# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ osmocom: various utilities """ import json import string import datetime import argparse from io import BytesIO from typing import Optional, List, NewType # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Sylvain Munaut # Copyright (C) 2021 Harald Welte # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # class hexstr(str): """Class derived from 'str', represeting a string of hexadecimal digits. It differs in that comparisons are case-insensitive, and it offers encoding-free conversion from hexstr to bytes and vice-versa.""" def __new__(cls, s: str): if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in s): raise ValueError('Input must be hexadecimal digits only') # store as lower case digits return super().__new__(cls, s.lower()) def __eq__(self, other: str) -> bool: # make sure comparison is done case-insensitive return str(self) == other.lower() def __hash__(self): # having a custom __eq__ method will make the type unhashable by default, lets fix that return hash(str(self)) def __getitem__(self, val) -> 'hexstr': # make sure slicing a hexstr will return a hexstr return hexstr(super().__getitem__(val)) def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: """return hex-string converted to bytes""" s = str(self) if len(s) & 1: raise ValueError('Cannot convert hex string with odd number of digits') return h2b(s) @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, bt: bytes) -> 'hexstr': """instantiate hex-string from bytes""" return cls(b2h(bt)) # just to differentiate strings of hex nibbles from everything else; only used for typing # hints. New code should typically use the 'class hexstr' type above to get the benefit # of case-insensitive comparison. Hexstr = NewType('Hexstr', str) def h2b(s: Hexstr) -> bytearray: """convert from a string of hex nibbles to a sequence of bytes""" return bytearray.fromhex(s) def b2h(b: bytearray) -> hexstr: """convert from a sequence of bytes to a string of hex nibbles""" return hexstr(b.hex()) def h2i(s: Hexstr) -> List[int]: """convert from a string of hex nibbles to a list of integers""" return list(h2b(s)) def i2h(s: List[int]) -> hexstr: """convert from a list of integers to a string of hex nibbles""" return hexstr(bytes(s).hex()) def h2s(s: Hexstr) -> str: """convert from a string of hex nibbles to an ASCII string""" return ''.join([chr((int(x, 16) << 4)+int(y, 16)) for x, y in zip(s[0::2], s[1::2]) if int(x + y, 16) != 0xff]) def s2h(s: str) -> hexstr: """convert from an ASCII string to a string of hex nibbles""" b = bytearray() b.extend(map(ord, s)) return b2h(b) def i2s(s: List[int]) -> str: """convert from a list of integers to an ASCII string""" return ''.join([chr(x) for x in s]) def swap_nibbles(s: Hexstr) -> hexstr: """swap the nibbles in a hex string""" return hexstr(''.join([x+y for x, y in zip(s[1::2], s[0::2])])) def rpad(s: str, l: int, c='f') -> str: """pad string on the right side. Args: s : string to pad l : total length to pad to c : padding character Returns: String 's' padded with as many 'c' as needed to reach total length of 'l' """ return s + c * (l - len(s)) def lpad(s: str, l: int, c='f') -> str: """pad string on the left side. Args: s : string to pad l : total length to pad to c : padding character Returns: String 's' padded with as many 'c' as needed to reach total length of 'l' """ return c * (l - len(s)) + s def half_round_up(n: int) -> int: return (n + 1)//2 def int_bytes_required(number: int, minlen:int = 0, signed:bool = False): """compute how many bytes an integer requires when it is encoded into bytes Args: number : integer number minlen : minimum length signed : compute the number of bytes for a signed integer (two's complement) Returns: Integer 'nbytes', which is the number of bytes required to encode 'number' """ if signed == False and number < 0: raise ValueError("expecting a positive number") # Compute how many bytes we need for the absolute (positive) value of the given number nbytes = 1 i = abs(number) while True: i = i >> 8 if i == 0: break else: nbytes = nbytes + 1 # When we deal with signed numbers, then the two's complement applies. This means that we must check if the given # number would still fit in the value range of the number of bytes we have calculated above. If not, one more # byte is required. if signed: value_range_limit = pow(2,nbytes*8) // 2 if number < -value_range_limit: nbytes = nbytes + 1 elif number >= value_range_limit: nbytes = nbytes + 1 # round up to the minimum number of bytes we anticipate nbytes = max(nbytes, minlen) return nbytes def str_sanitize(s: str) -> str: """replace all non printable chars, line breaks and whitespaces, with ' ', make sure that there are no whitespaces at the end and at the beginning of the string. Args: s : string to sanitize Returns: filtered result of string 's' """ chars_to_keep = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation res = ''.join([c if c in chars_to_keep else ' ' for c in s]) return res.strip() def is_hex(string: str, minlen: int = 2, maxlen: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: """ Check if a string is a valid hexstring """ # Filter obviously bad strings if not string: return False if len(string) < minlen or minlen < 2: return False if len(string) % 2: return False if maxlen and len(string) > maxlen: return False # Try actual encoding to be sure try: _try_encode = h2b(string) return True except: return False ######################################################################### # ARGPARSE HELPERS ######################################################################### def auto_int(x): """Helper function for argparse to accept hexadecimal integers.""" return int(x, 0) def _auto_uint(x, max_val: int): """Helper function for argparse to accept hexadecimal or decimal integers.""" ret = int(x, 0) if ret < 0 or ret > max_val: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Number exceeds permited value range (0, %u)' % max_val) return ret def auto_uint7(x): return _auto_uint(x, 127) def auto_uint8(x): return _auto_uint(x, 255) def auto_uint16(x): return _auto_uint(x, 65535) def is_hexstr_or_decimal(instr: str) -> str: """Method that can be used as 'type' in argparse.add_argument() to validate the value consists of [hexa]decimal digits only.""" if instr.isdecimal(): return instr if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in instr): raise ValueError('Input must be [hexa]decimal') if len(instr) & 1: raise ValueError('Input has un-even number of hex digits') return hexstr(instr) def is_hexstr(instr: str) -> hexstr: """Method that can be used as 'type' in argparse.add_argument() to validate the value consists of an even sequence of hexadecimal digits only.""" if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in instr): raise ValueError('Input must be hexadecimal') if len(instr) & 1: raise ValueError('Input has un-even number of hex digits') return hexstr(instr) def is_decimal(instr: str) -> str: """Method that can be used as 'type' in argparse.add_argument() to validate the value consists of an even sequence of decimal digits only.""" if not instr.isdecimal(): raise ValueError('Input must decimal') return instr class JsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Extend the standard library JSONEncoder with support for more types.""" def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, (BytesIO, bytes, bytearray)): return b2h(o) elif isinstance(o, datetime.datetime): return o.isoformat() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) def all_subclasses(cls) -> set: """Recursively get all subclasses of a specified class""" return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union([s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c)])