// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* Copyright (c) 2022 Facebook */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bpf_misc.h" #include "bpf_kfuncs.h" char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL"; struct test_info { int x; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; }; struct { __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY); __uint(max_entries, 1); __type(key, __u32); __type(value, struct bpf_dynptr); } array_map1 SEC(".maps"); struct { __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY); __uint(max_entries, 1); __type(key, __u32); __type(value, struct test_info); } array_map2 SEC(".maps"); struct { __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY); __uint(max_entries, 1); __type(key, __u32); __type(value, __u32); } array_map3 SEC(".maps"); struct { __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY); __uint(max_entries, 1); __type(key, __u32); __type(value, __u64); } array_map4 SEC(".maps"); struct sample { int pid; long value; char comm[16]; }; struct { __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF); __uint(max_entries, 4096); } ringbuf SEC(".maps"); int err, val; static int get_map_val_dynptr(struct bpf_dynptr *ptr) { __u32 key = 0, *map_val; bpf_map_update_elem(&array_map3, &key, &val, 0); map_val = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&array_map3, &key); if (!map_val) return -ENOENT; bpf_dynptr_from_mem(map_val, sizeof(*map_val), 0, ptr); return 0; } /* Every bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr call must have a corresponding * bpf_ringbuf_submit/discard_dynptr call */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Unreleased reference id=2") int ringbuf_missing_release1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr = {}; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); /* missing a call to bpf_ringbuf_discard/submit_dynptr */ return 0; } SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Unreleased reference id=4") int ringbuf_missing_release2(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr1, ptr2; struct sample *sample; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, sizeof(*sample), 0, &ptr1); bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, sizeof(*sample), 0, &ptr2); sample = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr1, 0, sizeof(*sample)); if (!sample) { bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr1, 0); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr2, 0); return 0; } bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr1, 0); /* missing a call to bpf_ringbuf_discard/submit_dynptr on ptr2 */ return 0; } static int missing_release_callback_fn(__u32 index, void *data) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); /* missing a call to bpf_ringbuf_discard/submit_dynptr */ return 0; } /* Any dynptr initialized within a callback must have bpf_dynptr_put called */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Unreleased reference id") int ringbuf_missing_release_callback(void *ctx) { bpf_loop(10, missing_release_callback_fn, NULL, 0); return 0; } /* Can't call bpf_ringbuf_submit/discard_dynptr on a non-initialized dynptr */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("arg 1 is an unacquired reference") int ringbuf_release_uninit_dynptr(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; /* this should fail */ bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* A dynptr can't be used after it has been invalidated */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #2") int use_after_invalid(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; char read_data[64]; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, sizeof(read_data), 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), &ptr, 0, 0); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), &ptr, 0, 0); return 0; } /* Can't call non-dynptr ringbuf APIs on a dynptr ringbuf sample */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("type=mem expected=ringbuf_mem") int ringbuf_invalid_api(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct sample *sample; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, sizeof(*sample), 0, &ptr); sample = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, sizeof(*sample)); if (!sample) goto done; sample->pid = 123; /* invalid API use. need to use dynptr API to submit/discard */ bpf_ringbuf_submit(sample, 0); done: bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* Can't add a dynptr to a map */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid read from stack") int add_dynptr_to_map1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; int key = 0; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); /* this should fail */ bpf_map_update_elem(&array_map1, &key, &ptr, 0); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* Can't add a struct with an embedded dynptr to a map */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid read from stack") int add_dynptr_to_map2(void *ctx) { struct test_info x; int key = 0; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &x.ptr); /* this should fail */ bpf_map_update_elem(&array_map2, &key, &x, 0); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&x.ptr, 0); return 0; } /* A data slice can't be accessed