ELF> @@HHHHEHcf@ tBwNHHt1Ht%HH HHH HHIDZDRzHHD HEJH0HtHvASARW1QHH @HHHHE€u3USH(HH<H`@HXH[]f.HHHHHUSHGpHH Htj@HHDHHLHHPHH1[]HPwwHs t uHHHQ뭐AWAVAUATAUHSH(HDeH%(HD$ 1Ht$ D$HHHD$ HD$HE؋lL;D$_EgD%A AAŁA fC AE Dt$HDHDLXHD.DHDt$HDHDDHHXDHT$vDl$Hߋl$MiMbHHiMbI&EkdH&AEA HDHHXHDd$HDHDHH8DH߉Dd$HDHDHH8DHADt$HDHDHH8DHAH3HtHvUEEH1XHD$ eH+%(H([]A\A]A^A_Dd$ HHDL+DHiMbMI8LH&D%LIX DHDd$ HDHDHH8DH߉vAp.AAEHIcH H' AŨAtH3HtHvH1Dd$ HDHDDHHXDHAhA@\APHHxLgPMuL'LHH >DAWAVAUIATUHSH(HHHHEHHHFH$FfC H H#CDu|@DTU@‰U@TU@T U H H#Su H4$p~MH([]A\A]A^A_@LLMILEzATAƅ1L =LMILEAEtHD9IHxLgPMyHLHH EAI6AHHL`H9tuAID$HL`H9tFA$vՃ uA$tA$AA$tDA!EuAEAaDLYELMPE0 I6IHtHvAWEH1L LpMEZMI$DD|$LEI$HD$DD$ EuLD$$DI$DHH8DLAELMPE01I4$IHtHvAWEH1E}LDI$DHH8DLAAXD$AD$ D D$I$XL$Dp,`~ DI`ALDI$DHH8DLAD$Ex0AD$ ~Lt$Lt$LH5EuLDI$T$DHHXDLEuLDI$1DHH8DLEuLDI$T$DHHXDLEuLDI$1DHH8DLEuLDI$T$DHHXDLEuLDI$1DHH8DLELEtA$A$9H~HWPHtOHT$HT$HHH AA$I6D D$fH묐IHxLwPMuL7HLHH JH~LgPMuL'HLHH E1cIHxLgPMuL'HLHH t$H|$|$T$$t$ 1H|$H~HWPHuHHT$HT$HHH AI6vT$I<$AHtHHT$$t$ H|$D$_L'LMPE0yHI$HxLgPMuL'HL$HL$MEHLH ATUSH HeH%(HD$1HHHEfC t 1tgHt$D$HD$HD$ ,Dd$HDHDHH8DH߉HT$eH+%(u H []A\ATUSHHHHHELeu []A\HHuLPD0HtHvP1HHXu&HLH[]A\HEHxHoPHuH/HHHH ff.ATUSH HeH%(HD$1Ht$D$HHHD$HD$ HEoDd$HDHDHH8DH߉HX@*uIf1=ͫt=HHxH_PHtKHHHH ͫHD$eH+%(uH []A\HDAWAVAUIATUHSH HeH%(HD$1Ht$D$HHHD$HD$ HECH{HX@*Dd$ HDHDHH8DHADt$HDHDHH8DHADAfE}%fAEDA%AfAED$fEeuwfifAmHD$eH+%(H []A\A]A^A_Dd$HDHDHHXDHDd$HDHDHH8DH߉fiLff.AWAVAUATUSH8HeH%(HD$01HD$HHHD$&HE11ffT$$fL$.u fHt'HD$0eH+%(?H8[]A\A]A^A_fufufufu"fufufHHT$HHHD$fD$HHL, H*DEMLd$AAI D4 E I0E fDL$$E fE HA;HDL$HT$DL$t?2HT$fA9DBH2EHtHvH1DL$DL$EHT$HHfDT$$DT$HDT$HtHH2HtHvDT$1A4IhHhhhD$2fA9ACH DT$fLB LI#fD$fA9ACfйH HH#fD$fA9ACf@Hq HH#fD$fA9ACfLI LI#fD$fA9ACfȿH HH#fD@LPDDHHuHtHvQH1HuDPDLXHtHvH1ǃHHiMbH&ifybFA22A4DE1E1E1E1EEMLd$AEI D4 E I0E fDL$$E fE E1E1E1E1lf/H8ff.ATUSH HeH%(HD$1HHHEfC t 1tdHt$D$HD$HD$ LDd$HDHDHH8DH߉HT$eH+%(u H []A\f.AWAVAUATUHSH(HeH%(HD$ 1HHHE؀L3HHu'HD$ eH+%(aH([]A\A]A^A_HH3LPD0HtHvPH1HYHHt$AHD$HD$D$$Dd$HHt$D$$HD$HD$DHD|$HDDHHXDHDHH1DHH8DHDHHDHH8DH߉D$ DHHDHH8DHAHlH3ZLPD0HL$tHvQ1HATPHAt?HDžHHD$ eH+%(ujH(L[]A\A]A^A_HH릐I~LgPMuL'HLHH @AVAUATUHSHDHHHED@DdAHHLPD0H3IHtHvAVEH1DHH1DHHXDHDHHD1HH8DHDžX[]A\A]A^HHxLwPMuL7HLHH AHHxH_PHuHHHHH []A\A]A^HHHH9AWAVAUDnAATIUSHXHw.HCHHXH9thv܃ u܋t9tYH9uHC8DKHtHrPEH1HI$XH[]A\A]A^A_HzLK8DuAD{HWPHuHHT$L $L $EDHT$HH I$PfAULATUSHHHHHE1H}HHIMtD{Xt4HHHHEHHH1H[]A\A]L[]A\A]fAWAVAAUAATLUHSH(HeH%(HD$ 1Ht$ HD$ HHHE1fL$Sf9D$ H;HtHHLHHHHHT$ Ht$ HHD$ HD$D$|HDd$Ht$ HD$ HD$D$PD|$ HDHDHH8DH߉D$DHHDHH8DH߉$HdH3LPD0$HL$tHvQ1HRAVAUPDHH(HDDjAADHDHAZEH3HtHvHD$ eH+%(H(H1[]A\A]A^A_f9D$f9D$f9D$f9D$DHHDHH8DHADHHDHH8DHAHH;HP0IHtHAVEHXATUSHHHHHEoLPD0HuHtHvPH1H+H4ׂCHHHcHH?HHH)YH9H1[]A\)H-L%H?HH9HGH<(I9yL)tHHuf.AWAVAUATUHSHHDHHHEAE1틃@DHD| $DHDHH8DHAA $E9@H߉AHDHH8DHAEyPDHH3LPD0HtHvPH1H[]A\A]A^A_Eu ADž1Aȋ@H߉L$AE|D$DHDHH8DHAAD$L$E9uV@H߉ $E|DHDHH8DHAA $tAuD9DžE1틓@DH߉ $D|DHDHH8DHAAE9eE $uALPD0DžH3HtHvHH1[]A\A]A^A_ff.fUSHHHHE1H;HHHH[]fSHHHHEHHH1H1[DpATUHSHHHHXH9uwpHCHHXH9t}v܃ u܋t҃tɐHyLgPMtZHLHH uu ǃHMo[]A\L'롐ptOH7HHHBH9u3HPHHBH9tJwރuƀH7ff.@AWAVAUATUSHH HeH%(HD$1HHHEu'HD$eH+%(H []A\A]A^A_HuHuHLPD0IHEHxLPM1MMDHLH Ht$HHD$HD$ D$Dd$HDHEDHH8DHAHHt$D$HD$HD$ Dt$HDHEDHH8DHAHHuLPD0HtHvAUH1ATPHaL?ATUSHu []A\HHHHE1H}HHIMtHHHHHEHHH1H[]A\DAWAVAUATUSHH LDeH%(HD$1MI$LEI,$u'HT$eH+%(H []A\A]A^A_HXƃHNHAHHHHHt$HD$HD$ D$HD|$Ht$HD$HD$ D$XHߋl$I4$LPD0HtHvPH1HeZxHDLAI$DHHXLLI$1҉HH8LLI$HH8LADLI$DHH8DLHI4$LPD0HtHvAVH1UPHHHHHEHHH1H[]A\A]HH0ff.AWE11ɺ HAVHAUATUHSHXH`HxHGG9HGHGHHHDžHHHHHHE1H;HHIM[HHHHHEfC H H3HH#S+p DžH3fC uHL$ BLHHxHoPHuH/HHHH HH_PHuHT$L$HHH PPS 1PPS PPS 0pps->vlv_pps_pipeMissing case (%s == %ld) pps->pps_idxPanel power up delay: %d Panel power down delay: %d Backlight on delay: %d Backlight off