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K!1 804@ `1`@ 0B| @00X1@ 0 @! 00,,10 `$ @1@ 0?  0$,  $L4th(0 8D$$$xH<$ipaccess_bsc_conn_closed_cbL E1L(%u) Failed to enable TCP keepalive: %s input/ipaccess.cE1L(%u) TCP Keepalive is enabled E1L(%u) TCP keepalive idle_timeout=%us, interval=%us, retry_count=%u user_timeout=%ums E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP keepalive idle time: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP keepalive interval: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP keepalive count: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP user timeout: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP_NODELAY: %s e1i_ts->driver.ipaccess.ka_fsm == NULLAssert failed %s %s:%d E1TS(%u:%u) Failed to allocate IPA keepalive FSM ipa_bfdcould not clone E1 line ts-%u-%u-rslconnipa-rslE1TS(%u:%u) could not send ID REQ. Reason: %s ts-%u-%u-omlipa-omlline->opsilcliE1TS(%u:%u) ipaccess_close() on ts with no srv_conn, probably called during sign_link_up() or sign_link_down() user cb. E1TS(%u:%u) ipaccess_close() for line with unknown role %d osmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, __func__, 1) == 0osmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, "ipa_bfd", -1) == 0osmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0e1i_tsE1TS(%u:%u) Delaying Tx on ts with no srv_conn msgsign_linkE1TS(%u:%u) Drop Tx msg for unknown sign_link type %d: %s /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l2hE1TS(%u:%u) TX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) Unexpected return from ipa_ccm_rcvmsg_base (ret=%d) E1TS(%u:%u) ID_RESP E1TS(%u:%u) IPA response message with malformed TLVs E1TS(%u:%u) IPA response message without unit ID E1TS(%u:%u) IPA response message with too small unit ID E1TS(%u:%u) Failed to parse unit ID '%s' E1TS(%u:%u) Unable to set signal link, closing socket. oml_bsc_to_btsE1L(%u) Unable to set signal link, closing socket. E1L(%u) Fix your BSC, you should use the E1 line used by the OML link for your RSL link. osmo_use_count_get_put(&(new_line)->use_count, "ipa_bfd", 1) == 0newbfd != bfdbfd->data == connsite.%u.bts.%u.ipa-rsl.%ursl_bsc_to_btsE1L(%u) Unknown IPA message type e1i_ts->lineE1TS(%u:%u) want_write for ts with unknown role %d! E1TS(%u:%u) failed reading from socket: %d len > 0tmp_ofd.fd >= 0e1i_ts->num != 0received ID_GET for unit ID %u/%u/%u Failed parsing ID_GET message. msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) Failed allocating ID_ACK message. E1TS(%u:%u) no matching signalling link for ipa_proto=0x%02x E1TS(%u:%u) Fix your application, no action set for signalling messages. E1TS(%u:%u) RX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) Timeslot is not configured. E1TS(%u:%u) Bad signalling message, sign_link returned error: %s. E1L(%u) cannot close RSL BTS link: trx_nr (%d) out of range struct ipaccess_linets-%u-%u-rsl-trx%uE1TS(%u:%u) cannot open RSL BTS link: %s rsl_bts_to_bscipainput/ipaccess.c:11940.0.0.0E1L(%u) ipaccess: OOM in line update E1L(%u) enabling ipaccess BSC mode on %s with OML %u and RSL %u TCP ports oml_linkts-%u-omlE1L(%u) cannot open OML BTS link %s:%u (%s) rsl_linkts-%u-rslE1L(%u) cannot open RSL BTS link %s:%u (%s) E1TS(%u:%u) enabling ipaccess BTS mode, OML connecting to %s:%u E1TS(%u:%u) cannot open OML BTS link: %s oml_bts_to_bscGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  )<4?D,ITNS$X]bdg@ lP$<| <h  @4201xMXS$Y`_P e <p <48 P|<X x<%t+1 7l<MDS|Yl_pek8q<w4 } <#X`$d <%<%<(,  X)X)<P1&,28d>DJp P V \  42<6b h` n4  d7<8t  8<;z <    <<h<L  |<<<P  <<<h  <<<D  8 D t p     , << <0<   '<GWhqw#D]y 9Us0F[t $BXid7`8X ) B [ t      " F e      < $<X  3 D |<X\ i w <(     $ B c     ipaccess.c$aipa_bts_keepalive_send_cbupdate_fd_settings$d.LC8.LC1.LC7.LC0.LC6.LC5.LC4.LC3.LC2ipaccess_bts_connect_cbipaccess_bts_keepalive_fsm_allocipa_bts_keepalive_timeout_cb.LC11.LC9.LC10ipa_bsc_keepalive_timeout_cbipaccess_bsc_rsl_accept_cb.LC12.LC14ipaccess_bsc_conn_read_cbipaccess_bsc_conn_closed_cb.LC16.LC13.LC17.LC15ipaccess_bsc_oml_accept_cb.LC18.LC19ipa_bsc_keepalive_send_cbipaccess_close.LC24.LC23.LC20.LC21.LC22_ipaccess_bts_down_cbipaccess_bts_disconnect_cbipaccess_bsc_keepalive_fsm_alloc.LC25.LC26.LC27ipaccess_bsc_write_cb.LC35.LC32.LC30.LC31.LC33.LC34.LC29.LC28ipaccess_bsc_rcvmsg.LC46.LC50.LC51.