out of bounds */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("value is outside of the allowed memory range") int data_slice_out_of_bounds_ringbuf(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; void *data; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 8, 0, &ptr); data = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, 8); if (!data) goto done; /* can't index out of bounds of the data slice */ val = *((char *)data + 8); done: bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* A data slice can't be accessed out of bounds */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("value is outside of the allowed memory range") int data_slice_out_of_bounds_skb(struct __sk_buff *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; /* this should fail */ *(__u8*)(hdr + 1) = 1; return SK_PASS; } SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("value is outside of the allowed memory range") int data_slice_out_of_bounds_map_value(void *ctx) { __u32 map_val; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; void *data; get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr); data = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, sizeof(map_val)); if (!data) return 0; /* can't index out of bounds of the data slice */ val = *((char *)data + (sizeof(map_val) + 1)); return 0; } /* A data slice can't be used after it has been released */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int data_slice_use_after_release1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct sample *sample; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, sizeof(*sample), 0, &ptr); sample = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, sizeof(*sample)); if (!sample) goto done; sample->pid = 123; bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); /* this should fail */ val = sample->pid; return 0; done: bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* A data slice can't be used after it has been released. * * This tests the case where the data slice tracks a dynptr (ptr2) * that is at a non-zero offset from the frame pointer (ptr1 is at fp, * ptr2 is at fp - 16). */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int data_slice_use_after_release2(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr1, ptr2; struct sample *sample; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &ptr1); bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, sizeof(*sample), 0, &ptr2); sample = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr2, 0, sizeof(*sample)); if (!sample) goto done; sample->pid = 23; bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr2, 0); /* this should fail */ sample->pid = 23; bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr1, 0); return 0; done: bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr2, 0); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr1, 0); return 0; } /* A data slice must be first checked for NULL */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'mem_or_null'") int data_slice_missing_null_check1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; void *data; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 8, 0, &ptr); data = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, 8); /* missing if (!data) check */ /* this should fail */ *(__u8 *)data = 3; bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* A data slice can't be dereferenced if it wasn't checked for null */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'mem_or_null'") int data_slice_missing_null_check2(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; __u64 *data1, *data2; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 16, 0, &ptr); data1 = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, 8); data2 = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, 8); if (data1) /* this should fail */ *data2 = 3; bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* Can't pass in a dynptr as an arg to a helper function that doesn't take in a * dynptr argument */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid read from stack") int invalid_helper1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr); /* this should fail */ bpf_strncmp((const char *)&ptr, sizeof(ptr), "hello!"); return 0; } /* A dynptr can't be passed into a helper function at a non-zero offset */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("cannot pass in dynptr at an offset=-8") int invalid_helper2(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; char read_data[64]; get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), (void *)&ptr + 8, 0, 0); return 0; } /* A bpf_dynptr is invalidated if it's been written into */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #0") int invalid_write1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; void *data; __u8 x = 0; get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr); memcpy(&ptr, &x, sizeof(x)); /* this should fail */ data = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, 1); __sink(data); return 0; } /* * A bpf_dynptr can't be used as a dynptr if it has been written into at a fixed * offset */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") int invalid_write2(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; char read_data[64]; __u8 x = 0; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &ptr); memcpy((void *)&ptr + 8, &x, sizeof(x)); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), &ptr, 0, 0); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* * A bpf_dynptr can't be used as a dynptr if it has been written into at a * non-const offset */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") int invalid_write3(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; char stack_buf[16]; unsigned long len; __u8 x = 0; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 8, 0, &ptr); memcpy(stack_buf, &val, sizeof(val)); len = stack_buf[0] & 0xf; memcpy((void *)&ptr + len, &x, sizeof(x)); /* this should fail */ bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } static int invalid_write4_callback(__u32 index, void *data) { *(__u32 *)data = 123; return 0; } /* If the dynptr is written into in a callback function, it should * be invalidated as a dynptr */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") int invalid_write4(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &ptr); bpf_loop(10, invalid_write4_callback, &ptr, 0); /* this should fail */ bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* A globally-defined bpf_dynptr can't be used (it must reside as a stack frame) */ struct bpf_dynptr global_dynptr; SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("type=map_value expected=fp") int global(void *ctx) { /* this should fail */ bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 16, 0, &global_dynptr); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&global_dynptr, 0); return 0; } /* A direct read should fail */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid read from stack") int invalid_read1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &ptr); /* this should fail */ val = *(int *)&ptr; bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* A direct read at an offset should fail */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("cannot pass in dynptr at an offset") int invalid_read2(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; char read_data[64]; get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), (void *)&ptr + 1, 0, 0); return 0; } /* A direct read at an offset into the lower stack slot should fail */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid read from stack") int invalid_read3(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr1, ptr2; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 16, 0, &ptr1); bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 16, 0, &ptr2); /* this should fail */ memcpy(&val, (void *)&ptr1 + 8, sizeof(val)); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr1, 0); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr2, 0); return 0; } static int invalid_read4_callback(__u32 index, void *data) { /* this should fail */ val = *(__u32 *)data; return 0; } /* A direct read within a callback function should fail */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid read from stack") int invalid_read4(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &ptr); bpf_loop(10, invalid_read4_callback, &ptr, 0); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* Initializing a dynptr on an offset should fail */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("cannot pass in dynptr at an offset=0") int invalid_offset(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; /* this should fail */ bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &ptr + 1); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* Can't release a dynptr twice */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("arg 1 is an unacquired reference") int release_twice(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 16, 0, &ptr); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); /* this second release should fail */ bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } static int release_twice_callback_fn(__u32 index, void *data) { /* this should fail */ bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(data, 0); return 0; } /* Test that releasing a dynptr twice, where one of the releases happens * within a callback function, fails */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("arg 1 is an unacquired reference") int release_twice_callback(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 32, 0, &ptr); bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); bpf_loop(10, release_twice_callback_fn, &ptr, 0); return 0; } /* Reject unsupported local mem types for dynptr_from_mem API */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Unsupported reg type fp for bpf_dynptr_from_mem data") int dynptr_from_mem_invalid_api(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; int x = 0; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_from_mem(&x, sizeof(x), 0, &ptr); return 0; } SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") __log_level(2) int dynptr_pruning_overwrite(struct __sk_buff *ctx) { asm volatile ( "r9 = 0xeB9F; \ r6 = %[ringbuf] ll; \ r1 = r6; \ r2 = 8; \ r3 = 0; \ r4 = r10; \ r4 += -16; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr]; \ if r0 == 0 goto pjmp1; \ goto pjmp2; \ pjmp1: \ *(u64 *)(r10 - 16) = r9; \ pjmp2: \ r1 = r10; \ r1 += -16; \ r2 = 0; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr]; " : : __imm(bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr), __imm(bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr), __imm_addr(ringbuf) : __clobber_all ); return 0; } SEC("?tc") __success __msg("12: safe") __log_level(2) int dynptr_pruning_stacksafe(struct __sk_buff *ctx) { asm volatile ( "r9 = 0xeB9F; \ r6 = %[ringbuf] ll; \ r1 = r6; \ r2 = 8; \ r3 = 0; \ r4 = r10; \ r4 += -16; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr]; \ if r0 == 0 goto stjmp1; \ goto stjmp2; \ stjmp1: \ r9 = r9; \ stjmp2: \ r1 = r10; \ r1 += -16; \ r2 = 0; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr]; " : : __imm(bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr), __imm(bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr), __imm_addr(ringbuf) : __clobber_all ); return 0; } SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") __log_level(2) int dynptr_pruning_type_confusion(struct __sk_buff *ctx) { asm volatile ( "r6 = %[array_map4] ll; \ r7 = %[ringbuf] ll; \ r1 = r6; \ r2 = r10; \ r2 += -8; \ r9 = 0; \ *(u64 *)(r2 + 0) = r9; \ r3 = r10; \ r3 += -24; \ r9 = 0xeB9FeB9F; \ *(u64 *)(r10 - 16) = r9; \ *(u64 *)(r10 - 24) = r9; \ r9 = 0; \ r4 = 0; \ r8 = r2; \ call %[bpf_map_update_elem]; \ r1 = r6; \ r2 = r8; \ call %[bpf_map_lookup_elem]; \ if r0 != 0 goto tjmp1; \ exit; \ tjmp1: \ r8 = r0; \ r1 = r7; \ r2 = 8; \ r3 = 0; \ r4 = r10; \ r4 += -16; \ r0 = *(u64 *)(r0 + 0); \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr]; \ if r0 == 0 goto tjmp2; \ r8 = r8; \ r8 = r8; \ r8 = r8; \ r8 = r8; \ r8 = r8; \ r8 = r8; \ r8 = r8; \ goto tjmp3; \ tjmp2: \ *(u64 *)(r10 - 8) = r9; \ *(u64 *)(r10 - 16) = r9; \ r1 = r8; \ r1 += 8; \ r2 = 0; \ r3 = 0; \ r4 = r10; \ r4 += -16; \ call %[bpf_dynptr_from_mem]; \ tjmp3: \ r1 = r10; \ r1 += -16; \ r2 = 0; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr]; " : : __imm(bpf_map_update_elem), __imm(bpf_map_lookup_elem), __imm(bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr), __imm(bpf_dynptr_from_mem), __imm(bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr), __imm_addr(array_map4), __imm_addr(ringbuf) : __clobber_all ); return 0; } SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("dynptr has to be at a constant offset") __log_level(2) int dynptr_var_off_overwrite(struct __sk_buff *ctx) { asm volatile ( "r9 = 16; \ *(u32 *)(r10 - 4) = r9; \ r8 = *(u32 *)(r10 - 4); \ if r8 >= 0 goto vjmp1; \ r0 = 1; \ exit; \ vjmp1: \ if r8 <= 16 goto vjmp2; \ r0 = 1; \ exit; \ vjmp2: \ r8 &= 16; \ r1 = %[ringbuf] ll; \ r2 = 8; \ r3 = 0; \ r4 = r10; \ r4 += -32; \ r4 += r8; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr]; \ r9 = 0xeB9F; \ *(u64 *)(r10 - 16) = r9; \ r1 = r10; \ r1 += -32; \ r1 += r8; \ r2 = 0; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr]; " : : __imm(bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr), __imm(bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr), __imm_addr(ringbuf) : __clobber_all ); return 0; } SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") __log_level(2) int dynptr_partial_slot_invalidate(struct __sk_buff *ctx) { asm volatile ( "r6 = %[ringbuf] ll; \ r7 = %[array_map4] ll; \ r1 = r7; \ r2 = r10; \ r2 += -8; \ r9 = 0; \ *(u64 *)(r2 + 0) = r9; \ r3 = r2; \ r4 = 0; \ r8 = r2; \ call %[bpf_map_update_elem]; \ r1 = r7; \ r2 = r8; \ call %[bpf_map_lookup_elem]; \ if r0 != 0 goto sjmp1; \ exit; \ sjmp1: \ r7 = r0; \ r1 = r6; \ r2 = 8; \ r3 = 0; \ r4 = r10; \ r4 += -24; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr]; \ *(u64 *)(r10 - 16) = r9; \ r1 = r7; \ r2 = 8; \ r3 = 0; \ r4 = r10; \ r4 += -16; \ call %[bpf_dynptr_from_mem]; \ r1 = r10; \ r1 += -512; \ r2 = 488; \ r3 = r10; \ r3 += -24; \ r4 = 0; \ r5 = 0; \ call %[bpf_dynptr_read]; \ r8 = 1; \ if r0 != 0 goto sjmp2; \ r8 = 0; \ sjmp2: \ r1 = r10; \ r1 += -24; \ r2 = 0; \ call %[bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr]; " : : __imm(bpf_map_update_elem), __imm(bpf_map_lookup_elem), __imm(bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr), __imm(bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr), __imm(bpf_dynptr_from_mem), __imm(bpf_dynptr_read), __imm_addr(ringbuf), __imm_addr(array_map4) : __clobber_all ); return 0; } /* Test that it is allowed to overwrite unreferenced dynptr. */ SEC("?raw_tp") __success int dynptr_overwrite_unref(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) return 0; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) return 0; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) return 0; return 0; } /* Test that slices are invalidated on reinitializing a dynptr. */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int dynptr_invalidate_slice_reinit(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; __u8 *p; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) return 0; p = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, 1); if (!p) return 0; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) return 0; /* this should fail */ return *p; } /* Invalidation of dynptr slices on destruction of dynptr should not miss * mem_or_null pointers. */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("R{{[0-9]+}} type=scalar expected=percpu_ptr_") int dynptr_invalidate_slice_or_null(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; __u8 *p; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) return 0; p = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, 1); *(__u8 *)&ptr = 0; /* this should fail */ bpf_this_cpu_ptr(p); return 0; } /* Destruction of dynptr should also any slices obtained from it */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("R{{[0-9]+}} invalid mem access 'scalar'") int dynptr_invalidate_slice_failure(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr1; struct bpf_dynptr ptr2; __u8 *p1, *p2; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr1)) return 0; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr2)) return 0; p1 = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr1, 0, 1); if (!p1) return 0; p2 = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr2, 0, 1); if (!p2) return 0; *(__u8 *)&ptr1 = 0; /* this should fail */ return *p1; } /* Invalidation of slices should be scoped and should not prevent dereferencing * slices of another dynptr after destroying unrelated dynptr */ SEC("?raw_tp") __success int dynptr_invalidate_slice_success(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr1; struct bpf_dynptr ptr2; __u8 *p1, *p2; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr1)) return 1; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr2)) return 1; p1 = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr1, 0, 1); if (!p1) return 1; p2 = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr2, 0, 1); if (!p2) return 1; *(__u8 *)&ptr1 = 0; return *p2; } /* Overwriting referenced dynptr should be rejected */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") int dynptr_overwrite_ref(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &ptr); /* this should fail */ if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) bpf_ringbuf_discard_dynptr(&ptr, 0); return 0; } /* Reject writes to dynptr slot from bpf_dynptr_read */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("potential write to dynptr at off=-16") int dynptr_read_into_slot(void *ctx) { union { struct { char _pad[48]; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; }; char buf[64]; } data; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &data.ptr); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(data.buf, sizeof(data.buf), &data.ptr, 0, 0); return 0; } /* bpf_dynptr_slice()s are read-only and cannot be written to */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("R{{[0-9]+}} cannot write into rdonly_mem") int skb_invalid_slice_write(struct __sk_buff *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; /* this should fail */ hdr->h_proto = 1; return SK_PASS; } /* The read-only data slice is invalidated whenever a helper changes packet data */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int skb_invalid_data_slice1(struct __sk_buff *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; val = hdr->h_proto; if (bpf_skb_pull_data(skb, skb->len)) return SK_DROP; /* this should fail */ val = hdr->h_proto; return SK_PASS; } /* The read-write data slice is invalidated whenever a helper changes packet data */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int skb_invalid_data_slice2(struct __sk_buff *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; hdr->h_proto = 123; if (bpf_skb_pull_data(skb, skb->len)) return SK_DROP; /* this should fail */ hdr->h_proto = 1; return SK_PASS; } /* The read-only data slice is invalidated whenever bpf_dynptr_write() is called */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int skb_invalid_data_slice3(struct __sk_buff *skb) { char write_data[64] = "hello there, world!!"; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; val = hdr->h_proto; bpf_dynptr_write(&ptr, 0, write_data, sizeof(write_data), 0); /* this should fail */ val = hdr->h_proto; return SK_PASS; } /* The read-write data slice is invalidated whenever bpf_dynptr_write() is called */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int skb_invalid_data_slice4(struct __sk_buff *skb) { char write_data[64] = "hello there, world!!"; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; hdr->h_proto = 123; bpf_dynptr_write(&ptr, 0, write_data, sizeof(write_data), 0); /* this should fail */ hdr->h_proto = 1; return SK_PASS; } /* The read-only data slice is invalidated whenever a helper changes packet data */ SEC("?xdp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int xdp_invalid_data_slice1(struct xdp_md *xdp) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_xdp(xdp, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; val = hdr->h_proto; if (bpf_xdp_adjust_head(xdp, 0 - (int)sizeof(*hdr))) return XDP_DROP; /* this should fail */ val = hdr->h_proto; return XDP_PASS; } /* The read-write data slice is invalidated whenever a helper changes packet data */ SEC("?xdp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int xdp_invalid_data_slice2(struct xdp_md *xdp) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_xdp(xdp, 0, &ptr); hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; hdr->h_proto = 9; if (bpf_xdp_adjust_head(xdp, 0 - (int)sizeof(*hdr))) return XDP_DROP; /* this should fail */ hdr->h_proto = 1; return XDP_PASS; } /* Only supported prog type can create skb-type dynptrs */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("calling kernel