/* SGP22 Templates in TTCN-3 * * Author: Philipp Maier <pmaier@sysmocom.de> / sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH * * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ module RSPDefinitions_Templates { import from PEDefinitions all; import from RSPDefinitions all; import from RSPDefinitions_Types all; import from PKIX1Explicit88 all; import from PKIX1Explicit88_Templates all; import from PKIX1Explicit88_Types all; import from PKIX1Implicit88 all; /* GSMA SGP.22, section 2.5.4 */ template (present) BoundProfilePackage tr_boundProfilePackage := { initialiseSecureChannelRequest := { remoteOpId := ?, transactionId := ?, controlRefTemplate := { keyType := ?, keyLen := ?, hostId := ? }, smdpOtpk := ?, smdpSign := ? }, /* ES8+.ConfigureISDP */ firstSequenceOf87 := ?, /* ES8+.StoreMetadata */ sequenceOf88 := ?, /* ES8+.ReplaceSessionKeys (optional) */ secondSequenceOf87 := *, /* ES8+.LoadProfileElements */ sequenceOf86 := ? } template (value) BoundProfilePackage ts_boundProfilePackage := { initialiseSecureChannelRequest := { remoteOpId := 1, transactionId := 'AABBCC'O, controlRefTemplate := { keyType := '88'O, /* AES */ keyLen := '10'O, /* 16 byte key-length */ hostId := '01020304050607080910111213141516'O }, smdpOtpk := '1122334455667788'O, smdpSign := 'AABBCCDDEEFF0000'O }, /* ES8+.ConfigureISDP */ firstSequenceOf87 := {'41414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141'O, '42424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242'O, '43434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343'O}, /* ES8+.StoreMetadata */ sequenceOf88 := {'444444444444444444444444444444444444444444'O, '454545454545454545454545454545454545454545'O, '464646464646464646464646464646464646464646'O}, /* ES8+.ReplaceSessionKeys (optional) */ secondSequenceOf87 := omit, /* ES8+.LoadProfileElements */ sequenceOf86 := {'474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747474747'O, '484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848484848'O, '494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949'O, '505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050'O, '515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151'O} } template (present) ServerSigned1 tr_serverSigned1(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) octetstring euiccChallenge := ?, template (present) universal charstring serverAddress := ?, template (present) octetstring serverChallenge := ?) := { transactionId := transactionId, euiccChallenge := euiccChallenge, serverAddress := serverAddress, serverChallenge := serverChallenge } template (value) ServerSigned1 ts_serverSigned1(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, template (value) octetstring euiccChallenge := '00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'O, template (value) universal charstring serverAddress := "smdp.example.com", template (value) octetstring serverChallenge := '01020304050607080910111213141516'O) := { transactionId := transactionId, euiccChallenge := euiccChallenge, serverAddress := serverAddress, serverChallenge := serverChallenge } template (present) CtxParams1 tr_ctxParams1 := { ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication := { matchingId := *, deviceInfo := { tac := ?, deviceCapabilities := { gsmSupportedRelease := *, utranSupportedRelease := *, cdma2000onexSupportedRelease := *, cdma2000hrpdSupportedRelease := *, cdma2000ehrpdSupportedRelease := *, eutranEpcSupportedRelease := *, contactlessSupportedRelease := *, rspCrlSupportedVersion := *, nrEpcSupportedRelease := *, nr5gcSupportedRelease := *, eutran5gcSupportedRelease := *, lpaSvn := *, catSupportedClasses := *, euiccFormFactorType := *, deviceAdditionalFeatureSupport := * }, imei := * } } } template (value) CtxParams1 ts_ctxParams1 := { ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication := { matchingId := omit, deviceInfo := { tac := '12345678'O, deviceCapabilities := { gsmSupportedRelease := omit, utranSupportedRelease := omit, cdma2000onexSupportedRelease := omit, cdma2000hrpdSupportedRelease := omit, cdma2000ehrpdSupportedRelease := omit, eutranEpcSupportedRelease := omit, contactlessSupportedRelease := omit, rspCrlSupportedVersion := omit, nrEpcSupportedRelease := omit, nr5gcSupportedRelease := omit, eutran5gcSupportedRelease := omit, lpaSvn := omit, catSupportedClasses := omit, euiccFormFactorType := omit, deviceAdditionalFeatureSupport := omit }, imei := omit } } } template (present) EuiccSigned1 