#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dahdi/user.h> #include <osmocom/core/utils.h> #include <osmocom/core/application.h> #include <osmocom/gsm/i460_mux.h> #include <osmocom/trau/trau_sync.h> #include <osmocom/trau/trau_frame.h> #include <osmocom/trau/trau_rtp.h> #include <osmocom/trau/osmo_ortp.h> #define D_BCHAN_TX_GRAN 160 /*********************************************************************** * BEGIN CONFIGURATION ***********************************************************************/ /* HACK: Those do not have getopt but need to be modified in source code to match your enviroment */ /* do we just locally loop the calls from 1->2, or do we interface with RTP? */ static bool g_local_loop = false; /* remote IP address to which we send RTP data (unless g_local_loop mode) */ const char *g_remote_host = ""; /* remote UDP base port to which we send RTP data: +2 for every sub-slot */ const int g_remote_port = 9000; /* local UDP base port on which we receive RTP data: +2 for every sub-slot */ const int g_local_port = 8000; /* codec; can be OSMO_TRAU16_FT_FR or OSMO_TRAU16_FT_EFR */ const enum osmo_trau_frame_type g_ftype = OSMO_TRAU16_FT_EFR; /*********************************************************************** * END CONFIGURATION ***********************************************************************/ /* do we have a DAHDI chardev to which we can write RTP->TRAU conversion data/ */ static bool g_ts_is_writable = false; struct sc_state { unsigned int num; struct osmo_i460_subchan *i460_sc; struct osmo_fsm_inst *sync_fi; struct osmo_rtp_socket *rtps; struct osmo_trau2rtp_state t2r; }; struct state { int in_fd; struct osmo_i460_timeslot i460_ts; struct sc_state sc[4]; }; static struct state g_st; #define LOGSC(sc, fmt, args...) printf("SC%u: " fmt, (sc)->num, ## args) static struct sc_state *opposite_schan(struct sc_state *sc) { /* we blindly assume that there is a call between sub-channel 1 + sub-channel 2 */ switch (sc->num) { case 1: return &g_st.sc[2]; case 2: return &g_st.sc[1]; default: OSMO_ASSERT(0); } } /* called by I.460 de-multeiplexer; feed output of I.460 demux into TRAU frame sync */ static void i460_demux_bits_cb(struct osmo_i460_subchan *schan, void *user_data, const ubit_t *bits, unsigned int num_bits) { struct sc_state *sc = user_data; //printf("I460: %s\n", osmo_ubit_dump(bits, num_bits)); osmo_trau_sync_rx_ubits(sc->sync_fi, bits, num_bits); } /* called for each synchronized TRAU frame received; decode frame + convert to RTP */ static void sync_frame_out_cb(void *user_data, const ubit_t *bits, unsigned int num_bits) { struct sc_state *sc = user_data; struct osmo_trau_frame fr; int rc; LOGSC(sc, "Rx TRAU: %s\n", osmo_ubit_dump(bits, num_bits)); if (!bits) goto skip; rc = osmo_trau_frame_decode_16k(&fr, bits, OSMO_TRAU_DIR_UL); if (rc != 0) goto skip; uint8_t sid; switch (fr.type) { case OSMO_TRAU16_FT_FR: case OSMO_TRAU16_FT_EFR: sid = (fr.c_bits[13-1]) << 1 | (fr.c_bits[14-1] << 0); LOGSC(sc, "-> FT=%s, BFI=%u, SID=%u, TAF=%u DTXd=%u\n", osmo_trau_frame_type_name(fr.type), fr.c_bits[12-1], sid, fr.c_bits[15-1], fr.c_bits[17-1]); break; default: LOGSC(sc, "-> FT=%s\n", osmo_trau_frame_type_name(fr.type)); break; } if (g_local_loop) { /* Mirror back to other sub-slot */ struct sc_state *peer = opposite_schan(sc); if (peer) { struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(2*40*8, "mirror"); fr.c_bits[12-1] = 1; /* C12 = good u-link frame */ memset(&fr.c_bits[13-1], 1, 3); /* C13..C15: spare */ fr.c_bits[16-1] = 1; /* C16 = SP[eech]; no DTX */ memset(&fr.c_bits[6-1], 0, 6); /* C6..C11: tie alignment */ fr.dir = OSMO_TRAU_DIR_DL; rc = osmo_trau_frame_encode(msgb_data(msg), 2*40*8, &fr); OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0); msgb_put(msg, rc); osmo_i460_mux_enqueue(peer->i460_sc, msg); } } else { /* Convert to RTP */ if (fr.type != OSMO_TRAU16_FT_FR && fr.type != OSMO_TRAU16_FT_EFR) goto skip; uint8_t rtpbuf[35]; struct osmo_trau2rtp_state t2rs = { .type = fr.type, }; memset(rtpbuf, 0, sizeof(rtpbuf)); rc = osmo_trau2rtp(rtpbuf, sizeof(rtpbuf), &fr, &t2rs); LOGSC(sc, "Tx RTP: %s\n", osmo_hexdump(rtpbuf, rc)); if (rc) osmo_rtp_send_frame_ext(sc->rtps, rtpbuf, rc, 160, false); else { osmo_rtp_skipped_frame(sc->rtps, 160); } return; } skip: if (!g_local_loop) osmo_rtp_skipped_frame(sc->rtps, 160); } static int dahdi_set_bufinfo(int fd, int as_sigchan) { struct dahdi_bufferinfo bi; int x = 0; if (ioctl(fd, DAHDI_GET_BUFINFO, &bi)) { LOGP(DLINP, LOGL_ERROR, "Error getting bufinfo\n"); return -EIO; } if (as_sigchan) { bi.numbufs = 4; bi.bufsize = 512; } else { bi.numbufs = 8; bi.bufsize = D_BCHAN_TX_GRAN; bi.txbufpolicy = DAHDI_POLICY_WHEN_FULL; } if (ioctl(fd, DAHDI_SET_BUFINFO, &bi)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error setting DAHDI bufinfo\n"); return -EIO; } if (!as_sigchan) { if (ioctl(fd, DAHDI_AUDIOMODE, &x)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error setting DAHDI bufinfo\n"); return -EIO; } } else { int one = 1; ioctl(fd, DAHDI_HDLCFCSMODE, &one); /* we cannot reliably check for the ioctl return value here * as this command will fail if the slot _already_ was a * signalling slot before :( */ } return 0; } static void mux_q_empty_cb(struct osmo_i460_subchan *schan, void *user_data); /* RTP data was received on the socket */ static void ortp_rx_cb(struct osmo_rtp_socket *rs, const uint8_t *payload, unsigned int payload_len, uint16_t seq_number, uint32_t timestamp, bool marker) { struct sc_state *sc = rs->priv; struct osmo_trau_frame fr; int rc; LOGSC(sc, "RTP Rx: %s\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(payload, payload_len)); sc->t2r.type = g_ftype; memset(&fr, 0, sizeof(fr)); fr.dir = OSMO_TRAU_DIR_DL; rc = osmo_rtp2trau(&fr, payload, payload_len, &sc->t2r); if (rc < 0) { LOGSC(sc, "Failed to convert RTP to TRAU"); return; } struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(2*40*8, "rtp2trau"); rc = osmo_trau_frame_encode(msgb_data(msg), 2*40*8, &fr); OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0); msgb_put(msg, rc); osmo_i460_mux_enqueue(sc->i460_sc, msg); } static void init(const char *fname) { struct stat st; int rc; struct osmo_i460_schan_desc scd16_0 = { .rate = OSMO_I460_RATE_16k, .demux = { .num_bits = 40*8, .out_cb_bytes = NULL, }, }; rc = stat(fname, &st); OSMO_ASSERT(rc == 