function bpf_dynptr_from_skb is not allowed") int skb_invalid_ctx(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_from_skb(ctx, 0, &ptr); return 0; } SEC("fentry/skb_tx_error") __failure __msg("must be referenced or trusted") int BPF_PROG(skb_invalid_ctx_fentry, void *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); return 0; } SEC("fexit/skb_tx_error") __failure __msg("must be referenced or trusted") int BPF_PROG(skb_invalid_ctx_fexit, void *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); return 0; } /* Reject writes to dynptr slot for uninit arg */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("potential write to dynptr at off=-16") int uninit_write_into_slot(void *ctx) { struct { char buf[64]; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; } data; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 80, 0, &data.ptr); /* this should fail */ bpf_get_current_comm(data.buf, 80); return 0; } /* Only supported prog type can create xdp-type dynptrs */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("calling kernel function bpf_dynptr_from_xdp is not allowed") int xdp_invalid_ctx(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_from_xdp(ctx, 0, &ptr); return 0; } __u32 hdr_size = sizeof(struct ethhdr); /* Can't pass in variable-sized len to bpf_dynptr_slice */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("unbounded memory access") int dynptr_slice_var_len1(struct __sk_buff *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; char buffer[sizeof(*hdr)] = {}; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); /* this should fail */ hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice(&ptr, 0, buffer, hdr_size); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; return SK_PASS; } /* Can't pass in variable-sized len to bpf_dynptr_slice */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("must be a known constant") int dynptr_slice_var_len2(struct __sk_buff *skb) { char buffer[sizeof(struct ethhdr)] = {}; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); if (hdr_size <= sizeof(buffer)) { /* this should fail */ hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&ptr, 0, buffer, hdr_size); if (!hdr) return SK_DROP; hdr->h_proto = 12; } return SK_PASS; } static int callback(__u32 index, void *data) { *(__u32 *)data = 123; return 0; } /* If the dynptr is written into in a callback function, its data * slices should be invalidated as well. */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int invalid_data_slices(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; __u32 *slice; if (get_map_val_dynptr(&ptr)) return 0; slice = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, sizeof(__u32)); if (!slice) return 0; bpf_loop(10, callback, &ptr, 0); /* this should fail */ *slice = 1; return 0; } /* Program types that don't allow writes to packet data should fail if * bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr is called */ SEC("cgroup_skb/ingress") __failure __msg("the prog does not allow writes to packet data") int invalid_slice_rdwr_rdonly(struct __sk_buff *skb) { char buffer[sizeof(struct ethhdr)] = {}; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); /* this should fail since cgroup_skb doesn't allow * changing packet data */ hdr = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&ptr, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); __sink(hdr); return 0; } /* bpf_dynptr_adjust can only be called on initialized dynptrs */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #0") int dynptr_adjust_invalid(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr = {}; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_adjust(&ptr, 1, 2); return 0; } /* bpf_dynptr_is_null can only be called on initialized dynptrs */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #0") int dynptr_is_null_invalid(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr = {}; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_is_null(&ptr); return 0; } /* bpf_dynptr_is_rdonly can only be called on initialized dynptrs */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #0") int dynptr_is_rdonly_invalid(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr = {}; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_is_rdonly(&ptr); return 0; } /* bpf_dynptr_size can only be called on initialized dynptrs */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #0") int dynptr_size_invalid(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr = {}; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_size(&ptr); return 0; } /* Only initialized dynptrs can be cloned */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #0") int clone_invalid1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr1 = {}; struct bpf_dynptr ptr2; /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr1, &ptr2); return 0; } /* Can't overwrite an existing dynptr when cloning */ SEC("?xdp") __failure __msg("cannot overwrite referenced dynptr") int clone_invalid2(struct xdp_md *xdp) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr1; struct bpf_dynptr clone; bpf_dynptr_from_xdp(xdp, 0, &ptr1); bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, 64, 0, &clone); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr1, &clone); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&clone, 