tr_euiccSigned1(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) universal charstring serverAddress := ?, template (present) octetstring serverChallenge := ?, template (present) EUICCInfo2 euiccInfo2 := ?, template (present) CtxParams1 ctxParams1 := ?) := { transactionId := transactionId, serverAddress := serverAddress, serverChallenge := serverChallenge, euiccInfo2 := euiccInfo2, ctxParams1 := ctxParams1 } template (value) EuiccSigned1 ts_euiccSigned1(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, template (value) universal charstring serverAddress := "smdp.example.com", template (value) octetstring serverChallenge := '01020304050607080910111213141516'O, template (value) EUICCInfo2 euiccInfo2 := ts_EUICCInfo2, template (value) CtxParams1 ctxParams1 := ts_ctxParams1) := { transactionId := transactionId, serverAddress := serverAddress, serverChallenge := serverChallenge, euiccInfo2 := euiccInfo2, ctxParams1 := ctxParams1 } template (present) StoreMetadataRequest tr_storeMetadataRequest := { iccid := ?, serviceProviderName := ?, profileName := ?, iconType := *, icon := *, profileClass := ?, notificationConfigurationInfo := *, profileOwner := *, profilePolicyRules := *, serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc := *, serviceSpecificDataNotStoredInEuicc := * } template (value) StoreMetadataRequest ts_storeMetadataRequest := { iccid := '123456789ABCDEFFAAAA'O, serviceProviderName := "testsuite", profileName := "testprofile", iconType := omit, icon := omit, profileClass := 2, /* operational */ notificationConfigurationInfo := omit, profileOwner := omit, profilePolicyRules := omit, serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc := omit, serviceSpecificDataNotStoredInEuicc := omit } template (present) SmdpSigned2 tr_smdpSigned2(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) boolean ccRequiredFlag := ?) := { transactionId := transactionId, ccRequiredFlag := ccRequiredFlag, bppEuiccOtpk := ? } template (value) SmdpSigned2 ts_smdpSigned2(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, template (value) boolean ccRequiredFlag := false) := { transactionId := transactionId, ccRequiredFlag := ccRequiredFlag, bppEuiccOtpk := omit } template (present) PendingNotification tr_pendingNotification(template (present) ProfileInstallationResult profileInstallationResult := ?) := { profileInstallationResult := profileInstallationResult } template (value) PendingNotification ts_pendingNotification(template (value) ProfileInstallationResult profileInstallationResult := ts_profileInstallationResult) := { profileInstallationResult := profileInstallationResult } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 2.5.6 */ template (present) ProfileInstallationResultData tr_profileInstallationResultData(template (present) charstring notificationAddress := ?) := { transactionId := ?, notificationMetadata := { seqNumber := ?, profileManagementOperation := ?, notificationAddress := notificationAddress, iccid := * }, smdpOid := ?, finalResult := ? } template (value) ProfileInstallationResultData ts_profileInstallationResultData(template (value) charstring notificationAddress := "smdp.example.com") := { transactionId := 'AABBCC'O, notificationMetadata := { seqNumber := 1234, profileManagementOperation := '01'B, /* is this correct? (notificationInstall) */ notificationAddress := notificationAddress, iccid := '123456789ABCDEFFAAAA'O }, smdpOid := id_rsp, /* random OBJECT IDENTIFIER for testing */ finalResult := { successResult := { aid := '0102030405'O, simaResponse := '4141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141'O } } } template (present) ProfileInstallationResult tr_profileInstallationResult := { profileInstallationResultData := tr_profileInstallationResultData, euiccSignPIR := ? } template (value) ProfileInstallationResult ts_profileInstallationResult := { profileInstallationResultData := ts_profileInstallationResultData, euiccSignPIR := '00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'O } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.6.1 (ES9+) */ template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest tr_initiateAuthenticationRequest(template (present) octetstring euiccChallenge := ?, template (present) charstring smdpAddress := ?, template (present) EUICCInfo1 euiccInfo1 := ?) := { initiateAuthenticationRequest := { euiccChallenge := euiccChallenge, smdpAddress := smdpAddress, euiccInfo1 := euiccInfo1 } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest ts_initiateAuthenticationRequest(template (value) octetstring euiccChallenge := '00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff'O, template (value) charstring smdpAddress := "smdp.example.com", template (value) EUICCInfo1 euiccInfo1 := ts_EUICCInfo1) := { initiateAuthenticationRequest := { euiccChallenge := euiccChallenge, smdpAddress := smdpAddress, euiccInfo1 := euiccInfo1 } } template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse tr_initiateAuthenticationResponse(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) ServerSigned1 serverSigned1 := ?, template (present) octetstring serverSignature1 := ?, template (present) SubjectKeyIdentifier euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed := ?, template (present) Certificate serverCertificate := ?) := { initiateAuthenticationResponse := { initiateAuthenticationOk := { transactionId := transactionId, serverSigned1 := serverSigned1, serverSignature1 := serverSignature1, euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed := euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed, serverCertificate := serverCertificate } } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse ts_initiateAuthenticationResponse(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, template (value) ServerSigned1 serverSigned1 := ts_serverSigned1, template (value) octetstring serverSignature1 := '01020304'O, template (value) SubjectKeyIdentifier euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed := 'F54172BDF98A95D65CBEB88A38A1C11D800A85C3'O, /* NIST */ template (value) Certificate serverCertificate := ts_cert_s_sm_dpauth_nist) := { initiateAuthenticationResponse := { initiateAuthenticationOk := { transactionId := transactionId, serverSigned1 := serverSigned1, serverSignature1 := serverSignature1, euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed := euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed, serverCertificate := serverCertificate } } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.6.2 (ES9+) */ template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest tr_getBoundProfilePackageRequest(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) PrepareDownloadResponse prepareDownloadResponse := ?) := { getBoundProfilePackageRequest := { transactionId := transactionId, prepareDownloadResponse := prepareDownloadResponse } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest ts_getBoundProfilePackageRequest(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'AABBCC'O, template (value) PrepareDownloadResponse prepareDownloadResponse := ts_prepareDownloadResponse) := { getBoundProfilePackageRequest := { transactionId := transactionId, prepareDownloadResponse := prepareDownloadResponse } } template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse tr_getBoundProfilePackageResponse(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) BoundProfilePackage boundProfilePackage := ?) := { getBoundProfilePackageResponse := { getBoundProfilePackageOk := { transactionId := transactionId, boundProfilePackage := boundProfilePackage } } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse ts_getBoundProfilePackageResponse(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'AABBCC'O, template (value) BoundProfilePackage boundProfilePackage := ts_boundProfilePackage) := { getBoundProfilePackageResponse := { getBoundProfilePackageOk := { transactionId := transactionId, boundProfilePackage := boundProfilePackage } } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.6.3 (ES9+) */ template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest tr_authenticateClientRequest(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) AuthenticateServerResponse authenticateServerResponse := ?) := { authenticateClientRequest := { transactionId := transactionId, authenticateServerResponse := authenticateServerResponse } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest ts_authenticateClientRequest(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'AABBCC'O, template (value) AuthenticateServerResponse authenticateServerResponse := ts_authenticateServerResponse) := { authenticateClientRequest := { transactionId := transactionId, authenticateServerResponse := authenticateServerResponse } } template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse tr_authenticateClientResponseEs9(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) StoreMetadataRequest