// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
//  File:               TCC_JSON_Functions.ttcn
//  Description:        TCC Useful Functions: JSON Functions
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

//  Module: TCC_JSON_Functions
//  Purpose:
//    This module supports manipulation of JSON documents
//  Module Parameters:
//    The following module parameters affect the return values of all functions
//    in this module that return a JSON document.
//    JSON_PRETTY_PRINTING - integer - Indicates whether to use pretty or
//                                     compact printing, and how many indenting
//                                     characters should be added in case of
//                                     pretty printing.
//                                     -1 means compact printing (default),
//                                     0 or greater means pretty printing.
//    JSON_INDENT_CHAR - charstring - Sets the indenting character used if
//                                    pretty printing is set.
//                                    Must contain a single character.
//                                    Default: " "
//    JSON_ENSURE_ASCII - boolean - Ensures that the JSON document only contains
//                                  ASCII characters. Non-ASCII characters in
//                                  JSON strings are escaped using the '\uHHHH'
//                                  notation. (Not set by default.)
//  Module depends on:
//    JSON for Modern C++ (version 3.1.2), https://github.com/nlohmann/json
//    Note: Due to this dependency any projects using this module must be built
//    with C++11 or newer (e.g.: g++ compiler option '-std=c++11').

module TCC_JSON_Functions {

type charstring IndentChar length (1);

modulepar integer JSON_PRETTY_PRINTING := -1;
modulepar IndentChar JSON_INDENT_CHAR := " ";
modulepar boolean JSON_ENSURE_ASCII := false;

//  Function: JSON_to_CBOR
//  Purpose:
//    Converts JSON to CBOR. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *universal charstring* - JSON document
//  Return Value:
//    octetstring - resulting CBOR data
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not
//    contain a valid JSON document.
//  Detailed description:
//    The JSON document is first converted to UTF-8 format.
//    This string is converted to CBOR using the C++ JSON module.
external function JSON_to_CBOR(in universal charstring pl_json_str) return octetstring

//  Function: CBOR_to_JSON
//  Purpose:
//    Converts CBOR to JSON. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *octetstring* - CBOR data
//  Return Value:
//    universal charstring - resulting JSON document
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not
//    contain valid CBOR data (multi-octet characters must be in UTF-8 format).
//  Detailed description:
//    The CBOR data is first converted to a JSON document in UTF-8 format using
//    the C++ JSON module. This conversion is affected by the module parameters
//    The JSON document is then converted to a universal charstring.
external function CBOR_to_JSON(in octetstring pl_cbor_str) return universal charstring

//  Function: JSON_to_MessagePack
//  Purpose:
//    Converts JSON to MessagePack. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *universal charstring* - JSON document
//  Return Value:
//    octetstring - resulting MessagePack data
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not
//    contain a valid JSON document.
//  Detailed description:
//    The JSON document is first converted to UTF-8 format.
//    This string is converted to MessagePack using the C++ JSON module.
external function JSON_to_MessagePack(in universal charstring pl_json_str) return octetstring

//  Function: MessagePack_to_JSON
//  Purpose:
//    Converts MessagePack to JSON. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *octetstring* - MessagePack data
//  Return Value:
//    universal charstring - resulting JSON document
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not
//    contain valid MessagePack data (multi-octet characters must be in UTF-8 format).
//  Detailed description:
//    The MessagePack data is first converted to a JSON document in UTF-8 format using
//    the C++ JSON module. This conversion is affected by the module parameters
//    The JSON document is then converted to a universal charstring.
external function MessagePack_to_JSON(in octetstring pl_msgpack_str) return universal charstring

//  Function: JSON_to_UBJSON
//  Purpose:
//    Converts JSON to UBJSON. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *universal charstring* - JSON document
//    pl_use_size - *in* *boolean* - use size annotations for array and object types
//                                   (default: false)
//    pl_use_type - *in* *boolean* - use type annotations for array and object types
//                                   (can only be true if pl_use_size is also true,
//                                   default: false)
//  Return Value:
//    octetstring - resulting UBJSON data
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not contain
//    a valid JSON document, or if pl_use_type is true, but pl_use_size is false.
//  Detailed description:
//    The JSON document is first converted to UTF-8 format.
//    This string is converted to UBJSON using the C++ JSON module, with the
//    size and type annotation settings specified in the parameters.
external function JSON_to_UBJSON(in universal charstring pl_json_str,
                                 in boolean pl_use_size := false,
                                 in boolean pl_use_type := false) return octetstring

//  Function: UBJSON_to_JSON
//  Purpose:
//    Converts UBJSON to JSON. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *octetstring* - UBJSON data
//  Return Value:
//    universal charstring - resulting JSON document
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not
//    contain valid UBJSON data (multi-octet characters must be in UTF-8 format).
//  Detailed description:
//    The UBJSON data is first converted to a JSON document in UTF-8 format using
//    the C++ JSON module. This conversion is affected by the module parameters
//    The JSON document is then converted to a universal charstring.
external function UBJSON_to_JSON(in octetstring pl_ubjson_str) return universal charstring

//  Function: flatten_JSON
//  Purpose:
//    Flattens a JSON document. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *universal charstring* - input JSON document
//  Return Value:
//    universal charstring - flattened JSON document
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not
//    contain a valid JSON document.
//  Detailed description:
//    The JSON document is first converted to UTF-8 format.
//    This string is flattened using the C++ JSON module.
//    The format of the flattened string is determined by the module parameters
//    The JSON document is then converted back to a universal charstring.
external function flatten_JSON(in universal charstring pl_json_str) return universal charstring

//  Function: unflatten_JSON
//  Purpose:
//    Flattens a JSON document. 
//  Parameters:
//    pl_json_str - *in* *universal charstring* - flattened JSON document
//  Return Value:
//    universal charstring - unflattened JSON document
//  Errors:
//    A dynamic test case error is produced if the first parameter does not
//    contain a valid and flattened JSON document.
//  Detailed description:
//    The JSON document is first converted to UTF-8 format.
//    This string is unflattened using the C++ JSON module.
//    The format of the unflattened string is determined by the module parameters
//    The JSON document is then converted back to a universal charstring.
external function unflatten_JSON(in universal charstring pl_json_str) return universal charstring
