ELF>@@UHH}]UHHH}EHEHHEHEHHEHEHHEHEHHHEH;Eu؋EUHH H}HuHUHEHHtHEHHHHHUHEHHHUHUHHH}H}tHEP4HEH@HHUHH}EHHUHH}HE]UHH}EHHUHH}EHHUHH}EHHUHH}HuUHMHHEHHE@$]UHH H}HuUHMHEHHHfUHH0H}HuUHMHEHHUHMHHtDHE@u HHHUHH}HHHƸ"HUfPHUPUHSH(H}HuUHMHH@HtHH@HHHHMHEкHHCH]UHSH(H}HuUHMHH@HtHH@HHHHMHEкHHCH]UHSH8H}HuЉUHMH@EGH@ËEHHEHHH ÉHPEE9ErH]UHSH8H}HuЉUHMH@ EGH@ ËEHHEHHH ÉHP EE9ErH]UHH}HuUHMHEHHrˆP]UHSH(H}HuUHMHEHHHCxH]UHSH(H}HuUHMHEHHHCH]UHH0H}HuUHMHEHHEHEHHEHEHHHEHEU􉐜HEUHEǀHEǀUHH@H}HuЉUHMHEHHEHEHHEHEHHHEHEHHHEHEU􉐜HEUHEU쉐HEǀUHH}HuUHMHEHHEHEǀ]UHH0H}HuUHMHEHHEHE@u HHHMHHHHϸEEHE@u HHUH}HHHƸEHH¾ HHE}UHH0H}HuUHMHE@u HHHMHHHHϸ HHE}UHH}HuUHMHEHHEHEƀD]UHH}HuUHMHEHHEHEƀD]UHSH(H}HE؋@u HHHMHHHHϸHE؋@u HHHHHEHH5HǸHE؋@u HHH@H@։HHEHH5HǸHE؋@u HHHHRH}HHHƸHE؋@u HHHHRH}HHHƸHEHHHǸE@H@ЋEЃtUHEH HHǸE}~HE؋@u HHHMHHHHϸHEHHHǸE@H@ ЋEЃtUHEH HHǸE}~HE؋@u HHHMHHHHϸHE؋@u HHH@t HHH}HHHHƸHE؋@u HHH@xHHEHH5HǸHE؋@u HHHRH}HHHƸHHtbHE؋@u HHHHHH}IAHHƸPHE؋@u HHHHH}IHHƸHDt9HE؋@u HHHMHHHHϸHEHHHH]UHH}HuUHMHE@']UHH H}HuUHMHEHHHHHHHHUHH H}HuUHMHHUHH H}HuUHMHEHHHHUHSH(H}HuUHMHEHHHH]UHSH(H}HuUHMHEHHHH]UHH}HuUHMHHƀ]UHH}HuUHMHHƀ]UHH}HuUHMHƀE]UHH}HuUHMHƀE]UHH H}HuUHMHEHHHUHH H}HuUHMHEHHHUHSH(H}HuUHMHEHHHHH]UHH H}HuUHMHEHHHHUHH H}HuUHMHEHHHHu/HHƀHHƀHEHHHHu,HHƀHHƀGHEHHHHu*HHƀHHƀUHH0H}HuUHMHEHHHHu E HEHHEE3EHcЋEHHiH HHE}~HE@u H H HEH0HE@u HHHE@u HHH}IIHHHHƸUHH H}HuUHMHEHHHHHHUHH}HuUHMHƀ]UHH}HuUHMHƀ]UHH@H}HuЉUHMHEHHM HHHEu HEtGHEЋ@u HHHUHH}HHHƸHEHHHM HHHEu HEtHHEЋ@u HHHUHHH}HHHƸxHEH9EsEHEЋ@u HHHMHUH}IHHƸ)HHUH(HHUH0UHH H}HuUHMHEHHHHuHǀ@^HEHHHHuHǀ@.HEHHHHuHǀ@UHH H}HuUHMHEHHHHUHH0H}HuUHMHHHHHHuЋMHEAIHEHEHtY}~ HEH@H}~ HHHMH HuH}IIHHHƸ}yUHH0H}HuUHMHHHHuЋMHEIHEHEHtY}~ HEH@H}~ HHHMH HuH}IIHHHƸ}yUHH0H}HHHHHEHEHEHEHHHEHtHEHHHǸHE@HEH HHǸHEPHE@f9t&HE@HEH HHǸHE؋@u HHHMHHHHϸHEHHEHEHEHEHHHHHH9EUHH H}HuUHMHEHUHHH}HE@u HHHMHHHHϸHH@8HtCHE@u HHHHR8H}HHHƸ9HE@u HHHMHHHHϸHE@u HHHH}HHHƸHE@u HHHH}HHHƸHE@u HHHHt HHH}HHHHƸHEt9HE@u HHHMHHHHϸHE@u HHHH}HHHƸHE@u HHHH}HHHƸHHtTHE@u HHHHHH}HHHƸHHt9HE@u HHHMHHHHϸHHHHt;HE@u HHHMHHHHϸ9HE@u HHHMHHHHϸHHHtDHE@u HHHHH}HHHƸHt9HE@u HHHMHHHHϸHH(HuHH0HtRHE@u HHHH0HH(H}IHHƸH@t[HE@u HHH@u HHH}HHHHƸHEHHHHEHHHHEHHEHHHHEHUHATSH@H}HuUHMHHH@hHEHEHEHEHHHHE@u HHHEH@hHIHEHPHHH@HHHHEILH5HǸHEHHEHEHEHEHHHUHHHhH9KH@[A\]UHATSHH}HE@t t\HEDHE苘HE苀EAHHH¾HHǸWHE苀`OHHE苀IHHH¾HHǸHH[A\]UHSH8H}HuЉỦȈEEȃt^HE؋@u HHHEH@0HHHUHEIIH H5HǸEȃtpHE؋@u HHHEH@0HtHEH@0H@HHUH}IIHHHHƸHE؋@u HHHUЋJ8UH}IAHHHHƸHE؋@u HHHUR HUR ҃t HHuH}HPAIHHHHƸHHE؋@u HHHEЋ@)HUHEIIH H5HǸHEHHEH}tJHE؋@u HHHMUH}IIHHHHƸH]UHSHH8H0,Ȉ(H0HHEH0HHE(tb(H8@u HHHEHH,H8IIH H5HǸH8@u HHH0HH,H8IIH H5HǸH8@u HHHEH@HH,H8IIH H5HǸH}tnH8@u HHHUR<HUR:ʋ,H8HPAAHHHHƸHH8@u HHHEHH!H,H8IAH H5HǸH8@u HHHEHH!H@HH,H8IIH H5HǸ(E((HH@hHEHEHEHEHHHEH@0H9EH8@u HHEHM䋵,H8IAHHHHƸ(,xHuH8щHHEHHEHEHEHEHHQHUHHhH90H]UHSHH(H ȈH @@tZH(@u HHH HJ@H(IIHHHHƸH @0tZH(@u HHH HJ0H(IIHHHHƸH(@u HHH <H :ʋH(HPAAHHHHƸHH(@u HHH HH(IIH H5HǸH(@u HHH HJ H(IIHHHHƸH ,t\H(@u HHH ,H(IAHHHHƸH 0t\H(@u HHH 0H(IAHHHHƸH Ot]H(@u HHH HOH(IIHHHHƸH >t]H(@u HHH H>H(IIHHHHƸH(@u HHH(IHHHHƸH(@u HHH ^t HHqH(HRPHPALHHHHƸH H(@u HHH _t HHqH(HRPHPALHHHHƸH H(@u HHH `t HHqH(HRPHPALHHHHƸH H(@u HHH at HHqH(HRPHPA LHHHHƸH H(@u HHH bt HHqH(HRPHPA LHHHHƸH H(@u HHH ct HHqH(HRPHPALHHHHƸH H(@u HHH dt HHqH(HRPHPALHHHHƸH H(@u HHH et HHqH(HRPHPALHHHHƸH H H HH H HEH(@u HHHU؋ H(IAHHHHƸH(@u HHHU؋JH(IAHHHHƸH(@u HHHEHHHPH(IIH H5HǸH(@u HHHEHaHHPH(IIH H5HǸH(@u HHHEHYHHPH(IIH H5HǸH H@ HHu{H(@u HHH H@H9t HHH(IIHHHHƸfH HHuQH(@u HHH(IHHHHƸHEHƿH(@u H=H=H HHEHH)HHHH HHHH?HH)HHH)HHH)H HHEHH)HHHH HHHH?HH)H(HWIIH H5HǸHH(@u HHH HpHLH t HHH(HSAIHHHHƸHH(@u HHH HHlHH(IIH H5HǸH(@u HHH tH HHH(IIHHHHƸH(@u