/* * (C) 2017 by Harald Welte * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../lib/util.h" #include "ggsn.h" #include "sgsn.h" #include "../gtp/gtp_internal.h" #define PREFIX_STR "Prefix (Network/Netmask)\n" #define IFCONFIG_STR "GGSN-based interface configuration\n" #define GGSN_STR "Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN)\n" enum ggsn_vty_node { GGSN_NODE = _LAST_OSMOVTY_NODE + 1, APN_NODE, }; /* GGSN Node */ static struct cmd_node ggsn_node = { GGSN_NODE, "%s(config-ggsn)# ", 1, }; DEFUN(cfg_ggsn, cfg_ggsn_cmd, "ggsn NAME", "Configure the Gateway GPRS Support Node\n" "GGSN Name (has only local significance)\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; ggsn = ggsn_find_or_create(tall_ggsn_ctx, argv[0]); if (!ggsn) return CMD_WARNING; vty->node = GGSN_NODE; vty->index = ggsn; vty->index_sub = &ggsn->cfg.description; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_no_ggsn, cfg_no_ggsn_cmd, "no ggsn NAME", NO_STR "Remove the named Gateway GPRS Support Node\n" "GGSN Name (has only local significance)\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; ggsn = ggsn_find(argv[0]); if (!ggsn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such GGSN '%s'%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } if (!ggsn->cfg.shutdown) { vty_out(vty, "%% GGSN %s is still active, please shutdown first%s", ggsn->cfg.name, VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } if (!llist_empty(&ggsn->apn_list)) { vty_out(vty, "%% GGSN %s still has APNs configured, please remove first%s", ggsn->cfg.name, VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } llist_del(&ggsn->list); talloc_free(ggsn); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_bind_ip, cfg_ggsn_bind_ip_cmd, "gtp bind-ip A.B.C.D", "GTP Parameters\n" "Set the IP address for the local GTP bind\n" "IPv4 Address\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; size_t t; ippool_aton(&ggsn->cfg.listen_addr, &t, argv[0], 0); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_gtpc_ip, cfg_ggsn_gtpc_ip_cmd, "gtp control-ip A.B.C.D", "GTP Parameters\n" "Set the IP address states as local IP in GTP-C messages\n" "IPv4 Address\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; size_t t; ippool_aton(&ggsn->cfg.gtpc_addr, &t, argv[0], 0); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_gtpu_ip, cfg_ggsn_gtpu_ip_cmd, "gtp user-ip A.B.C.D", "GTP Parameters\n" "Set the IP address states as local IP in GTP-U messages\n" "IPv4 Address\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; size_t t; ippool_aton(&ggsn->cfg.gtpu_addr, &t, argv[0], 0); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_state_dir, cfg_ggsn_state_dir_cmd, "gtp state-dir PATH", "GTP Parameters\n" "Set the directory for the GTP State file\n" "Local Directory\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; if (mkdir(argv[0], 0755) == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { vty_out(vty, "%% Failed to create state-dir: %s%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } osmo_talloc_replace_string(ggsn, &ggsn->cfg.state_dir, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_apn, cfg_ggsn_apn_cmd, "apn NAME", "APN Configuration\n" "APN Name\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; struct apn_ctx *apn; apn = ggsn_find_or_create_apn(ggsn, argv[0]); if (!apn) return CMD_WARNING; vty->node = APN_NODE; vty->index = apn; vty->index_sub = &ggsn->cfg.description; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_no_apn, cfg_ggsn_no_apn_cmd, "no apn NAME", NO_STR "Remove APN Configuration\n" "APN Name\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; struct apn_ctx *apn; apn = ggsn_find_apn(ggsn, argv[0]); if (!apn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such APN '%s'%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } if (!apn->cfg.shutdown) { vty_out(vty, "%% APN %s still active, please shutdown first%s", apn->cfg.name, VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } llist_del(&apn->list); talloc_free(apn); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_default_apn, cfg_ggsn_default_apn_cmd, "default-apn NAME", "Set a default-APN to be used if no