OsmoBSC> enable
OsmoBSC# configure terminal
OsmoBSC(config)# smlc
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# list
  no enable
  bsc-addr NAME
  smlc-addr NAME

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# enable?
  enable  Start up Lb interface connection to the remote SMLC

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# no?
  no  Negate a command or set its defaults
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# no ?
  enable  Stop Lb interface connection to the remote SMLC

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# bsc-addr?
  bsc-addr  Local SCCP address of this BSC towards the SMLC
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# bsc-addr ?
  NAME  Name of cs7 addressbook entry

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# smlc-addr?
  smlc-addr  Remote SCCP address of the SMLC
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# smlc-addr ?
  NAME  Name of cs7 addressbook entry

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# show running-config
... !smlc

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# enable
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# show running-config

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# no enable
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# show running-config
... !smlc

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# exit
OsmoBSC(config)# cs7 instance 0
OsmoBSC(config-cs7)# sccp-addr test-addr
OsmoBSC(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# point-code 1.23.4
OsmoBSC(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# exit
OsmoBSC(config-cs7)# sccp-addr test-addr2
OsmoBSC(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# point-code 1.23.5
OsmoBSC(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# exit
OsmoBSC(config-cs7)# exit
OsmoBSC(config)# smlc

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# bsc-addr nonsense
Error: No such SCCP addressbook entry: 'nonsense'
% Command incomplete.
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# show running-config
... !smlc

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# bsc-addr test-addr
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# show running-config
 bsc-addr test-addr

OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# smlc-addr test-addr2
OsmoBSC(config-smlc)# show running-config
 bsc-addr test-addr
 smlc-addr test-addr2