HHH HhHH(IAH H5HǸH(@u HHH HhH0HHH(IIH H5HǸH HHEH}H(@u HHH(IHHHHƸxHuH(щHn(EHH@hHEHEHEHEHH5HEH@(H9 H(@u HHEHM䋵H(IAHHHHƸxHuH(щHHEHHEHEHEHEHHuHUHHhH9-H]UHH@H}HuЉUHMEEMMHH@hHEHEHEHEHH~HEЋ@u HHEHMH}HщHHƸUHuHEЉѺH HEHHEHEHEHEHHHUHHhH9jUHH@H}HuЉUHMEE}~MMHHEHEHEHEHH~HEЋ@u HHEHMH}HщHHƸUHuHEЉѺHHEHHEHEHEHEHHHUHH9nUHHPH}HuUHMEEE}t#HEHHHHuMP}t#HEHHHHuM'}t!HEHHHHuMHHHHEHEHEHEHHE}dvAHE@u HHUH}HHHƸHE@u HHEHMH}HщHHƸUHuHEѺHHEHHEHEHEHEHHHHH9EUHH0H}HuUHMHEHHMHHHEH}tSet the GSM network country code Country commands Code commands Network Country Code to use mobile network code <0-999>Set the GSM mobile network code Network Commands Code commands Mobile Network Code to use %% Error decoding MNC: %s%sshort name .NAMESet the short GSM network name Name Commands Name to use msc_vty.c:139long name .NAMESet the long GSM network name Name Commands Name to use msc_vty.c:150encryption a5 <0-4> [<0-4>] [<0-4>] [<0-4>] [<0-4>]Encryption options GSM A5 Air Interface Encryption. A5/n Algorithm Number A5/n Algorithm Number A5/n Algorithm Number A5/n Algorithm Number A5/n Algorithm Number encryption uea <0-2> [<0-2>] [<0-2>]Encryption options UTRAN (3G) encryption algorithms to allow: 0 = UEA0 (no encryption), 1 = UEA1, 2 = UEA2. UEAn Algorithm Number UEAn Algorithm Number UEAn Algorithm Number authentication (optional|required)Whether to enforce MS authentication in 2G Allow MS to attach via 2G BSC without authentication Always do authentication rrlp mode (none|ms-based|ms-preferred|ass-preferred)Radio Resource Location Protocol Set the Radio Resource Location Protocol Mode Don't send RRLP request Request MS-based location Request any location, prefer MS-based Request any location, prefer MS-assisted mm info (0|1)Mobility Management Send MM INFO after LOC UPD ACCEPT Disable Enable timezone <-19-19> (0|15|30|45)Set the Timezone Offset of the network Timezone offset (hours) Timezone offset (00 minutes) Timezone offset (15 minutes) Timezone offset (30 minutes) Timezone offset (45 minutes) timezone <-19-19> (0|15|30|45) <0-2>Set the Timezone Offset of the network Timezone offset (hours) Timezone offset (00 minutes) Timezone offset (15 minutes) Timezone offset (30 minutes) Timezone offset (45 minutes) DST offset (hours) no timezoneNegate a command or set its defaults Disable network timezone override, use system tz periodic location update <6-1530>Periodic Location Updating Interval Periodic Location Updating Interval Periodic Location Updating Interval Periodic Location Updating Interval in Minutes %% 'periodic location update' is now deprecated. Use 'msc' / 'timer vlr T3212' to change subscriber expiration timeout.%s%% Setting T3212 to %d minutes (emulating the old behaviour).%sno periodic location updateNegate a command or set its defaults Periodic Location Updating Interval Periodic Location Updating Interval Periodic Location Updating Interval %% 'periodic location update' is now deprecated: use 'timer T3212' to change subscriber expiration timeout.%scall-waitingEnable Call Waiting on the Network no call-waitingNegate a command or set its defaults Disable Call Waiting on the Network network%s network country code %s%s mobile network code %s%s short name %s%s long name %s%s encryption a5 %u%s encryption uearequiredoptional authentication %s%s rrlp mode %s%s mm info %u%s timezone %d %d %d%s timezone %d %d%s no call-waiting%s %s(config-msc)# Configure MSC optionssms-database PATHSet the path to the MSC-SMS database file Relative or absolute file system path to the