* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
//  File:               TCCPermutatedParameters_Definitions.ttcn
//  Description:        definitions for permutated params
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

//  Module: TCCPermutatedParameters_Definitions
//  Purpose:
//    This module contains the definitions of the PermutatedParameters
//  Module Parameters:
//    -
module TCCPermutatedParameters_Definitions {

import from General_Types all;

// Data Types

//  Type: PP_ParameterAssignmentList
//  Purpose:
//   List of PP_ParameterAssignment
//  Elements:
//    list elements
//  Detailed Comments:
type record of PP_ParameterAssignment PP_ParameterAssignmentList;

//  Type: PP_ParameterAssignment
//  Purpose:
//   Parameter definition, including type(s) and values of the parameter 
//  Elements:
//    typeField - *charstring* - type (list) of the parameter. List of types
//      are separated by comma (',')
//    valueField - *charstring* - value(s) of the parameter.
//      Values can be single values, range of values, value list, or any combination of these.
//  Detailed Comments:
type record PP_ParameterAssignment {
  charstring  typeField,
  charstring  valueField

//  Type: PP_Range
//  Purpose:
//   Definition of a range. Ranges have prefix, minimum and maximum boundary.
//   Prefix can contain any characters, while minimum and maximum only digits.
//  Elements:
//    prefix - *charstring* - prefix of a range.
//    rangeMin - *integer* - the minimum (beginning) of a range
//    rangeMax - *integer* - the maximum (end) of a range
//  Detailed Comments:
//    Example range: +3614377100 - +3614377200
//      prefix : +3614377
//      rangeMin: 100
//      rangeMin: 200
type record PP_Range {
  charstring  prefix,
  integer     rangeMin,
  integer     rangeMax

//  Type: PP_RangeList
//  Purpose:
//   List of PP_Range
//  Elements:
//    list elements
//  Detailed Comments:
type record of PP_Range PP_RangeList;

//  Type: PP_SingleParam
//  Purpose:
//   Single parameter, types and values
//  Elements:
//    types - *EPTF_CharstringList* - types assigned to the values
//    values - *PP_RangeList* - values assigned to the types
//  Detailed Comments:
type record PP_SingleParam {
  Charstrings  types,
  PP_RangeList         values

//  Type: PP_ParamSetList
//  Purpose:
//   List of PP_ParamSet
//  Elements:
//    list elements
//  Detailed Comments:
//    Can be used to group together PP_ParamSets
type record of PP_ParamSet PP_ParamSetList; // is each CGPN has its own current ParamSet

//  Type: PP_ParamSet
//  Purpose:
//   Set of PP_SingleParam
//  Elements:
//    set elements
//  Detailed Comments:
//    Can be used to group together PP_SingleParams
type set of PP_SingleParam PP_ParamSet;  // ie params belonging to one particular call

} with { extension "version R36B"}