignment Reject (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:150) 20250124173114198 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173114199 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173114199 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173114199 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173114199 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173114206 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173114206 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173114206 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173114206 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173114206 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173114209 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173114209 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173114209 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173114209 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173114211 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173114211 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173117266 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173117266 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173117267 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173117267 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173117267 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173144538 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173144539 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173144539 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173144539 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173208585 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-1-oml,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173208585 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:1) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173208586 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173208586 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173315029 DLINP ERROR E1L(0) Unknown IPA message type (ipaccess.c:357) 20250124173315030 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173315030 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173357096 DLINP ERROR E1L(0) Unknown IPA message type (ipaccess.c:357) 20250124173357096 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173357096 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173409451 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173409452 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173409453 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173409688 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173409688 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173409688 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173409709 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173409709 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173410492 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173410492 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173410492 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173410492 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173410494 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173410508 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173410508 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173410508 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173410509 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173410565 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173411674 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_verify_ms_power_params_ie() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173413029 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000045b20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124173415049 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173415059 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173415064 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173415066 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173417064 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173417079 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173417080 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173417080 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173417080 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173417080 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173417080 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124173417089 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173417089 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173417090 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173417090 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173417090 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173417093 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173417093 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173417093 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173417093 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173417095 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173417095 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173420145 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173420145 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173420146 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173420146 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173420146 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173423364 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173423364 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173423364 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173423579 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173423579 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173423579 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173423580 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173423580 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173423580 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173423580 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173423822 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173423822 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173424701 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173425712 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_c0_power_red_mode() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173425713 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) Enabling BCCH carrier power reduction operation mode (maximum 6 dB) (bts.c:1047) 20250124173425725 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) Enabling BCCH carrier power reduction operation mode (maximum 4 dB) (bts.c:1047) 20250124173425732 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) Enabling BCCH carrier power reduction operation mode (maximum 2 dB) (bts.c:1047) 20250124173425737 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) Disabling BCCH carrier power reduction operation mode (maximum 0 dB) (bts.c:1047) 20250124173425749 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173425749 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173425749 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173425749 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173425749 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173425749 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124173425758 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173425758 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173425758 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173425758 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173425758 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173425762 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173425763 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173425763 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173425763 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173425766 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173425766 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173428815 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173428816 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173428816 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173428816 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173432142 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173432143 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173432144 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173432371 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173432371 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173432371 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173432386 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173432386 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173433178 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173433178 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173433178 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173433178 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173433180 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173433197 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173433197 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173433197 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173433197 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173433246 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173434353 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_L3Compl_on_1_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173435448 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173435473 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173435491 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173435493 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173435697 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173435702 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173435703 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173437698 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173438706 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173438721 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173438730 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173438733 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173438936 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173438939 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173438941 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173440940 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173441948 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173441960 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173441963 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173441966 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173442173 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173442175 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173442177 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173444175 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173445181 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173445196 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173445203 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173445205 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173445413 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173445416 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173445417 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173447415 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173448436 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173448436 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173448436 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173448436 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173448436 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173448438 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173448438 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173448438 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173448438 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173448438 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173448439 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173448439 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173448439 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173448439 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173448439 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173448439 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173451488 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173451488 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173451489 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173451489 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173451489 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173454683 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173454684 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173454686 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173454917 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173454917 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173454917 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173454942 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173454942 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173454942 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173454961 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173454961 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173455724 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173455724 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173455725 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173455725 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173455726 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173455745 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173455745 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173455745 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173455745 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173455746 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173455767 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173455767 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173455767 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173455767 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173455834 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173457987 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173500129 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173500137 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173500140 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173500140 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173500148 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173500151 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173500151 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173500157 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173500167 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173500167 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173501265 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_L3Complete_by_imsi_round_robin() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173502382 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173502400 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173502412 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173502414 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173502617 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173502625 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173502629 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173504617 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173505654 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173505664 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173505671 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173505672 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173505881 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173505888 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173505890 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173507879 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173508930 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173508938 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173508942 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173508943 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173509149 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173509156 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173509157 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173511152 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173512180 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173512180 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173512180 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173512180 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173512180 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173512180 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173512181 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173512181 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173512181 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173512181 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173512185 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173512185 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173512185 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512185 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173512185 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512187 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512187 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512187 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173512187 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512188 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173512188 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173512188 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512188 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173512188 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512190 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512191 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512191 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173512191 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512192 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173512192 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173512192 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512192 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173512192 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512197 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512197 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512198 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173512198 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512199 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173512199 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512199 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173512200 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173512200 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512200 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512201 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173512201 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173512201 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173512202 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173512202 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173512203 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173512204 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173515229 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515229 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515230 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173515231 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515231 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515231 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515231 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515231 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515231 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515239 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515239 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173515241 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515242 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515242 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515243 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515243 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515243 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515244 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515244 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515244 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173515245 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515245 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173515245 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173518088 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173518089 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173518089 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173518313 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173518313 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173518313 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173518327 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173518327 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173518327 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173518341 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173518341 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173519117 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173519117 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173519117 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173519117 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173519118 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173519126 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173519126 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173519126 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173519126 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173519128 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173519148 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173519148 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173519148 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173519149 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173519196 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173521349 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173523502 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173523511 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173523513 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173523513 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173523520 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173523522 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173523522 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173523531 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173523534 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173523534 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173524644 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_LU_by_tmsi_null_nri_0_round_robin() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173525690 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173525708 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173525716 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173525717 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173525925 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173525932 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173525934 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173527924 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173528972 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173528983 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173528992 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173528993 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173529197 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173529203 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173529205 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173531199 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173532250 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173532262 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173532268 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173532270 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173532472 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173532474 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173532474 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173534480 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173535520 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173535520 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173535520 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173535521 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173535521 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173535521 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173535521 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173535521 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173535521 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173535521 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173535524 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173535524 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173535524 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535524 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173535524 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535525 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535525 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535525 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173535525 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535526 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173535526 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173535526 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535526 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173535526 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535528 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535528 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535528 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173535528 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535528 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173535529 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535529 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535529 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173535529 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173535529 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535529 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535529 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173535532 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173535532 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535532 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535532 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173535532 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173535533 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173535533 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173535533 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173535533 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535533 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173535533 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535534 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173535534 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173535534 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173535534 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173538571 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538571 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538571 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538571 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173538572 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173538573 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538573 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538573 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538573 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538575 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538575 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538575 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538578 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538579 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538579 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538579 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538580 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538580 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173538580 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538581 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173538581 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173541421 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173541422 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173541422 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173541641 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173541641 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173541641 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173541654 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173541654 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173541654 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173541659 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173541659 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173542447 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173542447 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173542447 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173542447 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173542447 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173542453 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173542453 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173542453 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173542454 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173542455 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173542478 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173542478 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173542478 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173542478 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173542525 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173544673 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173546815 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173546827 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173546831 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173546831 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173546836 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173546837 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173546837 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173546847 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173546853 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173546853 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173547964 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_LU_by_tmsi_null_nri_1_round_robin() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173549080 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173549101 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173549114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173549116 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173549321 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173549327 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173549329 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173551324 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173552367 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173552374 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173552377 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173552378 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173552584 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173552588 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173552589 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173554588 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173555638 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173555645 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173555648 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173555648 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173555859 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173555865 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173555866 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173557861 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173558902 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173558902 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173558902 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173558902 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173558902 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173558902 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124173558902 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173558902 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173558902 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173558902 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173558903 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173558907 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173558907 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173558907 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558907 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173558907 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558909 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558909 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558909 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173558909 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558910 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173558910 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173558910 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558910 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173558910 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558912 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558912 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558912 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173558912 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558913 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173558913 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173558913 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173558913 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173558913 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558913 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173558913 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558917 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558917 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558917 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173558917 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558918 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173558918 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558918 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558918 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173558918 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173558918 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558919 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558919 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173558919 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173558919 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173558919 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173558919 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173601955 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601955 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601955 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601956 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173601957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173601957 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601957 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601957 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601957 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601959 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601959 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601959 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601959 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601959 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601962 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601964 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601964 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601965 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601965 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601965 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173601966 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601966 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173601966 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173604799 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173604800 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173604801 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173605035 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173605035 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173605035 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173605049 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173605049 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173605049 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173605075 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173605075 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173605842 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173605842 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173605843 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173605843 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173605845 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173605856 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173605856 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173605856 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173605856 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173605858 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173605872 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173605872 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173605872 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173605872 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173605905 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173608063 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173610204 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173610214 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173610217 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173610217 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173610222 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173610226 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173610226 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173610231 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173610234 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173610234 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173611346 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_L3Complete_by_tmsi_unassigned_nri_round_robin() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173612436 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173612462 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173612480 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173612481 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173612684 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173612692 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173612695 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173614690 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173615744 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173615750 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173615754 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173615755 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173615961 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173615968 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173615969 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173617963 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173619017 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173619027 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173619033 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173619034 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173619241 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173619247 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173619248 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173621244 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173622284 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173622285 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173622285 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173622285 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173622285 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173622285 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173622285 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173622285 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173622285 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173622285 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173622290 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173622290 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173622290 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622290 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173622290 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622292 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622292 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622292 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173622292 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622293 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173622293 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173622293 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622293 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173622293 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622298 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622299 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622299 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173622299 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622300 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173622301 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622301 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622301 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173622302 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173622302 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622302 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622302 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173622303 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173622303 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622303 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622303 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173622304 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173622304 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173622305 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173622305 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173622305 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622305 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173622305 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622306 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173622307 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173622307 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173622307 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173625338 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625341 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173625341 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173625342 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625342 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625342 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625344 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625344 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625344 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625344 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625345 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173625346 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625346 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625346 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625347 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625347 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625347 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625348 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625349 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625349 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173625349 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625350 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173625350 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173628200 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173628201 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173628204 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173628434 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173628434 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173628434 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173628443 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173628443 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173628443 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173628452 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173628452 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173629235 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173629235 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173629236 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173629236 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173629237 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173629246 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173629246 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173629246 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173629246 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173629248 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173629262 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173629262 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173629262 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173629262 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173629306 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173631456 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173633603 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173633614 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173633618 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173633618 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173633623 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173633626 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173633626 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173633632 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173633634 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173633634 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173634748 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_L3Complete_by_tmsi_valid_nri_msc_not_connected_round_robin() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173635853 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173635881 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173635896 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173635898 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173636101 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173636111 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173636113 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173638104 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173639154 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173639163 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173639171 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173639172 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173639377 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173639383 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173639384 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173641380 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173642431 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173642444 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173642450 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173642451 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173642657 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173642663 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173642664 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173644660 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173645700 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173645700 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173645700 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173645700 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173645700 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173645701 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173645701 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173645701 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173645701 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173645701 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173645705 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173645705 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173645705 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645705 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173645705 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645710 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645711 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645711 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173645711 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645711 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173645711 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645712 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645712 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173645712 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173645713 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645713 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645713 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173645714 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173645714 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645714 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645714 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173645715 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173645715 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173645715 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173645715 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173645715 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645716 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173645716 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645717 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645717 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645717 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173645717 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645717 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173645717 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173645717 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645717 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173645718 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645718 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173645719 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173645719 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173645719 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173648761 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648761 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648762 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648762 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648763 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173648765 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648765 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173648766 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648766 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648766 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648766 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648766 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648768 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648768 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648768 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648772 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648772 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648772 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648773 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648773 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648773 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173648774 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648774 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173648774 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173651599 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173651600 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173651600 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173651818 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173651819 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173651819 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173651832 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173651832 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173651832 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173651846 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173651846 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173652625 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173652625 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173652625 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173652625 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173652625 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173652634 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173652634 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173652634 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173652634 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173652635 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173652654 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173652654 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173652654 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173652654 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173652740 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173654899 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173657044 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173657053 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173657058 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173657058 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173657062 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173657065 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173657065 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173657071 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173657074 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173657074 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173658185 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_L3Complete_by_tmsi_valid_nri_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173659288 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173659305 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173659322 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173659324 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173659530 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173659537 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173659539 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173701532 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173702586 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173702594 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173702598 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173702598 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173702805 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173702812 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173702813 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173704806 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173705860 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173705874 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173705880 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173705881 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173706085 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173706092 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173706093 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173708088 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173709129 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173709129 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173709129 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173709129 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173709130 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173709130 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173709130 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173709130 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173709130 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173709130 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173709130 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124173709135 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173709135 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173709135 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709136 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173709136 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709138 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709138 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709138 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173709139 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709140 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173709140 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173709140 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709140 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173709141 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709143 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709144 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709144 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173709145 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709146 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173709146 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173709146 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709147 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173709147 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709153 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709153 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709153 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173709154 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709155 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173709155 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709156 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709156 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173709157 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173709158 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709158 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709159 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173709160 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173709160 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173709160 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173709161 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173709162 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173709163 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173712190 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712190 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712190 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173712193 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712193 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712193 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712193 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712193 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712193 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173712197 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712197 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712197 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712200 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712200 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712200 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712200 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712200 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712200 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173712201 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712201 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173712201 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173715034 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173715035 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173715037 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173715266 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173715266 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173715266 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173715279 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173715280 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173715280 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173715290 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173715290 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173715290 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173715302 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173715302 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173716073 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173716073 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173716074 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173716074 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173716075 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173716082 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173716082 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173716082 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173716082 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173716084 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173716091 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173716091 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173716091 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173716091 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173716093 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173716112 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173716112 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173716112 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173716112 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173716144 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173718292 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173720436 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173720445 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173720448 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173720448 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173720454 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173720457 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173720457 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173720463 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173720466 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173720466 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173721577 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_L3Complete_by_tmsi_valid_nri_2() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173722648 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173722663 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173722670 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173722671 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173722877 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173722884 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173722886 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173724877 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173725935 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173725952 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173725959 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173725961 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173726165 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173726171 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173726173 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173728167 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173729205 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173729215 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173729222 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173729223 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173729429 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173729435 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173729437 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173731432 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173732473 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173732473 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173732473 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173732473 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173732473 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173732476 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173732476 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173732476 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173732476 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173732476 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173732476 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173732476 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173732476 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173732476 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173732476 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173732477 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173732477 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173732477 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732477 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173732477 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732478 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732478 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732478 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173732478 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732479 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173732479 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173732479 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732479 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173732479 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732480 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732480 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732480 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173732480 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732480 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173732480 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173732480 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732481 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173732481 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732484 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732484 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732484 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173732484 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732484 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732484 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173732484 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173732484 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732485 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173732485 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732485 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732485 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173732485 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173732485 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173732486 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173732486 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173732487 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173732487 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173735518 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735519 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735521 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735521 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735522 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173735523 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735523 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735523 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735523 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735525 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735525 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735525 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735525 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735525 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735527 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735528 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735528 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735529 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735529 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735529 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173735529 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735530 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173735530 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173738358 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173738359 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173738359 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173738581 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173738581 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173738581 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173738599 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173738599 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173738599 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173738612 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173738612 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173738612 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173738630 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173738630 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173739389 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173739389 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173739390 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173739390 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173739391 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173739404 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173739404 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173739405 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173739405 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173739407 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173739418 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173739418 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173739418 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173739418 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173739420 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173739433 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173739433 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173739433 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173739434 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173739472 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173741628 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173743775 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173743785 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173743787 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173743787 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173743794 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173743795 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173743795 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173743802 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173743804 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173743804 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173744917 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_LU_by_tmsi_from_other_PLMN() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173746009 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173746026 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173746039 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173746040 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173746245 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173746251 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173746252 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173748247 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173749295 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173749303 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173749308 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173749309 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173749517 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173749522 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173749522 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173751519 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173752560 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173752560 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173752560 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173752560 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173752560 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173752560 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173752560 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173752560 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173752560 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173752560 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173752560 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173752560 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173752560 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173752560 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173752560 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173752566 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173752566 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173752566 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752566 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173752566 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752567 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752567 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752567 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173752567 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752568 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173752568 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173752568 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752568 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173752568 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752569 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752569 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752569 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173752569 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752570 