#!/bin/sh -e
SCRIPTS_OBS_DIR="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")"

error_exit() {
	echo "---"
	echo "NOTE: if the build failed because dependencies are outdated, see the status here:"
	echo "https://obs.osmocom.org/project/show/osmocom:master"
	echo "---"
	exit 1

if [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then
	echo "usage: gerrit-binpkgs.sh DISTRO"
	echo "examples:"
	echo "  gerrit-binpkgs.sh debian:12"
	echo "  gerrit-binpkgs.sh almalinux:8"
	exit 1

GIT_REPO_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || true)"
if [ -z "$GIT_REPO_DIR" ]; then
	echo "ERROR: run inside a git repository of an Osmocom project"
	exit 1

PROJECT_NAME="$(basename "$GIT_REPO_DIR")"

# Copy the source dir into the cache dir. It will be mounted inside the docker
# containers for building source and binary packages (so using a symlink does
# not work). Use rsync so it is very fast.
echo ":: Copying the source to the cache dir"
mkdir -p "$CACHE_DIR"
rsync -a --delete "$GIT_REPO_DIR" "$CACHE_DIR"

echo ":: Building the source package"
"$SCRIPTS_OBS_DIR"/build_srcpkg.py \
	--docker \
	--feed master \
	--git-skip-fetch \
	--git-skip-checkout \
	--no-meta \
	"$PROJECT_NAME" || error_exit

echo ":: Building the binary packages"
"$SCRIPTS_OBS_DIR"/build_binpkg.py \
	--docker "$DISTRO" \
	"$PROJECT_NAME" || error_exit

echo ":: Find binary packages in: $SCRIPTS_OBS_DIR/_temp/binpkgs"