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PO 0@'0 @V0`&+X90@@Q`"@SP 0`Q) GP &@@P0`x9 0@@@`90@@V`9D0@ @G`/ P  @@@0Am` M ` tPP0@rS sS0S0S pW  P1 0S$0xS Ѝ@`Ѝ0S0SpW  }P 1P 00.  @s#!<$00!& Am@ @` PP PP@` ЍP 06/Am@5 ``P  K/(! Jx P6&0s0RS0P6@` ЍAm@5 ``6P ( J 6&0s0TS0P6@` Ѝ*@-6S rQ S @ЍRQ S RQ S R#R5 (   $Bm@ʌ_`MU6 \3 ^0Q0`0S} pb 0 0:?SEY* )0P0\p@@@ Ѝ@`ЁЍS}p0 S/0xSYO<>D) @㓡1c0S< 0 000:?S* 0 $RP(0S,0S0S "1RQ 0 H00V 0 0N  E*$P  @@@0J*P  @@@0B-P$M00  B =$ЍBm` iMP `4J@@㹰 [a Pp5 `0 ^Y:`0P[L 00M00N0 PP빰tch_mode %u measurement.c%s %s meas period end fn_mod:%d, status:%d, pchan:%s SUBFULL%s %s measurement during state: %s, num_ul_meas=%d, fn_mod=%u %s %s no space for uplink measurement, num_ul_meas=%d, fn_mod=%u %s %s adding a %s measurement (ber10k=%u, ta_offs=%d, ci_cB=%d, rssi=-%u), num_ul_meas=%d, fn_mod=%u %s Calculating measurement results for physical channel: %s %s Received %u UL measurements, expected %u %s Received %u excess UL measurements %s Replaced %u measurements with dummy values, from which %u were SUB measurements %s Received UL measurements contain %u SUB measurements, expected at least %d %s Incorrect number of SUB measurements detected! (%u vs exp >=%d) %s Received UL measurements contain %u SUB measurements, expected %d %s Incorrect number of SUB measurements detected! (%u vs exp %d) %s Computed TA256(% 4d), BER-FULL(%2u.%02u%%), RSSI-FULL(-%3udBm), C/I-FULL(% 4d cB), BER-SUB(%2u.%02u%%), RSSI-SUB(-%3udBm), C/I-SUB(% 4d cB) %s UL MEAS RXLEV_FULL(%u), RXLEV_SUB(%u), RXQUAL_FULL(%u), RXQUAL_SUB(%u), num_meas_sub(%u), num_ul_meas(%u) i < lchan->meas.num_ul_meassq_diff_sum <= UINT32_MAXinactive => activeactive => inactive%s Temporary ACCH overpower: %s %s DL-FACCH repetition: inactive => active %s DL-FACCH repetition: active => inactive % -%s AMR MR Conf: num_modes=%uamr.c, mode[%u] = %u/%u/%uAMR CMI %u not part of AMR MR set RTP->L1: overriding CMR %u AMR Multirate IE is too short (%u) AMR Multirate Version %u unknown AMR Multirate with %u modes len=%u not possible %s T3115 timeout (%d resends left) asci.c%s is not active. It is in state %s. Ignoring %s NY2 reached, sending CONNection FAILure to BSC. %s VGCS RACH on dedicated channel type %s received with TA=%u, ref=%u %s Ignoring RACH, there is an active talker already. %s Failed to deactivate uplink access after TALKER DET. %s Starting T3115 with %u ms %s Channel is activated. %s Failed to activate uplink access after channel activation. %s Channel is activated for assignment. %s Failed to deactivate uplink access for assignment. %s First valid frame detected, talker now active. %s Uplink released, no talker. %s Failed to activate uplink access after uplink became free. 22222x1111112242 L2d2l2t222lchan.cpchan != GSM_PCHAN_OSMO_DYNpchan != GSM_PCHAN_TCH_F_PDCHlchan_nr == 0lchan_nr < 2lchan_nr < 4lchan_nr < 8ts=%u,ss=%u Physical channel %s not expected! ts=%u,ss=%u Physical channel %s (0x%02x) not expected! (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u%s,ss=%u)lchan.c:161%s Setting T200 D0=%u, D3=%u, S0=%u, S3=%u (all in frames) %s SACCH no SI available %s state %s -> %s Closing RTP socket on Channel Release %s: PDCH release requested but already in switchover %s Not enough room to store interference report (%ddBm) meas_num > 0%s Interference AVG: %ddBm (band %d, samples %u) %s Rx RSL IPAC CRCX, but we already have socket! %s IPAC Failed to create RTP/RTCP sockets %s IPAC Failed to create RTP/RTCP sockets%s IPAC Failed to set RTP socket parameters: %s %s IPAC set RTP socket parameters: %d failed to set DSCP=%d: %s failed to set socket priority %d: %s %s IPAC Failed to bind RTP/RTCP sockets %s IPAC Failed to bind RTP/RTCP socketsbts@%sOsmoBTS- Failed to connect RTP/RTCP sockets %s IPAC cannot obtain locally bound IP/port: %d %s freeing %d queued frames non-transparenttransparent @ 1200/75 bpstransparent @ 600 bpstransparent @ 1200 bpstransparent @ 2400 bpstransparent @ 4800 bpstransparent @ 9600 bpstransparent @ 14400 bpstransparent @ 29000 bpstransparent @ 32000 bpsRX_REQRX_CONFRXTX_REQRX_CONF_TX_REQRXTX_CONFACTIVATION REQUESTEDACTIVERELEASE REQUESTEDRELEASE DUE ERRORBROKEN UNUSABLE@=p== %s not (yet) provisioned pcu_sock.cA transceiver with ARFCN %u is not (yet) provisioned PCU socket has LOST connection PCU socket has LOST connectionmsgb_length(msg) > 0pcu_sock_txPCU socket not created, dropping message PCU socket not connected, dropping message PCU not reacting (more than %u messages waiting). Closing connection Sending info BTS is up BTS is down %s PCU interface (version %u) cannot handle more than %zu transceivers => skipped %s unavailable for PCU (op=%s adm=%s) %s PDCH on ts=%u is available (tsc=%u hopping=yes hsn=%u maio=%u ma_bit_len=%u) hopping=no arfcn=%u) Failed to accept a new connection PCU connects but we already have another active connection ?!? Failed to register new connection fd PCU socket connected to external PCU Sending rts request: is_ptcch=%d arfcn=%d block=%d Sending data indication: sapi=%s arfcn=%d block=%d data=%s Updating SI%s to PCU: %s Revoking SI%s from PCU Failed to send SI%s to PCU: rc=%d