module DNS_Helpers { /* DNS Helper functions in TTCN-3 * (C) 2018 Harald Welte <> * All rights reserved. * * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ private function f_strchr(charstring s, charstring c) return integer { var integer i; for (i := 0; i < lengthof(s); i := i+1) { if (s[i] == c) { return i; } } return -1; } private function f_dns_enc_label(charstring str) return octetstring { var octetstring ret; ret[0] := int2oct(lengthof(str), 1); return ret & char2oct(str); } function f_enc_dns_hostname(charstring str) return octetstring { var octetstring ret := ''O; while (lengthof(str) > 0) { var integer dot_idx; var octetstring lbl; dot_idx := f_strchr(str, "."); if (dot_idx >= 0) { /* there is another dot */ lbl := f_dns_enc_label(substr(str, 0, dot_idx)); str := substr(str, dot_idx+1, lengthof(str)-dot_idx-1); } else { /* no more dot */ lbl := f_dns_enc_label(str); str := ""; } ret := ret & lbl; } return ret; } function f_dec_dns_hostname(octetstring inp) return charstring { var charstring ret := ""; while (lengthof(inp) > 0) { var integer label_len; var charstring lbl; label_len := oct2int(substr(inp, 0, 1)); lbl := oct2char(substr(inp, 1, label_len)); inp := substr(inp, 1+label_len, lengthof(inp)-1-label_len); ret := ret & lbl; if (lengthof(inp) > 0) { ret := ret & "."; } } return ret; } function f_enc_IPv4(charstring str) return octetstring { var octetstring ret := ''O; while (lengthof(str) > 0) { var integer dot_idx; var charstring num; dot_idx := f_strchr(str, "."); if (dot_idx >= 0) { /* there is another dot */ num := substr(str, 0, dot_idx); str := substr(str, dot_idx+1, lengthof(str)-dot_idx-1); } else { /* no more dot */ num := str; str := ""; } ret := ret & int2oct(str2int(num), 1); } return ret; } }