database file (default is 'sms.db') mncc internalConfigure Mobile Network Call Control Use internal MNCC handler (default; changes need a program restart) mncc external MNCC_SOCKET_PATHConfigure Mobile Network Call Control Use external MNCC handler (changes need a program restart) File system path to create the MNCC unix domain socket at mncc guard-timeout <0-255>Configure Mobile Network Call Control Set global guard timer for mncc interface activity guard timer value (sec.) mncc-guard-timeout <0-255>Set global guard timer for mncc interface activity guard timer value (sec.) ncss guard-timeout <0-255>Configure call independent Supplementary Services Set guard timer for session activity guard timer value (sec.), or 0 to disable assign-tmsiAssign TMSI during Location Updating. no assign-tmsiNegate a command or set its defaults Assign TMSI during Location Updating. lcls-permittedGlobally allow LCLS (Local Call Local Switch) for all calls on this MSC. no lcls-permittedNegate a command or set its defaults Globally disable LCLS (Local Call Local Switch) for all calls on this MSC. cs7-instance-a <0-15>Set SS7 to be used by the A-Interface. SS7 instance reference number cs7-instance-iu <0-15>Set SS7 to be used by the Iu-Interface. SS7 instance reference number auth-tuple-max-reuse-count <-1-2147483647>Configure authentication tuple re-use 0 to use each auth tuple at most once (default), >0 to limit re-use, -1 to re-use infinitely (vulnerable!). auth-tuple-reuse-on-error (0|1)Configure authentication tuple re-use when HLR is not responsive Never re-use auth tuples beyond auth-tuple-max-reuse-count (default) If the HLR does not deliver new tuples, do re-use already available old ones. check-imei-rqd (0|1|early)Send each IMEI to the EIR to ask if it is permitted or not. The EIR is implemented as part of OsmoHLR, and can optionally save the IMEI in the HLR. Do not send IMEIs to the EIR Send each IMEI to the EIR Send each IMEI to the EIR, and do it at the start of the location update. This allows the EIR to receive the IMEI, even if the MS would get rejected when the MSC sends the location update request to the HLR. 01earlypaging response-timer (default|<1-65535>)Configure Paging Set Paging timeout, the minimum time to pass between (unsuccessful) Pagings sent towards BSS or RNC Set to default timeout (10 seconds) Set paging timeout in seconds default%% paging response-timer is deprecated.%s%% All ran timer has been modified.%s%% use 'timer X4 %s' instead%semergency-call route-to-msisdn MSISDNConfigure Emergency Call Behaviour MSISDN to which Emergency Calls are Dispatched MSISDN (E.164 Phone Number) sms-over-gsupEnable routing of SMS messages over GSUP no sms-over-gsupNegate a command or set its defaults Disable routing of SMS messages over GSUP handover-number range MSISDN_FIRST MSISDN_LASTConfigure a range of MSISDN to be assigned to incoming inter-MSC Handovers for call forwarding. Configure a handover number range First Handover Number MSISDN Last Handover Number MSISDN %% Error parsing handover-number range start: %s%s%% Error parsing handover-number range end: %s%s%% Error: handover-number range end must be > than the range start, but %lu > %lu%sosmux (on|off|only)RTP multiplexing Enable OSMUX Disable OSMUX Only use OSMUX offononlynri bitlen <0-15>Mapping of Network Resource Indicators to this MSC, for MSC pooling Set number of NRI bits to place in TMSI identities (always starting just after the most significant octet) bit count (default: NRI_BITLEN_DEFAULT) nri add <0-32767> [<0-32767>]Mapping of Network Resource Indicators to this MSC, for MSC pooling Add NRI value or range to the NRI mapping for this MSC First value of the NRI value range, should not surpass the configured 'nri bitlen'. Last value of the NRI value range, should not surpass the configured 'nri bitlen' and be larger than the first value; if omitted, apply only the first value. ..