OsmoPCU version %s connected SI%s is not available on PCU connection Unknown TXT_IND type %u received ActivateDeactivatepcu_sock_rxReceived %d bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive hdr size is %zu, discarding Received %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive %s size is %zu, discarding pcu_prim->u.data_reqReceived PCU Prim for non-existent BTS %u Data request received: sapi=%s arfcn=%d block=%d data=%s Rx malformed DATA.req for PCH pcu_agchReceived PCU data request with not existing TRX %d Received PCU data request with not existing TS %u %s: Received PCU DATA request for non-PDCH TS %s: Received PCU DATA request for inactive lchan Received PCU data request with unsupported sapi %d pcu_prim->u.pag_reqPaging request received: chan_needed=%d length=%d (dropping message because support for PCU_IF_MSG_PAG_REQ is not yet implemented) pcu_prim->u.act_req%s request received: TRX=%d TS=%d %s request, but lchan is not of type PDTCH (is %s) %s request, but lchan in dyn TS is not configured as PDCH in lower layers (is %s) pcu_prim->u.txt_indpcu_prim->u.containerReceived %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive container size is %zu, discarding Received unknown PCU msg type %d Sending RACH indication: qta=%d, ra=%d, fn=%d Paging identity too large (%d) PCU socket not created, ignoring paging message Sending DATA.cnf: sapi=%s msg_id=%08x struct pcu_sock_stateCould not create %s unix socket: %s pcu_sock.c:1240Could not register listen fd: %d pcu_sock.c:1251Started listening on PCU socket (PCU IF v%u): %s pcu_sock.c:1279PRACHPCH_2AGCH_2PHYS INFO%s Sending PHYSICAL INFORMATION to MS. handover.c%s T3105 timeout (%d resends left) %s is in not active. It is in state %s. Ignoring %s NY1 reached, sending CONNection FAILure to BSC. %s RACH on dedicated channel received, but ra=0x%02x != expected ref=0x%02x. (This is no bug) %s handover RACH received on %s?! %s RACH on dedicated channel type %s received with TA=%u, ref=%u %s failed to modify channel after handover %s Starting T3105 with %u ms %s First valid frame detected %s ramp_timer_cb(cur_pout=%d, tgt_pout=%d, ramp_att=%d, therm_att=%d, user_gain=%d) tx_power.c%s ramping TRX board output power to %d mdBm. %s bts_model notifies us of %d mdBm TRX output power. However, it should be %d mdBm! , bypass%s power_ramp_start(cur=%d, tgt=%d%s) %s Asked to ramp power up to %d mdBm, which exceeds P_max_out (%d) %s target_power (%d mdBm) is below or equal to 'power ramp max-initial' power (%d mdBm) DDD%s{%s}: Timer expired waiting for ramp down complete bts_shutdown_fsm.c%s{%s}: Timer expired waiting for TRX close false%s{%s}: %s TRX closed, %u TRX remaining %s{%s}: %s Ramping down complete, %u TRX remaining %s{%s}: No TRX is operational, skipping power ramp down %s{%s}: Shutdown process completed successfully, exiting process osmo_fsm_register(&bts_shutdown_fsm) == 0%s{%s}: BTS is already being shutdown. %s{%s}: Shutting down BTS, exit %u, reason: %s fi=NULL%s{%s}: %s Received TRX close cb rc=%d BTS_SHUTDOWNBTS_SHUTDOWN_EV_STARTBTS_SHUTDOWN_EV_TRX_RAMP_COMPLBTS_SHUTDOWN_EV_TRX_CLOSEDWAIT_RAMP_DOWN_COMPLWAIT_TRX_CLOSEDEXIT++++++++++++++++++++!+++++++++++++++++(P@(P@l1sap_rtp_rx_cbR(RRh R $R ,R 4R %u) l1sap.c%s Ignoring an Access Burst on %s: BER10k(%u) > BER10k_MAX(%u) %s Ignoring an Access Burst on %s: ToA(%d) exceeds the allowed range (%d..%d) %s Ignoring an Access Burst on %s: link quality (%d) below the minimum (%d) %s radio link timeout counter S is already 0 %s decreasing radio link timeout counter S=%d -> %d %s radio link timeout counter S reached zero, dropping connection %s increasing radio link timeout counter S=%d -> %d rc >= 0GSMTAPMPH INFOTCHDATA%s %s %s meas ind, ta_offs_256bits=%d, ber10k=%d, inv_rssi=%u, C/I=%d cB %s assuming active lchan, but state is %s l1sap_prim%s No lchan for PH-RTS.ind (chan_nr=%s) %s %s Rx TCH-RTS.ind bits_per_20ms != 0%s %s Tx TCH.req %s %s DL TCH Tx queue underrun msgb_l2len(msg) == 240%s %s Invalid TCH mode in TCH-RTS.ind under CSD NT PH-RTS-IND%s BTS model is sending us PRIM_INFO_TIME for TRX %u, please fix it %s Rx MPH_INFO time ind %s Invalid condition detected: Frame difference is %u-%u=%u > 1! %s No lchan for chan_nr=%s unknown MPH_INFO ind type %d %s get_lchan_by_chan_nr(chan_nr=%s) yields NULL for PRIM_INFO_ACTIVATE.conf %s activate confirm chan_nr=%s trx=%d %s deactivate confirm chan_nr=%s trx=%d unknown MPH_INFO cnf type %d %s Rx PH-RTS.ind chan_nr=%s link_id=0x%02xd %s RTS without msg to be reused. Please fix! %s %s no looped PDTCH message, sending empty %s %s looped PDTCH message of %u bytes %s %s Forward RLL RELease INDication to the BSC %s DL-SACCH repetition: inactive => active %s DL-SACCH repetition: active => inactive rep_sacchrep_facch_0rep_facch_1%s Tx PH-DATA.req chan_nr=%s link_id=0x%02x %s Rx PH-DATA.ind chan_nr=%s link_id=0x%02x len=%d %s There can be no DATA.ind on PTCCH/U. This is probably a bug of the BTS model you're using, please fix! %s UL-SACCH repetition: inactive => active %s UL-SACCH repetition: active => inactive %s %s Lost SACCH block %s No lchan for