module HTTP_Adapter {

/* HTTP Adapter component, originally part of Integration Tests for osmo-remsim-server
 * (C) 2019 by Harald Welte <>
 * All rights reserved.
 * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
 * This test suite tests osmo-remsim-server by attaching to the external interfaces
 * such as RSPRO for simulated clients + bankds and RSRES (REST backend interface).

import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
import from HTTPmsg_PortType all;
import from Native_Functions all;

type component http_CT {
	port HTTPmsg_PT HTTP;
	/* double underscore to have "g_pars" available on components extending this one: */
	var template (omit) HTTP_Adapter_Params g_http_pars;

type record HTTP_Adapter_Params {
	charstring http_host,
	integer http_port,
	boolean use_ssl

function f_http_init(template (omit) HTTP_Adapter_Params http_pars := omit) runs on http_CT {
	map(self:HTTP, system:HTTP);
	g_http_pars := http_pars;

template (value) Connect ts_HTTP_Connect(template (value) charstring hostname,
					 template (value) integer http_port := 80,
					 template (value) boolean use_ssl := false) := {
	hostname := hostname,
	portnumber := http_port,
	use_ssl := use_ssl
template (value) Close ts_HTTP_Close(template (omit) integer client_id := omit) := { client_id := client_id };

/* function to add HeaderLines to a an existing set of HeaderLines. HeaderLines that are already present, are updated. */
function f_overlay_HTTP_Header(HeaderLines hdr, HeaderLines additional_hdr) return template (value) HeaderLines
	var integer i;
	var integer k;
	var boolean updated;

	for (i := 0; i < lengthof(additional_hdr); i := i+1) {
		updated := false;
		for (k := 0; k < lengthof(hdr); k := k+1) {
			if (f_str_tolower(hdr[k].header_name) == f_str_tolower(additional_hdr[i].header_name)) {
				hdr[k] := additional_hdr[i];
				updated := true;
		if (updated == false) {
			hdr := hdr & { additional_hdr[i] };

	return hdr;

template (value) HeaderLine ts_HeaderLine(charstring header_name, charstring header_value) := {
	header_name := header_name,
	header_value := header_value

function f_ts_HTTP_Header(template (omit) charstring body := omit,
			  template (omit) octetstring binary_body := omit,
			  template (omit) charstring host := omit,
			  HeaderLines custom_hdr := { })
return template (value) HeaderLines {
	var HeaderLines hdr := { };

	/* Make sure we never use body or binary_body at the same time */
	if (not istemplatekind(body, "omit") and not istemplatekind(binary_body, "omit")) {
		setverdict(fail, "use wither (ascii) body or binary_body");

	/* Build default header */
	if (not istemplatekind(host, "omit")) {
		hdr := hdr & {valueof(ts_HeaderLine("Host", valueof(host)))};
	hdr := hdr & {{ header_name := "Content-Type", header_value := "application/json" }};
	if (not istemplatekind(body, "omit")) {
		hdr := hdr & {valueof(ts_HeaderLine("Content-Length", int2str(lengthof(body))))};
	else if (not istemplatekind(binary_body, "omit")) {
		hdr := hdr & {valueof(ts_HeaderLine("Content-Length", int2str(lengthof(binary_body))))};

	return f_overlay_HTTP_Header(hdr, custom_hdr);

function f_ts_body_or_empty(template (omit) charstring body) return template (value) charstring {
	if (istemplatekind(body, "omit")) {
		return "";
	return body;

template (value) HTTPMessage ts_HTTP_Req(charstring url,
					 charstring method := "GET",
					 template (omit) charstring body := omit,
					 integer v_maj := 1, integer v_min := 1,
					 charstring host,
					 HeaderLines custom_hdr := { },
					 template (omit) integer client_id := omit) := {
	request := {
		client_id := client_id,
		method := method,
		uri := url,
		version_major := v_maj,
		version_minor := v_min,
		header := f_ts_HTTP_Header(body, omit, host, custom_hdr),
		body := f_ts_body_or_empty(body)

function f_ts_body_or_empty_bin(template (omit) octetstring body) return template (value) octetstring {
	if (istemplatekind(body, "omit")) {
		return ''O;
	return body;

template (value) HTTPMessage ts_HTTP_Req_Bin(charstring url,
					     charstring method := "GET",
					     template (omit) octetstring body := omit,
					     integer v_maj := 1, integer v_min := 1,
					     charstring host,
					     HeaderLines custom_hdr := { },
					     template (omit) integer client_id := omit) := {
	request_binary := {
		client_id := client_id,
		method := method,
		uri := url,
		version_major := v_maj,
		version_minor := v_min,
		header := f_ts_HTTP_Header(omit, body, host, custom_hdr),
		body := f_ts_body_or_empty_bin(body)

template HTTPMessage tr_HTTP_Resp(template integer sts := ?) := {
	response := {
		client_id := ?,
		version_major := ?,
		version_minor := ?,
		statuscode := sts,
		statustext := ?,
		header := ?,
		body := ?