%% %s: %s%s%snri del <0-32767> [<0-32767>]Mapping of Network Resource Indicators to this MSC, for MSC pooling Remove NRI value or range from the NRI mapping for this MSC First value of the NRI value range, should not surpass the configured 'nri bitlen'. Last value of the NRI value range, should not surpass the configured 'nri bitlen' and be larger than the first value; if omitted, apply only the first value. %% INVALID RANGE: nri add %d %dshow nriShow running system information Mapping of Network Resource Indicators to this MSC, for MSC pooling msc%s mncc external %s%s mncc internal%s mncc guard-timeout %i%s ncss guard-timeout %i%sno %sassign-tmsi%s lcls-permitted%s cs7-instance-a %u%s cs7-instance-iu %u%s auth-tuple-max-reuse-count %d%s auth-tuple-reuse-on-error 1%s check-imei-rqd early%s check-imei-rqd 1%s emergency-call route-to-msisdn %s%s sms-over-gsup%s handover-number range %lu %lu%s osmux %s%sshow bscShow running system information BSC BSC %s %s%s%s %4u %4uCP:%s RP:%s%*sSubscriber: %s%s(not established)%*sRAN connection: %s%s%*sUnique (global) identifier: 0x%08x%sMOMT%*sGSM 04.07 identifier (%s): %u%s%*sType: %s%s%*sProtocol specific: %s%s%*sRAN connection state: %s%s%*sLAC / cell ID: %u / %u%s%*sUse count total: %d%s%*sUse count: %s%s%*sTransaction #%02u: %s%*sName: '%s'%s%*sMSISDN: %s%s%*sRAN type: %s%s%*sIMSI: %s%s%*sTMSI: %08X%s%*sNew TMSI: %08X%s%*sIMEI: %s%s%*sIMEISV: %s%s%*sFlags: %struefalseIMSI detached%*s%s: %*s%s%sConf. by radio contactSubscr. data conf. by HLRLocation conf. in HLRSubscriber dormantReceived cancel locationMS not reachableLA allowed%*sA3A8 last tuple (used %d times): %s%*sseq # : %d%s%*sRAND : %s%s%*sSRES : %s%s%*sKc : %s%sT3212T3312%*sExpires: never (%s is disabled)%s%*sExpires: never%s%*sExpires: in %ld min %ld sec%sisnot%*sPaging: %s paging for %d requests%s%*sSGs-state: %s%s(none)%*sSGs-MME: %s%s%*sConnection: %sshow transactionShow running system information Transactions Transaction #%02u: %sshow connection [trans]Show running system information Subscriber Connections Show child transactions of each connection Connection #%02u: %sshow subscriber cache [(conn|trans|conn+trans)]Show running system information Show information about subscribers Display contents of subscriber cache Show child connections Show child transactions Show child connections and transactions conntransconn+trans%% More than %d subscribers in cache, stopping here.%s Subscriber #%02u: %ssms send pendingSMS related commands SMS Sending related commands Send all pending SMSsms delete expiredSMS related commands SMS Database related commands Delete all expired SMSNo expired SMS in database%sDeleted %llu expired SMS from database%sFailed to allocate SMS msc_vty.cFailed to store SMS in Database SMS stored in DB extensionmsisdnVTYimsiidtmsishow subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID [(conn|trans|conn+trans)]Show running system information Operations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Show child connections Show child transactions Show child connections and transactions %% No subscriber found