TCH.ind (chan_nr=%s) %s %s Rx TCH.ind msg->len == GSM_HR_BYTES%s %s Skipping RTP frame with lost payload %s Rx PH-RA.ind %s Access Burst for continuous Timing Advance control (toa256=%d) %s Access Bursts on PDTCH/U are not (yet) supported %s Attempting to set invalid Timing Offset value %d (MS TO = %u)! %s RACH for packet access (toa=%d, ra=%d) %s RACH for RR access (toa=%d, ra=%d) unknown prim %d op %d%s Rx -> RTP: %s TX packet data %s is_ptcch=%d trx=%d ts=%d block_nr=%d, arfcn=%d, len=%d %s %s(): incoming RTP truncated: %u -> %u %s Trying to activate already active channel %s %s Activating channel %s bts%u-trx%u-ts%u-ss%u%s%s Trying to deactivate already deactivated channel %s %s Deactivating channel %s %s Deactivating SACCH on channel %s %s Modifying channel %s %s Channel %s is not an active ASCI type channel. %s %s uplink access detection on channel %s AGCHFACCH/FFACCH/HNCHPACCHPAGCHPBCCHPCHPNCHPPCHSACCHSDCCHUUULselect_next_smscbcbch.c:327cbch.c:333cbch.c:335cbch.cCBCH-EXTENDEDCBCH-BASIC%s %s: No cur_msg; requesting NULL block %s %s: cur_msg has only %u blocks; requesting NULL block to_copy >= 0%s %s: deleting fully-transmitted message %p cbch.c:148%s %s: keeping fully-transmitted default message %p %s: Cannot process SMSCB of %u bytes (max %zu) struct smscb_msgRSL SMSCB COMMAND (chan=%s, type=%s, num_blocks=%u) RSL SMSCB COMMAND (chan=%s, type=%s): OVERFLOW cbch.c:223cbch.c:235cbch.c:242cbch.c:246%s: %s: Dequeued msg %s: %s: Using default msg %s: %s: No queued msg nor default NORMALSCHEDULEDEFAULT &2    RaisingLowering%s Failed to calculate dBm for power ctl level %u on band %s power_control.c%s Failed to retrieve power level for %d dBm on band %d %s Keeping MS power at control level %d (%d dBm): ms-pwr-lvl[curr %u, max %u], RSSI[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] dBm, C/I[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] dB %s %s MS power control level %d (%d dBm) => %d (%d dBm): ms-pwr-lvl[curr %u, max %u], RSSI[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] dBm, C/I[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] dB %s Rx DL Measurement Report: RXLEV-FULL(%02u), RXQUAL-FULL(%u), RXLEV-SUB(%02u), RXQUAL-SUB(%u), DTx is %s => using %s %s Keeping DL attenuation at %u dB: max %u dB, RSSI[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] dBm, RxQual[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] %s %s DL attenuation %u dB => %u dB:max %u dB, RSSI[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] dBm, RxQual[curr %d, avg %d, thresh %d..%d] |ahadaDacasaTaVaeaiatarabbsignal %u received BTS: SIGINT received -> shutdownSIGINTOsmoBTS contextsum-hc:d:Dc:sTVe:i:t:r:Some useful options: -h --help this text -d --debug MASK Enable debugging (e.g. -d DRSL:DOML:DLAPDM) -D --daemonize For the process into a background daemon -c --config-file Specify the filename of the config file -s --disable-color Don't use colors in stderr log output -T --timestamp Prefix every log line with a timestamp -V --version Print version information and exit -e --log-level Set a global log-level VTY reference generation: --vty-ref-mode MODE VTY reference generation mode (e.g. 'expert'). --vty-ref-xml Generate the VTY reference XML output and exit. Regression testing: --vty-test VTY test mode. Do not connect to BSC, do not exit.%s: Unknown VTY reference generation mode '%s' Generating the VTY reference in mode '%s' (%s) %s: error parsing cmdline options Command line argument '-r' is deprecated, use VTY cpu-sched node setting 'policy rr %d' instead. Command line argument '-i' is deprecated, use VTY parameter 'gsmtap-remote-host %s' instead. Command line argument '-t' is deprecated and does nothing, TRX number is calculated from the VTY automatically. ((*)) | / \ OsmoBTS --- VTY test mode: not connecting to BSC, not exiting --- Failed to create BTS Site Manager structure Failed to create BTS structure Setting SCHED_RR priority(%d) failed: %s unable to open bts Failed to parse the config file: '%s' You need to configure at least phy0 TRX %u has no associated PHY instance Command line argument '-i %s' overrides 'gsmtap-remote-host %s' from the config file main.c:356Setting up GSMTAP Um forwarding '%s'->'%s:%u' Failed during gsmtap_source_init2() Error initializing telnet PCU L1 socket failed Osmux setup failed osmo-btsunable to open PHY link(s) Error during daemonizehelpdebugdaemonizeconfig-filedisable-colortimestampversionlog-levelgsmtap-iptrx-numrealtimevty-ref-modevty-ref-xmlvty-testosmo-bts.cfg0Z`clcstruct phy_linkphy%u%s: PHY link state change %s -> %s phy_link.cstruct phy_instancepinst->trx == NULLpinst->trx->pinst == pinstphy_link.c:139phy_link.c:149phy%u.%u%s: This PHY instance is not associated with a TRX instance, check the configuration file! connectingconnecteddd$d,d8dHdPd\ddtx_dl_amr_fsm.cUnexpected event %d Inexpected event %d DTX_DL_AMR_FSMVoiceONSETFACCHCompleteFIRST P1->P2InhibitSID-FIRSTSID-UPDATESID-FIRST (P1)SID-FIRST (P2)SID-FIRST (Inh, SPEECH)SID-FIRST (Inh, FACCH)SID-UPDATE (Inh, SPEECH)SID-UPDATE (Inh, FACCH)SID-UPDATE (NoInh)SID-FIRST (Inh, SPEECH, Rec)SID-FIRST (Inh, FACCH, Rec)SID-UPDATE (Inh, SPEECH, Rec)SID-UPDATE (Inh, FACCH, Rec)SID-UPDATE (AMR/HR)ONSET (SPEECH)ONSET (FACCH)ONSET (SPEECH, Rec)ONSET (FACCH, Rec)38fD fH`f fhhhhh h@hhh hz0hthmhgl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $$$$%%%%&&&&    """"    """"####$$$$%%%%&&&&####$$$$%%%%&&&&    !!!!""""    !!!!""""####$$$$%%%%&&&&####                                                               BCCH+CCCHBCCH+CCCH+SDCCH/4+SACCH/4BCCH+CCCH+SDCCH/4+SACCH/4+CBCHSDCCH/8+SACCH/8SDCCH/8+SACCH/8+CBCHTCH/F+SACCHTCH/H+SACCHlateearly%s Keeping current TA at %u: TOA was %d ta_control.c%s %s TA %u => %u: TOA was too %s (%d) nm_bts_sm_fsm.cosmo_fsm_register(&nm_bts_sm_fsm) == 0NM_BTS_SM_OPDISABLED_NOTINSTALLEDDISABLED_OFFLINEENABLEDnm_bts_fsm.cnm_bts_fsm.c:66osmo_fsm_register(&nm_bts_fsm) == 0NM_BTS_OPnm_bb_transc_fsm.c rsl phy opstart%s{%s}: Not connecting RSL in OML-DUMMY! %s{%s}: Error connecting IPA RSL: %d %s{%s}: Delay switch to operative state Enabled, wait for:%s%s%s nm_bb_transc_fsm.c:63osmo_fsm_register(&nm_bb_transc_fsm) == 0NM_BBTRANSC_OPnm_channel_fsm.c%s{%s}: BSC trying to activate TS while still in avail=dependency. Allowing it to stay backward-compatible with older osmo-bts versions, but BSC is wrong. nm_channel_fsm.c:62osmo_fsm_register(&nm_chan_fsm) == 0NM_CHAN_OPDISABLED_DEPENDENCYnm_gprs_cell_fsm.cosmo_fsm_register(&nm_gprs_cell_fsm) == 0NM_GPRS_CELL_OPnm_gprs_nse_fsm.cosmo_fsm_register(&nm_gprs_nse_fsm) == 0NM_GPRS_NSE_OPnm_gprs_nsvc_fsm.cosmo_fsm_register(&nm_gprs_nsvc_fsm) == 0NM_GPRS_NSVC_OPnm_radio_carrier_fsm.c setattr%s{%s}: Delay switch to operative state Enabled, wait for:%s%s%s%s nm_radio_carrier_fsm.c:52osmo_fsm_register(&nm_rcarrier_fsm) == 0NM_RCARRIER_OPstruct asci_notificationAdded ASCI Notification for group call reference %s notification.cDeleting ASCI Notification for group call reference %s notification.c:91Deleting all %u ASCI Notifications of BTS notification.c:109gcr_bvchd_bv\DRSLA-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)DOMLA-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)DRLLA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)DRRLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)DMEASRadio Measurement ProcessingDPAGPaging SubsystemDL1CLayer 1 Control (MPH)DL1PLayer 1 Primitives (PH)DDSPDSP Trace MessagesDPCUPCU interfaceDHOHandoverDTRXTRX interfaceDLOOPControl loopsDABISA-bis Intput SubsystemDRTPRealtime Transfer ProtocolDOSMUXOsmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)DASCIASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) OML link was closed early within %llu seconds. If this situation persists, please check your BTS and BSC configuration files for errors. A common error is a mismatch between unit_id configuration parameters of BTS and BSC. abis.cevent == ABIS_LINK_EV_SIGN_LINK_DOWNE1L(%u) Signalling link down OML Signalling link up RSL Signalling link for TRX%d up TRX%d does not exist! Input Signal %s received for ts-%u-%u link_type=%s %s{%s}: List of BSCs to connect to is empty! priv->current_bsc%s{%s}: BTS is shutting down, delaying A-bis connection establishment to BSC %s{%s}: No BSC available, A-bis connection establishment failed A-bis connection establishment to BSC (%s) in progress... eth0ipaevent == ABIS_LINK_EV_VTY_RM_ADDRDrop Tx OML msg, OML link is down msg->trxCannot determine remote IP Addr: %s sin.sin_family == AF_INETNo BSC configured, cannot start BTS without knowing BSC OML IP abis_linkbts->abis_link_fistruct abis_link_fsm_privabis_link_fsm_privosmo_fsm_register(&abis_link_fsm) == 0WAIT_RECONNECTCONNECTINGCONNECTEDFAILEDSIGN_LINK_OML_UPSIGN_LINK_DOWNVTY_RM_ADDRIPA/ABIS/OSMOOSMO message too short ABIS_OSMO_PCU message too short abis_osmo.cRx BSC->BTS%d ABIS_OSMO_PCU msg type %u OSMO message unknown extension %u Releasing unused osmux handle for %s osmux.cosmux.c:155osmux.c:156Cannot find Osmux input handle %p osmux sendto(%s) failed: %s OSMUXcannot allocate message cannot receive message Cannot find lchan for %s CID=%d %s received RTP frame too short (len = %d) Osmux CID %u is back to the pool*Failed binding Osmux socket to %s:%u Osmux socket listening on %s:%u All Osmux circuits are in use! Allocating Osmux CID %u from pool lchan->abis_ip.osmux.useosmux.c:448lchan->abis_ip.connect_ip != 0lchan->abis_ip.connect_port != 0Using existing OSMUX handle for rem_addr=%s osmux.c:179Created new OSMUX handle for rem_addr=%s %s Cannot allocate input osmux handle %s Cannot open osmux circuit %u struct osmux_handle%s RTP->L1: Dropping unexpected AMR encoding (bw-efficient?) %s rtp_input_preen.cRCopyright (C) 2010-2011 by Harald Welte, Andreas Eversberg and On-Waves Copyright (C) 2011-2022 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. %% Command '%s' has been deprecated.%s%% MS/BS Power control parameters should be configured in osmo-bsc: use 'no rxlev-avg'.