delay: %d port%s %s: [drm] %sbiosvbtspecswhwWait complete enabledisablei915_panel_timingsport_selPPS PPS APPS Bdrivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_pps.c%s t1_t3 %d t8 %d t9 %d t10 %d t11_t12 %d %s %s: [drm] Panel power already on VDD already on, disabling first panel power sequencer register settings: PP_ON %#x, PP_OFF %#x, PP_DIV %#x drm_WARN_ON(!intel_dp_is_edp(intel_dp))drm_WARN_ON(intel_dp->pps.vlv_active_pipe != INVALID_PIPE && intel_dp->pps.vlv_active_pipe != intel_dp->pps.vlv_pps_pipe)drm_WARN_ON(intel_dp->pps.vlv_pps_pipe != INVALID_PIPE)drm_WARN_ON(pipe == INVALID_PIPE)picked %s for [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s %s: [drm] skipping %s kick due to [ENCODER:%d:%s] being active kicking %s for [ENCODER:%d:%s] [drm] *ERROR* Failed to force on PLL for pipe %c! [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s VDD left on by BIOS, adjusting state tracking drm_WARN_ON(intel_dp->pps.vdd_wakeref)drm_WARN_ON(!((_Generic(display, const struct drm_i915_private *: (&((const struct drm_i915_private *)(display))->display), struct drm_i915_private *: (&((struct drm_i915_private *)(display))->display), const struct intel_display *: (display), struct intel_display *: (display))->info.__device_info)->has_ddi) && (control & ((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) != ((u32)((((typeof(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))))(0xabcd) << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) - 1)) & (((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); }))))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(!(sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) * 0l)) : (int *)8))))); }))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) == 0 || (((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) > ((u32)~0U))); }))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(!(((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) + (1ULL << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) - 1))) && ((((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) + (1ULL << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) - 1))) & (((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) + (1ULL << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) - 1))) - 1)) == 0)))); }))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(0xabcd) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (~((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) >> (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((16) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (16) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (16)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(16) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((16) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (16) > (31)))); })))))) - 1)) & (0xabcd)), 0))); }))))))Increasing T12 panel delay as per the quirk to %d panel power up delay %d, power down delay %d, power cycle delay %d backlight on delay %d, off delay %d drm_WARN_ON(intel_dp->pps.want_panel_vdd)[ENCODER:%d:%s] %s turning VDD off [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s PP_STATUS: 0x%08x PP_CONTROL: 0x%08x drm_WARN_ON(intel_dp->pps.vlv_active_pipe != INVALID_PIPE)drm_WARN_ON(pipe != PIPE_A && pipe != PIPE_B)detaching %s from [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s %s: [drm] stealing PPS %c from active [ENCODER:%d:%s] stealing PPS %c from [ENCODER:%d:%s] [drm] *ERROR* PPS state mismatch [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s mask: 0x%08x value: 0x%08x PP_STATUS: 0x%08x PP_CONTROL: 0x%08x [drm] *ERROR* [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s