for %s %s%s(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1317) == 0Assert failed %s %s:%d Subscriber: %ssubscriber create imsi IDOperations on a Subscriber Create new subscriber Identify the subscriber by his IMSI Identifier for the subscriber %% 'subscriber create' now needs to be done at osmo-hlr%ssubscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID sms pending-sendOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber SMS Operations Send pending SMS (vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1363) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID sms delete-allOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber SMS Operations Delete all SMS to be delivered to this subscriber -- WARNING: the SMS data for all unsent SMS for this subscriber WILL BE LOST. (vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1387) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID sms sender (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) SENDER_ID send .LINEOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber SMS Operations Operations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Send SMS Actual SMS Text %% No sender found for %s %s%s(sender) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(sender)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1419) == 0msc_vty.c:1424(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1428) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID silent-sms sender (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) SENDER_ID send .LINEOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Silent SMS Operations Operations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Send SMS Actual SMS Text (sender) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(sender)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1461) == 0msc_vty.c:1466(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1470) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID silent-call start (any|tch/f|tch/h|tch/any|sdcch) (signalling|speech-hr|speech-fr|speech-efr|speech-amr|data-2400|data-4800|data-9600|data-14400|data-4800-nt|data-9600-nt|data-14400-nt) [IP] [<0-65535>]Operations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Silent call operation Start silent call Any channel TCH/F channel TCH/H channel Any TCH channel SDCCH channel Signalling only Speech with HR codec Speech with FR codec Speech with EFR codec Speech with AMR codec Data (transparent) @ 2.4k/3.6k Data (transparent) @ 4.8k/6.0k Data (transparent) @ 9.6k/12.0k Data (transparent) @ 14.4k/14.5k Data (non-transparent) @ 4.8k/6k Data (non-transparent) @ 9.6k/12k Data (non-transparent) @ 14.4k/14.5k Target IP for RTP traffic (default Target port for RTP traffic (default: 4000) signallingspeech-hrspeech-frspeech-efrspeech-amrdata-2400data-4800data-9600data-14400data-4800-ntdata-9600-ntdata-14400-nttch/ftch/htch/anysdcchCan't request speech/data on SDCCH%s127.0.0.1%% Subscriber not attached%s%% Cannot start silent call (rc=%d)%s%% Silent call initiated%s(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1614) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID silent-call stopOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Silent call operation Stop silent call Any channel TCH/F channel TCH/H channel Any TCH channel SDCCH channel %% No active connection for subscriber%s%% Subscriber has no silent call active%s%% Cannot stop silent call (rc=%d)%s%% Silent call