%s%% rtp bind-ip is now deprecated%s%*sLower threshold (L_%s_XX_P): %u%s%*sUpper threshold (U_%s_XX_P): %u%s%*sLower threshold comparators: P%u=%02u / N%u=%02u%s%*sUpper threshold comparators: P%u=%02u / N%u=%02u%s%*sPre-processing algorithm: unweighted average%sweighted average%smodified median%sEWMA (alpha=%u)%sdisabled (pass-through)%sunknown%s%*sPre-processing parameters: Hreqave=%u / Hreqt=%u%s%*sPower control interval: %u ms (every %u SACCH block(s))%s%*sPower increase step size: %u%s%*sPower reduce step size: %u%s%*sRxLev measurement processing:%sRXLEV%*sRxQual measurement processing:%sRXQUAL%*sC/I measurement processing (FR/EFR):%sCI_FR%*sC/I measurement processing (HR):%sCI_HR%*sC/I measurement processing (AMR-FR):%sCI_AMR_FR%*sC/I measurement processing (AMR-HR):%sCI_AMR_HR%*sC/I measurement processing (SDCCH):%sCI_SDCCH%*sC/I measurement processing (GPRS):%sCI_GPRS%% Command '%s' has been deprecated.%s%% MS/BS Power control parameters should be configured in osmo-bsc: use 'rxlev-avg algo osmo-ewma beta %s'.%s%% Range end port (%u) must be greater than the range start port (%u)!%s%% Range must begin at an even port number! (%u is odd)%s%% Range must end at an odd port number! (%u is even)%s%% No such instance %u%s%% Unable to create phy%u instance %u%sphy %u%s%% Unknown BTS number %u (num %u)%s%% No such BTS (%d)%s%% Incorrect BCCH power reduction value, an even number is expected%s%% BCCH carrier power reduction operation mode is not supported for BTS (%d)%s%% can't find BTS '%s'%sinfinite%% INFINITE RADIO LINK TIMEOUT, USE ONLY FOR BTS RF TESTING%sonlyskip-nullrfc5993test message sent from VTY%% phy%s does not exist%s%% phy%s instance %s does not exit%s%% phy%s instance %s is already bound to %s%s%% The next unused TRX number is %u%s%% Unable to allocate TRX %u%svty.c:2337%% This command requires restart%svty.c:2320localhost%% Command '%s' has been deprecated.%s%% MS/BS Power control parameters should be configured in osmo-bsc: use 'rxlev-thresh lower %u upper %u'.%s%% duplicate BSC (A-Bis/OML) ip address configured ('%s')%sstruct bsc_oml_hostvty.cbsc_oml_hostbsc_oml_host->addrOper '%s', Admin '%s', Avail '%s'%s(null)fall-backfrom BSCdisconnectedTRX %u of BTS %u is on ARFCN %u%sDescription: %s%s RF Nominal Power: %d dBm, reduced by %u dB, resulting BS power: %d dBm%s BS Power control parameters (%s):%s MS Power control parameters (%s):%s NM State: RSL State: %s%s Baseband Transceiver NM State: IPA stream ID: 0x%02x%sBTS %u, TRX %u, Timeslot %u, phys cfg %s, TSC %u (%s mode)%% can't find TRX '%s'%s%% can't find TS '%s'%ssapi >= 0uint16_tsapi <= 31osmo%% BTS model 'osmo-bts-trx' has no DSP/HW MS Power Control support, consider updating your configuration file!%s%% This BTS model has no DSP/HW MS Power Control support%s%% Could not resolve logical channel%s%% BAND '%s' is not a valid GSM band%svty.c:672%% no such BSC (A-Bis/OML) ip address configured ('%s')%s as %s switching %s -> %sshadowprimaryBTS %u, TRX %u, Timeslot %u (%s) %s, Lchan %u, Type %s, State %s - RXL-FULL-ul: %4d dBm%s%d SACCH blocks%% this channel has no active RTP stream%s%% error setting jitter parameters: %s%s%% jitter parameters set: %d%sbs-power-ctrldynamiccurrent Error reason: staticendisBTS %u, TRX %u, Timeslot %u (%s), Lchan %u: Type %s%s Osmocom Dyn TS: IPACC Dyn PDCH TS: State: %s%s%s%s Channel Mode / Codec: %s%s CSD mode: %s%s AMR Multi-Rate Configuration: ICMI=%u, Start Mode=%u gsm48=%02x%02x%s AMR Mode %u (%s), threshold=%u, hysteresis=%u%s Bound IP: %s Port %u CONN_ID=%u Osmux_CID=%u%s RTP_TYPE2=%u%s Conn. IP: %s Port %u SPEECH_MODE=0x%02x RTP_TYPE=%u%s LAPDm SAPIs: DCCH %c%c, SACCH %c%c%s Valid System Information: 0x%08x%s MS Timing Offset: %d, propagation delay: %d symbols %s Ciphering A5/%u State: %s, N(S)=%u%s RTP/PDCH Loopback Enabled%s Radio Link Failure Counter 'S': %d%s Interference: %d dBm (band %d)%s%*sBS (Downlink) Power Control (%s mode):%s%*sChannel reduction: %u dB (max %u dB)%*sTRX reduction: %u dB%s%*sActual / Nominal power: %d dBm / %d dBm%s%*sPower Control parameters:%s%*sMS (Uplink) Power Control (%s):%s%*sCurrent power level: %u, %d dBm (max %u, %d dBm)%*sACCH repetition:%s%*sEnable RXQUAL threshold: %u%s%*sEnable RXQUAL threshold: (none, alway on)%s%*sDL-FACCH:%s%*sretramsit all LAPDM block types%s%*sretramsit only LAPDM command blocks%s%*sno retransmission (disabled)%s%*sretransmission currently active%s%*sretransmission currently inactive%s%*sDL-SACCH:%s%*sretramsit all SACCH blocks for SAPI=0%s%*sUL-SACCH:%s%*sTemporary ACCH overpower:%s%*sOverpower value: %u dB%s%*sSACCH overpower: %sabled%s%*sFACCH overpower: %sabled%s%*sRxQual threshold: disabled (overpower is always on)%s%*sRxQual threshold: %u%sno ts101318offdspbts %u%s description %s%s band %s%s auto-band%s ipa unit-id %u %u%s rtp jitter-buffer %u oml remote-ip %s%s adaptive rtp port-range %u %u%s rtp ip-dscp %d%s rtp socket-priority %d%s rtp continuous-streaming%s %srtp internal-uplink-ecu%s rtp hr-format %s%s paging queue-size %u%s paging lifetime %u%s %s-power-target %d hysteresis %d %s-power-filtering algo ewma beta %u%s no %s-power-filtering%s agch-queue-mgmt threshold %d low %d high %d%s gsmtap-remote-host %s%s gsmtap-local-host %s%s gsmtap-sapi %s%s gsmtap-rlp skip-null%s gsmtap-rlp%s min-qual-rach %d%s min-qual-norm %d%s max-ber10k-rach %u%s