0); return 0; } /* Invalidating a dynptr should invalidate its clones */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #2") int clone_invalidate1(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr clone; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; char read_data[64]; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), &clone, 0, 0); return 0; } /* Invalidating a dynptr should invalidate its parent */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #2") int clone_invalidate2(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct bpf_dynptr clone; char read_data[64]; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&clone, 0); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), &ptr, 0, 0); return 0; } /* Invalidating a dynptr should invalidate its siblings */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("Expected an initialized dynptr as arg #2") int clone_invalidate3(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct bpf_dynptr clone1; struct bpf_dynptr clone2; char read_data[64]; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone1); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone2); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&clone2, 0); /* this should fail */ bpf_dynptr_read(read_data, sizeof(read_data), &clone1, 0, 0); return 0; } /* Invalidating a dynptr should invalidate any data slices * of its clones */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int clone_invalidate4(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct bpf_dynptr clone; int *data; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone); data = bpf_dynptr_data(&clone, 0, sizeof(val)); if (!data) return 0; bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&ptr, 0); /* this should fail */ *data = 123; return 0; } /* Invalidating a dynptr should invalidate any data slices * of its parent */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int clone_invalidate5(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct bpf_dynptr clone; int *data; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); data = bpf_dynptr_data(&ptr, 0, sizeof(val)); if (!data) return 0; bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone); bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&clone, 0); /* this should fail */ *data = 123; return 0; } /* Invalidating a dynptr should invalidate any data slices * of its sibling */ SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int clone_invalidate6(void *ctx) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct bpf_dynptr clone1; struct bpf_dynptr clone2; int *data; bpf_ringbuf_reserve_dynptr(&ringbuf, val, 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone1); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone2); data = bpf_dynptr_data(&clone1, 0, sizeof(val)); if (!data) return 0; bpf_ringbuf_submit_dynptr(&clone2, 0); /* this should fail */ *data = 123; return 0; } /* A skb clone's data slices should be invalid anytime packet data changes */ SEC("?tc") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int clone_skb_packet_data(struct __sk_buff *skb) { char buffer[sizeof(__u32)] = {}; struct bpf_dynptr clone; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; __u32 *data; bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone); data = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&clone, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!data) return XDP_DROP; if (bpf_skb_pull_data(skb, skb->len)) return SK_DROP; /* this should fail */ *data = 123; return 0; } /* A xdp clone's data slices should be invalid anytime packet data changes */ SEC("?xdp") __failure __msg("invalid mem access 'scalar'") int clone_xdp_packet_data(struct xdp_md *xdp) { char buffer[sizeof(__u32)] = {}; struct bpf_dynptr clone; struct bpf_dynptr ptr; struct ethhdr *hdr; __u32 *data; bpf_dynptr_from_xdp(xdp, 0, &ptr); bpf_dynptr_clone(&ptr, &clone); data = bpf_dynptr_slice_rdwr(&clone, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (!data) return XDP_DROP; if (bpf_xdp_adjust_head(xdp, 0 - (int)sizeof(*hdr))) return XDP_DROP; /* this should fail */ *data = 123; return 0; } /* Buffers that are provided must be sufficiently long */ SEC("?cgroup_skb/egress") __failure __msg("memory, len pair leads to invalid memory access") int test_dynptr_skb_small_buff(struct __sk_buff *skb) { struct bpf_dynptr ptr; char buffer[8] = {}; __u64 *data; if (bpf_dynptr_from_skb(skb, 0, &ptr)) { err = 1; return 1; } /* This may return NULL. SKB may require a buffer */ data = bpf_dynptr_slice(&ptr, 0, buffer, 9); return !!data; } __noinline long global_call_bpf_dynptr(const struct bpf_dynptr *dynptr) { long ret = 0; /* Avoid leaving this global function empty to avoid having the compiler * optimize away the call to this global function. */ __sink(ret); return ret; } SEC("?raw_tp") __failure __msg("arg#0 expected pointer to stack or const struct bpf_dynptr") int test_dynptr_reg_type(void *ctx) { struct task_struct *current = NULL; /* R1 should be holding a PTR_TO_BTF_ID, so this shouldn't be a * reg->type that can be passed to a function accepting a * ARG_PTR_TO_DYNPTR | MEM_RDONLY. process_dynptr_func() should catch * this. */ global_call_bpf_dynptr((const struct bpf_dynptr *)current); return 0; }