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to/from %s:%s %u tunnels, valid for %dm[%c]1m%s last expiry in %.1f min%s with I/O statsAll Peers%s%s- %s%s%s- %s %s %s%s%s Port %u%s%s- %s %s %s:%u%s %s peers: %d%s %s %s%s %s ctrl %s %d user %s %d%s grx-dns-add %s%sgtphub%sbind-to-sgsnsbind-to-ggsnssgsn-use-sender%ssgsn-proxyggsn-proxyshow gtphub allshow gtphub tunnels statsshow gtphub tunnels listshow gtphub tunnels summaryshow gtphub peers statsshow gtphub peers listshow gtphub peers summarygrx-dns-add A.B.C.DAdd DNS server IPv4 address no sgsn-use-sendersgsn-use-sendersgsn-proxy ADDRggsn-proxy ADDRbind-to-ggsns ADDRbind-to-sgsns ADDRgtphubConfigure the GTP hub %s(config-gtphub)# All tunnels%s:%sLegend: TEI=: SGSN <-> GGSN (expiry in minutes), with each:%s [/] (TEI C= U=)%sTotal: %u tunnels (of which %u incomplete)%sTunnels summary%s Legend: ' '=0 '.'<=1%% ':'<=2%% '|'<=10%% '#'>10%% (%.1f m/step)%s - local addr to/from %ss: %s port %d%sFailed to parse the config file: '%s' Show running system information Show info on running GTP hub Summarize everything about the GTP hub Show running system information Show info on running GTP hub Active tunnels List all tunnels with I/O stats Show running system information Show info on running GTP hub Active tunnels List all tunnels Show running system information Show info on running GTP hub Active tunnels Summary of all tunnels Show running system information Show info on running GTP hub Active peers List all peers with I/O stats Show running system information Show info on running GTP hub Active peers List all peers Show running system information Show info on running GTP hub Active peers Summary of all peers Negate a command or set its defaults Ignore SGSN's Address IEs, use sender address and port (useful over NAT) Ignore SGSN's Address IEs, use sender address and port (useful over NAT) sgsn-proxy ctrl ADDR <0-65535> user ADDR <0-65535>GTP Hub Parameters Redirect all SGSN bound traffic to these addresses and ports (another gtphub) Set GTP-C bind GTP-C local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-C local port Set GTP-U bind GTP-U local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-U local port GTP Hub Parameters Redirect all SGSN bound traffic to default ports on this address (another gtphub) Remote IP address (v4 or v6) ggsn-proxy ctrl ADDR <0-65535> user ADDR <0-65535>GTP Hub Parameters Redirect all GGSN bound traffic to these addresses and ports (another gtphub) Set GTP-C bind GTP-C local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-C local port Set GTP-U bind GTP-U local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-U local port GTP Hub Parameters Redirect all GGSN bound traffic to default ports on this address (another gtphub) Remote IP address (v4 or v6) bind-to-ggsns ctrl ADDR <0-65535> user ADDR <0-65535>GTP Hub Parameters Set the local bind addresses and ports to listen for GGSNs Set GTP-C bind GTP-C local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-C local port Set GTP-U bind GTP-U local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-U local port bind-to-sgsns ctrl ADDR <0-65535> user ADDR <0-65535>GTP Hub Parameters Set the local bind addresses and ports to listen for SGSNs Set GTP-C bind GTP-C local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-C local port Set GTP-U bind GTP-U local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP-U local port GTP Hub Parameters Set the local bind address to listen for GGSNs, for both GTP-C and GTP-U Local IP address (v4 or v6) GTP Hub Parameters Set the local bind address to listen for SGSNs, for both GTP-C and GTP-U Local IP address (v4 or v6) %BN@Y@dHQKRint..<}g7gv&([*-.Sv  { !  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intflruexpiryunitauth_policyshow_gtphub_peers_summary_cmdaddr_strVTY_FILEwhenmstzseq_pool_IO_markerMME_NODEipifreorderproxypdp_listpeer_addrapn_userate_ctr_groupheadteid_gnread_cbCONFIG_NODEares_channeldatatrapsecret_opc_presentGTPH_PLANE_Nseq_mapgsm_lchanhindextalloc_strdupCFG_STATS_NODEgtphub_noderattypeuint8_t_IO_FILEmonitor_IO_wide_datagtphub_cfgqos_sub0rate_ctrsVTY_SHELLgtphub_cfg_readunsigned 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