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PLEASE FIX! %s initial_cs_dl(%s) last_mcs(%s) demanded_mcs(%s) cs_trans(%s) arq_type(%d) bsn(%d) %s Resending BSN %d %s Restarting at BSN %d, because all blocks have been transmitted. %s Restarting at BSN %d, because the window is stalled. (forced)%s Sending new block at BSN %d, CS=%s%s %s Restarting at BSN %d, because all blocks have been transmitted (FLOW). %s Sending new dummy block at BSN %d, CS=%s %s Nothing else to send, Re-transmit final block! %s downlink (V(A)==%d .. V(S)==%d) mcs_mode_restrict=%s !this->pdch[pdch->ts_no]%s Assigning TS=%u TFI=%d %s Allocated: trx = %d, ul_slots = %02x, dl_slots = %02x tbfold_tbfDL assignment (PACCH)%s Send downlink assignment on PACCH, because %s exists DL assignment (PCH)%s Send downlink assignment on PCH, no TBF exist (IMSI=%s) %s Upgrade to multislot %s No resources allocated during upgrade to multislot! %s Dequeue next LLC (len=%d) mcs_is_valid(cs)%s LLC queue completely drained and there's still %d free bytes in rlcmac data block %s Empty chunk, added LLC dummy command of size %d, drained_since=%d %s Complete DL frame, len=%d struct gprs_dl_llc_llist_item%s data block (BSN %d, %s): %s %s need_padding %d spb_status %d spb %d (BSN1 %d BSN2 %d) rlcmac_dl_datarlc.num_data_blocks <= ARRAY_SIZE(rlc.block_info)rlc.num_data_blocks > 0%s Copying %u RLC blocks, %u BSNs m_rlc.block(bsn)->next_ps >= EGPRS_PS_1m_rlc.block(bsn)->next_ps <= EGPRS_PS_3%s Copying data unit %d (BSN %d) %s Scheduling Ack/Nack polling, because it was requested explicitly (e.g. first final block sent). %s Scheduling Ack/Nack polling, because polling timed out. %s Scheduling Ack/Nack polling, because %d blocks sent. %s Scheduled DL Acknowledgement polling on PACCH (FN=%d, TS=%d) final block (DL-TBF)%s Scheduled Ack/Nack polling on FN=%d, TS=%d , padded%s msg block (BSN %d, %s%s): %s %s DL analysis, range=%d:%d, lost=%d, recv=%d, skipped=%d, bsn=%d, info='%s' %s ack: (BSN=%d)"%s"(BSN=%d) R=ACK I=NACK %s V(B): (V(A)=%d)"%s"(V(S)-1=%d) A=Acked N=Nacked U=Unacked X=Resend-Unacked I=Invalid %s downlink acknowledge tbf_dl.cpp:1092ACK/NACK received%s Final ACK received. %s Received acknowledge of all blocks, but without final ack indication (don't worry) tbf_dl.cpp:1157yesno%s Keep idle TBF open: %d/%d -> %s %s FIXME: Software error: hit invalid condition. headerType(%d) blockstatus(%d) cs(%s) PLEASE FIX! %s setting EGPRS DL window size to %u, base(%u) slots(%u) ws_pdch(%u) %s attempting to update rate counters for unsupported (M)CS %s 18gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfdl_tbf_handle-M  0 0 020C1 0KЍ- M 0 0@ 0Ћ/- M 00Ћ/- M 00Ћ/-M 00Cs0KЍ-M 00K0 0[0s0KЍ-MKK0KЍ-M   0R00s0KЍ@- M 0:6Ћ/- M 0:6Ћ/-M   0 0 0!0R00s0KЍ-M   0 0 0 KЍ-M   0KЍ-M   0KЍ-M   KЍ-M   KЍ-M 00 0 0KЍ@- M 00Ћ/-M  0 0s00s00KЍ- M 00Ћ/ @- M 0 000Bs00@00T00s0K@Ѝ- M 0 00R00s0Ћ/ @- M 000s0s@00s00s0s 0 K@Ѝ @- M  0 0s00s0s@00s00s0s 0 K@Ѝ @- M 0 000Bs0s@00s00s0s0K@ЍGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0AAaeabi7Cortex-A15 A   "*,D X ""XD< d*<<$ $%&&( ()**6xD,,D,I  RHa$0rT(|. .0113 34557 7899; ;<==? 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