#!/bin/bash # this script is to scan for octsim boards, sort them by usb path and call dfu-util on each to update the board # basic flow # - get usb path and serialno tupel from dfu-util -l # - reformat and sort by usbpath, drop the serno (grep cut tr sort cut) # - flash the boards # TODO: # - error handling # - filter dfu-util output and generate nice summary dfu-util -l \ | grep "^Found" \ | grep "\[1d50:6141\]" \ | cut -d ' ' -f 8,13 \ | tr -d ',' \ | cut -d \" -f 2,4 \ | tr \" ' ' \ | sort \ | cut -d ' ' -f 1 \ | xargs -n 1 dfu-util -d 1d50:6141 -D sysmoOCTSIM.bin -R -p