Author: Jenő Balaskó
Version: 198 17-CNL 113 478, Rev. B
Date: 2016-11-17

= SUA Protocol Modules for TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN, User Guide
:author: Jenő Balaskó
:revnumber: 198 17-CNL 113 478, Rev. B
:revdate: 2016-11-17


Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB. +
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 that accompanies this distribution, and is available at +

== About This Document

=== How to Read This Document

This is the User Guide for the SUA protocol module. The SUA protocol module is developed for the TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN. This document should be read together with Function Specification <<_3, [3]>>.

=== Presumed Knowledge

To use this protocol module the knowledge of the TTCN-3 language <<_1, [1]>> is essential.

SUA is specified in the Request for Comments 3868 <<_4, [4]>>. A Function Specification was not available.

== System Requirements

Protocol modules are a set of TTCN-3 source code files that can be used as part of TTCN-3 test suites only. Hence, protocol modules alone do not put specific requirements on the system used. However, in order to compile and execute a TTCN-3 test suite using the set of protocol modules the following system requirements must be satisfied:

* TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor R7A (1.7.pl0) or higher installed. For installation guide see <<_2, [2]>>.

NOTE: This version of the protocol module is not compatible with TITAN releases earlier than R7A.

= Protocol Modules

== Overview

Protocol modules implement the message structures of the related protocol in a formalized way, using the standard specification language TTCN-3. This allows definition of test data (templates) in TTCN-3 language <<_1, [1]>> and correct encoding/decoding of messages when executing test suites using the Titan TTCN-3 test environment.

Protocol modules are using Titan’s RAW encoding attributes <<_2, [2]>> and hence are usable with the Titan test toolset only.

The table below contains the implemented messages and the corresponding TTCN-3 type records. Using those type records, templates can be defined to send and receive a given message.

|Message name |Reference |Corresponding type record in __SUA_Types.ttcn__
|Connectionless Data Transfer |<<_4, [4]>> 3.2.1 |SUA_CLDT
|Connectionless Data Response |<<_4, [4]>> 3.2.2 |SUA_CLDR
|Connection Oriented Data Transfer |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.1 |SUA_CODT
|Connection Oriented Data Acknowledge |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.2 |SUA_CODA
|Connection Request |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.3 |SUA_CORE
|Connection Acknowledge |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.4 |SUA_COAK
|Connection Refused |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.5 |SUA_COREF
|Release Request |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.6 |SUA_RELRE
|Release Complete |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.7 |SUA_RELCO
|Reset Request |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.8 |SUA_RESRE
|Reset Confirm |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.9 |SUA_RESCO
|Connection Oriented Error |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.10 |SUA_COERR
|Connection Oriented Inactivity Test |<<_4, [4]>> 3.3.11 |SUA_COIT
|Destination Unavailable |<<_4, [4]>> 3.4.1 |SUA_DUNA
|Destination Available |<<_4, [4]>> 3.4.2 |SUA_DAVA
|Destination State Audit |<<_4, [4]>> 3.4.3 |SUA_DAUD
|Signalling Congestion |<<_4, [4]>> 3.4.4 |SUA_SCON
|Destination User Part Unavailable |<<_4, [4]>> 3.4.5 |SUA_DUPU
|Destination Restricted |<<_4, [4]>> 3.4.6 |SUA_DRST
|ASP Up |<<_4, [4]>> 3.5.1 |SUA_ASPUP
|ASP Up Ack |<<_4, [4]>> 3.5.2 |SUA_ASPUP_Ack
|ASP Down |<<_4, [4]>> 3.5.3 |SUA_ASPDN
|ASP Down Ack |<<_4, [4]>> 3.5.4. |SUA_ASPDN_Ack
|Heartbeat |<<_4, [4]>> 3.5.5 |SUA_BEAT
|Heartbeat Ack |<<_4, [4]>> 3.5.6 |SUA_BEAT_Ack
|ASP Active |<<_4, [4]>> 3.6.1 |SUA_ASPAC
|ASP Active Ack |<<_4, [4]>> 3.6.2 |SUA_ASPAC_Ack
|ASP Inactive |<<_4, [4]>> 3.6.3 |SUA_ASPIA
|ASP Inactive Ack |<<_4, [4]>> 3.6.4 |SUA_ASPIA_Ack
|Error |<<_4, [4]>> 3.7.1 |SUA_ERR
|Notify |<<_4, [4]>> 3.7.2 |SUA_NTFY
|Registration Request |<<_4, [4]>> 3.8.1 |SUA_REGREQ
|Registration Response |<<_4, [4]>> 3.8.2 |SUA_REGRSP
|Deregistration Request |<<_4, [4]>> 3.8.3 |SUA_DEREGREQ
|Deregistration Response |<<_4, [4]>> 3.8.4 |SUA_DEREGRSP

== Installation

The set of protocol modules can be used for developing TTCN-3 test suites using any text editor. However to make the work more efficient a TTCN-3-enabled text editor is recommended (e.g. `nedit`, `xemacs`). Since the SUA protocol is used as a part of a TTCN-3 test suite, this requires TTCN-3 Test Executor be installed before the module can be compiled and executed together with other parts of the test suite. For more details on the installation of TTCN-3 Test Executor see the relevant section of <<_2, [2]>>.

== Configuration


= Example

There are no examples available for this protocol module.

= Terminology

== Application Server Process (ASP)

An Application Server Process serves as an active or backup process of an Application Server (e.g., part of a distributed signaling node or database element). Examples of Application Server Processes are MGCs, IP SCPs, or IP-based HLRs.

= Abbreviations

ASP:: Application Server Process

HLR:: Home Location Register

IP:: Internet Protocol

MGC:: Media Gateway Controller

SUA:: Signalling Connection Control Part User Adaptation Layer

SCP:: Service Control Point

TTCN-3:: Testing and Test Control Notation version 3

= References

[1] ETSI ES 201 873-1 v.3.1.1 (06/2005) +
The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3. Part 1: Core Language

[2] 1/1553-CRL 113 200 Uen +
User Documentation for the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor

[3] 155 17-CNL 113 478 +
SUA Protocol Modules for TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN, Function Specification

[4] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3868 +
Signaling Connection Control Part User Adaptation Layer (SUA)