panel status timeout: PP_STATUS: 0x%08x PP_CONTROL: 0x%08x [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s wait for panel power cycle [ENCODER:%d:%s] no initial power sequencer [ENCODER:%d:%s] initial power sequencer: %s %s %s: [drm] [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s powered off while attempting AUX CH communication. [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s turning VDD on [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s panel power wasn't enabled %s %s: [drm] [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s VDD already requested on [drm] *ERROR* [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s VDD already requested on %s %s: [drm] [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s VDD not forced on[drm] *ERROR* [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s VDD not forced on[ENCODER:%d:%s] %s turn panel power on %s %s: [drm] [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s panel power already on [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s wait for panel power on [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s turn panel power off %s %s: [drm] [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s need VDD to turn off panel [ENCODER:%d:%s] %s wait for panel power off time panel power control backlight %s initializing %s for [ENCODER:%d:%s] drm_WARN_ON(intel_dp->pps.pps_idx >= intel_num_pps(display))[ENCODER:%d:%s] no initial power sequencer, assuming %s %s %s: [drm] [ENCODER:%d:%s] power sequencer mismatch: %d (initial) vs. %d (VBT) drm_WARN_ON(((_Generic(display, const struct drm_i915_private *: (&((const struct drm_i915_private *)(display))->display), struct drm_i915_private *: (&((struct drm_i915_private *)(display))->display), const struct intel_display *: (display), struct intel_display *: (display))->info.__device_info)->has_ddi))drm_WARN_ON(port_sel != ((u32)((((typeof(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))))(0) << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) - 1)) & (((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); }))))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(!(sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) * 0l)) : (int *)8))))); }))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) == 0 || (((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) > ((u32)~0U))); }))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(!(((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) + (1ULL << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) - 1))) && ((((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) + (1ULL << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) - 1))) & (((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) + (1ULL << (__builtin_ffsll(((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(30) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && ((30) < 0 || (31) > 31 || (30) > (31)))); })))))) - 1))) - 1)) == 0)))); }))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(0) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (~((((u32)(((((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!(__builtin_choose_expr( (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)((30) > (31)) * 0l)) : (int *)8))), (30) > (31), 0))); })))) + (((~((0UL))) - (((1UL)) << (30)) + 1) & (~((0UL)) >> (64 - 1 - (31))))) + ((int)(sizeof(struct { int:(-!!((sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? ((void *)((long)(31) * 0l)) : (int *)8))) && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(*(8 ? 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