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173752570 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173752570 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752570 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173752570 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752573 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752574 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752574 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173752574 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752574 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752574 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173752574 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173752574 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752575 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752575 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173752575 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173752575 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752575 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173752575 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173752576 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173752576 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173752577 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173752577 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173755611 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755611 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755612 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755612 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755613 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173755613 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755614 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755614 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755614 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755615 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755615 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755616 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755616 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755616 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755620 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755620 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755620 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755621 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755621 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755622 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173755622 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755622 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173755622 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173758473 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173758474 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173758475 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173758696 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173758696 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173758696 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173758705 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173758705 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173758705 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173758716 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173758716 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173758716 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173758729 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173758729 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173759496 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173759496 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173759496 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173759496 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173759498 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173759505 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173759505 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173759505 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173759505 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173759506 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173759518 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173759518 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173759518 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173759518 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173759520 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173759533 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173759533 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173759533 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173759533 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173759592 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173800700 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_paging_and_response_imsi() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173801808 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173801813 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173801817 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173801818 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173802026 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173802033 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173802035 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173804028 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173806069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173806069 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173806069 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173806069 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173806069 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173806070 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173806070 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173806070 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173806070 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173806070 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173806070 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173806070 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173806070 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173806070 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173806070 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173806071 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173806071 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173806072 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173806072 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173806072 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173806072 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173806072 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173806072 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173806072 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173806073 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173806073 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173809129 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173809130 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173809131 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173809131 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173809132 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173812337 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173812338 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173812339 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173812561 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173812562 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173812562 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173812580 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173812581 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173812581 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173812605 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173812605 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173812605 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173812625 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173812625 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173813369 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173813369 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173813370 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173813370 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173813372 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173813385 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173813386 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173813386 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173813386 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173813387 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173813405 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173813405 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173813405 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173813405 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173813407 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173813430 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173813430 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173813430 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173813430 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173813499 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173814613 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_paging_and_response_tmsi() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173815681 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173815695 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173815707 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173815708 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173815904 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173815907 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173815907 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173817910 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173819958 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173819958 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173819958 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173819958 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173819958 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173819958 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173819958 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173819958 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173819958 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173819958 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173819958 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173819958 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173819958 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173819958 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173819958 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173819959 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124173819965 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173819965 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173819965 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173819965 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173819965 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173819966 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173819967 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173819967 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173819967 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173819968 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173819968 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173823022 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173823023 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173823024 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173823024 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173823024 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173826229 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173826230 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173826231 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173826455 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173826455 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173826455 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173826475 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173826476 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173826476 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173826490 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173826490 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173826490 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173826508 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173826508 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173827261 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173827261 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173827261 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173827261 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173827262 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173827277 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173827277 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173827277 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173827277 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173827278 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173827293 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173827293 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173827293 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173827293 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173827295 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173827307 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173827307 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173827307 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173827307 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173827342 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173829480 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173831625 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173831634 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173831637 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173831637 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173831644 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173831648 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173831648 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173831653 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173831656 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173831656 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173832766 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_no_allow_attach_round_robin() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173833831 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173833845 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173833851 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173833852 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173834061 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173834067 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173834070 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173836062 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173837103 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173837114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173837125 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173837126 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173837334 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173837341 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173837342 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173839336 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173840386 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173840395 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173840399 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173840400 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173840604 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173840610 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173840612 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173842607 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173843648 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173843648 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173843648 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173843648 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173843648 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173843648 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173843648 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173843648 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173843648 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173843648 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173843648 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124173843649 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173843649 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173843649 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173843649 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173843649 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173843655 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173843656 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173843656 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843656 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173843656 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843657 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843657 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843657 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173843657 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843658 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173843658 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173843658 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843659 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173843659 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843660 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843660 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173843660 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843660 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173843661 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173843661 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843661 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173843661 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843664 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843664 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843664 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173843664 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843665 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173843665 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843665 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843665 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173843665 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173843666 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843666 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843666 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173843666 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173843666 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173843667 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173843667 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173843667 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173843668 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173846706 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846707 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173846710 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846710 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846711 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846711 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173846711 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846711 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846713 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846714 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846714 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846716 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846716 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846716 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846717 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846717 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846717 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173846718 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846718 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173846718 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173849546 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173849547 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173849547 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173849772 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173849772 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173849772 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173849785 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173849785 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173849785 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173849794 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173849794 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173849794 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173849809 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173849809 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173850577 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173850578 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173850578 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173850578 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173850580 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173850587 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173850587 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173850587 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173850587 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173850588 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173850597 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173850597 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173850598 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173850598 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173850598 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173850612 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173850612 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173850612 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173850612 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173850662 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173852822 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173854974 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173854984 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173854988 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173854988 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173855001 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173855006 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173855006 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173855014 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173855017 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173855017 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173856128 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_no_allow_attach_valid_nri() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173857248 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173857277 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173857294 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173857296 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173857502 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173857508 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173857509 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173859504 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173900554 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173900561 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173900565 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173900565 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173900773 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173900787 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173900790 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173902776 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173903830 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173903839 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173903845 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173903845 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173904053 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173904060 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173904061 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173906057 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173907099 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173907099 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173907099 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173907099 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173907099 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173907100 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173907100 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173907100 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173907100 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173907100 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173907100 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to write message to the CTRL connection. (control_if.c:500) 20250124173907101 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173907101 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173907101 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-2)[0x6120000186a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173907101 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173907101 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173907105 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173907105 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173907105 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907105 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173907105 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907106 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907106 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907106 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173907106 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907107 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173907107 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173907107 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907107 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173907107 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907108 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907108 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907109 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173907109 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907110 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173907111 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173907111 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907111 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173907111 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907114 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907114 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907114 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173907114 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907115 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907115 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173907115 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173907115 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907116 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173907116 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907116 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907116 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173907116 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173907116 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173907117 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173907117 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173907119 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173907119 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173910144 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910144 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910144 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173910145 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910145 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910145 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910145 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910146 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910146 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910147 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910148 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173910150 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910150 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910150 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910152 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910152 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910152 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910152 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910153 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910153 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173910153 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910153 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173910153 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173912995 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173912996 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173912997 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173913222 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173913222 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173913222 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173913234 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173913234 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173913234 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173913248 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173913248 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173914024 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173914024 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173914024 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173914025 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173914026 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173914032 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173914032 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173914032 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173914032 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173914033 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173914054 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173914054 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173914054 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173914055 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173914088 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173916229 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173918377 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173918388 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173918391 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173918391 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173918397 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173918401 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173918401 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173918408 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173918409 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173918409 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173919522 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_sccp_n_pcstate_detaches_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173920650 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173920658 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173920662 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173920662 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173920869 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173920876 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173920878 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173922872 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173923928 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173923946 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173923955 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173923956 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173924162 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173924169 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173924171 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173926166 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927206 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): disconnecting msc0 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927207 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173927207 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173927207 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173927207 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173927208 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173927223 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927230 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927233 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927234 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927438 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927440 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173927440 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173929444 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173930485 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173930485 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173930485 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173930485 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173930485 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173930490 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173930490 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173930490 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930490 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173930490 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930491 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930492 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930492 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173930492 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930493 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173930493 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173930493 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930493 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173930493 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930495 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930495 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930495 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173930495 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930496 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173930496 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173930496 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930496 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173930496 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930500 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930500 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930500 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173930500 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930501 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930501 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173930501 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173930501 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930501 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930501 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173930502 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173930502 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930502 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173930502 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173930503 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173930503 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173930504 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173930504 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173933534 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933535 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933535 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933536 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173933537 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933537 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173933538 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933538 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933538 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933538 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933541 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933542 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933542 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933543 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933544 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933544 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933545 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933545 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933545 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173933546 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933546 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173933546 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173936386 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173936387 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173936388 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124173936615 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173936615 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173936615 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173936629 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173936629 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173937419 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173937419 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173937419 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173937419 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173937421 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173937428 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124173937428 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173937428 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124173937428 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173937467 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173939616 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173941761 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173941770 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173941773 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173941773 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=1,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173941779 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173941783 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173941783 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=2,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173941788 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124173941791 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) chan_nr 0x90 cbits 0x12: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) is not capable of GSM_PCHAN_CCCH (bts_trx.c:224) 20250124173941791 DRSL ERROR (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,pchan=TCH/F,state=UNUSED) Abis RSL rx CCHAN: mismatching chan_nr=0x90 (abis_rsl.c:146) 20250124173942902 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mscpool_sccp_n_pcstate_attaches_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173943986 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173943997 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173943997 DRSL ERROR MM GSM48_MT_MM_LOC_UPD_REQUEST: Cannot extract Mobile Identity: (L1=data-3) [L2]> 02 06 01 20 02 00 0b 00 13 [L3]> 05 08 02 00 f1 10 17 2a 52 09 01 10 10 00 32 00 00 00 f1 (gsm_08_08.c:403) 20250124173944002 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173944003 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173944209 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173944215 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173944217 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173946212 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173947262 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173947270 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173947274 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173947274 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173947481 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173947488 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173947490 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173949484 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173950520 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): connecting msc1 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173950745 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124173950745 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124173950745 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173951546 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124173951546 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124173951547 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124173951547 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124173951549 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124173951583 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173951608 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173951626 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173951628 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173951834 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173951840 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173951840 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173953835 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124173954864 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173954864 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173954864 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-1)[0x612000018520]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173954865 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173954865 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173954865 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173954865 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124173954865 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124173954865 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124173954865 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173954868 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173954868 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173954868 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954868 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173954868 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954869 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954869 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954869 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173954869 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954869 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173954869 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173954869 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954869 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173954870 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954876 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954876 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954876 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173954876 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954877 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173954878 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954878 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954878 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173954878 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173954879 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954879 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954879 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173954879 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173954880 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954880 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954880 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124173954881 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124173954881 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124173954881 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124173954881 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124173954881 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954881 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124173954881 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954883 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124173954883 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173954883 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124173954883 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124173957922 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957923 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957923 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957924 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173957927 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957927 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957928 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957928 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957928 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124173957929 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957929 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957929 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957930 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957930 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957930 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957932 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957932 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957932 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124173957933 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957934 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124173957934 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174000771 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174000772 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174000777 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174001000 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174001000 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174001000 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174001002 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174001002 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174001002 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174001002 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174001013 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174001261 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174001261 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174002123 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174003138 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_early_conn_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174003155 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200004b0a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124174003166 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174003166 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174003167 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174003167 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174003167 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174003171 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174003171 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174003172 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174003172 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174003172 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174003174 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174003174 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174003174 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174003174 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174003175 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174003176 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174006234 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174006234 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174006235 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174006236 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174006236 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174009460 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174009460 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174009461 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174009696 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174009696 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174009696 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174009697 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174009697 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174009697 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174009697 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174009940 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174009940 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174010813 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174011826 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_late_conn_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174012058 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000054b20]{WAIT_BEFORE_RF_RELEASE}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124174015078 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174015078 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174015078 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174015078 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174015078 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174015085 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174015085 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174015085 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174015085 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174015085 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174015090 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174015090 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174015090 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174015091 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174015094 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174015094 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174018150 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174018151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174018152 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174018153 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174018153 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174021383 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174021384 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174021385 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174021617 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174021617 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174021617 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174021631 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174021631 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174022421 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174022421 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174022422 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174022422 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174022424 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174022435 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174022435 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174022435 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174022435 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174022469 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174023583 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_stats_conn_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174024867 DMSC ERROR unable to decode channel type. (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:1145) 20250124174025104 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000045b20]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=SDCCH) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124174026293 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174026295 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174026296 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174026297 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174028303 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174028318 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174028318 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174028318 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174028318 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174028318 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174028323 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174028323 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174028323 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174028323 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174028323 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174028324 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174028324 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174028324 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174028324 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174028325 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174028325 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174031376 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174031377 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174031378 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174031378 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174031378 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174034580 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174034580 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174034580 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174034804 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174034804 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174034804 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174034819 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174034819 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174035608 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174035608 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174035608 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174035608 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174035608 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174035622 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174035622 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174035622 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174035623 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174035658 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174036772 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174037831 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124174037831 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xb6, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174040027 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174040038 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174040044 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174040047 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174042042 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174042059 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174042059 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174042059 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174042059 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174042059 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174042067 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174042068 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174042068 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174042068 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174042068 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174042073 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174042073 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174042073 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174042073 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174042076 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174042077 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174045126 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174045127 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174045127 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174045127 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174048368 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174048369 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174048369 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174048589 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174048589 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174048589 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174048607 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174048608 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174049395 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174049395 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174049396 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174049396 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174049397 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174049413 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174049413 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174049413 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174049414 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174049444 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174050553 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_emerg_setup_allow_imei() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174051612 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124174051612 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xa2, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174053782 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174053793 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174053798 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174053801 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174055796 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174055812 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174055812 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174055812 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174055812 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174055812 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174055821 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174055821 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174055821 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174055821 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174055821 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174055826 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174055827 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174055827 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174055827 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174055830 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174055831 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174058878 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174058878 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174058879 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174058879 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174058879 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174102128 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174102128 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174102129 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174102369 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174102369 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174102369 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174102400 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174102400 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174103176 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174103176 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174103176 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174103176 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174103176 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174103199 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174103199 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174103199 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174103200 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174103250 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174104358 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174105410 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124174105410 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xb2, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174105458 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-5-TCH_H-0)[0x612000080620]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=TCH_H) MS attempts EMERGENCY SETUP, but EMERGENCY CALLS are denied on MSC 0 (cfg: msc 0 / allow-emergency deny) (gsm_04_08_rr.c:1241) 20250124174105470 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174105474 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174105478 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174105482 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174105496 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174105496 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174105496 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174105497 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174105497 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174105505 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174105505 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174105506 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174105506 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174105506 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174105511 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174105511 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174105511 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174105511 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174105515 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174105515 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174108573 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174108573 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174108574 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174108576 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174108576 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174108576 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174111811 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174111811 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174111812 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174112038 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174112038 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174112038 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174112053 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174112053 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174112839 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174112839 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174112839 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174112839 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174112840 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174112860 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174112860 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174112860 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174112860 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174112898 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174114016 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_assignment_emerg_setup_deny_bts() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174115122 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000040d20]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=SDCCH) MS attempts EMERGENCY SETUP although EMERGENCY CALLS are not allowed in sysinfo (cfg: network / bts / rach emergency call allowed 0) (gsm_04_08_rr.c:1234) 20250124174115132 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174115139 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174115141 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174115146 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174115161 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174115161 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174115162 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174115162 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174115162 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174115169 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174115169 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174115169 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174115169 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174115169 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174115174 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174115174 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174115175 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174115175 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174115178 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174115178 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174118229 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174118229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174118230 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174118230 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174118230 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174121472 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174121472 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174121472 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174121691 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174121691 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174121691 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174121691 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174121691 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174121691 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174121691 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174121936 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174121937 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174122776 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174123788 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_emerg_premption() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174124838 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124838 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174124844 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124844 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174124850 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124850 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174124850 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124850 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174124857 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124857 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174124857 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124857 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174124863 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124863 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174124864 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124864 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174124870 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124870 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174124871 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124871 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174124923 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: inducing termination of lchan (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (state:ESTABLISHED) in favor of incoming EMERGENCY CALL! (abis_rsl.c:2188) 20250124174124933 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: still terminating lchan (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (state:WAIT_AFTER_ERROR) in favor of incoming EMERGENCY CALL! (abis_rsl.c:2212) 20250124174124934 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124174124934 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xa5, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174124934 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174124934 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xa5, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174127825 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000086620]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127830 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-1)[0x6120000867a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127835 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-3)[0x612000086f20]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=SDCCH) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127842 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-5-TCH_H-0)[0x61200002afa0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_H) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127847 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-5-TCH_H-1)[0x61200000dba0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_H) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127861 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000873a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127867 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x61200003e020]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127875 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000876a0]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127939 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000087520]{WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH: Timeout (rll_ready=no,rtp_require=no,voice_ready=no) (lchan_fsm.c:2001) 20250124174127960 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174127961 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174127961 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174127961 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174127961 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174127961 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124174127969 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174127969 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174127969 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174127970 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174127970 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174127974 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174127974 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174127974 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174127974 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174127975 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174127975 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174131030 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174131031 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174131031 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174131032 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174131032 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174134257 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174134257 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174134262 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174134262 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174134273 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174134274 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174134275 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174134492 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174134492 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174134492 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174134493 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174134493 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174134493 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174134493 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174134737 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174134737 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174137316 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174137316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174137318 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174137318 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174137318 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174138411 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 2 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174139422 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_fh_params_chan_activ() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174139447 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139447 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0x18, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174139451 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139451 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x38, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174139454 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[call (re-)establishment]: no resources for SDCCH 0xc2, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174139455 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139455 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[call (re-)establishment]: no resources for SDCCH 0xc2, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174139459 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139459 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[Location updating]: no resources for SDCCH 0xc, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174139459 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139459 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[Location updating]: no resources for SDCCH 0xc, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174139463 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139463 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0xe5, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174139464 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139464 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0xe5, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174139468 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139468 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0x55, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174139469 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174139469 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0x55, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174139509 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174139509 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174139510 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174139510 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174139510 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174139510 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174139510 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174139510 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124174139515 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174139515 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174139515 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174139515 