stopped%s(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1650) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID ussd-notify (0|1|2) .TEXTOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Send a USSD notify to the subscriber Alerting Level 0 Alerting Level 1 Alerting Level 2 Text of USSD message to send (vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1677) == 0%% An active connection and local MSC-A role is required for %s %s%s(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1685) == 0msc_vty.c:1686(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1695) == 0msc_vty.c:1696subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID pagingOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Issue an empty Paging for the subscriber (for debugging) manual Paging from VTY%% paging subscriber%s%% paging subscriber failed%s(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1721) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID ms-test close-loop (a|b|c|d|e|f|i)Operations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Send a TS 04.14 MS Test Command to subscriber Close a TCH Loop inside the MS Loop Type A Loop Type B Loop Type C Loop Type D Loop Type E Loop Type F Loop Type I %% An active connection is required for %s %s%s(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1777) == 0(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1783) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID ms-test open-loopOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Send a TS 04.14 MS Test Command to subscriber Open a TCH Loop inside the MS (vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1806) == 0(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1812) == 0subscriber (msisdn|extension|imsi|tmsi|id) ID expireOperations on a Subscriber Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Legacy alias for 'msisdn' Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by TMSI Legacy alias for 'imsi' Identifier for the subscriber Expire the subscriber Now %% VLR released subscriber %s%s%% Subscriber %s is still in use, should be released soon%s(vsub) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vsub)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 1839) == 0%% Silent call success%s%% Silent call failed%s%% Silent call ended%sshow statisticsShow running system information Display network statistics Location Update : %lu attach, %lu normal, %lu periodic%sIMSI Detach Indications : %lu%sLocation Updating Results: %lu completed, %lu failed%sSMS MO : %lu submitted, %lu no receiver%sSMS MT : %lu delivered, %lu no memory, %lu other error%sMO Calls : %lu setup, %lu connect ack%sMT Calls : %lu setup, %lu connect%sMO NC SS/USSD : %lu requests, %lu established, %lu rejected%sMT NC SS/USSD : %lu requests, %lu established, %lu rejected%smncc-intConfigure internal MNCC handler%s(config-mncc-int)# freframrhrmncc-int%s default-codec tch-f %s%s default-codec tch-h %s%sdefault-codec tch-f (fr|efr|amr)Set default codec Codec for TCH/F Full-Rate Enhanced Full-Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate default-codec tch-h (hr|amr)Set default codec Codec for TCH/H Half-Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate logging filter imsi IMSIConfigure logging Filter log messages Filter log messages by IMSI IMSI to be used as filter %%no subscriber with IMSI(%s)%s(vlr_subscr) && _osmo_use_count_get_put(&(vlr_subscr)->use_count, "VTY", -1, "msc_vty.c", 2001) == 0%s(config-hlr)# hlrConfigure connection to the HLRremote-ip A.B.C.DRemote GSUP address of the HLR Remote GSUP address (default: <1-65535>Remote GSUP port of the HLR Remote GSUP port (default: MSC_HLR_REMOTE_PORT_DEFAULT)ipa-name NAMESet the IPA name of this MSC A unique name for this MSC. For example: PLMN + redundancy server number: MSC-901-70-0. This name is used for GSUP routing and must be set if more than one MSC is connected to the HLR. The default is 'unnamed-MSC'. The IPA name cannot be changed at run-time; It can only be set in the configuration file.