template HTTPMessage tr_HTTP_Resp_Bin(template integer sts := ?) := {
	response_binary := {
		client_id := ?,
		version_major := ?,
		version_minor := ?,
		statuscode := sts,
		statustext := ?,
		header := ?,
		body := ?

template HTTPMessage tr_HTTP_Resp2xx := tr_HTTP_Resp((200..299));

function f_http_tx_request(charstring url, charstring method := "GET",
			   template (omit) charstring body := omit,
			   template (omit) octetstring binary_body := omit,
			   HeaderLines custom_hdr := { },
			   float tout := 2.0,
			   template (omit) integer client_id := omit,
			   template (omit) HTTP_Adapter_Params http_pars := omit)
runs on http_CT {
	var Connect_result rc;
	timer T := tout;
	var template integer use_client_id := omit;
	var HTTP_Adapter_Params use_http_pars;

	if (istemplatekind(http_pars, "omit")) {
		if (istemplatekind(g_http_pars, "omit")) {
			/* The user is expected to either pass global http_pars with on initialization (f_http_init) or
			 * to pass individual http_pars with each request. */
			setverdict(fail, "no HTTP parameters set");
		/* Use globally set HTTP parameters */
		use_http_pars := valueof(g_http_pars);
	} else {
		/* Use request-individual HTTP parameters */
		use_http_pars := valueof(http_pars);

	/* In case the caller didn't specify a client_id, we will create a new connection. */
	if (istemplatekind(client_id, "omit")) {
		HTTP.send(ts_HTTP_Connect(use_http_pars.http_host, use_http_pars.http_port, use_http_pars.use_ssl));
		alt {
		[] HTTP.receive(Connect_result:?) -> value rc;
		[] HTTP.receive {
			setverdict(fail, "HTTP connection to client failed");
		[] T.timeout {
			setverdict(fail, "Timeout waiting for completion of HTTP connection");
		use_client_id := rc.client_id;
	} else {
		use_client_id := client_id;

	if (not istemplatekind(body, "omit") and istemplatekind(binary_body, "omit")) {
		/* HTTP message with ASCII content */
		HTTP.send(ts_HTTP_Req(url, method, body, host := use_http_pars.http_host & ":" & int2str(use_http_pars.http_port),
				      custom_hdr := custom_hdr, client_id := use_client_id));
	} else if (not istemplatekind(binary_body, "omit") and istemplatekind(body, "omit")) {
		/* HTTP message with binary content */
		HTTP.send(ts_HTTP_Req_Bin(url, method, binary_body,
					  host := use_http_pars.http_host & ":" & int2str(use_http_pars.http_port),
					  custom_hdr := custom_hdr, client_id := use_client_id));
	} else if (istemplatekind(binary_body, "omit") and istemplatekind(body, "omit")) {
		/* HTTP message without content (e.g. a GET request) */
		HTTP.send(ts_HTTP_Req(url, method, host := use_http_pars.http_host & ":" & int2str(use_http_pars.http_port),
				      custom_hdr := custom_hdr, client_id := use_client_id));
	} else {
		setverdict(fail, "either binary_body or body must be used (a request can contain either ASCII data or binary data, not both!");

function f_http_rx_response(template HTTPMessage exp := tr_HTTP_Resp2xx,
	 		    float tout := 2.0,
			    template (omit) integer client_id := omit,
			    boolean keep_connection := false)
runs on http_CT return HTTPMessage {
	var HTTPMessage resp;
	timer T := tout;
	alt {
	[] HTTP.receive(exp) -> value resp {
	[] HTTP.receive(tr_HTTP_Resp) -> value resp {
		setverdict(fail, "Unexpected HTTP response ", resp);
	[] HTTP.receive(tr_HTTP_Resp_Bin) -> value resp {
		setverdict(fail, "Unexpected (binary) HTTP response ", resp);
	[] T.timeout {
		setverdict(fail, "Timeout waiting for HTTP response");

	if (not keep_connection) {

	return resp;

/* run a HTTP request and return the response */
function f_http_transact(charstring url, charstring method := "GET",
			 template (omit) charstring body := omit,
			 template (omit) octetstring binary_body := omit,
			 template HTTPMessage exp := tr_HTTP_Resp2xx,
			 float tout := 2.0, HeaderLines custom_hdr := { },
			 template (omit) integer client_id := omit,
			 boolean keep_connection := false,
			 template (omit) HTTP_Adapter_Params http_pars := omit)
runs on http_CT return HTTPMessage {
	f_http_tx_request(url, method, body, binary_body, custom_hdr, tout, client_id, http_pars);
	return f_http_rx_response(exp, tout, client_id, keep_connection);

function f_http_client_id_from_http_response(template HTTPMessage response_http) return template integer {
	if (ispresent(response_http.response_binary)) {
		return response_http.response_binary.client_id;
	} else if (ispresent(response_http.response)) {
		return response_http.response.client_id;

	return omit;