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174139516 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174139523 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174139523 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174142567 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142567 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142568 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142568 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142568 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142568 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174142568 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174142568 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174142570 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174142570 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174142570 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174145852 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174145852 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174145852 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174145852 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174145861 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174145862 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174145862 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174146090 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174146090 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174146090 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174146090 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174146090 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174146090 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174146090 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174146330 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174146330 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174148905 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174148905 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148905 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148905 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148905 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148905 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148905 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148905 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174148906 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174148906 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174148906 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174149987 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 0 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174150995 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_fh_params_imm_ass() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174151028 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151029 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[Location updating]: no resources for SDCCH 0x7, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174151038 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151038 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0xf4, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174151046 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151046 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0x54, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174151046 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151046 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0x54, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174151055 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151056 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x21, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174151056 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151056 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x21, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174151071 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151071 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x81, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174151071 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151072 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x81, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174151081 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151081 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0xe5, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174151081 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174151082 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[other]: no resources for SDCCH 0xe5, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174151129 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174151129 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174151129 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174151129 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174151129 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174151129 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174151130 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174151130 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124174151136 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174151136 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174151137 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174151137 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174151137 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174151140 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174151140 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174154184 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174154184 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174154185 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174154185 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174154185 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174157525 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174157525 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174157526 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174157526 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174157535 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174157535 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174157536 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174157758 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174157758 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174157758 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174157761 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174157761 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174157761 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174157761 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174157771 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174158000 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174158000 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174200580 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174200581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174200581 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174200582 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174200582 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174201621 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 2 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174202632 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_fh_params_assignment_cmd() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174203068 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x6120000618a0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124174203077 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200002c320]{WAIT_BEFORE_RF_RELEASE}: Event LCHAN_EV_RSL_RF_CHAN_REL_ACK not permitted (abis_rsl.c:1701) 20250124174203540 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000002320]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124174203548 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-1)[0x612000028120]{WAIT_BEFORE_RF_RELEASE}: Event LCHAN_EV_RSL_RF_CHAN_REL_ACK not permitted (abis_rsl.c:1701) 20250124174204012 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000061120]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124174204017 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-3)[0x612000040ea0]{WAIT_BEFORE_RF_RELEASE}: Event LCHAN_EV_RSL_RF_CHAN_REL_ACK not permitted (abis_rsl.c:1701) 20250124174207060 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174207060 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174207061 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174207061 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174207061 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174207061 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174207061 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174207061 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124174207069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174207069 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174207069 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174207069 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174207069 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174207075 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174207075 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174210118 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174210118 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174210119 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174210119 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174210119 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174213404 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174213404 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174213405 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174213405 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174213431 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174213432 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174213433 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174213659 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174213659 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174213659 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174213660 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174213660 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174213660 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174213660 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174213900 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174213900 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174214782 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174216463 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174216463 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174216464 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174216464 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174216464 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174217590 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 0 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174218602 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_fh_params_handover_cmd() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174219133 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=0,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124174219146 DRSL ERROR handover(intraBSC_msc0-conn226_subscr-IMSI-001017605958116)[0x612000041620]{WAIT_RR_HO_DETECT}: (0-0-0-SDCCH-0-SIGNALLING) --HO-> (1-0-1-SDCCH8-0) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001017605958116) HO-intraBSC: Handover failed in state WAIT_SCCP_RLSD, Connection released: Connection releasing in the middle of handover (handover_fsm.c:1535) 20250124174221193 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174221193 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174221194 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174221195 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174221195 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174221195 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174221195 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174221195 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124174221206 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174221206 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174221206 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174221206 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174221206 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174221210 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174221210 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174221210 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174221210 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174221211 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174221216 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174221216 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174221216 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174221216 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174221219 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174221220 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174224250 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174224250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174224251 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174224252 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174224252 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174224258 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224259 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224259 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224259 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174224259 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174224259 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174224259 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174224259 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174224259 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174227425 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174227425 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174227426 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174227426 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174227433 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174227434 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174227434 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174227660 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174227660 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174227660 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174227660 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174227660 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174227660 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174227660 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174227902 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174227902 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174230483 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174230483 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174230484 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174230484 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174230484 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174231574 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 2 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174232585 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_fh_params_si4_cbch() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174232615 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174232615 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174232617 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174232617 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174232618 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174232618 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174232618 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174232618 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124174232631 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174232631 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174232631 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174232631 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174232631 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174232641 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174232641 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174235669 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174235669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174235670 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174235670 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174235670 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174238936 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174238937 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174238939 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174239166 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174239166 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174239166 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174239187 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174239188 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174239969 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174239969 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174239970 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174239970 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174239972 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174239986 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174239986 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174239986 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174239986 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174240018 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174241128 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcs_loc_req_for_active_ms() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174243677 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174243684 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174243691 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174243692 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174245689 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174247706 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174247706 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174247706 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174247706 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174247706 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174247712 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174247712 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174247712 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174247712 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174247712 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174247713 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174247713 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174247713 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174247713 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174247714 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174247714 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174250764 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174250764 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174250766 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174250766 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174250766 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174253971 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174253972 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174253974 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174254201 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174254201 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174254201 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174254229 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174254230 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174255009 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174255009 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174255009 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174255009 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174255012 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174255035 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174255035 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174255035 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174255036 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174255106 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174256217 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcs_loc_req_for_active_ms_ta_req() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174258777 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174258785 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174258792 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174258794 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174300791 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174302820 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174302820 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174302820 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174302820 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174302821 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174302829 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174302829 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174302829 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174302829 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174302829 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174302833 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174302833 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174302833 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174302833 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174302835 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174302835 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174305892 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174305893 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174305894 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174305894 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174305894 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174309132 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174309133 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174309134 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174309371 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174309371 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174309371 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174309396 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174309396 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174310178 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174310178 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174310179 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174310179 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174310180 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174310199 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174310199 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174310200 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174310200 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174310241 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174311353 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcs_loc_req_for_idle_ms() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174313645 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174313647 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174314666 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174314667 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174314669 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174314688 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_verify_active_A_conn_and_clear: test A link, then clear (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174314896 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn24_subscr-IMSI-001014482361778)[0x61200008b2a0]{WAIT_SCCP_RLSD}: Event LCS_LOC_REQ_END not permitted (lcs_loc_req.c:447) 20250124174321923 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174321923 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174321923 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174321923 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174321923 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174321924 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124174321932 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174321933 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174321933 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174321933 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174321933 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174321938 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174321938 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174321938 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174321938 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174321942 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174321942 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174324995 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174324995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174324996 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174324996 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174324996 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174328247 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174328248 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174328250 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174328474 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174328474 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174328474 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174328489 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174328489 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174329279 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174329279 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174329280 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174329280 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174329280 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174329300 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174329300 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174329300 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174329300 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174329353 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174330466 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcs_loc_req_no_subscriber() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174332534 DLCS ERROR lcs_loc_req(msc0-conn25)[0x612000087ca0]{INIT}: Perform Location Request failed in state INIT: tx Perform Location Request: Missing identity: No IMSI included in request, and also no active subscriber (lcs_loc_req.c:191) 20250124174332543 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_verify_active_A_conn_and_clear: test A link, then clear (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174332752 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn25)[0x612000061d20]{WAIT_SCCP_RLSD}: Event LCS_LOC_REQ_END not permitted (lcs_loc_req.c:447) 20250124174339783 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174339783 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174339783 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174339783 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174339783 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174339792 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174339792 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174339793 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174339793 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174339793 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174339796 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174339796 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174339796 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174339796 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174339798 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174339798 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174342852 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM [1;33mNOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174342853 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174342854 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174342854 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174342854 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174346101 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174346102 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174346103 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174346342 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174346342 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174346342 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174346373 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174346373 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174347150 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174347150 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174347150 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174347150 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174347152 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174347174 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174347174 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174347174 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174347174 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174347224 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174348329 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcs_loc_req_for_active_ms_le_timeout() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174355633 DLCS ERROR lcs_loc_req(msc0-conn234_subscr-IMSI-001017056280839)[0x612000058720]{WAIT_LOCATION_RESPONSE}: Perform Location Request failed in state WAIT_LOCATION_RESPONSE: Timeout (lcs_loc_req.c:282) 20250124174355648 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_verify_active_A_conn_and_clear: test A link, then clear (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174355855 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn234_subscr-IMSI-001017056280839)[0x61200001efa0]{WAIT_SCCP_RLSD}: Event LCS_LOC_REQ_END not permitted (lcs_loc_req.c:447) 20250124174402858 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x61200001d4a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) lchan failure in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124174402889 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174402889 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174402889 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174402890 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174402890 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174402896 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174402896 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174402897 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174402897 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174402897 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174402900 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174402900 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174402900 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174402900 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174402902 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174402902 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174405961 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174405962 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174405963 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174405963 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174405963 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174409194 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174409195 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174409198 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174409431 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174409431 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174409431 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174409446 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174409446 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174410231 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174410231 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174410232 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174410232 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174410233 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174410250 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174410251 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174410251 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174410251 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174410290 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174411398 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcs_loc_req_for_active_ms_le_timeout2() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174418916 DLCS ERROR lcs_loc_req(msc0-conn237_subscr-IMSI-001019112346147)[0x6120000756a0]{WAIT_LOCATION_RESPONSE}: Perform Location Request failed in state WAIT_LOCATION_RESPONSE: Timeout (lcs_loc_req.c:282) 20250124174418927 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_verify_active_A_conn_and_clear: test A link, then clear (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174419136 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn237_subscr-IMSI-001019112346147)[0x612000085120]{WAIT_SCCP_RLSD}: Event LCS_LOC_REQ_END not permitted (lcs_loc_req.c:447) 20250124174426137 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-0-CCCH_SDCCH4_CBCH-0)[0x612000085a20]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) lchan failure in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124174426162 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174426162 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174426163 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174426163 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174426163 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174426170 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174426170 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174426171 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174426171 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174426171 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174426174 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174426174 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174426175 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174426175 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174426177 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174426177 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174429230 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174429231 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174429232 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174429232 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174429232 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174432467 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174432467 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174432468 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174432691 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174432691 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174432691 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174432706 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174432706 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174433496 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174433496 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174433496 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174433496 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174433499 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174433513 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174433513 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174433513 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174433514 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174433578 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174434690 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcs_loc_req_for_idle_ms_no_pag_resp() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174436993 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174437487 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174437989 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174438487 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174438990 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174439495 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174439993 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174440493 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174440994 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174441495 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): got Paging Command (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174441980 DLCS ERROR lcs_ta_req(msc0-conn26)[0x6120000228a0]{wait_ta}: BSSLAP TA Request failed in state wait_ta: Timeout (lcs_ta_req.c:109) 20250124174441996 DLCS ERROR lcs_loc_req(msc0-conn26)[0x6120000366a0]{GOT_LOCATION_RESPONSE}: Perform Location Response contains error cause: 7 (lcs_loc_req.c:480) 20250124174442004 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_verify_active_A_conn_and_clear: test A link, then clear (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174442212 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn26)[0x612000022ea0]{WAIT_SCCP_RLSD}: Event LCS_LOC_REQ_END not permitted (lcs_loc_req.c:447) 20250124174449236 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174449237 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174449237 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174449237 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174449237 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174449241 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174449241 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174449241 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174449241 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174449241 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174449242 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174449242 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174449242 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174449242 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174449242 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174449243 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174452298 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174452298 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174452299 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174452299 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174452299 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174455488 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174455488 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174455488 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174455715 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174455715 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174455715 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174455729 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174455729 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174456521 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174456521 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174456521 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174456521 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174456521 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174456538 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174456538 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174456538 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174456538 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174456580 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174457694 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cm_service_during_lcs_loc_req() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174459792 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): establish channel, send Complete Layer 3 Info (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174459820 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): expect BSSAP Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174459834 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): received expected Complete Layer 3 Info at MSC (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174500857 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174500863 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174500867 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174500868 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174502868 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174504885 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174504885 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174504885 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174504885 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174504885 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174504887 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174504887 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174504887 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174504887 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174504887 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174504888 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174504888 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174504888 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174504888 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174504889 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174504889 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174507937 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174507937 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174507938 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174507938 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174507938 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174511152 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174511153 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174511154 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174511376 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174511376 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174511376 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174511392 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174511392 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174512180 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174512180 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174512181 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174512181 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174512182 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174512200 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174512200 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174512200 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174512200 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174512226 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174514376 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174515483 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_during_lcs_loc_req() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174517814 DHO NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0,ts=0,ss=0) (ARFCN 871) --> BTS 1 Manually triggering Handover from VTY (bsc_vty.c:826) 20250124174520186 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174520193 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174520198 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174520200 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174522198 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174524225 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174524225 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174524225 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174524225 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174524226 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174524226 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124174524237 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174524237 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174524238 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174524238 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174524238 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174524243 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174524243 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174524243 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174524244 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174524247 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174524247 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174524247 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174524248 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174524248 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174524248 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174524248 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174524253 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174524253 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174524254 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174524254 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174527286 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174527287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174527287 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174527288 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174527288 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174527288 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174527289 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174527289 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174527289 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174530441 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174530442 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174530444 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174530681 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174530681 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174530681 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174530710 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174530710 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174531489 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174531489 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174531489 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174531489 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174531491 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174531514 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174531514 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174531514 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174531515 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174531579 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174532687 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_emerg_call_and_lcs_loc_req() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174533752 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124174533752 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xac, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174536182 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174536192 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174536198 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174536199 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174538195 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174538212 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174538212 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174538212 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174538212 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174538212 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174538220 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174538221 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174538221 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174538221 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174538221 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174538226 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174538226 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174538226 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174538226 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174538229 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174538230 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174541273 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174541274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174541276 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174541277 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174541277 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174544524 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174544524 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174544525 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174544753 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174544753 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174544753 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174544768 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174544768 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174545561 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174545561 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174545561 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174545561 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174545563 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174545574 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174545574 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174545574 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174545574 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174545622 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174546732 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_emerg_call_and_lcs_loc_req_early_lchan_rel_ind() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174547792 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124174547793 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xb8, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174547893 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174549896 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174549919 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174549925 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174552949 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174552949 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174552949 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174552949 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174552949 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174552957 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174552957 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174552957 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174552957 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174552957 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174552960 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174552960 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174552961 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174552961 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174552962 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174552962 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174556018 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174556018 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174556019 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174556019 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174556019 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174559269 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174559270 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174559271 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174559498 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174559498 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174559498 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174559519 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174559519 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174600305 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174600305 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174600305 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174600305 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174600308 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174600316 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174600316 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174600317 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174600317 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174600407 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174601514 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_emerg_call_and_lcs_loc_req_early_lchan_conn_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174602570 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD/EMERGENCY-PRIORITY: at least one TCH/F is (now) available! (abis_rsl.c:2159) 20250124174602570 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[emergency call]: no resources for SDCCH 0xae, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174602679 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-5-TCH_H-0)[0x612000055ba0]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=TCH_H) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Radio Link Failure [ 01 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124174602891 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174602898 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174602912 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174602913 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174604904 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174604920 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174604921 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174604921 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174604921 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174604921 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174604929 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174604929 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174604930 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174604930 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174604930 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174604934 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174604934 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174604935 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174604935 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174604937 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174604938 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174607990 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174607991 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174607991 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174607992 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174607992 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174611234 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174611235 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174611236 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174611468 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174611468 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174611469 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174611501 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174611501 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174612273 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174612273 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174612273 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174612273 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174612273 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174612299 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174612299 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174612299 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174612299 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174612333 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174613441 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_no_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174614504 DRSL ERROR MM GSM48_MT_MM_LOC_UPD_REQUEST: IMSI-001010000100001: No suitable MSC for this Complete Layer 3 request found (gsm_08_08.c:487) 20250124174614504 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc4294967295-conn4294967295_subscr-IMSI-001010000100001)[0x612000028720]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Unable to deliver BSSMAP Clear Request message, no MSC for this conn (bsc_subscr_conn_fsm.c:172) 20250124174614504 DMSC ERROR MSC is not connected. Dropping. (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:473) 20250124174614504 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc4294967295-conn4294967295_subscr-IMSI-001010000100001)[0x612000028720]{WAIT_SCCP_RLSD}: Unable to deliver SCCP message (bsc_subscr_conn_fsm.c:145) 20250124174614504 DLINP ERROR E1TS(0:2) Bad signalling message, sign_link returned error: No such file or directory. (ipaccess.c:590) 20250124174614506 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174614506 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174614507 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174614511 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174614511 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174614511 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174614511 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174614511 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174614511 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124174614513 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174614513 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174614513 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174614514 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174614514 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174614515 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174614516 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174614516 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174614516 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174614517 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174614517 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174617569 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174617569 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617569 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617569 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617569 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174617570 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174617571 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174617571 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174617571 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174620772 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174620773 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174620773 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174620991 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174620991 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174620991 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174620992 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174620992 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174620992 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174620992 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174621241 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174621241 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174622125 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174623138 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_refuse_chan_act_to_vamos() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174624141 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000080c20]{UNUSED}: (type=NONE) attempt from VTY to activate lchan (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) with codec fr (bsc_vty.c:1603) 20250124174624141 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000080c20]{UNUSED}: (type=TCH_F) VAMOS related channel activation requested, but BTS 0 does not support VAMOS (lchan_fsm.c:402) 20250124174624141 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000080c20]{UNUSED}: (type=TCH_F) VTY user invoked lchan activation failed (VAMOS related channel activation requested, but BTS does not support VAMOS) (lchan_fsm.c:214) 20250124174629158 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174629158 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174629158 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174629158 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174629159 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174629161 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174629161 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174629161 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174629161 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174629162 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174629162 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174629162 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174629162 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174629162 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174629162 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174629162 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174632222 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174632222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632222 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174632223 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174632224 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174632224 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174632224 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174635416 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174635417 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174635420 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174635649 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174635649 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174635649 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174635669 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174635669 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174636457 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174636457 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174636457 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174636457 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174636459 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174636473 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174636473 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174636473 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174636473 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174636510 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174637624 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_refuse_mode_modif_to_vamos() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174638963 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000081ca0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124174645989 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174645995 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174645998 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174646000 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174648000 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174648014 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174648014 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174648014 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174648014 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174648015 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174648024 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174648024 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174648024 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174648024 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174648024 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174648029 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174648029 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174648029 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174648029 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174648032 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174648032 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174651086 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174651087 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174651088 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174651088 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174651088 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174654330 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174654331 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174654333 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174654559 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174654559 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174654559 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174654568 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174654568 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174655363 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174655363 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174655363 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174655363 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174655365 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174655378 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174655379 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174655379 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174655379 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174655409 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174656520 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_reassignment_fr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174658001 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003b1a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124174700021 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200003fe20]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=TCH_F) Manually triggering Assignment from VTY (bsc_vty.c:802) 20250124174700105 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003b1a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124174709695 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174709695 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174709695 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174709695 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174709695 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174709697 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174709697 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174709698 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174709698 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174709698 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174709698 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174709698 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174709698 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174709698 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174709699 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174709699 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174712744 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174712744 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174712745 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174712745 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174712745 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174715974 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174715975 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174715976 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174716198 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174716198 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174716198 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174716214 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174716214 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174717002 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174717002 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174717002 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174717002 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174717004 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174717017 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174717017 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174717018 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174717018 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174717057 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174719201 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174720309 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cm_reestablishment() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174721675 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000061ba0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124174725747 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174725952 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174725958 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174725961 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174727957 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174730109 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000060fa0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124174735123 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): f_tc_cm_reestablishment_2 clearing (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174735125 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174735134 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174735139 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174735142 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174737137 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174737152 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174737152 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174737152 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174737153 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174737153 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174737162 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174737162 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174737163 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174737163 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174737163 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174737168 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174737169 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174737169 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174737169 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174737172 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174737173 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174737173 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174737173 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174737173 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174737173 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174737173 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174737178 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174737179 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174737179 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174737179 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174740208 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174740208 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740208 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740208 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740208 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740208 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740208 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740208 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174740209 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174740210 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174740211 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174740211 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174740211 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174740212 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174740212 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174740212 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174743385 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174743385 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174743385 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174743616 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174743617 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174743617 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174743619 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174743619 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174743619 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174743619 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174743625 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174743875 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174743875 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174744751 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174745762 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_imm_ass_post_chan_ack() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174752824 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174752824 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174752824 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174752824 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174752824 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174752829 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174752829 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174752829 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174752829 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174752830 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174752833 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174752833 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174752833 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174752833 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174752834 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174752835 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174755891 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174755891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174755892 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174755892 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174755892 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174759138 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174759138 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174759139 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174759360 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174759360 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174759360 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174759363 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174759369 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174759369 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174759369 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174759370 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174759607 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174759607 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174800460 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174801468 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174808570 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174808570 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174808570 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174808570 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174808570 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174808576 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174808576 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174808576 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174808576 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174808576 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174808578 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174808578 