%shlr%s remote-ip %s%s remote-port %u%s ipa-name %s%sgsmnet == NULL!AA$'(+GCC: (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0zRx  AC F <\AC W \VAC Q |7AC r !AC \ &AC a !AC \ !AC \ !AC \ <7AC r \9AC t |AC   qAC Eg  qAC Eg  AC E|  AC E| ,4AC o L<AC Er l<AC Er AC  AC  7AC r AC   }AC x ,4AC o L4AC o  lAC E %AC ` HAC C 2AC m 7AC r ?AC Eu 0?AC Eu P/AC j p/AC j (AC c (AC c <AC w <AC w FAC E| 0FAC A PAC  pAC  EAC @ (AC c (AC c AC  AC  0CAC ~ PAC  pAC  SAC N *AC e AC   AC G  AC G  8AC Ez  \AC H  AC H AC  AC  AC  AC  $&AC ! D*AC % d:AC 5 AC  WAC R QAC L 'AC "  AC  $ AC  D AC  d -AC (  AC   AC   oAC j  2AC -  AC   $ AC E H #AC  $h AC I  %AC `  AC E  =AC x  =AC x  XAC S 4 %AC `  T jAC E` x =AC x  AC E  .AC )  AC     \ gV;7T!g{  @` &;!\!}!  h H7 H*96 @HFR Hiq| Hq `H H H42 HH<Z Hn <~ @HE H Hp7 `H* HE}}\ Hr4 H.4b h `HD % Hi H H  26 HP 7f H? @ H HY? H/0 ` HK/b H{( H( HF< H<* @ HQFt HF HJ ` HD. HKXEd H~( H( H  @H* HA=CT Hhx `H[S Hn* Hq  c  "& &:  HS 7h  Hz 8  @H 9  H C;  H ;& <* ?:  `H) V@5  HK JBW]  H} BQ  H C'  H E  @H G-  HN oJk  H !P-  `H NR  H kU )Wo  H* W2B  H] Y t  H [ ]#  @H ^  H vc%  h @ 0 c%  H= d=Q  Hi d=}  @H eX  h  H ff%  H fj  Hf= @H+2g<g.MZh| +9GUh5Oh)6EXfp &8Sl3Rg h)9F`x$msc_vty.cprefetchllist_countosmo_talloc_replace_stringosmo_fsm_inst_state_nameosmo_rat_type_namemsc_ctr_descriptionmsc_ctrg_descmsc_stat_item_descriptionmsc_statg_descvlr_is_csgsm411_cp_state_namegsm411_rp_state_nametrans_type_namegsmnetnet_nodecfg_net_cmdcfg_netcfg_net_ncc_cmdcfg_net_ncccfg_net_mnc_cmdcfg_net_mnccfg_net_name_short_cmdcfg_net_name_shortcfg_net_name_long_cmdcfg_net_name_longcfg_net_encryption_cmdcfg_net_encryptioncfg_net_encryption_uea_cmdcfg_net_encryption_ueacfg_net_authentication_cmdcfg_net_authenticationcfg_net_rrlp_mode_cmdcfg_net_rrlp_modecfg_net_mm_info_cmdcfg_net_mm_infocfg_net_timezone_cmdcfg_net_timezonecfg_net_timezone_dst_cmdcfg_net_timezone_dstcfg_net_no_timezone_cmdcfg_net_no_timezonecfg_net_per_loc_upd_cmdcfg_net_per_loc_updcfg_net_no_per_loc_upd_cmdcfg_net_no_per_loc_updcfg_net_call_wait_cmdcfg_net_call_waitcfg_net_no_call_wait_cmdcfg_net_no_call_waitconfig_write_netmsc_nodecfg_msc_cmdcfg_msccfg_sms_database_cmdcfg_sms_databasecfg_msc_mncc_internal_cmdcfg_msc_mncc_internalcfg_msc_mncc_external_cmdcfg_msc_mncc_externalcfg_msc_mncc_guard_timeout_cmdcfg_msc_mncc_guard_timeoutcfg_msc_deprecated_mncc_guard_timeout_cmdcfg_msc_ncss_guard_timeout_cmdcfg_msc_ncss_guard_timeoutcfg_msc_assign_tmsi_cmdcfg_msc_assign_tmsicfg_msc_no_assign_tmsi_cmdcfg_msc_no_assign_tmsicfg_msc_lcls_disable_cmdcfg_msc_lcls_disablecfg_msc_no_lcls_disable_cmdcfg_msc_no_lcls_disablecfg_msc_cs7_instance_a_cmdcfg_msc_cs7_instance_acfg_msc_cs7_instance_iu_cmdcfg_msc_cs7_instance_iucfg_msc_auth_tuple_max_reuse_count_cmdcfg_msc_auth_tuple_max_reuse_countcfg_msc_auth_tuple_reuse_on_error_cmdcfg_msc_auth_tuple_reuse_on_errorcfg_msc_check_imei_rqd_cmdcfg_msc_check_imei_rqdcfg_msc_paging_response_timer_cmdcfg_msc_paging_response_timercfg_msc_emergency_msisdn_cmdcfg_msc_emergency_msisdncfg_msc_sms_over_gsup_cmdcfg_msc_sms_over_gsupcfg_msc_no_sms_over_gsup_cmdcfg_msc_no_sms_over_gsupcfg_msc_handover_number_range_cmdcfg_msc_handover_number_rangecfg_msc_osmux_cmdcfg_msc_osmuxcfg_msc_nri_bitlen_cmdcfg_msc_nri_bitlencfg_msc_nri_add_cmdcfg_msc_nri_addcfg_msc_nri_del_cmdcfg_msc_nri_delmsc_write_nrishow_nri_cmdshow_nriconfig_write_mscshow_bsc_cmdshow_bscget_trans_proto_strbuf.0vty_dump_one_transvty_dump_one_connvty_dump_one_subscrshow_msc_transaction_cmdshow_msc_transactionshow_msc_conn_cmdshow_msc_connshow_subscr_cache_cmdshow_subscr_cachesms_send_pend_cmdsms_send_pendsms_delete_expired_cmdsms_delete_expired_send_sms_strget_vsub_by_argvshow_subscr_cmdshow_subscrsubscriber_create_cmdsubscriber_createsubscriber_send_pending_sms_cmdsubscriber_send_pending_smssubscriber_sms_delete_all_cmdsubscriber_sms_delete_allsubscriber_send_sms_cmdsubscriber_send_smssubscriber_silent_sms_cmdsubscriber_silent_smssubscriber_silent_call_start_cmdsubscriber_silent_call_startsubscriber_silent_call_stop_cmdsubscriber_silent_call_stopsubscriber_ussd_notify_cmdsubscriber_ussd_notifysubscriber_paging_cmdsubscriber_pagingloop_by_charsubscriber_mstest_close_cmdsubscriber_mstest_closesubscriber_mstest_open_cmdsubscriber_mstest_openena_subscr_expire_cmdena_subscr_expirescall_cbfnshow_stats_cmdshow_statscfg_mncc_int_cmdcfg_mncc_intmncc_int_nodetchf_codec_namestchh_codec_namesconfig_write_mncc_intmnccint_def_codec_f_cmdmnccint_def_codec_fmnccint_def_codec_h_cmdmnccint_def_codec_hlogging_fltr_imsi_cmdlogging_fltr_imsihlr_nodecfg_hlr_cmdcfg_hlrcfg_hlr_remote_ip_cmdcfg_hlr_remote_ipcfg_hlr_remote_port_cmdcfg_hlr_remote_portcfg_hlr_ipa_name_cmdcfg_hlr_ipa_nameconfig_write_hlr_talloc_freetalloc_strduposmo_fsm_state_nameosmo_rat_type_namesget_value_stringgsm411_cp_state_namesgsm411_rp_state_namestrans_type_namesatoiosmo_mnc_from_strvty_outargv_concatmsc_rrlp_mode_parsemsc_tdefs_vlrosmo_tdef_setosmo_mcc_nameosmo_mnc_namemsc_rrlp_mode_namemgcp_client_pool_config_writegsm_network_set_mncc_sock_pathstrcmpmsc_ran_infra__errno_locationstrtoullosmo_nri_ranges_vty_addosmo_nri_ranges_vty_delosmo_nri_range_validatemgcp_client_config_writeranap_iu_vty_config_writeneighbor_ident_vty_writeosmo_tdef_vty_groups_writeosmo_sccp_inst_addr_namegsm48_cc_state_namesnprintfmsc_a_vsubvlr_subscr_namemsub_ran_conn_namemsub_vsubmsub_msc_aosmo_use_count_totalosmo_use_count_name_bufosmo_hexdumpvlr_timer_secsosmo_clock_gettimemsub_for_vsubmsub_listdb_sms_get_next_unsentgsm411_send_smssms_queue_sms_is_pendingdb_sms_delete_expired_message_by_idsms_from_textosmo_log_infologp_stublog_check_levellogp2db_sms_storesms_freesms_queue_trigger_vlr_subscr_find_by_msisdn_vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi_vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi_osmo_use_count_get_putosmo_panicdb_sms_get_unsent_for_subscrdb_sms_delete_by_msisdnmemsetgsm_silent_call_startgsm_silent_call_stopmsc_a_for_vsubmsc_send_ussd_notifymsc_send_ussd_release_completepaging_request_startgsm0414_tx_close_tch_loop_cmdgsm0414_tx_open_loop_cmdvlr_subscr_expirevty_is_activerate_ctr_group_get_ctrget_string_valueosmo_log_vty2tgtlog_set_filter_vlr_subscrosmo_stats_vty_add_cmdsinstall_elementinstall_nodemgcp_client_pool_vty_initneighbor_ident_vty_initmsc_tdef_grouposmo_tdef_vty_groups_initmgcp_client_vty_initranap_iu_vty_initsgs_vty_initsmsc_vty_initasci_vty_initosmo_fsm_vty_add_cmdsosmo_signal_register_handlerinstall_element_ve=NVow;Q 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