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC44.LC52.LC42.LC41.LC39.LC47.LC48.LC49.LC40.LC43.LC45ts_want_write.LC54.LC53ipaccess_bts_read_cb.LC58.LC56.LC57.LC55.LC60.LC59.LC62.LC64.LC61.LC63.LC65.LC67.LC66.LC68.LC70.LC72.LC71.LC69.LC73.LC74.LC75ipaccess_line_update.LC86.LC79.LC82.LC83.LC84.LC76.LC77.LC85.LC78.LC80.LC81__func__.10993tall_ipa_ctxipaccess_driverosmo_stream_cli_sendsetsockoptlog_check_level__errno_locationstrerrorlogp2logp_stub_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infoosmo_stream_cli_get_dataosmo_stream_cli_get_fdosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_startosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_allocosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_ping_intervalosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_pong_timeoutosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_dataosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_send_cbosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_timeout_cbosmo_panicosmo_stream_srv_destroyosmo_stream_srv_link_get_datae1inp_line_clonee1inp_ts_config_signsnprintfosmo_stream_srv_create2osmo_stream_srv_set_nameosmo_stream_srv_set_read_cbosmo_stream_srv_set_closed_cbosmo_stream_srv_set_segmentation_cbosmo_fd_setuposmo_stats_tcp_osmo_fd_registeripa_ccm_send_id_reqosmo_ipa_segmentation_cbosmo_stream_srv_sendosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_stope1inp_int_snd_eventosmo_stream_cli_closeosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_freeosmo_stream_srv_get_data_osmo_use_count_get_putosmo_stats_tcp_osmo_fd_unregisterosmo_stream_srv_set_datae1inp_tx_tsipa_prepend_headerosmo_hexdumpmsgb_lengthmsgb_freememsetipa_ccm_rcvmsg_baseosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_pong_receivedipa_ccm_id_resp_parseipa_parse_unitide1inp_lookup_sign_linkipa_ccm_rcvmsg_bts_baseipa_ccm_make_id_resp_from_reqipa_msg_alloce1inp_ipa_bts_rsl_close_nosmo_stream_cli_destroye1inp_ipa_bts_rsl_connect_nosmo_stream_cli_createosmo_stream_cli_set_nameosmo_stream_cli_set_dataosmo_stream_cli_set_addrosmo_stream_cli_set_portosmo_stream_cli_set_protoosmo_stream_cli_set_nodelayosmo_stream_cli_set_priorityosmo_stream_cli_set_ip_dscposmo_stream_cli_set_reconnect_timeoutosmo_stream_cli_set_segmentation_cbosmo_stream_cli_set_connect_cbosmo_stream_cli_set_disconnect_cbosmo_stream_cli_set_read_cb2osmo_stream_cli_open_talloc_zerog_e1inp_ipaccess_parse1inp_ipa_bts_rsl_connecte1inp_ipaccess_inittalloc_named_conste1inp_driver_registerlibosmo_abis_ctxe1inp_ipa_set_bind_addr_talloc_freetalloc_strdupe1inp_ipa_get_bind_addrosmo_stream_srv_link_createosmo_stream_srv_link_set_nameosmo_stream_srv_link_set_protoosmo_stream_srv_link_set_addrosmo_stream_srv_link_set_portosmo_stream_srv_link_set_dataosmo_stream_srv_link_set_nodelayosmo_stream_srv_link_set_priorityosmo_stream_srv_link_set_ip_dscposmo_stream_srv_link_set_accept_cbosmo_stream_srv_link_openosmo_stream_srv_link_destroy\$8DP|<XdpP(LT`,48< @ L P T X \ ` hl tx |              `|$Lt|    D X h x        T        @ \ h l p t   "  #  $   %  $  #    L ` p        0 \      Hdptx|)*#  %$ $ # `$h,48</@ H0L P T1X` d/h l2pt x3| 04<Tp PXd hlpt (|  ; 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