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174808578 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174808578 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174808580 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174808580 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174811634 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174811634 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174811635 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174811635 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174811636 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174811636 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174814879 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174814879 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174814880 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174815109 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174815109 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174815109 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174815110 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174815110 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174815110 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174815110 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174815350 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174815351 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174816229 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174817240 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174824349 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174824350 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174824350 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174824350 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174824350 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174824353 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174824353 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174824353 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174824353 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174824353 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174824353 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174824353 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174824353 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174824353 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174824353 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174824353 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174827404 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174827405 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174827405 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174827405 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174830582 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174830582 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174830583 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174830584 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174830596 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174830596 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174830596 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174830826 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174830826 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174830826 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174830827 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174830827 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174830827 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174830827 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174831073 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174831074 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174833628 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174833628 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174833629 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174833629 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174833629 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174834747 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174835757 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_imm_ass_pre_chan_ack_dyn_ts() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174842918 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174842918 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174842919 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174842919 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174842919 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174842925 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174842925 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174842925 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174842925 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174842925 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174842927 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174842927 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174842927 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174842927 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174842928 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174842928 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174845980 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174845980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174845982 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174845982 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174845982 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174849144 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174849144 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174849144 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174849144 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174849150 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174849150 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174849151 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174849372 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174849372 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174849372 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174849374 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174849374 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174849375 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174849375 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174849630 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174849630 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174852191 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852191 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174852192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174852192 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174852192 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174852192 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174852192 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174853262 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174854274 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_imm_ass_pre_ts_ack_dyn_ts() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174901436 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174901436 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174901436 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174901436 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174901436 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174901439 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174901439 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174901439 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174901439 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174901439 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174901439 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174901439 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174901440 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174901440 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174901440 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174901440 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174904497 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174904497 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174904498 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174904498 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174904498 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174907686 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174907687 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174907688 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174907912 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174907912 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174907912 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174907926 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174907926 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174908719 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174908719 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174908720 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174908720 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174908721 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124174908734 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124174908734 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174908734 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124174908734 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174908797 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174910952 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174912062 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174913072 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked: lock BTS 1 TRX 0 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174913074 DNM NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Requesting administrative state change Unlocked -> Locked [ctrl] (bts_trx.c:257) 20250124174914086 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked: lock the already locked TRX, nothing should change (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174914089 DNM NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Requesting administrative state change Locked -> Locked [ctrl] (bts_trx.c:257) 20250124174915102 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked: unlock BTS 1 TRX 0 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174915104 DNM NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Requesting administrative state change Locked -> Unlocked [ctrl] (bts_trx.c:257) 20250124174916115 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked: unlock an already unlocked TRX, nothing should change (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174916117 DNM NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Requesting administrative state change Unlocked -> Unlocked [ctrl] (bts_trx.c:257) 20250124174917129 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ctrl_trx_rf_locked: unlock an inoperational TRX (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174918145 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174918145 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174918145 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174918145 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174918145 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174918153 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174918153 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174918153 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174918154 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174918154 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174918159 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174918159 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174918160 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174918160 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174918163 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174918163 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174918164 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174918164 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174918164 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174918164 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174918164 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174918169 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174918169 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174918169 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174918169 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174921207 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174921207 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174921207 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174921208 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174921208 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174921208 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174921209 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174921209 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174921209 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174924360 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174924361 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174924362 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124174924580 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174924580 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124174924580 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174924581 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124174924581 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124174924581 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124174924581 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124174924822 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124174924822 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174925666 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124174926678 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124174930877 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174930877 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174930928 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174930928 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174930979 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174930979 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174930980 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174930980 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174931031 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174931031 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174931031 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174931032 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174931083 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174931083 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174931084 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174931084 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174931135 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174931135 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124174931136 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124174931136 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124174955300 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174955300 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124174955300 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124174955300 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124174955300 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174955306 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124174955306 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124174955306 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174955306 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124174955307 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174955311 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124174955311 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174955311 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124174955311 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124174955312 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124174955312 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124174958373 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124174958374 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124174958375 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174958375 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124174958375 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175001617 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175001617 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175001618 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175001619 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175001637 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175001639 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175001640 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175001857 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175001857 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175001857 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175001857 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175001857 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175001857 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175001857 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175002099 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175002099 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175004675 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175004675 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175004675 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175004676 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175004676 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175005742 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175006754 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ratectr_all_available_allocated_dyn() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175014449 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014449 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124175014504 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014504 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124175014559 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014559 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124175014560 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014560 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124175014616 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014616 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124175014617 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014617 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124175014668 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select SDCCH channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014668 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_H (abis_rsl.c:2337) 20250124175014669 DRLL NOTICE (bts=0) Failed to select TCH_H channel (SELECT_FOR_MS_CHAN_REQ) (lchan_select.c:438) 20250124175014669 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0) CHAN RQD[answer to paging]: no resources for SDCCH 0x33, retrying with TCH_F (abis_rsl.c:2345) 20250124175056107 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175056107 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175056107 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175056108 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175056108 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175056110 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175056111 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175056111 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175056111 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175056111 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175056114 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175056114 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175056114 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175056114 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175056115 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175056115 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175059171 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175059172 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175059173 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175059173 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175059173 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175102397 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175102398 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175102399 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175102625 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175102625 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175102625 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175102661 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175102661 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175103433 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175103433 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175103433 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175103433 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175103435 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175103456 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175103456 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175103456 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175103456 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175103536 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175104644 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cm_serv_rej() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175110183 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175110183 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175110183 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175110183 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175110183 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175110190 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175110190 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175110190 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175110190 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175110190 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175110195 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175110195 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175110195 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175110195 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175110199 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175110199 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175113249 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175113250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175113250 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175113250 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175113251 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175116508 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175116508 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175116508 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175116731 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175116731 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175116731 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175116752 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175116752 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175117538 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175117538 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175117538 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175117538 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175117540 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175117561 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175117561 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175117561 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175117561 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175117656 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175118759 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lost_sdcch_during_assignment() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175120051 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn286_subscr-IMSI-001012993430469_0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000252a0]{WAIT_RR_ASS_COMPLETE}: (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_RR_ASS_COMPLETE, cause EQUIPMENT FAILURE: Unable to send RR Assignment Command: conn without lchan (assignment_fsm.c:769) 20250124175120052 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn286_subscr-IMSI-001012993430469_0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000252a0]{WAIT_RR_ASS_COMPLETE}: (bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175120053 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn286_subscr-IMSI-001012993430469)[0x612000039520]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event ASSIGNMENT_END not permitted (assignment_fsm.c:166) 20250124175120053 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000056c20]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: transition to state WAIT_RLL_RTP_ESTABLISH not permitted! (lchan_fsm.c:1092) 20250124175120060 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000044020]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175120078 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000044020]{ST_READY}: MGW/CRCX: FSM was busy while DLCX was requested, executing now... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:347) 20250124175120598 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175120598 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175120598 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175120598 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175120598 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175120603 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175120603 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175120603 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175120603 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175120603 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175120604 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175120604 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175120604 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175120605 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175120605 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175120605 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175123653 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175123653 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175123654 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175123654 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175123654 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175126864 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175126865 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175126866 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175127090 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175127090 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175127090 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175127091 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175127091 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175127091 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175127091 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175127336 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175127336 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175128178 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175130219 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175132265 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175132282 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175132306 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175132328 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175133340 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_alloc_algo_ascending() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175133583 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000035f20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175133583 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000035f20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175133583 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000035f20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175133584 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn287_subscr-IMSI-001014274295743_2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200003fb20]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175133584 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn287_subscr-IMSI-001014274295743_2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200003fb20]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175133590 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x6120000870a0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175135861 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000885a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175135861 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000885a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175135861 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000885a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175135861 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn288_subscr-IMSI-001014989457410_2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000083020]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=2,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=2,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175135861 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn288_subscr-IMSI-001014989457410_2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000083020]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=2,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175135867 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x61200003a2a0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175138149 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000375a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175138149 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000375a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175138149 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000375a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175138149 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn289_subscr-IMSI-001015219476888_2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000276a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=3,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=3,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175138149 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn289_subscr-IMSI-001015219476888_2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000276a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=3,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175138154 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000060220]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175140427 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008d6a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175140427 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008d6a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175140427 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008d6a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175140427 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn290_subscr-IMSI-001013342476833_2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x612000045220]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=4,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175140427 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn290_subscr-IMSI-001013342476833_2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x612000045220]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175140432 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x61200001aaa0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175145456 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175145457 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175145457 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175145457 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175145457 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175145469 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175145469 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175145469 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145469 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175145469 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145477 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145477 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145477 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175145477 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145478 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145478 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175145478 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175145478 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145478 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145478 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175145479 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175145479 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145479 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175145479 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145479 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145479 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175145480 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175145480 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175145480 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175145480 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175145480 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145480 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175145480 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145482 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145482 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145482 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175145482 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145482 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175145482 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175145483 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145483 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175145483 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145484 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175145484 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175145484 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175145484 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175148522 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148523 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148524 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148524 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148525 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175148525 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148527 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148527 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148527 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148529 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148529 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148529 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148529 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148529 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148532 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148532 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148532 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148533 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148533 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148533 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175148534 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148534 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175148534 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175151364 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175151365 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175151365 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175151582 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175151582 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175151582 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175151582 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175151582 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175151582 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175151582 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175151814 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175151814 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175152672 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175154720 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175156760 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175156772 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175156793 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175156812 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175157819 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_alloc_algo_descending() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175158065 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000330a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175158065 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000330a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175158065 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000330a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175158065 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn291_subscr-IMSI-001012220470417_2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000228a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=3,ts=4,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175158066 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn291_subscr-IMSI-001012220470417_2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000228a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175158071 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000032320]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175200296 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-3-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008d3a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175200296 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-3-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008d3a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175200297 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-3-3-TCH_F-0)[0x61200008d3a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175200297 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn292_subscr-IMSI-001015495629436_2-3-3-TCH_F-0)[0x612000018ca0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=3,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=3,ts=3,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175200297 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn292_subscr-IMSI-001015495629436_2-3-3-TCH_F-0)[0x612000018ca0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=3,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175200302 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000035620]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175202538 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000840a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175202538 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000840a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175202538 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-3-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000840a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175202539 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn293_subscr-IMSI-001013705393602_2-3-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000810a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=2,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=3,ts=2,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175202539 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn293_subscr-IMSI-001013705393602_2-3-2-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000810a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=2,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175202544 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x6120000291a0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175204770 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000084520]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175204770 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000084520]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175204770 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-3-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000084520]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175204770 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn294_subscr-IMSI-001019873920617_2-3-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000060520]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=3,ts=1,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175204770 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn294_subscr-IMSI-001019873920617_2-3-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000060520]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175204776 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000082d20]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175207001 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-0-TCH_F-0)[0x612000084220]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175207001 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-0-TCH_F-0)[0x612000084220]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175207001 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-3-0-TCH_F-0)[0x612000084220]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175207001 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn295_subscr-IMSI-001015052034550_2-3-0-TCH_F-0)[0x612000081b20]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175207002 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn295_subscr-IMSI-001015052034550_2-3-0-TCH_F-0)[0x612000081b20]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=0,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175207008 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000082720]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175212033 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175212033 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175212033 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175212033 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175212033 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175212039 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175212040 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175212040 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212040 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175212040 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212042 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175212042 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175212042 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175212042 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212042 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175212043 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175212043 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212043 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212043 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175212043 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175212043 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175212043 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175212043 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175212043 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212043 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175212043 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212044 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212044 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212044 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175212044 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212044 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175212044 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175212044 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212044 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175212044 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212045 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175212045 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175212045 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175212045 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175215083 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215083 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215084 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175215085 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215085 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215085 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215085 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215087 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215087 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215087 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215087 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215087 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215090 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215090 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215090 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215091 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215092 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215092 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175215095 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215095 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175215095 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175217923 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175217924 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175217924 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175218141 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175218141 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175218141 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175218141 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175218141 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175218141 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175218141 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175218376 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175218376 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175219216 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175221262 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175223310 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175223325 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175223343 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175223355 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175224367 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_chan_alloc_algo_ass_dynamic() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175224377 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Case a) Unknown Uplink RxLev, fall-back to ascending (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175224613 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000055d20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175224613 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000055d20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175224613 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000055d20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175224614 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn296_subscr-IMSI-001010923861480_2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000591a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175224614 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn296_subscr-IMSI-001010923861480_2-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000591a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175224619 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x61200003f820]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175226627 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Case b) Not enough RxLev samples, use ascending (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175226998 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000031420]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175226998 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000031420]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175226998 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000031420]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175226998 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn297_subscr-IMSI-001010489452769_2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000087520]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=2,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=2,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175226998 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn297_subscr-IMSI-001010489452769_2-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000087520]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=2,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175227001 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x6120000264a0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175229009 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Case c) Uplink RxLev below the threshold, use ascending (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175229371 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x612000082a20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175229371 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x612000082a20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175229371 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x612000082a20]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175229371 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn298_subscr-IMSI-001012290192128_2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x61200001a920]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=3,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=3,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175229371 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn298_subscr-IMSI-001012290192128_2-0-3-TCH_F-0)[0x61200001a920]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=3,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175229373 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000036820]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175231379 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Case d) Uplink RxLev above the threshold, use descending (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175231749 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000414a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175231749 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000414a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175231749 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000414a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175231749 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn299_subscr-IMSI-001013826551643_2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200003b1a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=3,ts=4,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175231750 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn299_subscr-IMSI-001013826551643_2-3-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200003b1a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=3,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175231754 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x612000086da0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175233761 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Case e) Uplink RxLev above the threshold, but C0 load is not (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175234084 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200002f7a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175234084 DCHAN ERROR lchan(2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200002f7a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20) (lchan_fsm.c:982) 20250124175234084 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200002f7a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) Signalling Assignment FSM of error (lchan allocation failed in state WAIT_ACTIV_ACK: Chan Activ NACK: Equipment Failure (0x20)) (lchan_fsm.c:160) 20250124175234084 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn300_subscr-IMSI-001018986868696_2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200004b9a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed in state WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE, cause RADIO INTERFACE MESSAGE FAILURE: Failed to activate lchan (bts=2,trx=0,ts=4,ss=0) (assignment_fsm.c:1037) 20250124175234084 DAS ERROR assignment(msc0-conn300_subscr-IMSI-001018986868696_2-0-4-TCH_F-0)[0x61200004b9a0]{WAIT_LCHAN_ACTIVE}: (bts=2,trx=0,ts=4,ss=0) Assignment failed (assignment_fsm.c:165) 20250124175234089 DLMGCP ERROR MGCP_CONN(to-BTS)[0x61200000f6a0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW: operation still pending, DLCX will be postponed. (mgcp_client_fsm.c:820) 20250124175236109 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175236109 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175236109 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175236109 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175236110 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175236119 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175236119 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175236119 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236119 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175236119 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236123 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236123 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236124 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175236124 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236125 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175236125 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175236126 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236126 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175236126 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236138 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236138 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236138 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175236138 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236138 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236138 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175236140 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175236140 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236140 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236140 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175236141 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175236141 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236142 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175236142 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236143 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236143 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175236144 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175236144 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175236144 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175236144 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175236144 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236144 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175236144 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236148 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175236148 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175236148 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175236148 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175239173 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239173 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239173 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239173 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239173 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239174 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175239174 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239175 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239175 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239180 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239181 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239181 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175239182 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239182 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239182 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239184 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239184 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239184 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239186 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239186 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239186 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239187 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239187 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239187 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175239188 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239188 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175239188 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175242044 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175242045 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175242046 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175242272 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175242272 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175242272 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175242312 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175242312 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175243078 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175243079 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175243079 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175243079 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175243080 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175243119 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175243119 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175243119 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175243119 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175243197 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175244304 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mgwpool_all_used() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175245315 DLMGCP NOTICE MGW(mgw) MGCP client: using endpoint domain '@mgw' (mgcp_client.c:944) 20250124175245668 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200006c220]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175248014 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x6120000444a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175250034 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175250035 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175250043 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175250043 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175250047 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175250049 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175250050 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175250051 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175252052 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175252052 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175252074 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175252075 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175252075 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175252075 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175252075 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175252075 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124175252082 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175252083 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175252083 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175252083 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175252083 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175252088 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175252088 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175252088 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175252088 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175252092 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175252092 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175255131 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175255131 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175255132 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175255132 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175255132 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175258387 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175258388 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175258390 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175258617 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175258617 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175258617 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175258633 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175258633 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175259421 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175259421 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175259421 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175259422 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175259424 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175259435 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175259435 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175259435 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175259435 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175259498 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175300608 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mgwpool_blocked_not_used() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175301612 DLMGCP NOTICE MGW(mgw) MGCP client: using endpoint domain '@mgw' (mgcp_client.c:944) 20250124175301974 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200007c5a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175304303 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200002e120]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175306322 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175306324 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175306332 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175306333 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175306338 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175306340 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175306341 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175306342 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175308333 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175308334 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175308352 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175308353 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175308353 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175308353 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175308353 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175308357 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175308357 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175308357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175308357 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175308357 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175308358 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175308358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175308358 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175308358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175308359 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175308359 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175311410 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175311410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175311411 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175311411 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175311411 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175314610 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175314611 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175314612 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175314833 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175314833 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175314833 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175314853 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175314853 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175315638 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175315638 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175315638 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175315638 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175315638 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175315654 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175315654 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175315654 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175315654 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175315689 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175316801 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mgwpool_pin_bts() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175317811 DLMGCP NOTICE MGW(mgw) MGCP client: using endpoint domain '@mgw' (mgcp_client.c:944) 20250124175318216 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200006dd20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175320564 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200007e0a0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175322585 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175322586 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175322594 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175322597 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175322599 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175322602 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175322603 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175322606 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175324600 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175324601 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175324625 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175324625 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175324625 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175324625 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175324625 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175324638 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175324638 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175324638 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175324638 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175324638 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175324642 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175324642 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175324642 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175324642 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175324644 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175324644 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175327693 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175327693 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175327694 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175327694 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175327694 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175330921 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175330921 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175330922 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175331140 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175331140 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175331140 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175331155 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175331155 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175331945 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175331945 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175331945 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175331945 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175331945 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175331948 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175331948 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175331948 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175331948 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175331993 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175333103 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_mgwpool_keepalive_down_not_used() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175334110 DLMGCP NOTICE MGW(mgw) MGCP client: using endpoint domain '@mgw' (mgcp_client.c:944) 20250124175337107 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) MGCP link to MGW now considered DOWN (keepalive timeout, more than 3 seconds with no answer from MGW) (mgcp_client.c:905) 20250124175337472 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000041920]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175339491 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175339500 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175339505 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175339507 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175341504 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175341532 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175341532 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175341532 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175341532 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175341532 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175341535 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175341535 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175341535 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175341535 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175341535 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175341537 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175341537 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175341537 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175341537 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175341538 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175341538 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175344592 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175344593 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175344594 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175344595 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175344595 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175347783 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175347783 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175347784 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175347784 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175347800 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175347801 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175347802 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175348029 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175348029 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175348029 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175348048 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175348048 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175348835 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175348835 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175348836 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175348836 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175348838 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175348854 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175348854 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175348854 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175348854 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175350832 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175350832 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175350833 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175350833 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175350833 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175351927 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175353035 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_meas_rep_multi_band() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175354488 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000047620]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175356538 DHODEC NOTICE (lchan 0.010 TCH_F SPEECH_V1) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001016395894247) RX level is TOO LOW: -102 < -100 (handover_decision_2.c:1574) 20250124175359445 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175359445 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175359445 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175359445 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175359445 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175359447 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175359447 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175359447 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175359447 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175359447 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175359447 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175359447 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175359447 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175359447 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175359448 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175359448 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175402503 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175402504 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175402505 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175402505 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175402506 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175405703 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: vty (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175405703 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175405704 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175405704 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175405722 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175405723 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175405724 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175405948 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175405948 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175405948 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175405962 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175405962 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175406752 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175406753 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175406753 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175406753 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175406755 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175406768 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175406768 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175406768 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175406769 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175408757 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175408757 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175408758 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175408758 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175408758 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175409823 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175410930 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_ho_out_of_this_bsc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175412456 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x61200003fca0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175414510 DHODEC NOTICE (lchan 0.010 TCH_F SPEECH_V1) (subscr subscr-IMSI-001015699444196) RX level is TOO LOW: -102 < -100 (handover_decision_2.c:1574) 20250124175417379 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175417379 