other APN matches\n" "APN Name\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; struct apn_ctx *apn; apn = ggsn_find_apn(ggsn, argv[0]); if (!apn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No APN of name '%s' found%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } ggsn->cfg.default_apn = apn; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_no_default_apn, cfg_ggsn_no_default_apn_cmd, "no default-apn", NO_STR "Remove default-APN to be used if no other APN matches\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; ggsn->cfg.default_apn = NULL; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_shutdown, cfg_ggsn_shutdown_cmd, "shutdown ggsn", "Put the GGSN in administrative shutdown\n" GGSN_STR) { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; if (!ggsn->cfg.shutdown) { if (ggsn_stop(ggsn)) { vty_out(vty, "%% Failed to shutdown GGSN%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } ggsn->cfg.shutdown = true; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_no_shutdown, cfg_ggsn_no_shutdown_cmd, "no shutdown ggsn", NO_STR GGSN_STR "Remove the GGSN from administrative shutdown\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; if (ggsn->cfg.shutdown) { if (ggsn_start(ggsn) < 0) { vty_out(vty, "%% Failed to start GGSN, check log for details%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } ggsn->cfg.shutdown = false; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static void show_one_sgsn(struct vty *vty, const struct sgsn_peer *sgsn, const char* prefix) { char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sgsn->addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); vty_out(vty, "%s(S)GSN %s%s", prefix, buf, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, "%s Restart Counter: %d%s", prefix, sgsn->remote_restart_ctr, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, "%s PDP contexts: %d%s", prefix, llist_count(&sgsn->pdp_list), VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, "%s Echo Requests in-flight: %u%s", prefix, sgsn->tx_msgs_queued, VTY_NEWLINE); } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_show_sgsn, cfg_ggsn_show_sgsn_cmd, "show sgsn", NO_STR GGSN_STR "Remove the GGSN from administrative shutdown\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; struct sgsn_peer *sgsn; llist_for_each_entry(sgsn, &ggsn->sgsn_list, entry) { show_one_sgsn(vty, sgsn, ""); } return CMD_SUCCESS; } /* Seee 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.2.1 */ DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_echo_interval, cfg_ggsn_echo_interval_cmd, "echo-interval <1-36000>", GGSN_STR "GGSN Number\n" "Send an echo request to this static GGSN every interval\n" "Interval between echo requests in seconds\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; int prev_interval = ggsn->cfg.echo_interval; struct sgsn_peer *sgsn; ggsn->cfg.echo_interval = atoi(argv[0]); if (ggsn->cfg.echo_interval < 60) vty_out(vty, "%% 3GPP TS 29.060 section states interval should " \ "not be lower than 60 seconds, use this value for " \ "testing purposes only!%s", VTY_NEWLINE); if (prev_interval == ggsn->cfg.echo_interval) return CMD_SUCCESS; /* Re-enable echo timer for all sgsn */ llist_for_each_entry(sgsn, &ggsn->sgsn_list, entry) sgsn_echo_timer_start(sgsn); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_ggsn_no_echo_interval, cfg_ggsn_no_echo_interval_cmd, "no echo-interval", GGSN_STR "GGSN Number\n" NO_STR "Send an echo request to this static GGSN every interval.\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn = (struct ggsn_ctx *) vty->index; struct sgsn_peer *sgsn; if (ggsn->cfg.echo_interval == 0) return CMD_SUCCESS; ggsn->cfg.echo_interval = 0; /* Disable echo timer for all sgsn */ llist_for_each_entry(sgsn, &ggsn->sgsn_list, entry) sgsn_echo_timer_stop(sgsn); return CMD_SUCCESS; } /* APN Node */ static struct cmd_node apn_node = { APN_NODE, "%s(config-ggsn-apn)# ", 1, }; static const struct value_string pdp_type_names[] = { { APN_TYPE_IPv4, "v4" }, { APN_TYPE_IPv6, "v6" }, { APN_TYPE_IPv4v6, "v4v6" }, { 0, NULL } }; static const struct value_string apn_gtpu_mode_names[] = { { APN_GTPU_MODE_TUN, "tun" }, { APN_GTPU_MODE_KERNEL_GTP, "kernel-gtp" }, { 