profileMetaData := ?, template (present) SmdpSigned2 smdpSigned2 := ?, template (present) octetstring smdpSignature2 := ?, template (present) Certificate smdpCertificate := ?) := { authenticateClientResponseEs9 := { authenticateClientOk := { transactionId := transactionId, profileMetaData := profileMetaData, smdpSigned2 := smdpSigned2, smdpSignature2 := smdpSignature2, smdpCertificate := smdpCertificate } } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse ts_authenticateClientResponseEs9(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, template (value) StoreMetadataRequest profileMetaData := ts_storeMetadataRequest, template (value) SmdpSigned2 smdpSigned2 := ts_smdpSigned2, template (value) octetstring smdpSignature2 := 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'O, template (value) Certificate smdpCertificate := ts_cert_s_sm_dpauth_nist) := { authenticateClientResponseEs9 := { authenticateClientOk := { transactionId := transactionId, profileMetaData := profileMetaData, smdpSigned2 := smdpSigned2, smdpSignature2 := smdpSignature2, smdpCertificate := smdpCertificate } } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.6.4 (ES9+) */ template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest tr_handleNotification(template (present) PendingNotification pendingNotification := ?) := { handleNotification := { pendingNotification := pendingNotification } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest ts_handleNotification(template (value) PendingNotification pendingNotification := ts_pendingNotification) := { handleNotification := { pendingNotification := pendingNotification } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.6.5 (ES9+) */ template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest tr_cancelSessionRequestEs9(template (present) octetstring transactionId := ?, template (present) CancelSessionResponse cancelSessionResponse := ?) := { cancelSessionRequestEs9 := { transactionId := transactionId, cancelSessionResponse := cancelSessionResponse } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest ts_cancelSessionRequestEs9(template (value) octetstring transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, template (value) CancelSessionResponse cancelSessionResponse := ts_cancelSessionResponse) := { cancelSessionRequestEs9 := { transactionId := transactionId, cancelSessionResponse := cancelSessionResponse } } template (present) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse tr_cancelSessionResponseEs9 := { cancelSessionResponseEs9 := { cancelSessionOk := { } /* This function has no output data */ } } template (value) RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse ts_cancelSessionResponseEs9 := { cancelSessionResponseEs9 := { cancelSessionOk := { } /* This function has no output data */ } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.3 (ES10x) */ template (present) EuiccConfiguredAddressesResponse tr_euiccConfiguredAddressesResponse := { defaultDpAddress := *, rootDsAddress := ? } template (value) EuiccConfiguredAddressesResponse ts_euiccConfiguredAddressesResponse := { defaultDpAddress := "smdp.example.com", rootDsAddress := "smds.example.com" } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.5 (ES10x) */ template (present) PrepareDownloadResponseOk tr_prepareDownloadResponseOk := { euiccSigned2 := { transactionId := ?, euiccOtpk := ?, hashCc := * }, euiccSignature2 := ? } template (value) PrepareDownloadResponseOk ts_prepareDownloadResponseOk := { euiccSigned2 := { transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, euiccOtpk := 'AABBCCDDEEFF'O, hashCc := omit }, euiccSignature2 := 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'O } template (present) PrepareDownloadResponse tr_prepareDownloadResponse := { downloadResponseOk := tr_prepareDownloadResponseOk } template (value) PrepareDownloadResponse ts_prepareDownloadResponse := { downloadResponseOk := ts_prepareDownloadResponseOk } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.7 (ES10x) */ template (present) GetEuiccChallengeResponse tr_GetEuiccChallengeResponse := { euiccChallenge := ? } template (value) GetEuiccChallengeResponse ts_GetEuiccChallengeResponse(template (value) octetstring euiccChallenge := '00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'O) := { euiccChallenge := euiccChallenge } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.8 (ES10x) */ template (present) EUICCInfo1 tr_EUICCInfo1 := { svn := ?, euiccCiPKIdListForVerification := ?, euiccCiPKIdListForSigning := ? } template (value) EUICCInfo1 ts_EUICCInfo1 := { svn := '020200'O, euiccCiPKIdListForVerification := { 'C0BC70BA36929D43B467FF57570530E57AB8FCD8'O, 'F54172BDF98A95D65CBEB88A38A1C11D800A85C3'O }, euiccCiPKIdListForSigning := { 'C0BC70BA36929D43B467FF57570530E57AB8FCD8'O, 'F54172BDF98A95D65CBEB88A38A1C11D800A85C3'O } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.8 (ES10x) */ template (present) EUICCInfo2 tr_EUICCInfo2 := { profileVersion := ?, svn := ?, euiccFirmwareVer := ?, extCardResource := ?, uiccCapability := ?, ts102241Version := *, globalplatformVersion := *, rspCapability := ?, euiccCiPKIdListForVerification := ?, euiccCiPKIdListForSigning := ?, euiccCategory := *, forbiddenProfilePolicyRules := *, ppVersion := ?, sasAcreditationNumber := ?, certificationDataObject := *, treProperties := *, treProductReference := *, additionalEuiccProfilePackageVersions := * } template (value) EUICCInfo2 ts_EUICCInfo2 := { profileVersion := '414243'O, svn := '02000C'O, euiccFirmwareVer := '414243'O, extCardResource := '414243'O, uiccCapability := '1111111111111111111'B, ts102241Version := omit, globalplatformVersion := omit, rspCapability := '1111'B, euiccCiPKIdListForVerification := { 'C0BC70BA36929D43B467FF57570530E57AB8FCD8'O, 'F54172BDF98A95D65CBEB88A38A1C11D800A85C3'O }, euiccCiPKIdListForSigning := { 'C0BC70BA36929D43B467FF57570530E57AB8FCD8'O, 'F54172BDF98A95D65CBEB88A38A1C11D800A85C3'O }, euiccCategory := omit, forbiddenProfilePolicyRules := omit, ppVersion := '414243'O, sasAcreditationNumber := "123456", certificationDataObject := omit, treProperties := omit, treProductReference := omit, additionalEuiccProfilePackageVersions := omit } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.10 (ES10x) */ template (value) RetrieveNotificationsListResponse ts_retrieveNotificationsListResponse_prfleInstRes := { notificationList := { { profileInstallationResult := { profileInstallationResultData := ts_profileInstallationResultData, euiccSignPIR := 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'O } } } } template (value) RetrieveNotificationsListResponse ts_retrieveNotificationsListResponse_empty := { notificationList := { } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.11 (ES10x) */ template (present) NotificationSentResponse tr_notificationSentResponse := { deleteNotificationStatus := ? } template (value) NotificationSentResponse ts_notificationSentResponse := { deleteNotificationStatus := 0 /* 0k */ } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.13 (ES10x) */ template (present) AuthenticateServerResponse tr_authenticateServerResponse := { authenticateResponseOk := { euiccSigned1 := { transactionId := ?, serverAddress := ?, serverChallenge := ?, euiccInfo2 := ?, ctxParams1 := tr_ctxParams1 }, euiccSignature1 := ?, euiccCertificate := ?, eumCertificate := ? } } template (value) AuthenticateServerResponse ts_authenticateServerResponse := { authenticateResponseOk := { euiccSigned1 := { transactionId := 'ABCDEF'O, serverAddress := "smdp.example.com", serverChallenge := '01020304050607080910111213141516'O, euiccInfo2 := ts_EUICCInfo2, ctxParams1 := ts_ctxParams1 }, euiccSignature1 := '12345678'O, euiccCertificate := ts_cert_euicc_nist, // euiccCertificate := ts_cert_euicc_brp, eumCertificate := ts_cert_eum_nist // eumCertificate := ts_cert_eum_brp } } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.13 (ES10x) */ template (present) CancelSessionResponseOk tr_cancelSessionResponseOk := { euiccCancelSessionSigned := { transactionId := ?, smdpOid := ?, reason := ? }, euiccCancelSessionSignature := ? } template (value) CancelSessionResponseOk ts_cancelSessionResponseOk := { euiccCancelSessionSigned := { transactionId := 'AABBCC'O, smdpOid := id_rspRole_euicc, reason := 5 }, euiccCancelSessionSignature := '1234567890'O } template (present) CancelSessionResponse tr_cancelSessionResponse := { cancelSessionResponseOk := tr_cancelSessionResponseOk } template (value) CancelSessionResponse ts_cancelSessionResponse := { cancelSessionResponseOk := ts_cancelSessionResponseOk } /* GSMA SGP.22, section 5.7.20 (ES10x) */ template (present) GetEuiccDataResponse tr_getEuiccDataResponse := { eidValue := ? } template (value) GetEuiccDataResponse ts_getEuiccDataResponse(template (value) octetstring eidValue := '000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F'O) := { eidValue := eidValue } }