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175417379 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175417379 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175417379 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175417381 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175417381 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175417381 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175417381 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175417381 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175417382 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175417382 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175417382 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175417382 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175417383 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175417383 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175420438 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175420439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175420439 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175420440 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175420440 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175423672 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175423673 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175423675 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175423896 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175423896 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175423896 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175423908 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175423908 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175424701 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175424701 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175424702 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175424702 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175424703 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175424712 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175424713 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175424713 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175424713 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175424771 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175425884 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_1() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175427216 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000019ea0]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175431243 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175431256 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175431261 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175431263 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175433259 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175438254 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000036b20]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan failure in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124175441262 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000036b20]{RECOVER_WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) successfully recovered BORKEN lchan (lchan_fsm.c:1695) 20250124175441266 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175441267 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175441267 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175441267 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175441267 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175441268 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124175441273 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175441273 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175441273 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175441273 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175441273 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175441274 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175441274 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175441274 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175441274 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175441274 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175441274 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175444331 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175444331 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175444332 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175444332 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175444332 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175447549 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175447550 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175447553 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175447777 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175447777 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175447777 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175447797 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175447797 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175448583 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175448583 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175448583 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175448583 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175448585 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175448592 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175448592 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175448592 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175448592 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175448634 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175449743 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_unbreak_lchan_after_missing_rel_ack_2() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175451087 DLCLS NOTICE LCLS[0x612000088a20]{NO_LCLS}: No GCR set, ignoring APPLY_CFG_CSC (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:388) 20250124175455114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175455126 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175455133 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RR Release (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175455135 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175457129 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175502124 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000546a0]{WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan failure in state WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK: Timeout (lchan_fsm.c:2006) 20250124175505139 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000546a0]{RECOVER_WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK (cause=Equipment Failure [ 20 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1279) 20250124175505139 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000546a0]{RECOVER_WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) received NACK for activation of BORKEN lchan, assuming still active (lchan_fsm.c:1670) 20250124175505143 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000546a0]{RECOVER_WAIT_RF_RELEASE_ACK}: (type=SDCCH) successfully recovered BORKEN lchan (lchan_fsm.c:1695) 20250124175505157 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175505157 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175505157 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175505157 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175505157 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175505163 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175505163 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175505164 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175505164 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175505164 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175505176 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175505176 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175505177 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175505177 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175505178 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175505178 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175508235 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175508235 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175508236 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175508236 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175508236 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175511442 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175511443 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175511445 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175511676 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175511676 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175511676 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175511694 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175511694 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175512482 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175512482 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175512483 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175512483 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175512484 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175512499 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175512499 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175512499 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175512500 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175512528 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175513642 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_only() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175523002 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175523002 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175523002 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175523002 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175523005 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175523005 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175523005 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175523005 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175523005 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175523005 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175523006 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175523006 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175523006 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175523006 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175523006 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175523006 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175523006 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175523006 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175523006 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175523006 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175526068 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175526069 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175526069 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175526069 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175529370 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175529371 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175529372 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175529598 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175529598 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175529598 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175529610 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175529610 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175530395 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175530395 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175530395 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175530395 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175530396 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175530409 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175530409 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175530409 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175530409 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175530460 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175531569 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_bway_connect() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175537964 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175537964 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175537964 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175537964 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175537965 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175537969 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175537969 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175537969 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175537969 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175537969 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175537969 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175537969 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175537969 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175537969 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn315_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x612000089620]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175537970 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175537970 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175537970 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175537970 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175537970 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175537970 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175537970 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175541021 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175541021 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175541022 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175541022 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175541022 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175544332 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175544333 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175544334 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175544559 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175544559 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175544559 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175544577 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175544577 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175545366 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175545366 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175545366 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175545366 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175545368 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175545381 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175545381 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175545382 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175545382 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175545447 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175546558 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_bway_connect_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175552999 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175552999 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175552999 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175552999 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175552999 DMSC ERROR MSC is not connected. Dropping. (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:505) 20250124175552999 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn317_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x612000088ea0]{ACTIVE}: Unable to deliver SCCP message (bsc_subscr_conn_fsm.c:145) 20250124175553001 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175553002 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175553002 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175553002 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175553003 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175553003 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175553003 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175553003 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175553006 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175553006 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175553006 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175553006 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175553007 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175553007 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175553007 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175553007 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175556056 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175556056 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556056 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556056 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556056 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556056 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556056 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175556057 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175556057 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175556057 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175559335 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175559336 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175559336 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175559553 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175559553 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175559553 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175559571 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175559571 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175600360 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175600360 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175600360 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175600360 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175600362 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175600375 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175600375 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175600375 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175600376 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175600406 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175601516 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_bway_codec_mismatch() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175607896 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175607896 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175607896 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175607896 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175607896 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175607900 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175607900 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175607900 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175607900 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175607901 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175607901 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175607901 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175607901 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175607902 DLCLS ERROR LCLS[0x61200008dfa0]{NOT_YET_LS}: transition to state NOT_POSSIBLE_LS not permitted! (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:460) 20250124175607902 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn319_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x61200002e8a0]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175607902 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175607902 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175607903 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175607903 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175607903 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175607903 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175607903 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175610956 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175610957 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175610958 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175610959 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175610959 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175614272 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175614273 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175614275 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175614496 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175614496 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175614496 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175614515 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175614515 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175615304 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175615304 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175615305 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175615305 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175615307 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175615318 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175615318 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175615318 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175615318 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175615383 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175616487 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_nomatch_bway_connect() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175625860 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175625860 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175625861 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175625861 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175625861 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175625868 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175625868 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175625869 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175625869 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175625872 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175625873 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175625873 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175625873 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175625875 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175625876 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175625876 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175625876 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175625877 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175625877 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175625877 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175628928 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175628928 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175628929 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175628929 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175628929 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175632265 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175632266 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175632267 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175632486 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175632486 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175632486 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175632505 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175632505 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175633292 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175633292 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175633292 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175633292 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175633293 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175633302 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175633302 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175633302 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175633302 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175633338 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175634446 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_bway_dont_connect() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175643852 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175643853 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175643853 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175643853 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175643853 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175643858 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175643858 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175643858 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175643858 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175643859 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175643859 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175643859 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175643859 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175643859 DLCLS ERROR LCLS[0x612000081820]{NOT_YET_LS}: transition to state NOT_POSSIBLE_LS not permitted! (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:460) 20250124175643859 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn323_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x612000081b20]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175643860 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175643860 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175643860 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175643860 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175643861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175643861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175643861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175646908 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175646908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175646909 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175646909 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175646909 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175650219 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175650220 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175650221 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175650444 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175650444 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175650444 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175650463 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175650463 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175651251 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175651251 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175651251 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175651251 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175651251 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175651267 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175651267 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175651267 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175651267 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175651328 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175652436 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_unsuppported_cfg() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175653805 DLCLS ERROR LCLS[0x612000033220]{REQ_LCLS_NOT_SUPP}: transition to state NOT_POSSIBLE_LS not permitted! (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:569) 20250124175701818 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175701818 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175701819 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175701819 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175701819 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175701819 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175701819 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175701822 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175701822 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175701822 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175701822 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175701822 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175701822 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175701822 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175701822 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175701823 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175701823 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175701823 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175701823 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175701823 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175704868 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175704868 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175704869 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175704869 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175704869 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175708203 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175708204 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175708205 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175708432 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175708432 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175708432 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175708454 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175708454 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175709236 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175709236 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175709237 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175709237 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175709238 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175709255 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175709255 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175709255 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175709256 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175709298 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175710409 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_unsuppported_csc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175716801 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175716801 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175716801 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175716801 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175716802 DLCLS ERROR LCLS[0x61200003e7a0]{NOT_YET_LS}: transition to state NOT_POSSIBLE_LS not permitted! (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:460) 20250124175716802 DMSC ERROR MSC is not connected. Dropping. (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:505) 20250124175716802 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn327_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x61200003e1a0]{ACTIVE}: Unable to deliver SCCP message (bsc_subscr_conn_fsm.c:145) 20250124175716805 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175716806 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175716806 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175716807 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175716807 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175716807 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175716807 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175716808 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175716813 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175716813 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175716813 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175716813 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175716816 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175716817 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175716817 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175716817 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175719864 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175719864 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175719865 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175719865 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175719865 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175723221 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175723222 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175723224 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175723450 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175723450 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175723450 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175723465 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175723471 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175724251 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175724251 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175724252 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175724252 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175724253 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175724266 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175724266 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175724266 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175724267 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175724296 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175725409 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_gcr_bway_dont_connect_csc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175738856 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175738856 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175738856 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175738856 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175738856 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175738860 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175738860 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175738860 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175738860 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175738860 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175738860 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175738860 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175738860 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175738860 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn329_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x612000080aa0]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175738861 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175738861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175738861 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175738861 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175738861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175738861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175738861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175741898 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175741898 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175741899 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175741899 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175741899 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175745237 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175745238 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175745239 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175745459 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175745459 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175745459 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175745475 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175745475 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175746262 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175746262 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175746263 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175746263 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175746264 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175746280 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175746280 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175746280 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175746281 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175746311 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175747419 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_connect_break() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175755852 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175755852 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175755852 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175755852 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175755853 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175755859 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175755859 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175755859 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175755859 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175755860 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175755860 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175755860 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175755860 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175755861 DLCLS ERROR LCLS[0x61200003b020]{NO_LONGER_LS}: transition to state NOT_POSSIBLE_LS not permitted! (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:545) 20250124175755861 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn331_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x6120000297a0]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175755861 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175755861 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175755862 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175755862 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175755862 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175755862 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175755862 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175758915 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175758915 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175758916 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175758916 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175758916 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175802327 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175802328 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175802329 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175802560 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175802560 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175802560 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175802574 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175802574 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175803364 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175803364 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175803365 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175803365 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175803367 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175803376 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175803376 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175803376 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175803377 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175803411 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175804525 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_connect_clear() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175814964 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175814964 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175814964 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175814964 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175814965 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175814968 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175814968 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175814968 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175814968 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175814968 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175814968 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175814969 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175814969 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175814969 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175814969 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175814969 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175814969 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175814969 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175818019 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175818019 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175818020 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175818020 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175818020 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175821345 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175821346 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175821347 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175821569 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175821569 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175821569 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175821587 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175821587 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175822372 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175822372 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175822373 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175822373 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175822374 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175822384 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175822384 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175822384 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175822385 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175822426 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175823534 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_bts_gcr_bway_connect() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175827886 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x612000050c20]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/2@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175827930 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200002c1a0]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/1@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175829913 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175829913 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175829913 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175829913 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175829913 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175829918 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175829918 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175829919 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175829919 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175829919 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175829919 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175829919 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175829919 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175829920 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn335_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x61200001a920]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175829920 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175829920 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175829921 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175829921 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175829921 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175829921 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175829921 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175832971 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175832971 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175832973 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175832973 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175832973 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175836279 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175836279 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175836279 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175836503 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175836503 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175836503 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175836521 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175836521 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175837309 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175837309 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175837309 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175837309 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175837310 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175837323 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175837323 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175837323 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175837330 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175837370 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175838482 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_bts_gcr_bway_connect_hr() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175842857 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-5-TCH_H-1)[0x61200006eda0]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/2@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175842898 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-5-TCH_H-0)[0x612000036220]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/1@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175844886 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175844886 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175844886 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175844886 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175844887 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175844890 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175844890 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175844890 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175844891 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175844891 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175844892 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175844892 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175844892 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175844892 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn337_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x61200006ef20]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175844892 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175844893 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175844893 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175844893 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175844893 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175844893 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175844893 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175847947 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175847948 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175847948 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175847949 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175847949 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175851303 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175851304 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175851306 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175851534 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175851534 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175851534 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175851548 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175851548 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175852341 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175852341 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175852341 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175852341 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175852344 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175852357 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124175852357 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175852357 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124175852357 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175852408 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175853516 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_lcls_bts_connect_break() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175857892 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x61200006f3a0]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/2@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175857935 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200006d5a0]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/1@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175901927 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200006d5a0]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/1@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175901928 DCHAN NOTICE lchan_rtp(0-0-2-TCH_F-0)[0x61200006f3a0]{ESTABLISHED}: Received MDCX ACK on established lchan's RTP port: rtpbridge/2@mgw: (lchan_rtp_fsm.c:670) 20250124175901937 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175901937 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175901937 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175901938 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175901938 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175901941 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175901942 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175901942 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175901942 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175901943 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175901943 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175901943 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175901943 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175901943 DLCLS ERROR LCLS[0x612000001ea0]{NO_LONGER_LS}: transition to state NOT_POSSIBLE_LS not permitted! (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:545) 20250124175901943 DMSC ERROR SUBSCR_CONN(msc0-conn339_subscr-IMSI-002029876543210)[0x61200008f620]{WAIT_CLEAR_CMD}: Event TX_SCCP not permitted (osmo_bsc_lcls.c:92) 20250124175901943 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175901944 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175901944 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175901944 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175901944 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175901944 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175901944 DLMGCP ERROR MGW(mgw) Failed to read: r=<->l= -111='Connection refused' (mgcp_client.c:791) 20250124175904986 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175904986 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175904987 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175904987 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175904987 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175908311 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175908312 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175908313 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175908539 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175908539 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175908539 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175908539 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175908539 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175908539 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175908539 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175908779 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175908779 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175909656 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175911708 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175913770 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175913783 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175913800 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175913821 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175914834 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_bsc_server() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175914863 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Server (listening at (cbsp_link.c:274) 20250124175914863 DCBS NOTICE Creating CBSP Server (cbsp_link.c:277) 20250124175914866 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Server link established from CBC (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:133) 20250124175914869 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175914870 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175914870 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175914870 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175914870 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175914870 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124175914873 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(cbsp,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175914873 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Server lost connection from (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:58) 20250124175914874 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175914874 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175914874 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914874 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175914874 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914877 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914877 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914877 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175914877 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914877 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914877 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175914878 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175914878 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175914878 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175914878 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175914878 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175914878 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175914879 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914879 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175914879 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914879 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914879 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914879 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175914879 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914879 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175914879 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175914880 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914880 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175914880 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914880 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175914880 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175914880 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175914880 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175917907 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917908 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175917908 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175917909 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917909 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917909 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917910 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917911 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917911 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917911 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175917914 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917915 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917915 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917916 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917917 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917917 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917917 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917917 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917917 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175917918 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917919 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175917919 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175920874 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175920875 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175920876 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175921096 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175921096 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175921096 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175921097 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175921097 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175921097 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175921097 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175921339 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175921339 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175922197 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175924241 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175926285 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175926298 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175926321 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175926342 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175927353 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_bsc_server_ipv6() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175927374 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP server (cbsp_link.c:220) 20250124175927376 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Server (listening at [::1]:48050) (cbsp_link.c:274) 20250124175927376 DCBS NOTICE Creating CBSP Server (cbsp_link.c:277) 20250124175927377 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Server link established from CBC (r=::1:39349<->l=::1:48050) (cbsp_link.c:133) 20250124175927380 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175927380 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175927380 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175927380 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175927380 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175927383 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(cbsp,r=::1:39349<->l=::1:48050) connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175927383 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Server lost connection from (r=::1:39349<->l=::1:48050) (cbsp_link.c:58) 20250124175927383 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175927383 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175927383 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927383 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175927383 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927389 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927389 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927390 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175927390 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927390 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927390 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175927390 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175927390 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927391 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927391 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175927391 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175927391 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927392 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175927392 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927392 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927392 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175927393 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175927393 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175927393 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175927393 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175927393 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927393 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175927393 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927394 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927394 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927394 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175927394 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927395 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175927395 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175927395 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927395 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175927395 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927396 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175927396 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175927396 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175927396 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175930424 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930424 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175930426 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930426 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930426 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930426 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175930428 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930429 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930429 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930429 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175930430 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930431 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930431 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930432 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930434 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930434 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930435 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930435 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930435 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175930436 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930437 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175930437 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175933362 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175933363 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175933364 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175933591 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175933591 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175933591 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175933593 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175933593 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175933593 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175933593 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175933602 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124175933836 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175933836 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175934702 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175936751 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175938800 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175938817 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175938840 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175938851 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175939865 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_bsc_client() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175939890 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP server (cbsp_link.c:220) 20250124175939893 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124175939893 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124175944895 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124175944902 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124175944902 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124175944902 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124175944902 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124175944902 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124175944915 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175944915 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124175944916 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124175944916 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124175944916 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175944923 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124175944923 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124175944924 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175944924 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175944925 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944925 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175944925 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944930 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944931 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944931 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175944931 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944932 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175944932 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175944935 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124175944935 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175944935 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175944935 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175944935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944935 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175944936 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944941 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944941 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944942 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175944942 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944943 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175944943 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175944945 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124175944945 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124175944946 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944946 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124175944946 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944963 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944964 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944964 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175944964 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944965 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175944966 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175944967 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175944967 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944968 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944968 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175944970 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175944970 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944971 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175944973 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124175944973 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124175944973 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124175944974 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124175947972 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947972 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947973 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947973 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947973 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947973 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175947974 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947974 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947974 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947978 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175947978 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175947978 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947980 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175947981 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947981 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947981 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947982 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175947982 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175947989 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947989 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124175947991 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947991 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947991 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947992 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947992 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947992 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947993 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947993 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947993 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947993 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947993 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124175947993 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124175947995 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175947995 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124175949924 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124175950963 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175950964 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175950966 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124175951183 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175951183 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124175951183 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175951183 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124175951183 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124175951183 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124175951183 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124175951413 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124175951413 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124175952265 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175954323 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175954925 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124175956376 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175956393 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175956417 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175956436 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124175957448 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_bsc_client_ipv6() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124175957472 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124175957475 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at [::1]:48049) (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124175957476 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180002477 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079) (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180002481 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180002481 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180002481 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180002481 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180002481 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180002492 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180002492 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180002493 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180002493 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180002493 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180002503 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180002503 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079) (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180002504 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180002504 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180002505 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002505 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180002505 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002509 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002509 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002509 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180002509 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002510 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180002510 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180002510 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180002510 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180002510 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002510 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180002510 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002512 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002512 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002512 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180002512 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002513 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002513 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180002513 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180002513 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180002515 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180002515 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002515 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002515 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180002516 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180002516 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002516 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180002516 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002516 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180002516 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002517 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180002517 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002517 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180002517 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180002517 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180002517 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180005554 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005554 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005555 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005555 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005556 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180005557 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005557 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005557 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005557 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005558 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005558 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005558 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005558 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005558 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005559 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005559 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180005559 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180005560 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005560 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005561 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180005561 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180005562 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005562 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005562 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005563 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005563 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180005563 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180005564 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180005564 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180007504 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180008477 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180008478 