0, NULL } }; #define V4V6V46_STRING "IPv4(-only) PDP Type\n" \ "IPv6(-only) PDP Type\n" \ "IPv4v6 (dual-stack) PDP Type\n" DEFUN(cfg_apn_type_support, cfg_apn_type_support_cmd, "type-support (v4|v6|v4v6)", "Enable support for PDP Type\n" V4V6V46_STRING) { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; uint32_t type = get_string_value(pdp_type_names, argv[0]); apn->cfg.apn_type_mask |= type; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_type_support, cfg_apn_no_type_support_cmd, "no type-support (v4|v6|v4v6)", NO_STR "Disable support for PDP Type\n" V4V6V46_STRING) { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; uint32_t type = get_string_value(pdp_type_names, argv[0]); apn->cfg.apn_type_mask &= ~type; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_gtpu_mode, cfg_apn_gtpu_mode_cmd, "gtpu-mode (tun|kernel-gtp)", "Set the Mode for this APN (tun or Linux Kernel GTP)\n" "GTP-U in userspace using TUN device\n" "GTP-U in kernel using Linux Kernel GTP\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; apn->cfg.gtpu_mode = get_string_value(apn_gtpu_mode_names, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_tun_dev_name, cfg_apn_tun_dev_name_cmd, "tun-device NAME", "Configure tun device name\n" "TUN device name\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; osmo_talloc_replace_string(apn, &apn->tun.cfg.dev_name, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } /* MAX_POSSIBLE_APN_MTU = 9000 * MAX_DESIRED_APN_MTU = 1420 */ DEFUN(cfg_apn_mtu, cfg_apn_mtu_cmd, "mtu (<0-" OSMO_STRINGIFY_VAL(MAX_POSSIBLE_APN_MTU) ">|default) [apply]", "Configure announced MTU\n" "MTU of the APN, announced to the UE\n" "Default value of the MTU of the APN (1420)\n" "Apply the MTU on the tun-device of the APN\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; int rc; if (strcmp(argv[0], "default") == 0) apn->cfg.mtu = MAX_DESIRED_APN_MTU; else apn->cfg.mtu = atoi(argv[0]); apn->tun.cfg.mtu_apply = (argc > 1); if (apn->tun.cfg.mtu_apply && apn->tun.tun) { rc = osmo_netdev_set_mtu(apn->tun.tun->netdev, apn->cfg.mtu); if (rc < 0) { char buf_err[128]; strerror_r(errno, buf_err, sizeof(buf_err)); LOGPAPN(LOGL_ERROR, apn, "Failed to set tun interface MTU %u: %s (%d)\n", apn->cfg.mtu, buf_err, rc); vty_out(vty, "%% Failed to set tun interface MTU %u: %s (%d)%s", apn->cfg.mtu, buf_err, rc, VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } } return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ipup_script, cfg_apn_ipup_script_cmd, "ipup-script PATH", "Configure name/path of ip-up script\n" "File/Path name of ip-up script\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; osmo_talloc_replace_string(apn, &apn->tun.cfg.ipup_script, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_ipup_script, cfg_apn_no_ipup_script_cmd, "no ipup-script", NO_STR "Disable ip-up script\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; talloc_free(apn->tun.cfg.ipup_script); apn->tun.cfg.ipup_script = NULL; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ipdown_script, cfg_apn_ipdown_script_cmd, "ipdown-script PATH", "Configure name/path of ip-down script\n" "File/Path name of ip-down script\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; osmo_talloc_replace_string(apn, &apn->tun.cfg.ipdown_script, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } /* convert prefix from "A.B.C.D/M" notation to in46_prefix */ static void str2prefix(struct in46_prefix *pfx, const char *in) { size_t t; ippool_aton(&pfx->addr, &t, in, 0); pfx->prefixlen = t; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_ipdown_script, cfg_apn_no_ipdown_script_cmd, "no ipdown-script", NO_STR "Disable ip-down script\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; talloc_free(apn->tun.cfg.ipdown_script); apn->tun.cfg.ipdown_script = NULL; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ip_prefix, cfg_apn_ip_prefix_cmd, "ip prefix (static|dynamic) A.B.C.D/M", IP_STR PREFIX_STR "IPv4 Adress/Prefix-Length\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; struct in46_prefix *pfx; /* first update our parsed prefix */ if (!strcmp(argv[0], "static")) { pfx = &apn->v4.cfg.static_prefix; vty_out(vty, "%% static IP addresses currently not yet supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } else pfx = &apn->v4.cfg.dynamic_prefix; str2prefix(pfx, argv[1]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ip_ifconfig, cfg_apn_ip_ifconfig_cmd, "ip ifconfig A.B.C.D/M", IP_STR IFCONFIG_STR "IPv4 Adress/Prefix-Length\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; str2prefix(&apn->v4.cfg.ifconfig_prefix, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_ip_ifconfig, cfg_apn_no_ip_ifconfig_cmd, "no ip ifconfig", NO_STR IP_STR IFCONFIG_STR) { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; memset(&apn->v4.cfg.ifconfig_prefix, 0, sizeof(apn->v4.cfg.ifconfig_prefix)); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ipv6_prefix, cfg_apn_ipv6_prefix_cmd, "ipv6 prefix (static|dynamic) X:X::X:X/M", IP6_STR PREFIX_STR "IPv6 Address/Prefix-Length\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; struct in46_prefix *pfx; if (!strcmp(argv[0], "static")) { pfx = &apn->v6.cfg.static_prefix; vty_out(vty, "%% static IP addresses currently not yet supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } else pfx = &apn->v6.cfg.dynamic_prefix; str2prefix(pfx, argv[1]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ipv6_ifconfig, cfg_apn_ipv6_ifconfig_cmd, "ipv6 ifconfig X:X::X:X/M", IP6_STR IFCONFIG_STR "IPv6 Adress/Prefix-Length\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; str2prefix(&apn->v6.cfg.ifconfig_prefix, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_ipv6_ifconfig, cfg_apn_no_ipv6_ifconfig_cmd, "no ipv6 ifconfig", NO_STR IP6_STR IFCONFIG_STR) { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; memset(&apn->v6.cfg.ifconfig_prefix, 0, sizeof(apn->v6.cfg.ifconfig_prefix)); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ipv6_linklocal, cfg_apn_ipv6_linklocal_cmd, "ipv6 link-local X:X::X:X/M", IP6_STR IFCONFIG_STR "IPv6 Link-local Adress/Prefix-Length\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; str2prefix(&apn->v6.cfg.ll_prefix, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_ipv6_linklocal, cfg_apn_no_ipv6_linklocal_cmd, "no ipv6 link-local", NO_STR IP6_STR IFCONFIG_STR) { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; memset(&apn->v6.cfg.ll_prefix, 0, sizeof(apn->v6.cfg.ll_prefix)); return CMD_SUCCESS; } #define DNS_STRINGS "Configure DNS Server\n" "primary/secondary DNS\n" "IP address of DNS Sever\n" DEFUN(cfg_apn_ip_dns, cfg_apn_ip_dns_cmd, "ip dns <0-1> A.B.C.D", IP_STR DNS_STRINGS) { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; int idx = atoi(argv[0]); size_t dummy; ippool_aton(&apn->v4.cfg.dns[idx], &dummy, argv[1], 0); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_ipv6_dns, cfg_apn_ipv6_dns_cmd, "ipv6 dns <0-1> X:X::X:X", IP6_STR DNS_STRINGS) { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; int idx = atoi(argv[0]); size_t dummy; ippool_aton(&apn->v6.cfg.dns[idx], &dummy, argv[1], 0); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_dns, cfg_apn_no_dns_cmd, "no (ip|ipv6) dns <0-1>", NO_STR IP_STR IP6_STR "Disable DNS Server\n" "primary/secondary DNS\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; struct in46_addr *a; int idx = atoi(argv[1]); if (!strcmp(argv[0], "ip")) a = &apn->v4.cfg.dns[idx]; else a = &apn->v6.cfg.dns[idx]; memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a)); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_gpdu_seq, cfg_apn_gpdu_seq_cmd, "g-pdu tx-sequence-numbers", "G-PDU Configuration\n" "Enable transmission of G-PDU sequence numbers\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; apn->cfg.tx_gpdu_seq = true; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_gpdu_seq, cfg_apn_no_gpdu_seq_cmd, "no g-pdu tx-sequence-numbers", NO_STR "G-PDU Configuration\n" "Disable transmission of G-PDU sequence numbers\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; apn->cfg.tx_gpdu_seq = false; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_shutdown, cfg_apn_shutdown_cmd, "shutdown", "Put the APN in administrative shutdown\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; if (!apn->cfg.shutdown) { if (apn_stop(apn)) { vty_out(vty, "%% Failed to Stop APN%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } apn->cfg.shutdown = true; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_apn_no_shutdown, cfg_apn_no_shutdown_cmd, "no shutdown", NO_STR "Remove the APN from administrative shutdown\n") { struct apn_ctx *apn = (struct apn_ctx *) vty->index; if (apn->cfg.shutdown) { if (!apn->tun.cfg.dev_name) { vty_out(vty, "%% Failed to start APN, tun-device is not configured%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } if (apn_start(apn) < 0) { vty_out(vty, "%% Failed to start APN, check log for details%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } apn->cfg.shutdown = false; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static void vty_dump_prefix(struct vty *vty, const char *pre, const struct in46_prefix *pfx) { vty_out(vty, "%s %s%s", pre, in46p_ntoa(pfx), VTY_NEWLINE); } static void config_write_apn(struct vty *vty, struct apn_ctx *apn) { unsigned int i; vty_out(vty, " apn %s%s", apn->cfg.name, VTY_NEWLINE); if (apn->cfg.description) vty_out(vty, " description %s%s", apn->cfg.description, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " gtpu-mode %s%s", get_value_string(apn_gtpu_mode_names, apn->cfg.gtpu_mode), VTY_NEWLINE); if (apn->tun.cfg.dev_name) vty_out(vty, " tun-device %s%s", apn->tun.cfg.dev_name, VTY_NEWLINE); if (apn->tun.cfg.ipup_script) vty_out(vty, " ipup-script %s%s", apn->tun.cfg.ipup_script, VTY_NEWLINE); if (apn->tun.cfg.ipdown_script) vty_out(vty, " ipdown-script %s%s", apn->tun.cfg.ipdown_script, VTY_NEWLINE); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (!(apn->cfg.apn_type_mask & (UINT32_C(1) << i))) continue; vty_out(vty, " type-support %s%s", get_value_string(pdp_type_names, (UINT32_C(1) << i)), VTY_NEWLINE); } vty_out(vty, " mtu %" PRIu16 "%s%s", apn->cfg.mtu, apn->tun.cfg.mtu_apply ? " apply" : "", VTY_NEWLINE); if (!apn->cfg.tx_gpdu_seq) vty_out(vty, " no g-pdu tx-sequence-numbers%s", VTY_NEWLINE); /* IPv4 prefixes + DNS */ if (apn->v4.cfg.static_prefix.addr.len) vty_dump_prefix(vty, " ip prefix static", &apn->v4.cfg.static_prefix); if (apn->v4.cfg.dynamic_prefix.addr.len) vty_dump_prefix(vty, " ip prefix dynamic", &apn->v4.cfg.dynamic_prefix); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(apn->v4.cfg.dns); i++) { if (!apn->v4.cfg.dns[i].len) continue; vty_out(vty, " ip dns %u %s%s", i, in46a_ntoa(&apn->v4.cfg.dns[i]), VTY_NEWLINE); } if (apn->v4.cfg.ifconfig_prefix.addr.len) vty_dump_prefix(vty, " ip ifconfig", &apn->v4.cfg.ifconfig_prefix); /* IPv6 prefixes + DNS */ if (apn->v6.cfg.static_prefix.addr.len) vty_dump_prefix(vty, " ipv6 prefix static", &apn->v6.cfg.static_prefix); if (apn->v6.cfg.dynamic_prefix.addr.len) vty_dump_prefix(vty, " ipv6 prefix dynamic", &apn->v6.cfg.dynamic_prefix); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(apn->v6.cfg.dns); i++) { if (!apn->v6.cfg.dns[i].len) continue; vty_out(vty, " ipv6 dns %u %s%s", i, in46a_ntoa(&apn->v6.cfg.dns[i]), VTY_NEWLINE); } if (apn->v6.cfg.ifconfig_prefix.addr.len) vty_dump_prefix(vty, " ipv6 ifconfig", &apn->v6.cfg.ifconfig_prefix); if (apn->v6.cfg.ll_prefix.addr.len) vty_dump_prefix(vty, " ipv6 link-local", &apn->v6.cfg.ll_prefix); /* must be last */ vty_out(vty, " %sshutdown%s", apn->cfg.shutdown ? "" : "no ", VTY_NEWLINE); } static int config_write_ggsn(struct vty *vty) { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; llist_for_each_entry(ggsn, &g_ggsn_list, list) { struct apn_ctx *apn; vty_out(vty, "ggsn %s%s", ggsn->cfg.name, VTY_NEWLINE); if (ggsn->cfg.description) vty_out(vty, " description %s%s", ggsn->cfg.description, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " gtp state-dir %s%s", ggsn->cfg.state_dir, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " gtp bind-ip %s%s", in46a_ntoa(&ggsn->cfg.listen_addr), VTY_NEWLINE); if (ggsn->cfg.gtpc_addr.v4.s_addr) vty_out(vty, " gtp control-ip %s%s", in46a_ntoa(&ggsn->cfg.gtpc_addr), VTY_NEWLINE); if (ggsn->cfg.gtpu_addr.v4.s_addr) vty_out(vty, " gtp user-ip %s%s", in46a_ntoa(&ggsn->cfg.gtpu_addr), VTY_NEWLINE); osmo_tdef_vty_groups_write(vty, " "); llist_for_each_entry(apn, &ggsn->apn_list, list) config_write_apn(vty, apn); if (ggsn->cfg.default_apn) vty_out(vty, " default-apn %s%s", ggsn->cfg.default_apn->cfg.name, VTY_NEWLINE); if (ggsn->cfg.echo_interval) vty_out(vty, " echo-interval %u%s", ggsn->cfg.echo_interval, VTY_NEWLINE); /* must be last */ vty_out(vty, " %sshutdown ggsn%s", ggsn->cfg.shutdown ? "" : "no ", VTY_NEWLINE); } return 0; } static const char *print_gsnaddr(const struct ul16_t *in) { struct in46_addr in46; in46a_from_gsna(in, &in46); return in46a_ntoa(&in46); } /* Useful for v4v6 APNs, where we first iterate over v4 pool and then over v6 pool. param v4only can be used to avoid printing duplicates for pdp context containing both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. */ static void show_one_pdp_v4only(struct vty *vty, struct pdp_t *pdp, bool v4only) { struct ippoolm_t *peer4, *peer6; char name_buf[256]; char *apn_name; int rc; peer4 = pdp_get_peer_ipv(pdp, false); peer6 = pdp_get_peer_ipv(pdp, true); if (v4only && peer6) return; /* Attempt to decode MSISDN */ rc = gsm48_decode_bcd_number2(name_buf, sizeof(name_buf), pdp->msisdn.v, pdp->msisdn.l, 0); vty_out(vty, "IMSI: %s, NSAPI: %u, MSISDN: %s%s", imsi_gtp2str(&pdp->imsi), pdp->nsapi, rc ? "(NONE)" : name_buf, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " Version: %d", pdp->version); if (pdp->version == 1) { if (!pdp->secondary) { vty_out(vty, ", Primary, Num Secondaries: %d%s%s", pdp_count_secondary(pdp) - 1, /* primary included in count */ pdp->nodata ? ", No User Plane": "", VTY_NEWLINE); } else { vty_out(vty, ", Secondary%s", VTY_NEWLINE); } } else { vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE); } vty_out(vty, " Control: %s:%08x ", print_gsnaddr(&pdp->gsnlc), pdp->teic_own); vty_out(vty, "<-> %s:%08x%s", print_gsnaddr(&pdp->gsnrc), pdp->teic_gn, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " Data: %s:%08x ", print_gsnaddr(&pdp->gsnlu), pdp->teid_own); vty_out(vty, "<-> %s:%08x%s", print_gsnaddr(&pdp->gsnru), pdp->teid_gn, VTY_NEWLINE); apn_name = osmo_apn_to_str(name_buf, pdp->apn_req.v, pdp->apn_req.l); vty_out(vty, " APN requested: %s%s", apn_name ? name_buf : "(NONE)", VTY_NEWLINE); apn_name = osmo_apn_to_str(name_buf, pdp->apn_use.v, pdp->apn_use.l); vty_out(vty, " APN in use: %s%s", apn_name ? name_buf : "(NONE)", VTY_NEWLINE); if (peer4) vty_out(vty, " End-User Address (IPv4): %s%s", in46a_ntop(&peer4->addr, name_buf, sizeof(name_buf)), VTY_NEWLINE); if (peer6) vty_out(vty, " End-User Address (IPv6): %s%s", in46a_ntop(&peer6->addr, name_buf, sizeof(name_buf)), VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " Transmit GTP Sequence Number for G-PDU: %s%s", pdp->tx_gpdu_seq ? "Yes" : "No", VTY_NEWLINE); } static void show_one_pdp(struct vty *vty, struct pdp_t *pdp) { show_one_pdp_v4only(vty, pdp, false); } DEFUN(show_pdpctx_imsi, show_pdpctx_imsi_cmd, "show pdp-context ggsn NAME imsi IMSI [<0-15>]", SHOW_STR "Display information on PDP Context\n" GGSN_STR "GGSN Name\n" "PDP contexts for given IMSI\n" "PDP context for given NSAPI\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; uint64_t imsi; unsigned int nsapi; struct pdp_t *pdp; int num_found = 0; ggsn = ggsn_find(argv[0]); if (!ggsn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such GGSN '%s'%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } if (strlen(argv[1]) < 6 || strlen(argv[1]) > 15) { vty_out(vty, "%% Invalid IMSI '%s'%s", argv[1], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } imsi = gtp_imsi_str2gtp(argv[1]); if (argc > 2) { nsapi = atoi(argv[2]); if (!gtp_pdp_getimsi(ggsn->gsn, &pdp, imsi, nsapi)) { show_one_pdp(vty, pdp); num_found++; } } else { for (nsapi = 0; nsapi < PDP_MAXNSAPI; nsapi++) { if (gtp_pdp_getimsi(ggsn->gsn, &pdp, imsi, nsapi)) continue; show_one_pdp(vty, pdp); num_found++; } } if (num_found == 0) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such PDP context found%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } else return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(show_pdpctx_ip, show_pdpctx_ip_cmd, "show pdp-context ggsn NAME ipv4 A.B.C.D", SHOW_STR "Display information on PDP Context\n" GGSN_STR "GGSN Name\n" "IPv4 address