;-------------------------------------------------------- ; File Created by SDCC : free open source ANSI-C Compiler ; Version 4.2.0 #13081 (Linux) ;-------------------------------------------------------- .module usb_common .optsdcc -mmcs51 --model-small ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Public variables in this module ;-------------------------------------------------------- .globl _epcs .globl _plausible_endpoint .globl _hook_uv .globl _fx2_reset_data_toggle .globl _fx2_stall_ep0 .globl _app_vendor_cmd .globl _EIPX6 .globl _EIPX5 .globl _EIPX4 .globl _PI2C .globl _PUSB .globl _EIEX6 .globl _EIEX5 .globl _EIEX4 .globl _EI2C .globl _EIUSB .globl _SMOD1 .globl _ERESI .globl _RESI .globl _INT6 .globl _CY .globl _AC .globl _F0 .globl _RS1 .globl _RS0 .globl _OV .globl _FL .globl _P .globl _TF2 .globl _EXF2 .globl _RCLK .globl _TCLK .globl _EXEN2 .globl _TR2 .globl _C_T2 .globl _CP_RL2 .globl _SM01 .globl _SM11 .globl _SM21 .globl _REN1 .globl _TB81 .globl _RB81 .globl _TI1 .globl _RI1 .globl _PS1 .globl _PT2 .globl _PS0 .globl _PT1 .globl _PX1 .globl _PT0 .globl _PX0 .globl _EA .globl _ES1 .globl _ET2 .globl _ES0 .globl _ET1 .globl _EX1 .globl _ET0 .globl _EX0 .globl _SM0 .globl _SM1 .globl _SM2 .globl _REN .globl _TB8 .globl _RB8 .globl _TI .globl _RI .globl _TF1 .globl _TR1 .globl _TF0 .globl _TR0 .globl _IE1 .globl _IT1 .globl _IE0 .globl _IT0 .globl _SEL .globl _EIP .globl _B .globl _EIE .globl _ACC .globl _EICON .globl _PSW .globl _TH2 .globl _TL2 .globl _RCAP2H .globl _RCAP2L .globl _T2CON .globl _SBUF1 .globl _SCON1 .globl _GPIFSGLDATLNOX .globl _GPIFSGLDATLX .globl _GPIFSGLDATH .globl _GPIFTRIG .globl _EP01STAT .globl _IP .globl _OEE .globl _OED .globl _OEC .globl _OEB .globl _OEA .globl _IOE .globl _IOD .globl _AUTOPTRSETUP .globl _EP68FIFOFLGS .globl _EP24FIFOFLGS .globl _EP2468STAT .globl _IE .globl _INT4CLR .globl _INT2CLR .globl _IOC .globl _AUTODAT2 .globl _AUTOPTRL2 .globl _AUTOPTRH2 .globl _AUTODAT1 .globl _APTR1L .globl _APTR1H .globl _SBUF0 .globl _SCON0 .globl _MPAGE .globl _EXIF .globl _IOB .globl _CKCON .globl _TH1 .globl _TH0 .globl _TL1 .globl _TL0 .globl _TMOD .globl _TCON .globl _PCON .globl _DPS .globl _DPH1 .globl _DPL1 .globl _DPH .globl _DPL .globl _SP .globl _IOA .globl _EP8FIFOBUF .globl _EP6FIFOBUF .globl _EP4FIFOBUF .globl _EP2FIFOBUF .globl _EP1INBUF .globl _EP1OUTBUF .globl _EP0BUF .globl _CT4 .globl _CT3 .globl _CT2 .globl _CT1 .globl _USBTEST .globl _TESTCFG .globl _DBUG .globl _UDMACRCQUAL .globl _UDMACRCL .globl _UDMACRCH .globl _GPIFHOLDAMOUNT .globl _FLOWSTBHPERIOD .globl _FLOWSTBEDGE .globl _FLOWSTB .globl _FLOWHOLDOFF .globl _FLOWEQ1CTL .globl _FLOWEQ0CTL .globl _FLOWLOGIC .globl _FLOWSTATE .globl _GPIFABORT .globl _GPIFREADYSTAT .globl _GPIFREADYCFG .globl _XGPIFSGLDATLNOX .globl _XGPIFSGLDATLX .globl _XGPIFSGLDATH .globl _EP8GPIFTRIG .globl _EP8GPIFPFSTOP .globl _EP8GPIFFLGSEL .globl _EP6GPIFTRIG .globl _EP6GPIFPFSTOP .globl _EP6GPIFFLGSEL .globl _EP4GPIFTRIG .globl _EP4GPIFPFSTOP .globl _EP4GPIFFLGSEL .globl _EP2GPIFTRIG .globl _EP2GPIFPFSTOP .globl _EP2GPIFFLGSEL .globl _GPIFTCB0 .globl _GPIFTCB1 .globl _GPIFTCB2 .globl _GPIFTCB3 .globl _GPIFADRL .globl _GPIFADRH .globl _GPIFCTLCFG .globl _GPIFIDLECTL .globl _GPIFIDLECS .globl _GPIFWFSELECT .globl _SETUPDAT .globl _SUDPTRCTL .globl _SUDPTRL .globl _SUDPTRH .globl _EP8FIFOBCL .globl _EP8FIFOBCH .globl _EP6FIFOBCL .globl _EP6FIFOBCH .globl _EP4FIFOBCL .globl _EP4FIFOBCH .globl _EP2FIFOBCL .globl _EP2FIFOBCH .globl _EP8FIFOFLGS .globl _EP6FIFOFLGS .globl _EP4FIFOFLGS .globl _EP2FIFOFLGS .globl _EP8CS .globl _EP6CS .globl _EP4CS .globl _EP2CS .globl _EP1INCS .globl _EP1OUTCS .globl _EP0CS .globl _EP8BCL .globl _EP8BCH .globl _EP6BCL .globl _EP6BCH .globl _EP4BCL .globl _EP4BCH .globl _EP2BCL .globl _EP2BCH .globl _EP1INBC .globl _EP1OUTBC .globl _EP0BCL .globl _EP0BCH .globl _FNADDR .globl _MICROFRAME .globl _USBFRAMEL .globl _USBFRAMEH .globl _TOGCTL .globl _WAKEUPCS .globl _SUSPEND .globl _USBCS .globl _XAUTODAT2 .globl _XAUTODAT1 .globl _I2CTL .globl _I2DAT .globl _I2CS .globl _PORTECFG .globl _PORTCCFG .globl _PORTACFG .globl _INTSETUP .globl _INT4IVEC .globl _INT2IVEC .globl _CLRERRCNT .globl _ERRCNTLIM .globl _USBERRIRQ .globl _USBERRIE .globl _GPIFIRQ .globl _GPIFIE .globl _EPIRQ .globl _EPIE .globl _USBIRQ .globl _USBIE .globl _NAKIRQ .globl _NAKIE .globl _IBNIRQ .globl _IBNIE .globl _EP8FIFOIRQ .globl _EP8FIFOIE .globl _EP6FIFOIRQ .globl _EP6FIFOIE .globl _EP4FIFOIRQ .globl _EP4FIFOIE .globl _EP2FIFOIRQ .globl _EP2FIFOIE .globl _OUTPKTEND .globl _INPKTEND .globl _EP8ISOINPKTS .globl _EP6ISOINPKTS .globl _EP4ISOINPKTS .globl _EP2ISOINPKTS .globl _EP8FIFOPFL .globl _EP8FIFOPFH .globl _EP6FIFOPFL .globl _EP6FIFOPFH .globl _EP4FIFOPFL .globl _EP4FIFOPFH .globl _EP2FIFOPFL .globl _EP2FIFOPFH .globl _EP8AUTOINLENL .globl _EP8AUTOINLENH .globl _EP6AUTOINLENL .globl _EP6AUTOINLENH .globl _EP4AUTOINLENL .globl _EP4AUTOINLENH .globl _EP2AUTOINLENL .globl _EP2AUTOINLENH .globl _EP8FIFOCFG .globl _EP6FIFOCFG .globl _EP4FIFOCFG .globl _EP2FIFOCFG .globl _EP8CFG .globl _EP6CFG .globl _EP4CFG .globl _EP2CFG .globl _EP1INCFG .globl _EP1OUTCFG .globl _REVCTL .globl _REVID .globl _FIFOPINPOLAR .globl _UART230 .globl _BPADDRL .globl _BPADDRH .globl _BREAKPT .globl _FIFORESET .globl _PINFLAGSCD .globl _PINFLAGSAB .globl _IFCONFIG .globl _CPUCS .globl _RES_WAVEDATA_END .globl _GPIF_WAVE_DATA .globl __usb_got_SUDAV .globl _other_config_descr .globl _current_config_descr .globl _current_devqual_descr .globl _current_device_descr .globl __usb_alt_setting .globl __usb_config .globl _usb_install_handlers .globl _usb_handle_setup_packet ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; special function registers ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area RSEG (ABS,DATA) .org 0x0000 _IOA = 0x0080 _SP = 0x0081 _DPL = 0x0082 _DPH = 0x0083 _DPL1 = 0x0084 _DPH1 = 0x0085 _DPS = 0x0086 _PCON = 0x0087 _TCON = 0x0088 _TMOD = 0x0089 _TL0 = 0x008a _TL1 = 0x008b _TH0 = 0x008c _TH1 = 0x008d _CKCON = 0x008e _IOB = 0x0090 _EXIF = 0x0091 _MPAGE = 0x0092 _SCON0 = 0x0098 _SBUF0 = 0x0099 _APTR1H = 0x009a _APTR1L = 0x009b _AUTODAT1 = 0x009c _AUTOPTRH2 = 0x009d _AUTOPTRL2 = 0x009e _AUTODAT2 = 0x009f _IOC = 0x00a0 _INT2CLR = 0x00a1 _INT4CLR = 0x00a2 _IE = 0x00a8 _EP2468STAT = 0x00aa _EP24FIFOFLGS = 0x00ab _EP68FIFOFLGS = 0x00ac _AUTOPTRSETUP = 0x00af _IOD = 0x00b0 _IOE = 0x00b1 _OEA = 0x00b2 _OEB = 0x00b3 _OEC = 0x00b4 _OED = 0x00b5 _OEE = 0x00b6 _IP = 0x00b8 _EP01STAT = 0x00ba _GPIFTRIG = 0x00bb _GPIFSGLDATH = 0x00bd _GPIFSGLDATLX = 0x00be _GPIFSGLDATLNOX = 0x00bf _SCON1 = 0x00c0 _SBUF1 = 0x00c1 _T2CON = 0x00c8 _RCAP2L = 0x00ca _RCAP2H = 0x00cb _TL2 = 0x00cc _TH2 = 0x00cd _PSW = 0x00d0 _EICON = 0x00d8 _ACC = 0x00e0 _EIE = 0x00e8 _B = 0x00f0 _EIP = 0x00f8 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; special function bits ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area RSEG (ABS,DATA) .org 0x0000 _SEL = 0x0086 _IT0 = 0x0088 _IE0 = 0x0089 _IT1 = 0x008a _IE1 = 0x008b _TR0 = 0x008c _TF0 = 0x008d _TR1 = 0x008e _TF1 = 0x008f _RI = 0x0098 _TI = 0x0099 _RB8 = 0x009a _TB8 = 0x009b _REN = 0x009c _SM2 = 0x009d _SM1 = 0x009e _SM0 = 0x009f _EX0 = 0x00a8 _ET0 = 0x00a9 _EX1 = 0x00aa _ET1 = 0x00ab _ES0 = 0x00ac _ET2 = 0x00ad _ES1 = 0x00ae _EA = 0x00af _PX0 = 0x00b8 _PT0 = 0x00b9 _PX1 = 0x00ba _PT1 = 0x00bb _PS0 = 0x00bc _PT2 = 0x00bd _PS1 = 0x00be _RI1 = 0x00c0 _TI1 = 0x00c1 _RB81 = 0x00c2 _TB81 = 0x00c3 _REN1 = 0x00c4 _SM21 = 0x00c5 _SM11 = 0x00c6 _SM01 = 0x00c7 _CP_RL2 = 0x00c8 _C_T2 = 0x00c9 _TR2 = 0x00ca _EXEN2 = 0x00cb _TCLK = 0x00cc _RCLK = 0x00cd _EXF2 = 0x00ce _TF2 = 0x00cf _P = 0x00d0 _FL = 0x00d1 _OV = 0x00d2 _RS0 = 0x00d3 _RS1 = 0x00d4 _F0 = 0x00d5 _AC = 0x00d6 _CY = 0x00d7 _INT6 = 0x00db _RESI = 0x00dc _ERESI = 0x00dd _SMOD1 = 0x00df _EIUSB = 0x00e8 _EI2C = 0x00e9 _EIEX4 = 0x00ea _EIEX5 = 0x00eb _EIEX6 = 0x00ec _PUSB = 0x00f8 _PI2C = 0x00f9 _EIPX4 = 0x00fa _EIPX5 = 0x00fb _EIPX6 = 0x00fc ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; overlayable register banks ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area REG_BANK_0 (REL,OVR,DATA) .ds 8 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; overlayable bit register bank ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area BIT_BANK (REL,OVR,DATA) bits: .ds 1 b0 = bits[0] b1 = bits[1] b2 = bits[2] b3 = bits[3] b4 = bits[4] b5 = bits[5] b6 = bits[6] b7 = bits[7] ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; internal ram data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area DSEG (DATA) __usb_config:: .ds 1 __usb_alt_setting:: .ds 1 _current_device_descr:: .ds 2 _current_devqual_descr:: .ds 2 _current_config_descr:: .ds 2 _other_config_descr:: .ds 2 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; overlayable items in internal ram ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area OSEG (OVR,DATA) .area OSEG (OVR,DATA) ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; indirectly addressable internal ram data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area ISEG (DATA) ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; absolute internal ram data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area IABS (ABS,DATA) .area IABS (ABS,DATA) ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; bit data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area BSEG (BIT) __usb_got_SUDAV:: .ds 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; paged external ram data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area PSEG (PAG,XDATA) ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; external ram data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area XSEG (XDATA) _GPIF_WAVE_DATA = 0xe400 _RES_WAVEDATA_END = 0xe480 _CPUCS = 0xe600 _IFCONFIG = 0xe601 _PINFLAGSAB = 0xe602 _PINFLAGSCD = 0xe603 _FIFORESET = 0xe604 _BREAKPT = 0xe605 _BPADDRH = 0xe606 _BPADDRL = 0xe607 _UART230 = 0xe608 _FIFOPINPOLAR = 0xe609 _REVID = 0xe60a _REVCTL = 0xe60b _EP1OUTCFG = 0xe610 _EP1INCFG = 0xe611 _EP2CFG = 0xe612 _EP4CFG = 0xe613 _EP6CFG = 0xe614 _EP8CFG = 0xe615 _EP2FIFOCFG = 0xe618 _EP4FIFOCFG = 0xe619 _EP6FIFOCFG = 0xe61a _EP8FIFOCFG = 0xe61b _EP2AUTOINLENH = 0xe620 _EP2AUTOINLENL = 0xe621 _EP4AUTOINLENH = 0xe622 _EP4AUTOINLENL = 0xe623 _EP6AUTOINLENH = 0xe624 _EP6AUTOINLENL = 0xe625 _EP8AUTOINLENH = 0xe626 _EP8AUTOINLENL = 0xe627 _EP2FIFOPFH = 0xe630 _EP2FIFOPFL = 0xe631 _EP4FIFOPFH = 0xe632 _EP4FIFOPFL = 0xe633 _EP6FIFOPFH = 0xe634 _EP6FIFOPFL = 0xe635 _EP8FIFOPFH = 0xe636 _EP8FIFOPFL = 0xe637 _EP2ISOINPKTS = 0xe640 _EP4ISOINPKTS = 0xe641 _EP6ISOINPKTS = 0xe642 _EP8ISOINPKTS = 0xe643 _INPKTEND = 0xe648 _OUTPKTEND = 0xe649 _EP2FIFOIE = 0xe650 _EP2FIFOIRQ = 0xe651 _EP4FIFOIE = 0xe652 _EP4FIFOIRQ = 0xe653 _EP6FIFOIE = 0xe654 _EP6FIFOIRQ = 0xe655 _EP8FIFOIE = 0xe656 _EP8FIFOIRQ = 0xe657 _IBNIE = 0xe658 _IBNIRQ = 0xe659 _NAKIE = 0xe65a _NAKIRQ = 0xe65b _USBIE = 0xe65c _USBIRQ = 0xe65d _EPIE = 0xe65e _EPIRQ = 0xe65f _GPIFIE = 0xe660 _GPIFIRQ = 0xe661 _USBERRIE = 0xe662 _USBERRIRQ = 0xe663 _ERRCNTLIM = 0xe664 _CLRERRCNT = 0xe665 _INT2IVEC = 0xe666 _INT4IVEC = 0xe667 _INTSETUP = 0xe668 _PORTACFG = 0xe670 _PORTCCFG = 0xe671 _PORTECFG = 0xe672 _I2CS = 0xe678 _I2DAT = 0xe679 _I2CTL = 0xe67a _XAUTODAT1 = 0xe67b _XAUTODAT2 = 0xe67c _USBCS = 0xe680 _SUSPEND = 0xe681 _WAKEUPCS = 0xe682 _TOGCTL = 0xe683 _USBFRAMEH = 0xe684 _USBFRAMEL = 0xe685 _MICROFRAME = 0xe686 _FNADDR = 0xe687 _EP0BCH = 0xe68a _EP0BCL = 0xe68b _EP1OUTBC = 0xe68d _EP1INBC = 0xe68f _EP2BCH = 0xe690 _EP2BCL = 0xe691 _EP4BCH = 0xe694 _EP4BCL = 0xe695 _EP6BCH = 0xe698 _EP6BCL = 0xe699 _EP8BCH = 0xe69c _EP8BCL = 0xe69d _EP0CS = 0xe6a0 _EP1OUTCS = 0xe6a1 _EP1INCS = 0xe6a2 _EP2CS = 0xe6a3 _EP4CS = 0xe6a4 _EP6CS = 0xe6a5 _EP8CS = 0xe6a6 _EP2FIFOFLGS = 0xe6a7 _EP4FIFOFLGS = 0xe6a8 _EP6FIFOFLGS = 0xe6a9 _EP8FIFOFLGS = 0xe6aa _EP2FIFOBCH = 0xe6ab _EP2FIFOBCL = 0xe6ac _EP4FIFOBCH = 0xe6ad _EP4FIFOBCL = 0xe6ae _EP6FIFOBCH = 0xe6af _EP6FIFOBCL = 0xe6b0 _EP8FIFOBCH = 0xe6b1 _EP8FIFOBCL = 0xe6b2 _SUDPTRH = 0xe6b3 _SUDPTRL = 0xe6b4 _SUDPTRCTL = 0xe6b5 _SETUPDAT = 0xe6b8 _GPIFWFSELECT = 0xe6c0 _GPIFIDLECS = 0xe6c1 _GPIFIDLECTL = 0xe6c2 _GPIFCTLCFG = 0xe6c3 _GPIFADRH = 0xe6c4 _GPIFADRL = 0xe6c5 _GPIFTCB3 = 0xe6ce _GPIFTCB2 = 0xe6cf _GPIFTCB1 = 0xe6d0 _GPIFTCB0 = 0xe6d1 _EP2GPIFFLGSEL = 0xe6d2 _EP2GPIFPFSTOP = 0xe6d3 _EP2GPIFTRIG = 0xe6d4 _EP4GPIFFLGSEL = 0xe6da _EP4GPIFPFSTOP = 0xe6db _EP4GPIFTRIG = 0xe6dc _EP6GPIFFLGSEL = 0xe6e2 _EP6GPIFPFSTOP = 0xe6e3 _EP6GPIFTRIG = 0xe6e4 _EP8GPIFFLGSEL = 0xe6ea _EP8GPIFPFSTOP = 0xe6eb _EP8GPIFTRIG = 0xe6ec _XGPIFSGLDATH = 0xe6f0 _XGPIFSGLDATLX = 0xe6f1 _XGPIFSGLDATLNOX = 0xe6f2 _GPIFREADYCFG = 0xe6f3 _GPIFREADYSTAT = 0xe6f4 _GPIFABORT = 0xe6f5 _FLOWSTATE = 0xe6c6 _FLOWLOGIC = 0xe6c7 _FLOWEQ0CTL = 0xe6c8 _FLOWEQ1CTL = 0xe6c9 _FLOWHOLDOFF = 0xe6ca _FLOWSTB = 0xe6cb _FLOWSTBEDGE = 0xe6cc _FLOWSTBHPERIOD = 0xe6cd _GPIFHOLDAMOUNT = 0xe60c _UDMACRCH = 0xe67d _UDMACRCL = 0xe67e _UDMACRCQUAL = 0xe67f _DBUG = 0xe6f8 _TESTCFG = 0xe6f9 _USBTEST = 0xe6fa _CT1 = 0xe6fb _CT2 = 0xe6fc _CT3 = 0xe6fd _CT4 = 0xe6fe _EP0BUF = 0xe740 _EP1OUTBUF = 0xe780 _EP1INBUF = 0xe7c0 _EP2FIFOBUF = 0xf000 _EP4FIFOBUF = 0xf400 _EP6FIFOBUF = 0xf800 _EP8FIFOBUF = 0xfc00 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; absolute external ram data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area XABS (ABS,XDATA) ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; external initialized ram data ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area HOME (CODE) .area GSINIT0 (CODE) .area GSINIT1 (CODE) .area GSINIT2 (CODE) .area GSINIT3 (CODE) .area GSINIT4 (CODE) .area GSINIT5 (CODE) .area GSINIT (CODE) .area GSFINAL (CODE) .area CSEG (CODE) ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; global & static initialisations ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area HOME (CODE) .area GSINIT (CODE) .area GSFINAL (CODE) .area GSINIT (CODE) ; usb_common.c:53: unsigned char _usb_config = 0; mov __usb_config,#0x00 ; usb_common.c:54: unsigned char _usb_alt_setting = 0; // FIXME really 1/interface mov __usb_alt_setting,#0x00 ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Home ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area HOME (CODE) .area HOME (CODE) ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; code ;-------------------------------------------------------- .area CSEG (CODE) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'setup_descriptors' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:62: setup_descriptors (void) ; ----------------------------------------- ; function setup_descriptors ; ----------------------------------------- _setup_descriptors: ar7 = 0x07 ar6 = 0x06 ar5 = 0x05 ar4 = 0x04 ar3 = 0x03 ar2 = 0x02 ar1 = 0x01 ar0 = 0x00 ; usb_common.c:64: if (USBCS & bmHSM){ // high speed mode mov dptr,#_USBCS movx a,@dptr jnb acc.7,00102$ ; usb_common.c:65: current_device_descr = high_speed_device_descr; mov _current_device_descr,#_high_speed_device_descr mov (_current_device_descr + 1),#(_high_speed_device_descr >> 8) ; usb_common.c:66: current_devqual_descr = high_speed_devqual_descr; mov _current_devqual_descr,#_high_speed_devqual_descr mov (_current_devqual_descr + 1),#(_high_speed_devqual_descr >> 8) ; usb_common.c:67: current_config_descr = high_speed_config_descr; mov _current_config_descr,#_high_speed_config_descr mov (_current_config_descr + 1),#(_high_speed_config_descr >> 8) ; usb_common.c:68: other_config_descr = full_speed_config_descr; mov _other_config_descr,#_full_speed_config_descr mov (_other_config_descr + 1),#(_full_speed_config_descr >> 8) ret 00102$: ; usb_common.c:71: current_device_descr = full_speed_device_descr; mov _current_device_descr,#_full_speed_device_descr mov (_current_device_descr + 1),#(_full_speed_device_descr >> 8) ; usb_common.c:72: current_devqual_descr = full_speed_devqual_descr; mov _current_devqual_descr,#_full_speed_devqual_descr mov (_current_devqual_descr + 1),#(_full_speed_devqual_descr >> 8) ; usb_common.c:73: current_config_descr = full_speed_config_descr; mov _current_config_descr,#_full_speed_config_descr mov (_current_config_descr + 1),#(_full_speed_config_descr >> 8) ; usb_common.c:74: other_config_descr = high_speed_config_descr; mov _other_config_descr,#_high_speed_config_descr mov (_other_config_descr + 1),#(_high_speed_config_descr >> 8) ; usb_common.c:81: } ret ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'isr_SUDAV' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:84: isr_SUDAV (void) __interrupt ; ----------------------------------------- ; function isr_SUDAV ; ----------------------------------------- _isr_SUDAV: ; usb_common.c:86: clear_usb_irq (); anl _EXIF,#0xef mov _INT2CLR,#0x00 ; usb_common.c:87: _usb_got_SUDAV = 1; ; assignBit setb __usb_got_SUDAV ; usb_common.c:88: } reti ; eliminated unneeded mov psw,# (no regs used in bank) ; eliminated unneeded push/pop not_psw ; eliminated unneeded push/pop dpl ; eliminated unneeded push/pop dph ; eliminated unneeded push/pop b ; eliminated unneeded push/pop acc ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'isr_USBRESET' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:91: isr_USBRESET (void) __interrupt ; ----------------------------------------- ; function isr_USBRESET ; ----------------------------------------- _isr_USBRESET: push bits push acc push b push dpl push dph push (0+7) push (0+6) push (0+5) push (0+4) push (0+3) push (0+2) push (0+1) push (0+0) push psw mov psw,#0x00 ; usb_common.c:93: clear_usb_irq (); anl _EXIF,#0xef mov _INT2CLR,#0x00 ; usb_common.c:94: setup_descriptors (); lcall _setup_descriptors ; usb_common.c:95: } pop psw pop (0+0) pop (0+1) pop (0+2) pop (0+3) pop (0+4) pop (0+5) pop (0+6) pop (0+7) pop dph pop dpl pop b pop acc pop bits reti ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'isr_HIGHSPEED' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:98: isr_HIGHSPEED (void) __interrupt ; ----------------------------------------- ; function isr_HIGHSPEED ; ----------------------------------------- _isr_HIGHSPEED: push bits push acc push b push dpl push dph push (0+7) push (0+6) push (0+5) push (0+4) push (0+3) push (0+2) push (0+1) push (0+0) push psw mov psw,#0x00 ; usb_common.c:100: clear_usb_irq (); anl _EXIF,#0xef mov _INT2CLR,#0x00 ; usb_common.c:101: setup_descriptors (); lcall _setup_descriptors ; usb_common.c:102: } pop psw pop (0+0) pop (0+1) pop (0+2) pop (0+3) pop (0+4) pop (0+5) pop (0+6) pop (0+7) pop dph pop dpl pop b pop acc pop bits reti ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'usb_install_handlers' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:105: usb_install_handlers (void) ; ----------------------------------------- ; function usb_install_handlers ; ----------------------------------------- _usb_install_handlers: ; usb_common.c:107: setup_descriptors (); // ensure that they're set before use lcall _setup_descriptors ; usb_common.c:109: hook_uv (UV_SUDAV, (unsigned short) isr_SUDAV); mov _hook_uv_PARM_2,#_isr_SUDAV mov (_hook_uv_PARM_2 + 1),#(_isr_SUDAV >> 8) mov dpl,#0x00 lcall _hook_uv ; usb_common.c:110: hook_uv (UV_USBRESET, (unsigned short) isr_USBRESET); mov _hook_uv_PARM_2,#_isr_USBRESET mov (_hook_uv_PARM_2 + 1),#(_isr_USBRESET >> 8) mov dpl,#0x10 lcall _hook_uv ; usb_common.c:111: hook_uv (UV_HIGHSPEED, (unsigned short) isr_HIGHSPEED); mov _hook_uv_PARM_2,#_isr_HIGHSPEED mov (_hook_uv_PARM_2 + 1),#(_isr_HIGHSPEED >> 8) mov dpl,#0x14 lcall _hook_uv ; usb_common.c:113: USBIE = bmSUDAV | bmURES | bmHSGRANT; mov dptr,#_USBIE mov a,#0x31 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:114: } ret ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'plausible_endpoint' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;ep Allocated to registers r7 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:120: plausible_endpoint (unsigned char ep) ; ----------------------------------------- ; function plausible_endpoint ; ----------------------------------------- _plausible_endpoint: ; usb_common.c:122: ep &= ~0x80; // ignore direction bit ; usb_common.c:124: if (ep > 8) mov a,dpl anl a,#0x7f mov r7,a add a,#0xff - 0x08 jnc 00102$ ; usb_common.c:125: return 0; mov dpl,#0x00 ret 00102$: ; usb_common.c:127: if (ep == 1) cjne r7,#0x01,00104$ ; usb_common.c:128: return 1; mov dpl,#0x01 ret 00104$: ; usb_common.c:130: return (ep & 0x1) == 0; // must be even anl ar7,#0x01 mov r6,#0x00 clr a cjne r7,#0x00,00120$ cjne r6,#0x00,00120$ inc a 00120$: mov dpl,a ; usb_common.c:131: } ret ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'epcs' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;ep Allocated to registers r7 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:137: epcs (unsigned char ep) ; ----------------------------------------- ; function epcs ; ----------------------------------------- _epcs: mov r7,dpl ; usb_common.c:139: if (ep == 0x01) // ep1 has different in and out CS regs cjne r7,#0x01,00102$ ; usb_common.c:140: return EP1OUTCS; mov dptr,#_EP1OUTCS movx a,@dptr mov r6,a mov r5,#0x00 mov dpl,r6 mov dph,r5 ret 00102$: ; usb_common.c:142: if (ep == 0x81) cjne r7,#0x81,00104$ ; usb_common.c:143: return EP1INCS; mov dptr,#_EP1INCS movx a,@dptr mov r6,a mov r5,#0x00 mov dpl,r6 mov dph,r5 ret 00104$: ; usb_common.c:145: ep &= ~0x80; // ignore direction bit anl ar7,#0x7f ; usb_common.c:147: if (ep == 0x00) // ep0 mov a,r7 jnz 00106$ ; usb_common.c:148: return EP0CS; mov dptr,#_EP0CS movx a,@dptr mov r6,a mov r5,#0x00 mov dpl,r6 mov dph,r5 ret 00106$: ; usb_common.c:150: return EP2CS + (ep >> 1); // 2, 4, 6, 8 are consecutive mov dptr,#_EP2CS movx a,@dptr mov r6,a mov r5,#0x00 mov a,r7 clr c rrc a mov r4,#0x00 add a,r6 mov r6,a mov a,r4 addc a,r5 ; usb_common.c:151: } mov dpl,r6 mov dph,a ret ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Allocation info for local variables in function 'usb_handle_setup_packet' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;p Allocated to registers r6 r7 ;__3932160000 Allocated to registers r6 r7 ;__3276800001 Allocated to registers r6 r7 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; usb_common.c:154: usb_handle_setup_packet (void) ; ----------------------------------------- ; function usb_handle_setup_packet ; ----------------------------------------- _usb_handle_setup_packet: ; usb_common.c:156: _usb_got_SUDAV = 0; ; assignBit clr __usb_got_SUDAV ; usb_common.c:160: switch (bRequestType & bmRT_TYPE_MASK){ mov dptr,#_SETUPDAT movx a,@dptr mov r7,a anl ar7,#0x60 mov ar6,r7 cjne r6,#0x00,00290$ sjmp 00106$ 00290$: cjne r7,#0x20,00291$ sjmp 00102$ 00291$: cjne r7,#0x40,00292$ sjmp 00103$ 00292$: cjne r7,#0x60,00293$ sjmp 00294$ 00293$: ljmp 00175$ 00294$: ; usb_common.c:163: case bmRT_TYPE_RESERVED: 00102$: ; usb_common.c:164: fx2_stall_ep0 (); // we don't handle these. indicate error lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:165: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:167: case bmRT_TYPE_VENDOR: 00103$: ; usb_common.c:171: if (!app_vendor_cmd ()) lcall _app_vendor_cmd mov a,dpl jz 00295$ ljmp 00175$ 00295$: ; usb_common.c:172: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:173: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:175: case bmRT_TYPE_STD: 00106$: ; usb_common.c:178: if ((bRequestType & bmRT_DIR_MASK) == bmRT_DIR_IN){ mov dptr,#_SETUPDAT movx a,@dptr mov r7,a anl ar7,#0x80 cjne r7,#0x80,00296$ sjmp 00297$ 00296$: ljmp 00173$ 00297$: ; usb_common.c:184: switch (bRequest){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0001) movx a,@dptr mov r7,a cjne r7,#0x00,00298$ ljmp 00128$ 00298$: cjne r7,#0x06,00299$ sjmp 00109$ 00299$: cjne r7,#0x08,00300$ sjmp 00107$ 00300$: cjne r7,#0x0a,00301$ sjmp 00108$ 00301$: ljmp 00138$ ; usb_common.c:186: case RQ_GET_CONFIG: 00107$: ; usb_common.c:187: EP0BUF[0] = _usb_config; // FIXME app should handle mov dptr,#_EP0BUF mov a,__usb_config movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:188: EP0BCH = 0; mov dptr,#_EP0BCH clr a movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:189: EP0BCL = 1; mov dptr,#_EP0BCL inc a movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:190: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:194: case RQ_GET_INTERFACE: 00108$: ; usb_common.c:195: EP0BUF[0] = _usb_alt_setting; // FIXME app should handle mov dptr,#_EP0BUF mov a,__usb_alt_setting movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:196: EP0BCH = 0; mov dptr,#_EP0BCH clr a movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:197: EP0BCL = 1; mov dptr,#_EP0BCL inc a movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:198: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:202: case RQ_GET_DESCR: 00109$: ; usb_common.c:203: switch (wValueH){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0003) movx a,@dptr mov r7,a cjne r7,#0x01,00302$ sjmp 00110$ 00302$: cjne r7,#0x02,00303$ sjmp 00114$ 00303$: cjne r7,#0x03,00304$ sjmp 00122$ 00304$: cjne r7,#0x06,00305$ sjmp 00111$ 00305$: cjne r7,#0x07,00306$ sjmp 00119$ 00306$: ljmp 00126$ ; usb_common.c:205: case DT_DEVICE: 00110$: ; usb_common.c:206: SUDPTRH = MSB (current_device_descr); mov r6,_current_device_descr mov r7,(_current_device_descr + 1) mov dptr,#_SUDPTRH mov a,r7 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:207: SUDPTRL = LSB (current_device_descr); mov dptr,#_SUDPTRL mov a,_current_device_descr movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:208: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:210: case DT_DEVQUAL: 00111$: ; usb_common.c:211: SUDPTRH = MSB (current_devqual_descr); mov r6,_current_devqual_descr mov r7,(_current_devqual_descr + 1) mov dptr,#_SUDPTRH mov a,r7 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:212: SUDPTRL = LSB (current_devqual_descr); mov dptr,#_SUDPTRL mov a,_current_devqual_descr movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:213: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:217: fx2_stall_ep0 (); 00114$: ; usb_common.c:219: SUDPTRH = MSB (current_config_descr); mov r6,_current_config_descr mov r7,(_current_config_descr + 1) mov dptr,#_SUDPTRH mov a,r7 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:220: SUDPTRL = LSB (current_config_descr); mov dptr,#_SUDPTRL mov a,_current_config_descr movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:222: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:226: fx2_stall_ep0 (); 00119$: ; usb_common.c:228: SUDPTRH = MSB (other_config_descr); mov r6,_other_config_descr mov r7,(_other_config_descr + 1) mov dptr,#_SUDPTRH mov a,r7 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:229: SUDPTRL = LSB (other_config_descr); mov dptr,#_SUDPTRL mov a,_other_config_descr movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:231: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:233: case DT_STRING: 00122$: ; usb_common.c:234: if (wValueL >= nstring_descriptors) mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr mov r7,a mov dptr,#_nstring_descriptors movx a,@dptr mov r6,a clr c mov a,r7 subb a,r6 jc 00124$ ; usb_common.c:235: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ljmp 00175$ 00124$: ; usb_common.c:237: __xdata char *p = string_descriptors[wValueL]; mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr mov b,#0x02 mul ab add a,#_string_descriptors mov dpl,a mov a,#(_string_descriptors >> 8) addc a,b mov dph,a movx a,@dptr mov r6,a inc dptr movx a,@dptr mov r7,a ; usb_common.c:238: SUDPTRH = MSB (p); mov ar4,r6 mov ar5,r7 mov dptr,#_SUDPTRH mov a,r5 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:239: SUDPTRL = LSB (p); mov dptr,#_SUDPTRL mov a,r6 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:241: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:243: default: 00126$: ; usb_common.c:244: fx2_stall_ep0 (); // invalid request lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:247: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:251: case RQ_GET_STATUS: 00128$: ; usb_common.c:252: switch (bRequestType & bmRT_RECIP_MASK){ mov dptr,#_SETUPDAT movx a,@dptr mov r7,a anl ar7,#0x1f mov ar6,r7 cjne r6,#0x00,00308$ sjmp 00129$ 00308$: cjne r6,#0x01,00309$ sjmp 00130$ 00309$: ; usb_common.c:253: case bmRT_RECIP_DEVICE: cjne r7,#0x02,00135$ sjmp 00131$ 00129$: ; usb_common.c:254: EP0BUF[0] = bmGSDA_SELF_POWERED; // FIXME app should handle mov dptr,#_EP0BUF mov a,#0x01 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:255: EP0BUF[1] = 0; mov dptr,#(_EP0BUF + 0x0001) clr a movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:256: EP0BCH = 0; mov dptr,#_EP0BCH movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:257: EP0BCL = 2; mov dptr,#_EP0BCL mov a,#0x02 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:258: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:260: case bmRT_RECIP_INTERFACE: 00130$: ; usb_common.c:261: EP0BUF[0] = 0; mov dptr,#_EP0BUF clr a movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:262: EP0BUF[1] = 0; mov dptr,#(_EP0BUF + 0x0001) movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:263: EP0BCH = 0; mov dptr,#_EP0BCH movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:264: EP0BCL = 2; mov dptr,#_EP0BCL mov a,#0x02 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:265: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:267: case bmRT_RECIP_ENDPOINT: 00131$: ; usb_common.c:268: if (plausible_endpoint (wIndexL)){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0004) movx a,@dptr mov dpl,a lcall _plausible_endpoint mov a,dpl jz 00133$ ; usb_common.c:269: EP0BUF[0] = *epcs (wIndexL) & bmEPSTALL; mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0004) movx a,@dptr mov dpl,a lcall _epcs movx a,@dptr mov r7,a anl ar7,#0x01 mov dptr,#_EP0BUF mov a,r7 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:270: EP0BUF[1] = 0; mov dptr,#(_EP0BUF + 0x0001) clr a movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:271: EP0BCH = 0; mov dptr,#_EP0BCH movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:272: EP0BCL = 2; mov dptr,#_EP0BCL mov a,#0x02 movx @dptr,a ljmp 00175$ 00133$: ; usb_common.c:275: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:276: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:278: default: 00135$: ; usb_common.c:279: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:282: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:287: default: 00138$: ; usb_common.c:288: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:290: } ljmp 00175$ 00173$: ; usb_common.c:299: switch (bRequest){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0001) movx a,@dptr mov r7,a add a,#0xff - 0x0b jnc 00312$ ljmp 00170$ 00312$: mov a,r7 add a,#(00313$-3-.) movc a,@a+pc mov dpl,a mov a,r7 add a,#(00314$-3-.) movc a,@a+pc mov dph,a clr a jmp @a+dptr 00313$: .db 00170$ .db 00142$ .db 00161$ .db 00154$ .db 00170$ .db 00170$ .db 00170$ .db 00170$ .db 00170$ .db 00140$ .db 00170$ .db 00141$ 00314$: .db 00170$>>8 .db 00142$>>8 .db 00161$>>8 .db 00154$>>8 .db 00170$>>8 .db 00170$>>8 .db 00170$>>8 .db 00170$>>8 .db 00170$>>8 .db 00140$>>8 .db 00170$>>8 .db 00141$>>8 ; usb_common.c:301: case RQ_SET_CONFIG: 00140$: ; usb_common.c:302: _usb_config = wValueL; // FIXME app should handle mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr mov __usb_config,a ; usb_common.c:303: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:305: case RQ_SET_INTERFACE: 00141$: ; usb_common.c:306: _usb_alt_setting = wValueL; // FIXME app should handle mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr mov __usb_alt_setting,a ; usb_common.c:307: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:311: case RQ_CLEAR_FEATURE: 00142$: ; usb_common.c:312: switch (bRequestType & bmRT_RECIP_MASK){ mov dptr,#_SETUPDAT movx a,@dptr mov r7,a anl ar7,#0x1f mov ar6,r7 cjne r6,#0x00,00315$ sjmp 00143$ 00315$: ; usb_common.c:314: case bmRT_RECIP_DEVICE: cjne r7,#0x02,00152$ sjmp 00147$ 00143$: ; usb_common.c:315: switch (wValueL){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr ; usb_common.c:318: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:320: break; ljmp 00175$ ; usb_common.c:322: case bmRT_RECIP_ENDPOINT: 00147$: ; usb_common.c:323: if (wValueL == FS_ENDPOINT_HALT && plausible_endpoint (wIndexL)){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr jnz 00149$ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0004) movx a,@dptr mov dpl,a lcall _plausible_endpoint mov a,dpl jz 00149$ ; usb_common.c:324: *epcs (wIndexL) &= ~bmEPSTALL; mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0004) movx a,@dptr mov dpl,a lcall _epcs mov r6,dpl mov r7,dph movx a,@dptr mov r5,a anl ar5,#0xfe mov dpl,r6 mov dph,r7 mov a,r5 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:325: fx2_reset_data_toggle (wIndexL); mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0004) movx a,@dptr mov dpl,a lcall _fx2_reset_data_toggle sjmp 00175$ 00149$: ; usb_common.c:328: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:329: break; ; usb_common.c:331: default: sjmp 00175$ 00152$: ; usb_common.c:332: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:335: break; ; usb_common.c:339: case RQ_SET_FEATURE: sjmp 00175$ 00154$: ; usb_common.c:340: switch (bRequestType & bmRT_RECIP_MASK){ mov dptr,#_SETUPDAT movx a,@dptr mov r7,a anl ar7,#0x1f cjne r7,#0x00,00175$ ; usb_common.c:343: switch (wValueL){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr mov r7,a cjne r7,#0x01,00321$ sjmp 00158$ 00321$: cjne r7,#0x02,00322$ sjmp 00175$ 00322$: ; usb_common.c:349: default: 00158$: ; usb_common.c:350: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:354: break; ; usb_common.c:356: case bmRT_RECIP_ENDPOINT: sjmp 00175$ 00161$: ; usb_common.c:357: switch (wValueL){ mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0002) movx a,@dptr jnz 00166$ ; usb_common.c:359: if (plausible_endpoint (wIndexL)) mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0004) movx a,@dptr mov dpl,a lcall _plausible_endpoint mov a,dpl jz 00164$ ; usb_common.c:360: *epcs (wIndexL) |= bmEPSTALL; mov dptr,#(_SETUPDAT + 0x0004) movx a,@dptr mov dpl,a lcall _epcs mov r6,dpl mov r7,dph movx a,@dptr mov r5,a orl ar5,#0x01 mov dpl,r6 mov dph,r7 mov a,r5 movx @dptr,a sjmp 00175$ 00164$: ; usb_common.c:362: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:363: break; ; usb_common.c:365: default: sjmp 00175$ 00166$: ; usb_common.c:366: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:369: break; ; usb_common.c:375: default: sjmp 00175$ 00170$: ; usb_common.c:376: fx2_stall_ep0 (); lcall _fx2_stall_ep0 ; usb_common.c:382: } // bmRT_TYPE_MASK 00175$: ; usb_common.c:385: EP0CS |= bmHSNAK; mov dptr,#_EP0CS movx a,@dptr orl acc,#0x80 movx @dptr,a ; usb_common.c:386: } ret .area CSEG (CODE) .area CONST (CODE) .area CABS (ABS,CODE)