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180008480 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180008708 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180008708 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180008708 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180008713 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180008713 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180008713 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180008713 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180008960 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180008960 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180009842 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180011892 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180012505 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=::1:48049<->l=::1:46079){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180013938 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180013953 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180013975 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180013986 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180014997 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_reset_bss() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180015020 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180015024 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180015024 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180020025 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180020031 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020031 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020031 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020032 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020032 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180020036 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020036 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020036 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020036 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180020036 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180020047 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180020047 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180020047 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180020047 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180020047 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180020055 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180020055 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180020056 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180020056 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180020056 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020056 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180020057 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020063 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020063 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020063 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180020063 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020064 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180020064 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180020064 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180020064 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180020064 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020064 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180020065 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180020065 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180020065 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180020065 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180020065 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020065 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180020065 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020065 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020065 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020065 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180020065 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020066 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180020066 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180020066 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180020066 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180020066 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020066 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180020066 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020067 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180020067 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020067 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180020067 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180020067 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180020067 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180023100 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023100 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023101 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023101 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023102 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180023102 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023103 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023103 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023103 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023104 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023105 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023105 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023105 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023105 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023106 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180023106 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180023107 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180023107 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180023107 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023108 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023108 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023109 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023109 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023109 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023112 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023112 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180023112 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180023113 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180023113 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180025057 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180026055 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180026056 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180026056 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180026274 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180026274 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180026274 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180026274 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180026274 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180026274 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180026274 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180026498 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180026498 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180027344 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180029396 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180030058 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180031439 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180031464 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180031484 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180031498 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180032508 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_cell_rflock_failure_restart() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180032529 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180032531 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180032532 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180037533 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180037540 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180037540 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180037540 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180037540 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180037540 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180037545 DNM NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Requesting administrative state change Unlocked -> Locked [ctrl] (bts_trx.c:257) 20250124180037586 DNM NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Requesting administrative state change Locked -> Unlocked [ctrl] (bts_trx.c:257) 20250124180037599 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180037599 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180037599 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180037599 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180037599 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180037608 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180037608 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180037610 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180037610 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180037610 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037610 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180037610 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037622 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037622 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037622 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180037623 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037623 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037623 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180037624 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180037624 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180037625 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180037625 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037626 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180037626 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037626 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037626 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180037627 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180037627 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037628 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037628 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180037629 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180037629 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180037629 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180037629 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180037629 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037629 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180037630 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037632 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037632 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037632 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180037633 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037633 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180037634 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180037635 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180037635 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180037635 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037635 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180037635 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037637 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180037637 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037637 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180037637 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180037638 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180037638 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180040668 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180040672 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040673 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040673 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180040674 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040674 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040676 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040678 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040678 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040678 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040679 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180040679 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180040680 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180040680 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040680 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040681 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040681 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040681 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040681 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040682 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040682 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180040682 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180040682 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040682 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040683 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040684 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180040684 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180040685 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180040685 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180042609 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180043645 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180043647 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180043649 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180043881 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180043882 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180043882 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180043882 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180043882 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180043882 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180043882 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180044122 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180044123 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180044972 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180047014 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180047611 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180049065 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180049082 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180049104 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180049115 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180050126 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_cell_rsl_down_failure() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180050154 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180050157 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180050157 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180055159 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180055165 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180055165 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180055165 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180055165 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180055165 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180055170 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180055170 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180055170 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055170 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180055170 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055173 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055173 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055173 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180055173 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055220 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180055220 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180055220 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180055220 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180055220 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180055229 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180055229 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180055231 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180055231 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180055231 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055231 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180055231 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055236 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055237 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055237 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180055237 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055237 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180055237 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180055238 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180055238 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180055238 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055238 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180055238 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055242 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055242 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055242 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180055242 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055242 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055242 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180055243 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180055243 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180055243 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180055243 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055244 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180055244 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055244 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055244 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180055244 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180055244 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180055245 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180055245 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180055245 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180055245 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180058227 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058229 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180058230 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058230 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058230 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058232 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180058232 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180058267 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058267 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180058268 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058268 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058268 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058269 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180058269 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180058274 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058274 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180058277 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058277 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058277 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058278 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058278 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058278 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058278 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058279 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058279 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058279 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058279 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180058279 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180058281 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180058281 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180100230 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180101193 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180101194 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180101195 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180101419 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180101419 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180101419 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180101419 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180101419 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180101419 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180101419 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180101665 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180101665 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180102540 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180104590 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180105232 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180106638 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180106651 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180106667 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180106676 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180107687 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_bss() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180107709 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180107711 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180107711 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180112712 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180112719 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180112719 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180112719 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180112719 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180112719 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180112727 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180113356 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180115239 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180117124 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180119008 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180120893 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180122772 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180124661 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180126544 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180128428 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180130313 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180132198 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x09 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180134080 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180134080 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180134080 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180134080 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180134080 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180134089 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180134089 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180134091 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180134091 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180134092 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134092 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180134092 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134107 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134108 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134108 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180134108 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134109 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180134109 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180134110 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180134110 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134111 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134111 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180134111 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180134112 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134112 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134112 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180134113 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180134113 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134114 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134114 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180134115 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180134115 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180134115 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180134115 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180134115 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134115 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180134115 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134118 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134118 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134118 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180134118 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134119 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180134119 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180134120 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180134120 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180134120 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134120 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180134120 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134122 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180134122 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134122 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180134122 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180134122 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180134122 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180137152 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137152 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180137155 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137155 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137155 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137155 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137155 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137156 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180137157 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137157 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137157 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137157 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137157 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137158 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137158 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137158 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137158 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137159 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137159 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137159 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137159 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180137160 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180137160 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180137161 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180137162 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137164 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180137164 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180137165 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180137165 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180139090 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180140101 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180140102 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180140103 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180140326 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180140327 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180140327 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180140329 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180140329 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180140329 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180140329 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180140338 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124180140575 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180140575 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180141445 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180143494 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180144092 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180145545 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180145559 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180145579 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180145601 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180146614 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_bts_cgi() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180146644 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180146647 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180146647 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180151649 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180151652 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180151652 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180151652 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180151652 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180151652 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180157249 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180157250 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180157250 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180157250 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180157250 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180157256 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180157256 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180157257 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180157258 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180157258 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157258 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180157258 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157277 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157277 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157278 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180157278 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157279 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157279 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180157279 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180157280 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180157281 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180157281 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157282 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157282 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180157284 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180157284 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157286 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180157286 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157287 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157287 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180157290 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180157290 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180157290 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180157290 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180157290 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157290 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180157290 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157296 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157296 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157297 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180157297 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157298 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180157298 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180157300 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180157301 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180157301 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157301 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180157301 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157306 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180157306 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157307 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180157307 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180157308 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180157308 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180200334 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200335 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180200337 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200337 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200337 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200338 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200338 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200338 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200338 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200339 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180200341 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200342 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200342 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200342 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180200342 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200343 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200343 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200343 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200343 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200343 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200344 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200344 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180200344 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180200345 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180200345 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180200346 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180200346 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180200348 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180200348 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180202257 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180203284 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180203285 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180203285 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180203510 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180203510 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180203510 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180203511 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180203511 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180203511 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180203511 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180203758 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180203758 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180204623 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180206678 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180207258 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180208725 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180208741 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180208763 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180208773 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180209782 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_bts_no_cbch() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180209808 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180209811 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180209812 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180214813 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180214819 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180214819 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180214819 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180214819 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180214819 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180214824 DCBS NOTICE CBSP: Couldn't find a single matching BTS (smscb.c:326) 20250124180219841 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180219841 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180219841 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180219841 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180219841 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180219849 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180219849 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180219850 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180219851 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180219851 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219851 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180219851 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219855 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219855 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219855 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180219855 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219856 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180219856 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180219857 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180219857 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180219857 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219858 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180219858 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219871 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219872 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219872 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180219872 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219872 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180219873 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180219873 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180219873 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219874 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219874 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180219875 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180219875 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219875 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219875 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180219876 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180219876 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219877 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219877 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180219878 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180219878 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180219878 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180219878 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180219878 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219878 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180219878 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219881 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180219881 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219881 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180219881 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180219882 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180219882 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180222904 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222904 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180222905 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222906 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222906 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222908 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180222908 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180222913 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222914 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222914 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180222916 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222916 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222917 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222917 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222917 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222917 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222918 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222918 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222918 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222918 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180222918 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180222919 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222920 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222920 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222920 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222920 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180222920 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180222922 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180222922 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180224850 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180225895 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180225896 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180225898 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180226130 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180226130 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180226130 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180226130 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180226130 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180226130 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180226130 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180226370 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180226370 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180227253 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180229304 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180229851 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180231356 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180231371 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180231394 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180231419 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180232430 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_unknown_bts() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180232451 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180232453 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180232453 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180237455 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180237461 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180237461 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180237461 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180237461 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180237461 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180237465 DCBS NOTICE CBSP: Couldn't find a single matching BTS (smscb.c:326) 20250124180242480 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180242480 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180242480 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180242481 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180242481 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180242491 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180242491 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180242493 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180242493 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180242493 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242493 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180242493 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242496 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242496 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242497 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180242497 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242497 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180242497 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180242498 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180242498 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180242498 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242498 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180242498 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242502 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242503 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242503 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180242503 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242503 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180242504 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180242505 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180242505 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180242505 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242505 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180242505 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242515 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242515 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242516 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180242516 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242516 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242516 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180242516 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180242517 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180242517 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180242517 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242518 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180242518 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242519 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242519 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180242519 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180242519 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180242520 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180242520 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180242521 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180242521 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180245544 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245545 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180245545 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245546 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245546 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245546 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180245547 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245548 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245548 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245548 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180245548 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180245550 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180245550 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180245551 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245552 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180245554 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245554 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245554 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245554 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245555 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245555 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245555 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245555 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245555 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245556 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245556 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180245556 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180245558 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180245558 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180247491 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180248523 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180248524 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180248526 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180248747 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180248747 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180248747 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180248747 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180248747 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180248747 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180248747 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180248988 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180248988 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180249863 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180251911 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180252493 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180253964 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180253978 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180254003 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180254019 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180255031 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_lac_ci() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180255056 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180255059 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180255059 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180300060 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180300066 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180300066 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180300067 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180300067 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180300067 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180305641 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180305641 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180305641 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180305641 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180305641 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180305651 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180305651 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180305653 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180305653 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180305653 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305653 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180305653 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305658 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305658 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305658 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180305658 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305659 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180305659 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180305660 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180305660 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180305660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305660 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180305660 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305675 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305675 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305675 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180305675 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305676 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305676 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180305676 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180305676 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180305677 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180305677 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305678 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305678 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180305679 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180305679 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305680 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180305680 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305680 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305680 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180305682 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180305682 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180305682 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180305682 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180305682 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305682 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180305682 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305685 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180305685 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305685 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180305685 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180305685 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180305685 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180308706 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180308707 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308708 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308708 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308708 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180308708 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180308711 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308711 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308711 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180308712 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308712 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308712 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308716 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308716 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308716 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308717 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180308717 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180308717 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308718 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308718 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308718 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308718 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308718 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308719 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308719 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180308719 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180308721 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180308721 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180310653 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180311671 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180311672 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180311674 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180311901 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180311901 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180311901 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180311902 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180311902 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180311902 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180311902 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180312145 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180312145 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180312996 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180315051 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180315654 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180317102 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180317118 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180317142 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180317164 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180318175 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_ci() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180318196 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180318198 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180318198 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180323200 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180323206 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180323206 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180323206 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180323206 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180323206 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180328801 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180328801 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180328801 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180328801 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180328801 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180328813 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180328813 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180328814 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180328814 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180328815 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328815 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180328815 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328834 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328835 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328835 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180328835 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328836 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328836 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180328836 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180328836 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180328838 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180328838 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328839 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328839 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180328841 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180328841 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328843 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180328843 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328844 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328844 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180328847 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180328847 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180328847 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180328847 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180328847 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328847 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180328847 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328853 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328854 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328854 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180328854 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328855 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180328855 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180328857 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180328857 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180328857 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328858 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180328858 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328862 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180328862 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328862 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180328862 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180328863 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180328863 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180331883 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331883 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180331889 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331889 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331889 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331890 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331890 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331891 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180331892 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331894 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331894 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180331895 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331895 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331896 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331897 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331897 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331897 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331897 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331897 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331899 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180331899 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180331899 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331900 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331900 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331901 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180331901 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180331902 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331902 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180331902 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180331905 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180331905 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180333814 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180334825 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180334825 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180334826 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180335053 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180335053 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180335053 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180335054 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180335054 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180335054 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180335054 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180335294 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180335294 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180336168 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180338210 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180338815 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180340259 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180340273 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180340292 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180340304 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180341314 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_lai() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180341336 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180341339 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180341339 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180346340 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180346346 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180346346 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180346346 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180346346 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180346346 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180351996 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180351996 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180351996 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180351996 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180351996 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180352004 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180352004 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180352006 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180352006 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180352006 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352006 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180352006 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352028 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352028 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352029 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180352029 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352029 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180352029 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180352030 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180352030 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352031 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352031 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180352031 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180352031 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352032 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352032 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180352033 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180352033 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352033 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352033 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180352034 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180352035 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180352035 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180352035 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180352035 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352035 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180352035 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352038 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352038 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352038 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180352038 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352039 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180352039 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180352040 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180352040 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180352040 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352040 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180352040 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352043 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180352043 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352043 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180352043 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180352043 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180352043 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180355084 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355084 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355084 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355084 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355085 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180355085 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355086 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355086 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355086 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355087 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355087 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355087 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355088 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355088 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355089 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180355089 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180355090 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355090 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180355090 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180355090 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355090 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355091 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355091 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355091 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355092 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355092 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180355092 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180355093 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180355094 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180357005 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180358010 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180358011 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180358011 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180358229 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180358229 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180358229 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180358230 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180358230 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180358230 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180358230 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180358467 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180358467 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180359314 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180401358 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180402006 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180403405 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180403422 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180403452 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180403474 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180404486 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_lac() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180404513 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180404516 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180404516 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180409518 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180409524 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180409524 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180409524 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180409524 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180409524 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180415179 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180415179 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180415179 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180415179 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180415179 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180415190 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180415190 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180415191 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180415191 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180415192 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415192 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180415192 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415197 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415197 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415197 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180415198 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415198 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180415199 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180415201 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180415201 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180415201 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415201 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180415201 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415224 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415224 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415224 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180415225 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415226 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415226 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180415226 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180415227 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180415228 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180415228 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415229 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180415229 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415230 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415230 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180415231 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180415231 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415231 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415231 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180415234 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180415234 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180415234 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180415234 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180415235 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415235 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180415235 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415240 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180415240 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415240 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180415240 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180415241 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180415241 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180418257 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180418258 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418258 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418258 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418259 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180418259 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180418269 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418269 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180418270 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418270 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418270 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418272 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180418273 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180418273 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180418277 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418277 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418277 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418278 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418278 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418278 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418279 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418279 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418279 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418280 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418280 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180418280 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180418281 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180418281 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180420191 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180421211 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180421212 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180421215 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180421433 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180421433 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180421433 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180421434 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180421434 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180421434 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180421434 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180421679 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180421679 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180422548 