type\n" "IP address\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; struct apn_ctx *apn; unsigned int i; ggsn = ggsn_find(argv[0]); if (!ggsn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such GGSN '%s'%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } /* Iterate over all APNs of a given GGSN */ llist_for_each_entry(apn, &ggsn->apn_list, list) { struct ippool_t *pool = apn->v4.pool; /* In some rare cases, if GGSN fails to init TUN/TAP interfaces * (e.g. due to insufficient permissions), it will continue to * work in such broken state, and pool would be NULL. */ if (!pool) continue; /* Iterate over all IPv4 pool members */ for (i = 0; i < pool->listsize; i++) { struct ippoolm_t *member = &pool->member[i]; if (member->inuse == 0) continue; if (strcmp(argv[1], in46a_ntoa(&member->addr)) == 0) { show_one_pdp(vty, member->peer); return CMD_SUCCESS; } } } vty_out(vty, "%% No PDP context found for IP '%s'%s", argv[1], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } /* show all (active) PDP contexts within a pool */ static void ippool_show_pdp_contexts(struct vty *vty, struct ippool_t *pool, bool pdp_v4only) { unsigned int i; if (!pool) return; for (i = 0; i < pool->listsize; i++) { struct ippoolm_t *member = &pool->member[i]; if (member->inuse == 0) continue; show_one_pdp_v4only(vty, member->peer, pdp_v4only); } } /* show all (active) PDP contexts within an APN */ static void apn_show_pdp_contexts(struct vty *vty, struct apn_ctx *apn) { ippool_show_pdp_contexts(vty, apn->v4.pool, true); ippool_show_pdp_contexts(vty, apn->v6.pool, false); } DEFUN(show_pdpctx, show_pdpctx_cmd, "show pdp-context ggsn NAME", SHOW_STR "Show PDP Context Information\n" GGSN_STR "GGSN Name\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; struct apn_ctx *apn; ggsn = ggsn_find(argv[0]); if (!ggsn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such GGSN '%s'%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } llist_for_each_entry(apn, &ggsn->apn_list, list) apn_show_pdp_contexts(vty, apn); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(show_pdpctx_apn, show_pdpctx_apn_cmd, "show pdp-context ggsn NAME apn APN", SHOW_STR "Show PDP Context Information\n" GGSN_STR "GGSN Name\n" "Filter by APN\n" "APN name\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; struct apn_ctx *apn; ggsn = ggsn_find(argv[0]); if (!ggsn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such GGSN '%s'%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } apn = ggsn_find_apn(ggsn, argv[1]); if (!apn) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such APN '%s'%s", argv[1], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } apn_show_pdp_contexts(vty, apn); return CMD_SUCCESS; } /* Backwards compatibility: the VTY parser is (mis)interpreting * "[apn APN]" as two separate elements: "[apn" and "APN]", * but the first part somehow turns into command "ap". */ ALIAS_DEPRECATED(show_pdpctx_apn, show_deprecated_pdpctx_apn_cmd, "show pdp-context ggsn NAME ap APN", SHOW_STR "Show PDP Context Information\n" GGSN_STR "GGSN Name\n" "Filter by APN\n" "APN name\n"); static void show_apn(struct vty *vty, struct apn_ctx *apn) { vty_out(vty, " APN: %s%s", apn->cfg.name, VTY_NEWLINE); /* FIXME */ } static void show_one_ggsn(struct vty *vty, struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn) { struct apn_ctx *apn; struct sgsn_peer *sgsn; vty_out(vty, "GGSN %s: Bound to %s%s", ggsn->cfg.name, in46a_ntoa(&ggsn->cfg.listen_addr), VTY_NEWLINE); /* FIXME */ llist_for_each_entry(apn, &ggsn->apn_list, list) show_apn(vty, apn); llist_for_each_entry(sgsn, &ggsn->sgsn_list, entry) show_one_sgsn(vty, sgsn, " "); } DEFUN(show_ggsn, show_ggsn_cmd, "show ggsn [NAME]", SHOW_STR "Display information on the GGSN\n") { struct ggsn_ctx *ggsn; if (argc == 0) { llist_for_each_entry(ggsn, &g_ggsn_list, list) show_one_ggsn(vty, ggsn); } else { ggsn = ggsn_find(argv[0]); if (!ggsn) return CMD_WARNING; show_one_ggsn(vty, ggsn); } return CMD_SUCCESS; } int