# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 import builtins import functools import inspect import sys import time import traceback from .consts import KSFT_MAIN_NAME from .utils import global_defer_queue KSFT_RESULT = None KSFT_RESULT_ALL = True KSFT_DISRUPTIVE = True class KsftFailEx(Exception): pass class KsftSkipEx(Exception): pass class KsftXfailEx(Exception): pass def ksft_pr(*objs, **kwargs): print("#", *objs, **kwargs) def _fail(*args): global KSFT_RESULT KSFT_RESULT = False stack = inspect.stack() started = False for frame in reversed(stack[2:]): # Start printing from the test case function if not started: if frame.function == 'ksft_run': started = True continue ksft_pr("Check| At " + frame.filename + ", line " + str(frame.lineno) + ", in " + frame.function + ":") ksft_pr("Check| " + frame.code_context[0].strip()) ksft_pr(*args) def ksft_eq(a, b, comment=""): global KSFT_RESULT if a != b: _fail("Check failed", a, "!=", b, comment) def ksft_ne(a, b, comment=""): global KSFT_RESULT if a == b: _fail("Check failed", a, "==", b, comment) def ksft_true(a, comment=""): if not a: _fail("Check failed", a, "does not eval to True", comment) def ksft_in(a, b, comment=""): if a not in b: _fail("Check failed", a, "not in", b, comment) def ksft_not_in(a, b, comment=""): if a in b: _fail("Check failed", a, "in", b, comment) def ksft_is(a, b, comment=""): if a is not b: _fail("Check failed", a, "is not", b, comment) def ksft_ge(a, b, comment=""): if a < b: _fail("Check failed", a, "<", b, comment) def ksft_lt(a, b, comment=""): if a >= b: _fail("Check failed", a, ">=", b, comment) class ksft_raises: def __init__(self, expected_type): self.exception = None self.expected_type = expected_type def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if exc_type is None: _fail(f"Expected exception {str(self.expected_type.__name__)}, none raised") elif self.expected_type != exc_type: _fail(f"Expected exception {str(self.expected_type.__name__)}, raised {str(exc_type.__name__)}") self.exception = exc_val # Suppress the exception if its the expected one return self.expected_type == exc_type def ksft_busy_wait(cond, sleep=0.005, deadline=1, comment=""): end = time.monotonic() + deadline while True: if cond(): return if time.monotonic() > end: _fail("Waiting for condition timed out", comment) return time.sleep(sleep) def ktap_result(ok, cnt=1, case="", comment=""): global KSFT_RESULT_ALL KSFT_RESULT_ALL = KSFT_RESULT_ALL and ok res = "" if not ok: res += "not " res += "ok " res += str(cnt) + " " res += KSFT_MAIN_NAME if case: res += "." + str(case.__name__) if comment: res += " # " + comment print(res) def ksft_flush_defer(): global KSFT_RESULT i = 0 qlen_start = len(global_defer_queue) while global_defer_queue: i += 1 entry = global_defer_queue.pop() try: entry.exec_only() except: ksft_pr(f"Exception while handling defer / cleanup (callback {i} of {qlen_start})!") tb = traceback.format_exc() for line in tb.strip().split('\n'): ksft_pr("Defer Exception|", line) KSFT_RESULT = False def ksft_disruptive(func): """ Decorator that marks the test as disruptive (e.g. the test that can down the interface). Disruptive tests can be skipped by passing DISRUPTIVE=False environment variable. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not KSFT_DISRUPTIVE: raise KsftSkipEx(f"marked as disruptive") return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def ksft_setup(env): """ Setup test framework global state from the environment. """ def get_bool(env, name): value = env.get(name, "").lower() if value in ["yes", "true"]: return True if value in ["no", "false"]: return False try: return bool(int(value)) except: raise Exception(f"failed to parse {name}") if "DISRUPTIVE" in env: global KSFT_DISRUPTIVE KSFT_DISRUPTIVE = get_bool(env, "DISRUPTIVE") return env def ksft_run(cases=None, globs=None, case_pfx=None, args=()): cases = cases or [] if globs and case_pfx: for key, value in globs.items(): if not callable(value): continue for prefix in case_pfx: if key.startswith(prefix): cases.append(value) break totals = {"pass": 0, "fail": 0, "skip": 0, "xfail": 0} print("TAP version 13") print("1.." + str(len(cases))) global KSFT_RESULT cnt = 0 stop = False for case in cases: KSFT_RESULT = True cnt += 1 comment = "" cnt_key = "" try: case(*args) except KsftSkipEx as e: comment = "SKIP " + str(e) cnt_key = 'skip' except KsftXfailEx as e: comment = "XFAIL " + str(e) cnt_key = 'xfail' except BaseException as e: stop |= isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt) tb = traceback.format_exc() for line in tb.strip().split('\n'): ksft_pr("Exception|", line) if stop: ksft_pr("Stopping tests due to KeyboardInterrupt.") KSFT_RESULT = False cnt_key = 'fail' ksft_flush_defer() if not cnt_key: cnt_key = 'pass' if KSFT_RESULT else 'fail' ktap_result(KSFT_RESULT, cnt, case, comment=comment) totals[cnt_key] += 1 if stop: break print( f"# Totals: pass:{totals['pass']} fail:{totals['fail']} xfail:{totals['xfail']} xpass:0 skip:{totals['skip']} error:0" ) def ksft_exit(): global KSFT_RESULT_ALL sys.exit(0 if KSFT_RESULT_ALL else 1)