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180424608 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180425192 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180426663 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180426679 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180426704 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180426724 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180427737 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_then_replace() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180427760 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180427762 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180427762 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180432764 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180432769 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180432769 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180432769 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180432770 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180432770 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180436242 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180436242 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180436243 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180436243 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180436243 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180436249 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180436249 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180436252 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180436252 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180436252 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436252 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180436252 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436255 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436255 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436255 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180436255 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436256 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180436256 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180436257 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180436257 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180436257 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436257 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180436258 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436261 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436261 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436261 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180436261 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436262 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180436262 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180436263 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180436263 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180436263 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436263 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180436263 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436272 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436272 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436272 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180436272 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436273 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180436273 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180436274 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180436274 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436275 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436275 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180436275 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180436275 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436276 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436276 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180436277 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180436277 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180436278 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180436278 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180436281 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180436282 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180439309 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439309 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439309 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180439310 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439310 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439310 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439310 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439311 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439311 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439313 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180439313 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180439314 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180439314 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180439315 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439316 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180439318 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439318 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439318 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439319 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439319 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439319 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439319 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439320 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439320 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439320 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439320 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180439320 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180439322 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180439322 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180441250 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180442270 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180442270 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180442271 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180442501 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180442501 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180442501 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180442503 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180442503 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180442503 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180442503 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180442514 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124180442755 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180442755 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180443629 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180445677 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180446251 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180447713 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180447727 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180447750 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180447771 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180448783 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_rep_period_num() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180448807 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180448809 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180448810 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180453811 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180453820 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180453821 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180453821 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180453821 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180453821 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180521211 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180521211 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180521211 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180521211 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180521211 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180521221 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180521221 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180521222 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180521222 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180521222 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521222 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180521222 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521241 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521241 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521241 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180521241 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521242 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180521242 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180521243 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180521243 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521243 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521243 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180521244 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180521244 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521245 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521245 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180521245 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180521245 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521246 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521246 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180521247 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180521247 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180521247 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180521247 DLINP[38;5;23m NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180521247 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521247 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180521247 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521250 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521250 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521250 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180521250 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521251 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180521251 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180521252 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180521252 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180521252 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521252 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180521252 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521254 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180521254 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521254 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180521254 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180521255 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180521255 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180524287 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524287 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180524288 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524289 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524289 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524289 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524290 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524290 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180524292 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524292 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524292 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524292 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524293 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524293 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524293 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180524293 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180524294 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524295 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524295 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524295 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180524295 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180524296 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524296 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524296 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524297 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524297 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180524297 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180524298 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180524298 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180526221 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180527228 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180527228 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180527228 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180527449 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180527449 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180527449 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180527450 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180527450 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180527450 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180527450 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180527695 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180527695 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180528565 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180530611 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180531222 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180532659 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180532678 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180532716 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180532733 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180533745 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_replace_nonexist() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180533764 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180533765 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180533766 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180538767 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180538773 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180538773 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180538773 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180538773 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180538773 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180538777 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Failure Cause 0x02 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180538786 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180538786 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180538786 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180538786 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180538787 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180538794 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180538794 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180538796 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180538796 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180538796 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538796 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180538796 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538807 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538807 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538807 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180538807 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538807 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538808 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180538808 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180538808 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180538809 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180538809 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538809 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538809 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180538810 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180538810 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180538811 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180538811 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538813 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180538813 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180538813 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180538813 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180538813 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538813 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180538813 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538817 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538817 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538817 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180538817 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538818 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180538818 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180538819 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180538819 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180538819 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538819 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180538819 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538822 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180538823 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538823 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180538823 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180538823 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180538823 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180541846 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541846 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180541850 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541850 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180541851 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541851 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541851 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180541853 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541853 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541853 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541853 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541854 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541854 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541854 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180541854 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180541855 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541856 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541856 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541856 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180541856 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180541859 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541859 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541859 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541861 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541861 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180541861 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180541865 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180541865 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180543794 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180544834 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180544835 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180544836 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180545060 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180545060 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180545060 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180545060 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180545060 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180545061 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180545061 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180545291 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180545291 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180546145 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180548193 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180548797 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180550244 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180550257 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180550275 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180550303 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180551314 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_too_many() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180551341 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180551344 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180551344 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180556346 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180556351 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180556351 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180556351 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180556351 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180556351 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180556356 DCBS ERROR (bts=0) Unable to schedule first instance of very first SMSCB MsgId=0x2af9/SerialNr=0x2ced/Pages=3/Period=1/NumBcastReq=1 ?!? (cbch_scheduler.c:114) 20250124180556356 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Failure Cause 0x06 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180556365 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180556365 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180556365 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180556365 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180556365 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180556375 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180556375 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180556376 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180556376 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180556377 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556377 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180556377 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556383 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556383 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556383 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180556383 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556384 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180556385 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180556387 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180556387 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180556387 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556387 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180556388 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556407 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556408 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556408 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180556408 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556409 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556409 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180556410 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180556410 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180556411 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180556411 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556413 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180556413 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556414 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556414 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180556416 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180556416 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556417 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556417 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180556419 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180556419 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180556419 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180556419 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180556419 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556419 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180556419 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556423 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180556423 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556423 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180556423 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180556424 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180556424 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180559438 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559439 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180559440 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559440 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559440 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559443 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180559443 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180559452 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559454 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559454 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180559456 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559456 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559457 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559457 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559457 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559457 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559457 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559458 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559458 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559458 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180559458 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180559459 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559459 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559459 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559460 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559460 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180559460 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180559462 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180559462 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180601376 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180602403 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180602404 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180602405 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180602625 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180602625 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180602625 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180602626 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180602626 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180602626 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180602626 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180602873 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180602874 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180603713 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180605764 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180606377 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180607817 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180607829 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180607848 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180607865 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180608877 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_kill_nonexist() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180608904 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180608908 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180608908 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180613911 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180613916 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180613917 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180613917 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180613917 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180613917 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180613922 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Failure Cause 0x02 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180613925 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180613925 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180613925 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180613925 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180613925 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180613927 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180613928 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180613928 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180613928 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180613928 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613928 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180613928 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613929 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613929 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613929 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180613929 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613929 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180613929 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180613930 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180613930 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180613930 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180613930 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180613930 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613930 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180613930 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613931 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613931 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613931 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180613931 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613931 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180613931 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180613931 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180613931 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180613931 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613931 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180613931 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613934 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613934 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613934 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180613934 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613934 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180613934 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180613934 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180613934 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180613935 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180613935 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180613935 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180616978 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616979 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616979 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180616981 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616981 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616981 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616981 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616981 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180616982 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616982 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616984 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616984 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616984 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616984 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180616984 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180616986 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180616986 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180616987 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616987 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616987 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616987 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616988 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616988 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616989 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616989 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180616989 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180616990 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180616990 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180618929 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180619884 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180619885 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180619886 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180620103 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180620103 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180620103 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180620104 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180620104 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180620104 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180620104 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180620340 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180620341 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180621217 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180623263 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180623931 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180625311 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180625329 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180625353 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180625373 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180626386 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_then_kill() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180626407 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180626410 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180626411 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180631412 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180631418 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180631418 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180631418 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180631418 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180631418 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180632073 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180632073 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180632073 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180632073 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180632073 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180632081 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180632081 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180632083 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180632083 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180632083 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632083 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180632083 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632087 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632087 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632088 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180632088 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632088 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180632088 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180632090 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180632090 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180632090 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632090 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180632090 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632101 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632101 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632101 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180632101 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632102 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632102 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180632102 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180632102 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180632103 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180632103 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632104 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180632104 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632105 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632105 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180632106 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180632106 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632107 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632107 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180632108 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180632109 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180632109 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180632109 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180632109 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632109 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180632109 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632113 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180632113 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632113 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180632113 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180632114 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180632114 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180635136 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635136 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180635137 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635137 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635137 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635138 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180635138 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180635145 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635146 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180635148 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635148 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635148 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635148 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635148 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635149 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635149 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635149 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635149 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635150 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635150 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635150 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635151 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180635152 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635152 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180635152 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180635153 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180635153 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180635158 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180635158 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180637083 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180638099 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180638099 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180638100 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180638320 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180638320 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180638320 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180638320 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180638320 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180638320 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180638320 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180638560 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180638560 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180639424 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180641480 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180642084 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180643526 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180643537 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180643546 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180643555 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180644566 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_write_then_reset() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180644590 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180644593 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180644593 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180649595 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180649601 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649601 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649601 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649601 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649601 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180649607 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649607 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649607 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649608 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180649608 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180649617 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180649617 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180649617 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180649617 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180649617 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180649626 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180649627 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180649628 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180649628 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180649628 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649629 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180649629 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649632 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649632 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649632 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180649632 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649633 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180649633 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180649634 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180649634 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180649634 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180649634 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180649634 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649634 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180649634 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649637 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649638 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649638 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180649638 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649638 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180649639 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180649640 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180649640 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180649640 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649640 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180649640 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649649 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649649 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649650 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180649650 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649650 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180649650 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180649651 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180649651 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649651 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649651 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180649652 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180649652 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649653 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649653 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180649653 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180649653 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180649654 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180649654 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180652682 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652683 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180652684 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652685 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652685 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652685 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652686 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180652686 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652687 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652687 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652687 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180652687 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180652689 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652690 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180652690 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652692 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180652694 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652694 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652694 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652694 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652694 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652694 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652695 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652695 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652695 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652696 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652696 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180652696 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180652697 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180652697 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180654627 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180655661 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180655662 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180655664 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180655881 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180655881 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180655881 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180655881 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180655881 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180655881 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180655881 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180656128 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180656128 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180656973 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180659024 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180659629 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180701080 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180701095 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180701119 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180701141 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180702154 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_status_q_empty() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180702176 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180702179 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180702179 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180707181 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180707186 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180707186 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180707186 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180707187 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180707187 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180707190 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Failure Cause 0x02 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180707190 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Failure Cause 0x02 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180707190 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Failure Cause 0x02 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180707190 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Failure Cause 0x02 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180707199 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180707199 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180707199 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180707199 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180707199 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180707207 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180707207 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180707208 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180707208 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180707209 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707209 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180707209 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707214 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707215 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707215 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180707215 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707216 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180707216 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180707218 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180707218 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180707219 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707219 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180707219 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707225 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707225 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707225 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180707225 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707226 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180707227 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180707229 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180707229 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180707229 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180707229 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180707230 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707230 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180707230 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707247 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707247 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707248 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180707248 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707249 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180707249 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180707251 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180707251 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707252 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707252 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180707253 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180707253 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707254 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707254 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180707256 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180707256 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180707257 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180707257 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180710250 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710250 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180710252 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710253 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710253 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710257 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710257 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710258 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180710259 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710259 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180710259 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180710259 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710259 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710261 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180710261 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180710276 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710276 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180710278 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710278 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710278 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710278 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710279 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710279 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710279 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710279 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710279 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710280 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710280 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180710280 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180710281 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180710281 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180712207 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180713231 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180713232 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180713234 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180713454 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180713454 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180713454 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180713454 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180713454 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180713454 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180713454 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180713695 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180713695 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180714568 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180716615 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180717208 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180718664 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180718676 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180718689 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180718699 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180719712 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_status_q_bts_cgi() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180719737 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180719739 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180719739 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180724741 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180724748 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180724748 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180724748 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180724748 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180724748 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180725347 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180725348 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180725348 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180725348 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180725348 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180725351 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180725351 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180725352 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180725352 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:5) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180725352 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725352 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180725352 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725356 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725356 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725356 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180725356 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725356 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180725357 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180725357 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180725357 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180725357 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180725357 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180725357 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725358 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180725358 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180725358 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180725358 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180725358 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725358 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180725358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725358 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725358 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180725358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725358 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180725359 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180725359 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180725359 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180725359 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725359 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180725359 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725359 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180725359 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725359 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180725359 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180725359 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180725359 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180728403 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728404 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728405 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728405 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180728406 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728406 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728406 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728407 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728408 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728408 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728408 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728408 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728408 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728409 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180728409 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180728411 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728411 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180728411 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180728411 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728411 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728412 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728413 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728413 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728414 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728414 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180728414 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180728416 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180728416 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180730353 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180731315 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180731316 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180731317 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180731537 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180731537 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180731537 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180731537 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180731537 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180731537 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180731537 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180731776 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180731776 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180732641 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180734688 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180735354 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180736738 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180736755 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180736776 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180736798 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180737810 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_emerg_write_bts_cgi_dchan() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180737830 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180737832 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180737833 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180742835 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180742841 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180742841 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180742841 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180742841 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180742841 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180742867 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 1 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180742867 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180747868 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) ETWS PN broadcast via PCH disabled (cause=timeout) (smscb.c:531) 20250124180748091 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180748092 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180748092 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180748092 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180748092 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180748099 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180748099 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180748100 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180748100 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180748101 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748101 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180748101 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748105 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748106 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748106 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180748106 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748106 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180748107 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180748108 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180748108 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180748108 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748108 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180748108 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748119 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748119 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748119 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180748119 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748120 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180748120 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180748120 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180748121 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748121 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748121 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180748122 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180748122 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748123 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748123 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180748124 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180748124 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748124 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748124 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180748125 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180748125 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180748125 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180748125 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180748125 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748125 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180748126 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748129 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180748129 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748129 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180748129 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180748129 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180748129 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180751160 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751160 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180751162 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751162 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751162 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751164 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180751164 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180751168 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751168 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751168 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180751169 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751169 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751170 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751171 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751171 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751171 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751173 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180751173 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180751174 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751175 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751175 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751175 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751175 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751175 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751176 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751176 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180751176 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180751177 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180751177 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180753100 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180754134 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180754135 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180754135 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180754358 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180754358 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180754358 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180754361 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180754361 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180754361 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180754361 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180754368 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124180754600 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180754600 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180755445 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180757496 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180758101 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180759545 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180759555 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180759567 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180759583 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180800597 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_emerg_write_bts_cgi_cchan() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180800623 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180800625 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180800625 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180805627 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180805633 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180805633 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180805633 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180805633 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180805633 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180805640 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180805640 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180805649 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180805649 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180805649 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180805649 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180805649 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180805653 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180805654 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180805654 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180805654 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180805654 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805654 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180805654 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805655 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805655 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805655 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180805655 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805655 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180805655 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180805656 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180805656 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180805656 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805656 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180805656 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805656 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805657 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805657 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180805657 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805657 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180805657 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180805657 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180805657 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180805657 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805657 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180805657 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805659 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805659 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805659 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180805659 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805660 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180805660 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180805660 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180805660 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180805660 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180805660 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180805661 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180805661 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180808703 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808703 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808704 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808704 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180808706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808706 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180808707 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808707 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808707 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808707 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808709 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808709 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808709 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808709 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808709 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808710 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180808710 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180808712 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808712 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180808712 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 38 40 75 3e 81 07 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180808712 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180808712 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180808712 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180808712 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808712 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808713 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808713 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808713 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808714 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808714 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180808714 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180808715 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180808715 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180810641 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) ETWS PN broadcast via PCH disabled (cause=timeout) (smscb.c:531) 20250124180810641 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180810655 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180811621 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180811622 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180811623 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180811841 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180811841 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180811841 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180811841 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180811841 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180811841 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180811841 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180812094 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180812094 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180812960 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180815002 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180815656 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180817055 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180817066 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180817083 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180817102 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180818114 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_emerg_write_bts_cgi_cchan_disable() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180818138 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180818142 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180818142 