0); if (S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) { /* if this is a char device, we assume DAHDI */ g_ts_is_writable = true; g_st.in_fd = open(fname, O_RDWR); OSMO_ASSERT(g_st.in_fd >= 0); dahdi_set_bufinfo(g_st.in_fd, false); } else { g_st.in_fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); OSMO_ASSERT(g_st.in_fd >= 0); } osmo_i460_ts_init(&g_st.i460_ts); //for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(g_st.sc); i++) { for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { struct sc_state *sc = &g_st.sc[i]; sc->num = i; scd16_0.bit_offset = i * 2; scd16_0.demux.user_data = sc; scd16_0.demux.out_cb_bits = i460_demux_bits_cb, scd16_0.mux.in_cb_queue_empty = mux_q_empty_cb; scd16_0.mux.user_data = sc; sc->i460_sc = osmo_i460_subchan_add(NULL, &g_st.i460_ts, &scd16_0); OSMO_ASSERT(sc->i460_sc != NULL); char strbuf[16]; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), "SC%u", sc->num); sc->sync_fi = osmo_trau_sync_alloc(NULL, strbuf, sync_frame_out_cb, OSMO_TRAU_SYNCP_16_FR_EFR, sc); OSMO_ASSERT(sc->sync_fi); sc->rtps = osmo_rtp_socket_create(NULL, OSMO_RTP_F_POLL); OSMO_ASSERT(sc->rtps); osmo_rtp_socket_set_pt(sc->rtps, RTP_PT_GSM_FULL); sc->rtps->rx_cb = ortp_rx_cb; sc->rtps->priv = sc; osmo_rtp_socket_bind(sc->rtps, "", g_local_port + i*2); osmo_rtp_socket_connect(sc->rtps, g_remote_host, g_remote_port + i*2); //osmo_rtp_socket_autoconnect(sc->rtps); } } static void mux_q_empty_cb(struct osmo_i460_subchan *schan, void *user_data) { struct sc_state *sc = user_data; struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(2*40*8, "mux-enq"); struct osmo_trau_frame traufr = { .type = g_ftype, .dir = OSMO_TRAU_DIR_DL, }; int rc; LOGSC(sc, "EMPTY -> Generating Tx\n"); if (traufr.type == OSMO_TRAU16_FT_EFR) { traufr.c_bits[12-1] = 1; /* C12 = good u-link frame */ traufr.c_bits[16-1] = 1; /* C16 = SP[eech]; no DTX */ } rc = osmo_trau_frame_encode(msgb_data(msg), 2*40*8, &traufr); OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0); msgb_put(msg, rc); //LOGSC(sc, "Tx TRAU: %s\n", osmo_ubit_dump(cur, 40*8)); osmo_i460_mux_enqueue(sc->i460_sc, msg); } static void process(void) { uint8_t buf[D_BCHAN_TX_GRAN]; int rc, nread; while (rc = read(g_st.in_fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) { OSMO_ASSERT(rc == sizeof(buf)); nread = rc; osmo_i460_demux_in(&g_st.i460_ts, buf, nread); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { struct sc_state *sc = &g_st.sc[i]; int rc2 = osmo_rtp_socket_poll(sc->rtps); sc->rtps->rx_user_ts += 160; //printf("rtp_recv=%d (flags=%x)\n",rc2, sc->rtps->flags); } /* write as many bytes as we just received */ osmo_i460_mux_out(&g_st.i460_ts, buf, nread); if (g_ts_is_writable) { rc = write(g_st.in_fd, buf, nread); if (rc != nread) printf("rc=%d, nread=%d (%s)\n", rc, nread, strerror(errno)); OSMO_ASSERT(rc == nread); } //usleep(20000); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { osmo_init_logging2(NULL, NULL); osmo_fsm_log_addr(false); log_set_print_filename2(osmo_stderr_target, LOG_FILENAME_BASENAME); log_set_category_filter(osmo_stderr_target, DLMIB, true, LOGL_DEBUG); osmo_rtp_init(NULL); init(argv[1]); process(); }