pcu-socket %s%s pcu-socket-wqueue-length %u%s supp-meas-info toa256%s smscb queue-max-length %d%s smscb queue-target-length %d%s smscb queue-hysteresis %d%s%sosmux%s%s use on%sonly%soff%s%s local-ip %s%s%s local-port %u%s%s batch-factor %d%s%s batch-size %u%s%s dummy-padding %s%s trx %u%s user-gain %u mdB%s power-ramp max-initial %d mdBm%s power-ramp step-size %d mdB%s power-ramp step-interval %d%s ms-power-control %s%s ta-control interval %u%s phy %u instance %u%s[BTS %u, RAC %u, NSEI %u, BVCI %u%s Cell NM state: NSE NM state: NSVC%u (NSVCI %u) NM state: Address: r=%s%s%s:%u<->l=%s%s%s:%u%s%% can't find BTS %s%s%% can't find TRX %s%s%% can't find TS %s%s%% can't find LCHAN %s%sBTS %u is of type '%s', in band %s, has CI %u LAC %u, BSIC %u and %u TRX%s Description: %s%s Unit ID: %u/%u/0, OML Stream ID 0x%02x%s Site Mgr NM State: PCU version %s connected%s Paging: Queue size %u, occupied %u, lifetime %us%s AGCH: Queue limit %u, occupied %d, dropped %llu, merged %llu, rejected %llu, ag-res %llu, non-res %llu%s CBCH queue target: %d, hysteresis: %d, maximum: %d%s CBCH backlog queue length (BASIC): %d%s CBCH backlog queue length (EXTENDED): %u%s Paging: queue length %d, buffer space %d%s OML Link state: %s.%s PH-RTS.ind FN advance average: %d, min: %d, max: %d%s Radio Link Timeout (OML): %s%s Radio Link Timeout (OVERRIDE): %s%s BCCH carrier power reduction: %u dB%s TRX %u%s phy %d %s (%s) Features:%s %03u %-40s%s (not available)%s BTS model specific (internal) flags:%s %% Cannot find PHY link number %d%s%% Cannot find PHY instance number %d%s|gsmtap-sapi (Enable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP no gsmtap-sapi (Negate a command or set its defaults Disable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP logging filter l1-sapi (Configure logging Filter log messages L1 SAPI no logging filter l1-sapi (Negate a command or set its defaults Configure logging Filter log messages L1 SAPI HIDDENbts <0-0> trx <0-255> ts <0-7> (lchan|shadow-lchan) <0-7> (bs-power-ctrl|ms-power-ctrl) value (current|max) <0-255>BTS related commands BTS number TRX related commands TRX number timeslot related commands timeslot number Primary logical channel commands Shadow logical channel commands logical channel number BS power control MS power control Change current power value Current value (for both dynamic and static modes) Maximum value (for dynamic mode only) BS power reduction (in dB) or MS power level bts <0-0> trx <0-255> ts <0-7> (lchan|shadow-lchan) <0-7> (bs-power-ctrl|ms-power-ctrl) mode (static|dynamic)BTS related commands BTS number TRX related commands TRX number timeslot related commands timeslot number Primary logical channel commands Shadow logical channel commands logical channel number BS power control MS power control Change power control mode Disable the power control loop Enable the power control loop no bts <0-0> trx <0-255> ts <0-7> (lchan|shadow-lchan) <0-7> loopbackNegate a command or set its defaults BTS related commands BTS number TRX related commands TRX number timeslot related commands timeslot number Primary logical channel commands Shadow logical channel commands logical channel number Set loopback bts <0-0> trx <0-255> ts <0-7> (lchan|shadow-lchan) <0-7> loopbackBTS related commands BTS number TRX related commands TRX number timeslot related commands timeslot number Primary logical channel commands Shadow logical channel commands logical channel number Set loopback bts <0-0> trx <0-255> ts <0-7> (lchan|shadow-lchan) <0-7> rtp jitter-buffer <0-10000>BTS related commands BTS number TRX related commands TRX number timeslot related commands timeslot number Primary logical channel commands Shadow logical channel commands logical channel number RTP settings Jitter buffer Size of jitter buffer in (ms) no instance <0-255>Negate a command or set its defaults Select a PHY instance to remove PHY Instance number Select a PHY instance to configure PHY Instance number phy <0-255>Select a PHY to configure PHY number %s(phy-inst)# %s(phy)# no gsmtap-rlpNegate a command or set its defaults Disable generation of GSMTAP frames for RLP (non-transparent CSD) gsmtap-rlp [skip-null]Enable generation of GSMTAP frames for RLP (non-transparent CSD) Skip the generation of GSMTAP for RLP NULL frames gsmtap-sapi (enable-all|disable-all)Enable/disable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP Enable all kinds of messages (all SAPI) Disable all kinds of messages (all SAPI) no gsmtap-local-hostNegate a command or set its defaults Disable local bind for GSMTAP Um logging no gsmtap-remote-hostNegate a command or set its defaults Disable GSMTAP Um logging gsmtap-local-host HOSTNAMEEnable local bind for GSMTAP Um logging (see also 'gsmtap-sapi') Local IP address or hostname gsmtap-remote-host [HOSTNAME]Enable GSMTAP Um logging (see also 'gsmtap-sapi') Remote IP address or hostname ('localhost' if omitted) show lchan summary [<0-255>] [<0-255>] [<0-7>] [<0-7>]Show running system information Display information about a logical channel Short summary BTS Number TRX Number Timeslot Number Logical Channel