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180823143 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180823149 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180823149 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180823149 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180823149 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180823149 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180823156 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180823156 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180828158 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) ETWS PN broadcast via PCH disabled (cause=timeout) (smscb.c:531) 20250124180828171 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180828171 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180828171 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180828171 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180828172 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180828182 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180828182 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180828184 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180828184 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:3) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180828184 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828184 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180828184 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828203 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828203 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828203 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180828204 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828204 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828205 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180828205 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180828205 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180828207 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180828207 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828209 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180828219 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828220 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828220 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180828221 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180828222 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828222 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828223 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180828225 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180828225 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180828226 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180828226 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180828226 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828226 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180828226 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828231 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828232 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828232 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180828232 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828233 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180828233 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180828234 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180828234 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180828235 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828235 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180828235 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828238 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180828238 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828238 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180828239 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180828239 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180828239 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180831263 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831263 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180831265 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831265 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831265 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831266 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831266 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831266 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831267 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831267 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831267 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831267 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831268 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831268 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831270 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180831270 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180831270 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831271 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831271 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831272 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180831273 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831273 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831273 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831273 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831274 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180831274 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180831276 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180831276 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180831277 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180831277 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180833183 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180834216 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180834217 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180834219 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180834439 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180834439 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180834439 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180834440 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180834440 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180834440 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180834440 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180834683 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180834684 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180835569 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180837618 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180838185 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180839651 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180839672 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180839685 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180839702 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180840716 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_emerg_write_bts_cgi_noreplace() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180840736 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180840739 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180840739 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180845740 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180845746 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180845746 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180845746 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180845746 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180845746 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180845754 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180845754 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180845761 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP WRITE rejected due to ongoing emergency while no Old Serial Nr IE present in CBSP WRITE (smscb.c:596) 20250124180845761 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Failure Cause 0x06 (smscb.c:225) 20250124180850755 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) ETWS PN broadcast via PCH disabled (cause=timeout) (smscb.c:531) 20250124180850761 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180850761 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180850770 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180850771 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180850771 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180850771 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180850771 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180850777 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180850777 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180850779 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180850779 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180850779 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850780 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180850780 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850798 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850798 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850798 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180850798 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850799 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180850800 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180850801 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180850801 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850802 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850802 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180850804 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180850804 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850805 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850805 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180850806 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180850806 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850807 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850807 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180850810 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180850810 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180850810 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180850810 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180850810 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850810 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180850811 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850816 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850816 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850816 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180850817 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850817 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180850817 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180850819 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180850819 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180850820 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850820 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180850820 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850825 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180850825 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850825 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180850825 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180850826 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180850826 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180853854 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853854 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180853859 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853859 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853859 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853859 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853859 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853860 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180853861 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853861 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853861 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853861 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853861 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853861 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853861 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853861 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853862 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853863 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853863 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853863 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853863 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180853863 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 38 48 47 46 51 07 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180853863 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180853863 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180853863 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180853864 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180853864 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180853867 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853867 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180853867 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180853868 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180853868 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180855761 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) ETWS PN broadcast via PCH disabled (cause=timeout) (smscb.c:531) 20250124180855761 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180855778 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180856805 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180856805 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180856806 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180857023 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180857024 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180857024 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180857024 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180857024 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180857024 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180857024 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180857278 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180857279 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180858127 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180900176 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180900779 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180902223 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180902238 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180902261 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180902278 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180903290 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_emerg_write_bts_cgi_replace() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180903311 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180903313 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180903313 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180908314 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180908321 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180908321 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180908321 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180908321 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180908321 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180908329 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180908329 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180908338 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180908338 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180908345 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180908346 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180908346 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180908346 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180908346 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180908353 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180908353 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180908354 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180908354 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180908354 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908354 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180908354 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908357 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908358 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180908358 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908358 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180908358 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180908360 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180908360 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180908360 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180908360 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180908360 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908360 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180908360 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908364 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908364 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908364 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180908364 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908364 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180908364 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180908365 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180908365 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180908366 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908366 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180908366 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908372 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908372 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908373 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180908373 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908373 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180908373 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180908374 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180908374 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908374 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908374 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180908375 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180908375 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908375 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908375 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180908376 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180908376 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180908376 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180908376 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180911402 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911402 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911402 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911402 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911403 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180911403 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911404 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911404 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911404 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911404 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911404 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911405 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180911405 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180911408 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180911408 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 38 4c 2e 4a 39 07 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180911408 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180911408 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180911408 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180911410 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911410 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180911412 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911412 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911412 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911413 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911413 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911413 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911413 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911414 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911414 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911414 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911414 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180911414 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180911416 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180911416 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180913339 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) ETWS PN broadcast via PCH disabled (cause=timeout) (smscb.c:531) 20250124180913339 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180913354 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180914343 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180914344 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180914346 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180914585 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180914585 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180914585 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180914585 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180914585 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180914585 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180914585 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180914830 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180914830 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180915706 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180917753 DRSL NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=1 BSIC=11 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180918355 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180919804 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180919820 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 873 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180919848 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 875 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180919872 DRSL NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 877 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=2 CID=1 BSIC=12 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180920887 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_cbsp_emerg_write_bts_cgi_kill() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180920912 DCBS NOTICE Stopping CBSP client (cbsp_link.c:211) 20250124180920915 DCBS NOTICE Starting CBSP Client (to CBC at (cbsp_link.c:240) 20250124180920915 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,){CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180925917 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client connected to CBC: (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:151) 20250124180925923 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180925923 DCBS NOTICE (bts=1) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180925923 DCBS NOTICE (bts=2) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180925923 DCBS NOTICE (bts=3) Rx CBSP RESET: clearing all state; disabling broadcast (smscb.c:805) 20250124180925923 DLINP ERROR abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: 0c 7f 01 90 2a 00 (e1_input.c:304) 20250124180925928 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via 0 dedicated channels (smscb.c:571) 20250124180925928 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) Sent ETWS Primary Notification via common channel (smscb.c:577) 20250124180925930 DCBS NOTICE (bts=0) ETWS PN broadcast via PCH disabled (cause=request) (smscb.c:531) 20250124180925940 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180925940 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180925940 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180925940 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180925940 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180925950 DLINP NOTICE CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTED} connection closed with srv (stream_cli.c:547) 20250124180925950 DCBS NOTICE CBSP Client lost connection to (r=<->l= (cbsp_link.c:163) 20250124180925952 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180925952 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:4) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180925952 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925952 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180925953 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925961 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925961 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925961 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180925961 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925961 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925961 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180925961 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180925961 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180925962 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=1) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180925962 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=1) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925962 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925962 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180925962 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=2) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180925962 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=2) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925963 DLINP NOTICE (bts=2,trx=3) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180925963 DLMI ERROR (bts=2,trx=3) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925963 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925963 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down for unknown BTS (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:791) 20250124180925964 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180925964 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180925964 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180925964 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180925964 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925964 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180925964 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925965 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925965 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925965 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180925965 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925966 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180925966 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180925966 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180925966 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180925966 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925966 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180925966 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925968 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180925968 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925968 DLINP NOTICE (bts=1,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180925968 DLMI ERROR (bts=1,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180925968 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180925968 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180929010 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929011 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929012 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929012 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180929013 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929013 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929013 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929013 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929015 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929015 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929015 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929015 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929015 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929016 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180929016 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180929017 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929017 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180929017 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180929018 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929018 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,01,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929019 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929019 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929019 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,02,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929020 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929020 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180929020 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,03,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180929021 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180929021 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180930951 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180931926 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180931927 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180931928 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180932147 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180932147 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180932147 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180932162 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180932162 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180932953 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180932953 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180932954 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180932954 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180932955 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124180932970 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124180932970 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180932970 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124180932971 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180933005 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180934116 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_setup_only() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180935206 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180935206 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180935206 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180935206 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180935206 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180935215 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180935215 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180935216 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180935216 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180935216 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180935221 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180935221 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180935221 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180935221 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180935222 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180935223 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180935225 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180935225 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180935953 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180938273 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180938273 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180938273 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180938274 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180938274 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180938275 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180938275 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180940955 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180941491 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180941492 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180941493 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180941725 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180941725 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180941725 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180941740 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180941740 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180942532 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180942533 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180942533 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180942533 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180942535 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124180942544 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124180942544 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180942544 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124180942544 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180942606 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180943719 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_assignment() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180944801 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000037420]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124180945878 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180945887 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180945898 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180945956 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180947893 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180947909 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180947909 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180947909 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180947909 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180947909 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180947916 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180947917 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180947917 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180947917 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180947917 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180947920 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180947921 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180947921 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180947921 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180947922 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180947922 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180947923 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180947923 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180950958 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180950985 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180950985 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124180950986 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180950986 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124180950986 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124180950987 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180950987 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180954214 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180954215 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180954216 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124180954443 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180954443 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124180954443 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180954462 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124180954462 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180955249 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124180955249 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124180955250 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180955250 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124180955252 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124180955267 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124180955267 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180955267 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124180955268 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124180955310 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124180955960 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124180956420 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_assignment_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124180957521 DASCI ERROR VGCS callref 05242880, cell 0: A VGCS call with callref 05242880 does not exist. (vgcs_fsm.c:1268) 20250124180957521 DASCI ERROR VGCS callref 05242880, cell 0: Unable to remove notification, lchan is already gone. (vgcs_fsm.c:608) 20250124180958556 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180958556 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124180958556 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124180958557 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124180958557 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124180958566 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124180958566 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124180958566 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180958566 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124180958566 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180958571 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124180958571 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180958572 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124180958572 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124180958573 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180958573 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124180958575 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124180958576 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181000961 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181001626 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181001626 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181001627 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181001627 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181001627 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181001628 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181001628 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181004857 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181004858 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181004859 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181005079 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181005079 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181005079 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181005096 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181005097 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181005879 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181005879 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181005880 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181005880 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181005881 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181005893 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181005893 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181005893 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181005893 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181005949 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181005963 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181007059 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_talker_req() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181008154 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200000cca0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181009233 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181009243 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181009254 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181010965 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181011247 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181011257 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181011257 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181011257 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181011257 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181011257 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181011264 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181011264 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181011264 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181011264 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181011264 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181011268 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181011268 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181011268 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181011269 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181011269 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181011269 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181011269 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181011270 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181014318 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181014318 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181014319 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181014319 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181014319 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181014319 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181014320 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181014320 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181015966 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181017557 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181017557 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181017558 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181017782 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181017782 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181017782 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181017798 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181017798 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181018588 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181018588 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181018588 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181018588 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181018590 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181018600 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181018600 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181018600 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181018601 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181018640 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181019749 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_talker_fail() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181020844 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200001f720]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181020967 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181022899 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200001f720]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=TCH_F) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Talker Access Failure [ 03 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124181022899 DASCI NOTICE VGCS callref 05767168, cell 0: Uplink failed, establishment timeout. (vgcs_fsm.c:874) 20250124181022899 DASCI ERROR vgcs_chan[0x61200007bfa0]{ACTIVE/FREE}: Event VGCS_EV_UNBLOCK not permitted (vgcs_fsm.c:346) 20250124181023911 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181023926 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181023933 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181025929 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181025944 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181025945 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181025945 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181025945 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181025945 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181025953 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181025953 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181025953 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181025953 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181025954 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181025958 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181025959 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181025959 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181025959 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181025960 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181025960 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181025963 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181025963 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181025969 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181029009 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181029009 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181029010 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181029010 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181029010 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181029011 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181029011 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181030971 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181032267 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181032268 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181032269 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181032498 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181032499 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181032499 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181032513 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181032513 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181033302 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181033302 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181033302 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181033302 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181033304 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181033315 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181033315 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181033315 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181033315 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181033363 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181034481 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_talker_fail_late_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181035571 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000831a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181035682 DCHAN ERROR lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000831a0]{ESTABLISHED}: (type=TCH_F) CONNECTION FAIL (cause=Talker Access Failure [ 03 ]) (abis_rsl.c:1305) 20250124181035682 DASCI NOTICE VGCS callref 05767168, cell 0: Uplink failed, establishment timeout. (vgcs_fsm.c:874) 20250124181035972 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181037653 DASCI ERROR vgcs_chan[0x612000078220]{ACTIVE/FREE}: Event VGCS_EV_UNBLOCK not permitted (vgcs_fsm.c:346) 20250124181038662 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181038668 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181038677 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181040676 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181040693 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181040694 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181040694 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181040694 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181040694 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181040702 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181040702 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181040702 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181040702 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181040702 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181040708 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181040708 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181040709 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181040709 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181040710 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181040711 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181040713 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181040714 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181040973 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181043760 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181043761 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181043761 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181043762 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181043762 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181043763 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181043763 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181045975 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181047100 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181047101 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181047101 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181047319 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181047319 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181047319 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181047334 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181047334 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181048126 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181048126 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181048126 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181048126 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181048128 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181048141 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181048141 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181048141 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181048142 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181048205 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181049310 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_talker_est() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181050400 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200007cba0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181050977 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181053491 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181053501 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181053515 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181055505 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181055522 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181055523 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181055523 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181055523 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181055523 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181055524 DLCTRL ERROR Failed to parse ip access message: -104 (Connection reset by peer) (control_if.c:372) 20250124181055526 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181055526 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181055526 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181055526 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181055526 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181055527 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181055527 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181055527 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181055527 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181055527 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181055527 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181055527 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181055528 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181055978 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181058580 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181058581 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181058581 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181058582 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181058582 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181058583 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181058583 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181100979 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181101797 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181101798 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181101799 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181102019 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181102019 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181102019 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181102043 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181102043 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181102824 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181102824 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181102825 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181102825 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181102826 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181102851 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181102851 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181102851 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181102851 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181102918 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181104027 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_talker_est_late_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181105126 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000747a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181105982 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181108229 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181108239 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181108253 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181110242 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181110257 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181110257 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181110257 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181110257 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181110257 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181110261 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181110261 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181110262 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181110262 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181110262 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181110263 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181110263 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181110263 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181110263 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181110263 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181110263 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181110264 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181110264 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181110984 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181113322 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181113324 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181113325 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181113325 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181113325 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181113326 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181113326 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181115985 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181116517 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181116517 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181116519 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181116743 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181116743 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181116743 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181116766 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181116766 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181117550 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181117550 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181117551 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181117551 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181117552 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181117564 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181117565 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181117565 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181117565 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181117649 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181118757 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_talker_rel() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181119850 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000864a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181120986 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181121899 DASCI ERROR vgcs_chan[0x612000089c20]{ACTIVE/FREE}: Event VGCS_EV_UNBLOCK not permitted (vgcs_fsm.c:346) 20250124181122911 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181122920 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181122930 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181124923 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181124935 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181124936 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181124936 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181124936 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181124936 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181124938 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181124938 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181124938 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181124938 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181124938 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181124940 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181124940 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181124940 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181124940 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181124940 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181124940 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181124941 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181124941 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181125988 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181127994 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127994 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181127995 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181127996 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181127997 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181127997 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181127999 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181127999 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181130989 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181131211 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181131211 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181131214 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181131441 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181131441 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181131442 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181131452 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181131452 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181132245 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181132245 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181132245 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181132245 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181132248 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181132265 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181132265 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181132265 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181132265 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181132294 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181133406 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_talker_rel_late_msc() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181134501 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000393a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181135991 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181136560 DASCI ERROR vgcs_chan[0x61200003ffa0]{ACTIVE/FREE}: Event VGCS_EV_UNBLOCK not permitted (vgcs_fsm.c:346) 20250124181137574 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181137584 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181137594 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181139588 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181139603 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181139603 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181139603 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181139603 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181139604 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181139611 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181139611 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181139612 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181139612 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181139612 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181139617 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181139617 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181139617 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181139617 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181139618 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181139618 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181139621 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181139621 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181140993 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181142668 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181142668 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142668 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142668 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142668 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181142669 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181142670 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181142670 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181142670 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181142671 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181142671 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181145914 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181145914 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181145915 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181145994 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181146141 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181146141 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181146141 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181146163 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181146164 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181146949 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181146949 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181146949 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181146949 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181146950 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181146965 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181146965 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181146965 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181146965 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181147038 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181148150 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_uplink_reject() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181149250 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x6120000723a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181149356 DASCI ERROR vgcs_chan[0x612000041c20]{ACTIVE/RELEASE}: Event VGCS_EV_UNBLOCK not permitted (vgcs_fsm.c:404) 20250124181150360 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181150372 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181150379 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181150995 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181152373 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181152390 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181152390 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181152390 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181152390 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181152390 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181152398 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181152398 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181152399 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181152399 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181152399 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181152402 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181152402 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181152402 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181152402 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181152403 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181152403 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181152404 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181152404 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181155457 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181155457 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181155458 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181155458 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181155458 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181155459 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181155459 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181155997 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181158700 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181158701 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181158702 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181158927 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181158927 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181158927 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181158941 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181158941 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181159733 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181159734 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181159734 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181159734 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181159736 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181159750 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181159750 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181159750 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181159750 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181159802 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181200911 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_uplink_seized() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181200998 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181202008 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x61200001a1a0]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181203057 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181203065 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181203069 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181205067 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181205082 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181205082 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181205082 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181205082 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181205082 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181205091 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181205091 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181205091 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181205091 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181205092 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181205095 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181205095 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181205095 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181205095 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181205096 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181205096 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181205096 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181205096 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181206000 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181208151 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181208151 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181208152 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181208152 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181208152 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181208153 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181208153 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181211001 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181211358 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181211359 DMSC NOTICE (msc1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181211360 DMSC NOTICE (msc2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (bsc_vty.c:3614) 20250124181211587 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181211587 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:286) 20250124181211587 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181211597 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250124181211597 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181212390 DMSC NOTICE RESET from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:101) 20250124181212390 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:86) 20250124181212390 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181212390 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is up (a_reset.c:45) 20250124181212392 DMSC NOTICE RESET ACK from MSC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=BSSAP (osmo_bsc_bssap.c:84) 20250124181212406 DLCS NOTICE RESET from SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:118) 20250124181212406 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181212406 DRESET NOTICE Sending RESET ACK to SMLC: RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.6,SSN=SMLC_BSSAP (lb.c:78) 20250124181212406 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(Lb)[0x612000018b20]{CONNECTED}: link up (bssmap_reset.c:83) 20250124181212446 DRSL NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) bootstrapping RSL on ARFCN 871 using MCC-MNC 001-01 LAC=1 CID=0 BSIC=10 (osmo_bsc_main.c:320) 20250124181213556 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): TC_vgcs_vbs_uplink_release() start (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181214654 DCHAN NOTICE lchan(0-0-1-TCH_F-0)[0x612000054520]{WAIT_ACTIV_ACK}: (type=TCH_F) lchan ACTIVATE_FOR_VGCS_CHANNEL is now active (lchan_fsm.c:1087) 20250124181215725 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): MSC instructs BSC to clear channel (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181215738 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got BSSMAP Clear Complete (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181215749 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL Deact SACCH (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181216003 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181217741 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Got RSL RF Chan Rel, sending Rel Ack (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250124181217757 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181217757 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (osmo_bsc_sigtran.c:278) 20250124181217757 DRESET NOTICE bssmap_reset(msc-0)[0x6120000183a0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (bssmap_reset.c:91) 20250124181217757 DMSC NOTICE (msc0) BSSMAP association is down (a_reset.c:54) 20250124181217757 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181217763 DLINP NOTICE SRVCONN(ts-0-2-rsl,r=<->l= connection closed with client (stream_srv.c:717) 20250124181217763 DLINP NOTICE E1TS(0:2) failed reading from socket: 0 (ipaccess.c:554) 20250124181217764 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181217764 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0) Dropping OML link: link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:543) 20250124181217764 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OML link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181217766 DLINP NOTICE E1L(0) Signalling link down (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:778) 20250124181217767 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 OSMO link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181217767 DLINP NOTICE (bts=0,trx=0) Dropping RSL link: OML link drop (bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c:514) 20250124181217767 DLMI ERROR (bts=0,trx=0) Lost E1 RSL link (osmo_bsc_main.c:487) 20250124181217767 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181217767 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181217769 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.6/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250124181217769 DLCS ERROR Unhandled SIGTRAN primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (lb.c:212) 20250124181220804 DNM ERROR OC=GPRS-CELL(f1) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'GPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'EGPRS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'HOPPING' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CBCH' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ETWS_PN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'PAGING_COORDINATION' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'IPV6_NSVC' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'CCN' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'ABIS_OSMO_PCU' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'BCCH_PWR_RED' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'DYN_TS_SDCCH8' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'OSMUX' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VBS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'VGCS' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Get Attributes Response: feature 'TWTS001' is supported (abis_nm.c:599) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): ARI reported sw[0/2]: osmobts is (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181220804 DNM NOTICE OC=BTS(01) INST=(00,ff,ff): Reported variant: osmo-bts-omldummy (abis_nm.c:534) 20250124181220805 DNM ERROR OC=RADIO-CARRIER(02) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute SW Configuration is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181220805 DNM ERROR OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): Attribute Manufacturer Dependent State is unreported (abis_nm.c:557) 20250124181220805 DNM NOTICE OC=BASEBAND-TRANSCEIVER(04) INST=(00,00,ff): ARI reported sw[0/1]: TRX_PHY_VERSION is Unknown (abis_nm.c:652) 20250124181220806 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181220806 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={WAIT_RECONNECT} send: not connected, dropping data! (stream_cli.c:1326) 20250124181221004 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181226005 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181231006 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181236007 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181241008 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423) 20250124181246009 DLINP ERROR CLICONN(cbsp,r=<->l={CONNECTING} connect failed (-111) (stream_cli.c:423)