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If this happens in conjunction with PCU, increase 'rts-advance' by 5. %s %s %s: Prim has wrong chan_nr=0x%02x link_id=%02x, expecting chan_nr=0x%02x link_id=%02x. msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) []%s %s %s: %s Rx -> RTP: %s %s %s %s: PH-DATA.req: chan_nr=0x%02x link_id=0x%02x %s %s %s: TCH.req: chan_nr=0x%02x /opt/poky-oc2g/2.3.4/sysroots/cortexa15hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-oc2g/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l2h%s Failed to configure multiframe (pchan=0x%02x) %s Configured multiframe with '%s' %s %s lchan with uninitialized scheduler structure %s %s UL access on lchan with uninitialized scheduler structure. %s Set mode for %s (rsl_cmode=%u, tch_mode=%u, handover=%u) %s Algo A5/%d not supported with given key_len=%u downlinkuplink%s Set A5/%d %s for %s %s %s %s: Too many (>%u) contiguous TDMA frames=%u elapsed since the last processed fn=%u %s %s %s: At least %u TDMA frames were lost since the last processed fn=%u %s %s %s: Substituting lost burst with NOPE.ind l1sched_tsL1 scheduler timeslotl1sched_ts:dl_lateDownlink frames arrived too late to submit to lower layersl1sched_ts:dl_not_foundDownlink frames not found while schedulingIDLEIdle channelFCCHFrequency correction channelSCHSynchronization channelBCCHBroadcast control channelRACHRandom access channelCCCHCommon control channelCBCHCell Broadcast channelPDTCHPacket data traffic & control channelPTCCHPacket Timing advance control channelTCH/FFull Rate traffic channelTCH/H(0)Half Rate traffic channel (sub-channel 0)TCH/H(1)Half Rate traffic channel (sub-channel 1)SDCCH/4(0)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 0)SDCCH/4(1)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 1)SDCCH/4(2)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 2)SDCCH/4(3)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 3)SDCCH/8(0)SDCCH/8(1)SDCCH/8(2)SDCCH/8(3)SDCCH/8(4)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 4)SDCCH/8(5)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 5)SDCCH/8(6)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 6)SDCCH/8(7)Stand-alone dedicated control channel (sub-channel 7)SACCH/TFSlow TCH/F associated control channelSACCH/TH(0)Slow TCH/H associated control channel (sub-channel 0)SACCH/TH(1)Slow TCH/H associated control channel (sub-channel 1)SACCH/4(0)Slow SDCCH/4 associated control channel (sub-channel 0)SACCH/4(1)Slow SDCCH/4 associated control channel (sub-channel 1)SACCH/4(2)Slow SDCCH/4 associated control channel (sub-channel 2)SACCH/4(3)Slow SDCCH/4 associated control channel (sub-channel 3)SACCH/8(0)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 0)SACCH/8(1)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 1)SACCH/8(2)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 2)SACCH/8(3)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 3)SACCH/8(4)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 4)SACCH/8(5)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 5)SACCH/8(6)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 6)SACCH/8(7)Slow SDCCH/8 associated control channel (sub-channel 7)GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0AAaeabi7Cortex-A15 A   "*,D  ).(3 L?lKtW4\T nxslxt}\ ``@,@T(th P"L(l.4:T@F`LRT \ X0|! 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