"PGW_Tests.ttcn:925 : timeout (15.000000 seconds) waiting for user-plane program PID 16 termination"
PGW_Tests.ttcn:1151 PGW_Tests control part
PGW_Tests.ttcn:1015 TC_createSession_ping4_256 testcase
Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1051:CLIENT - 1055:GTP2 failed because test component 1051 has terminated during connection setup.
Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1056:CLIENT - 1060:GTP2 failed because test component 1056 has terminated during connection setup.
Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1061:CLIENT - 1065:GTP2 failed because test component 1061 has terminated during connection setup.
Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1066:CLIENT - 1070:GTP2 failed because test component 1066 has terminated during connection setup.
Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1071:CLIENT - 1075:GTP2 failed because test component 1071 has terminated during connection setup.
Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1076:CLIENT - 1080:GTP2 failed because test component 1076 has terminated during connection setup.