Number show lchan [<0-255>] [<0-255>] [<0-7>] [<0-7>]Show running system information Display information about a logical channel BTS Number TRX Number Timeslot Number Logical Channel Number show timeslot [<0-255>] [<0-255>] [<0-7>]Show running system information Display information about a TS BTS Number TRX Number Timeslot Number show trx [<0-255>] [<0-255>]Show running system information Display information about a TRX BTS Number TRX Number bts <0-0> c0-power-red <0-6>BTS Specific Commands BTS Number BCCH carrier power reduction operation Power reduction value (in dB, even numbers only) bts <0-0> radio-link-timeout (oml|infinite|<4-64>)BTS Specific Commands BTS Number Manually override Radio Link Timeout Use value provided by BSC via A-bis OML (Connection Failure Criterion) Use infinite timeout (DANGEROUS: only use during testing!) Number of lost SACCH blocks test send-failure-event-report <0-255>Various testing commands Send a test OML failure event report to the BSC BTS Number show bts <0-255> gprsShow running system information Display information about a BTS BTS Number GPRS/EGPRS configuration show bts [<0-255>]Show running system information Display information about a BTS BTS Number phy <0-255> instance <0-255>Configure PHY Link+Instance for this TRX PHY Link number PHY instance PHY Instance numberta-control interval <0-31>Timing Advance Control Parameters Set TA control loop interval As in P_CON_INTERVAL, in units of 2 SACCH periods (0.96 seconds) (default=0, every SACCH block) ms-power-control (dsp|osmo)Mobile Station Power Level Control Handled by DSP Handled by OsmoBTS power-ramp step-interval <1-100>Power-Ramp settings Power increase by step Step time in seconds power-ramp step-size <1-100000> (dB|mdB)Power-Ramp settings Power increase by step Step size Unit is dB (decibels) Unit is mdB (milli-decibels, or rather 1/10000 bel) power-ramp max-initial <-10000-100000> (dBm|mdBm)Power-Ramp settings Maximum initial power Value Unit is dB (decibels) Unit is mdB (milli-decibels, or rather 1/10000 bel) user-gain <-100000-100000> (dB|mdB)Inform BTS about additional, user-provided gain or attenuation at TRX output Value of user-provided external gain(+)/attenuation(-) Unit is dB (decibels) Unit is mdB (milli-decibels, or rather 1/10000 bel) smscb queue-hysteresis <0-30>SMSCB (SMS Cell Broadcast) / CBCH configuration Hysteresis of the SMSCB (CBCH) queue In count of messages/pages (default: 2) smscb queue-target-length <1-30>SMSCB (SMS Cell Broadcast) / CBCH configuration Target length of the SMSCB (CBCH) queue Length in count of messages/pages (default: 2) smscb queue-max-length <1-60>SMSCB (SMS Cell Broadcast) / CBCH configuration Maximum length of the SMSCB (CBCH) queue Length in count of messages/pages (default: 15) no supp-meas-info toa256Negate a command or set its defaults Configure the RSL Supplementary Measurement Info Report the TOA in 1/256th symbol periods supp-meas-info toa256Configure the RSL Supplementary Measurement Info Report the TOA in 1/256th symbol periods pcu-socket-wqueue-length <1-2147483647>Configure the PCU socket queue length Queue length pcu-socket PATHConfigure the PCU socket file/path name UNIX socket path max-ber10k-rach <0-10000>Set the maximum BER for valid RACH requests BER in 1/10000 units (0=no BER; 100=1% BER) min-qual-norm <-100-100>Set the minimum link quality level of Normal Bursts to be accepted C/I (Carrier-to-Interference) ratio in centiBels (10e-2 B or 10e-1 dB) min-qual-rach <-100-100>Set the minimum link quality level of Access Bursts to be accepted C/I (Carrier-to-Interference) ratio in centiBels (10e-2 B or 10e-1 dB) uplink-power-filtering algo ewma beta <1-99>Configure filtering for uplink power control loop Select the filtering algorithm Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Smoothing factor (in %): beta = (100 - alpha) 1% - lowest smoothing, 99% - highest smoothing no uplink-power-filteringNegate a command or set its defaults Disable filtering for uplink power control loop uplink-power-target <-110-0> hysteresis <1-25>Set the nominal target Rx Level for uplink power control loop Target uplink Rx level in dBm Target Rx Level hysteresis Tolerable deviation in dBm uplink-power-target <-110-0>Set the nominal target Rx Level for uplink power control loop Target uplink Rx level in dBm agch-queue-mgmt defaultAGCH queue mgmt Reset clean parameters to default values agch-queue-mgmt threshold <0-100> low <0-100> high <0-100000>AGCH queue mgmt Threshold to start cleanup in % of the maximum queue length Low water mark for cleanup in % of the maximum queue length High water mark for cleanup in % of the maximum queue length paging lifetime <0-60>Paging related parameters Maximum lifetime of a paging record Maximum lifetime of a paging record (secods) paging queue-size <1-1024>Paging related parameters Maximum length of BTS-internal paging queue Maximum length of BTS-internal paging queue rtp hr-format (rfc5993|ts101318)RTP parameters HRv1 codec output format RFC 5993 TS 101 318 no rtp internal-uplink-ecuNegate a command or set its defaults RTP