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Dropping msg. %s PH-DATA-INDICATION for unknown sapi %s (%d) %s Rx PH-DATA.ind %s (hL2 %08x): %s, Meas: RSSI %-3.2f dBm, Qual %-3.2f dB, BER %-3.2f, Timing %d %s Rx PH-RA.ind, Meas: RSSI %-3.2f dBm, Qual %-3.2f dB, BER %-3.2f, Timing %d %s PH-RACH-INDICATION has %d bits msgb(%p): No room for primitive msgb(%p): No room for primitive data sys_primunknown MPH-INFO.req %d unknown prim %d op %d Rx L1 prim %s on queue %d l1_if.c:82Rx SYS prim %s Tx RF-MUTE.req (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) Ignoring Clock Calibration for selected %s clock Using external attenuator. %u.%u dsp %u.%u.%u fpga %u.%u.%u%s BTS band %s not supported by hw Operating without calibration; unable to load tables! Tx SET-TRACE-FLAGS.req (0x%08x) MQ_SYS_WRITE queue full. Dropping msg Rx L1-RESET.conf (status=%s) L1-RESET.conf with status %s L1-RESET failuresysmoBTSv2 L1IF compiled against API headers v%u.%u.%u struct femtol1_hdlFailed to read from EEPROM. Read clock calibration(%d) from EEPROM. Unable to read band support from EEPROM, assuming all bands Clock source defaulting to GPS 1PPS on sysmoBTS 2050 l1_if.c:1742l1_if.c:1749RfClockInfo iClkCor=%d/clkSrc=%s Err=%d/ErrRes=%d/clkSrc=%s Calibrating GPS against GPS doesn not make sense. No reference clock set. Please reset first. Couldn't determine the clock difference. Cannot open L1 interface Unknown/Unsupported sysmoBTS Model Number %u Assuming 1002 for sysmoBTS Model number %u Cannot determine nominal transmit power. Assuming 23dBm. 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