ggsn_vty_init(void) { install_element_ve(&show_pdpctx_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_pdpctx_apn_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_deprecated_pdpctx_apn_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_pdpctx_imsi_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_pdpctx_ip_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_ggsn_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_no_ggsn_cmd); install_node(&ggsn_node, config_write_ggsn); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_description_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_no_description_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_shutdown_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_no_shutdown_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_bind_ip_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_gtpc_ip_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_gtpu_ip_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_state_dir_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_apn_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_no_apn_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_default_apn_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_no_default_apn_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_show_sgsn_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_echo_interval_cmd); install_element(GGSN_NODE, &cfg_ggsn_no_echo_interval_cmd); osmo_tdef_vty_groups_init(GGSN_NODE, ggsn_tdef_group); install_node(&apn_node, NULL); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_description_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_no_description_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_shutdown_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_shutdown_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_gtpu_mode_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_type_support_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_type_support_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_tun_dev_name_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_mtu_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ipup_script_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_ipup_script_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ipdown_script_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_ipdown_script_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ip_prefix_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ipv6_prefix_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ip_dns_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ipv6_dns_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_dns_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ip_ifconfig_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_ip_ifconfig_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ipv6_ifconfig_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_ipv6_ifconfig_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_ipv6_linklocal_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_ipv6_linklocal_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_gpdu_seq_cmd); install_element(APN_NODE, &cfg_apn_no_gpdu_seq_cmd); return 0; } static int ggsn_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty) { switch (vty->node) { case GGSN_NODE: vty->node = CONFIG_NODE; vty->index = NULL; vty->index_sub = NULL; break; case APN_NODE: vty->node = GGSN_NODE; { struct apn_ctx *apn = vty->index; vty->index = apn->ggsn; vty->index_sub = &apn->ggsn->cfg.description; } break; default: vty->node = CONFIG_NODE; vty->index = NULL; vty->index_sub = NULL; } return vty->node; } static const char ggsn_copyright[] = "Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Harald Welte \r\n" "Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Holger Hans Peter Freyther \r\n" "Copyright (C) 2012-2017 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH\r\n" "Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Mondru AB\r\n" "License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 \r\n" "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\r\n" "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\r\n"; struct vty_app_info g_vty_info = { .name = "OsmoGGSN", .version = PACKAGE_VERSION, .copyright = ggsn_copyright, .go_parent_cb = ggsn_vty_go_parent, };