parameters Apply a BTS-internal ECU to the uplink traffic frame stream rtp internal-uplink-ecuRTP parameters Apply a BTS-internal ECU to the uplink traffic frame stream no rtp continuous-streamingNegate a command or set its defaults RTP parameters Always emit an RTP packet every 20 ms rtp continuous-streamingRTP parameters Always emit an RTP packet every 20 ms rtp socket-priority <0-255>RTP parameters Specify socket priority for RTP/IP packets The socket priority value (> 6 requires CAP_NET_ADMIN) rtp ip-dscp <0-63>RTP parameters Specify DSCP for RTP/IP packets The DSCP value (upper 6 bits of TOS) rtp port-range <1-65534> <1-65534>RTP parameters Range of local ports to use for RTP/RTCP traffic Port range start (inclusive) Port range end (inclusive) rtp jitter-buffer <0-10000> [adaptive]RTP parameters RTP jitter buffer Jitter buffer in ms Enable adaptive RTP jitter buffering rtp bind-ip A.B.C.DRTP parameters RTP local bind IP Address RTP local bind IP Address no oml remote-ip A.B.C.DNegate a command or set its defaults OML Parameters OML IP Address OML IP Address oml remote-ip A.B.C.DOML Parameters OML IP Address OML IP Address band (450|GSM450|480|GSM480|750|GSM750|810|GSM810|850|GSM850|900|GSM900|1800|DCS1800|1900|PCS1900)Set the frequency band of this BTS Alias for GSM450 450Mhz Alias for GSM480 480Mhz Alias for GSM750 750Mhz Alias for GSM810 810Mhz Alias for GSM850 850Mhz Alias for GSM900 900Mhz Alias for DCS1800 1800Mhz Alias for PCS1900 1900Mhz ipa unit-id <0-65534> <0-255>ip.access RSL commands Set the Unit ID of this BTS Site ID Unit ID bts BTS_NRSelect a BTS to configure BTS Number vty telnet-port <0-65535>Configure the VTY Set the VTY telnet port TCP Port number trx <0-254>Select a TRX to configure TRX number dummy-padding (on|off)Dummy padding Enable dummy padding Disable dummy padding (default) batch-size <1-65535>Batch size Batch size in bytes batch-factor <1-8>Batching factor Number of messages in the batch local-port <1-65535>Osmux port UDP port local-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)IP information IPv4 Address to bind to IPv6 Address to bind to use (off|on|only)Configure Osmux usage Never use Osmux Use Osmux if requested by BSC (default) Always use Osmux, reject non-Osmux BSC requests osmuxConfigure Osmux no auto-bandNegate a command or set its defaults Automatically select band for ARFCN based on configured band auto-bandAutomatically select band for ARFCN based on configured band %s(osmux)# %s(trx)# %s(bts)# OsmoBTSThis command applies for newly created lchansThis command applies when the TRX powercycles or restartsBDFH468:456789:;Incorrect OM hdr length value %d %zu msg_utils.cFOM header insufficient space %zu %zu %s failed to decode AMR RTP (length %zu, %p) %s unsupported AMR FT 0x%02x %s Have to send %s frame on TCH but SID buffer is empty - sent nothing msgb->l1hIpa header insufficient space %d %zu Incorrect ipa header msg size %d %zu IPA length shorter than OSMO header Om header insufficient space %d %zu Incorrect om mdisc value %x Incorrect om placement value %x %x Incorrect om sequence value %d No ManId Length Indicator %zu Insufficient message space for this ManId Length %d %zu Manuf Label Unknown csd_rlp.cdata_len == 120data_len == 290<<$$csd_v110.clchan->tch_mode < ARRAY_SIZE(csd_v110_lchan_desc)data_len == CSD_V110_NUM_BITS(desc)HCPC\ChCtCCCCC C C C C CC D DSW_ACTRX_SETATTRRX_OPSTARTOPSTART_ACKOPSTART_NACKSHUTDOWN_STARTSHUTDOWN_FINISHOML_UPRSL_UPRSL_DOWNPHYLINK_UPPHYLINK_DOWNDISABLEBBTRANSC_ENABLEDBBTRANSC_DISABLEDRCARRIER_ENABLEDRCARRIER_DISABLEDWrite Only attributeValue is out of rangeOK%uOOMset_therm_att(trx=%p, tpp=%p) max-ber10k-rachoml-alertthermal-attenuationtd``0axaabPbbb(c@d tDR UJ' Q K,4Ko(x   HGoFooVC~QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQr(q̾Lqtp4rȽ@8pXpThpX,PDȆXBD l  E d Eb00dpxcd `hdp`xddعdddlpd eH  e$  ,>X;`T|;(FH\^\`^ ^  X_( FdC(B0A$4L?t=%6.6x6.660-6 7lpD D@̱DdGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0AAaeabi7Cortex-A15 A   "*,Dpc<d,c$QK|<) ȴ@d$Q`pcc../sysdeps/arm/start.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0 X%YJzLintGSN[R../sysdeps/arm/crti.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0d|../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/libgcc/config/arm/bpabi.S/usr/src/debug/libgcc/6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/build.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/libgccGNU AS 2.28.0xȴ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/libgcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.S/usr/src/debug/libgcc/6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/build.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/libgccGNU AS 2.28.0UP ( ȴ@"int> JzL 7ExS 6 , C    h     $ ( , n0 t4 i,8  ,< @ \D jF zG H !P )SX q*S\ +S` ,Sd .3h /,l 1p z n 7n 7t b,=  6  ' ; <=tttt,   , y 66M,aaag "t $t #k 1, 6,H :,  .  , 0  ,  ,/ *>9 /&,;a 6G,  ;> c!\ (   $ M  (U  P !"G#O$%#& ' ()\* +,- . /] 0 12G3i 45X6789:; < = > ?@A B CxDExFG=H IVJKLMN OPQR+ST4U=VFWXYZ [\ ]N^X_-`6 a b cd e f$ghq %  H  @ - 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