#!/bin/sh -ex # Environment variables: # * DOMAIN: default is downloads.osmocom.org, set to people.osmocom.org for testing pkgs from home:… # * FEED: binary package feed (e.g. "latest", "nightly") # * INTERACTIVE: set to 1 to keep an interactive shell open after the script ran (for debugging) # * KEEP_VM: for development: don't kill/start VM if still running # * PROJ: OBS project namespace (e.g. "osmocom:latest") # * PROJ_CONFLICT: Conflicting OBS project namespace (e.g. "osmocom:nightly") # * SKIP_PREPARE_VM: for development, skip the prepare_vm code # * TESTS: which tests to run (all by default, see below for possible values) . "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" DOMAIN="${DOMAIN:-downloads.osmocom.org}" DISTRO="$1" DISTROS=" centos8 debian10 debian11 debian12 " IMG_DIR="/opt/qemu" TEST_DIR="scripts/repo-install-test" IMG_PATH="_repo_install_test_data/temp.qcow2" PID_FILE="_repo_install_test_data/qemu.pid" PORT_FILE="_repo_install_test_data/qemu.port" LOG_FILE="_repo_install_test_data/qemu.log" check_usage() { local i for i in $DISTROS; do if [ "$DISTRO" = "$i" ]; then return fi done set +x echo echo "usage: repo-install-test.sh DISTRO" echo "DISTRO: one of: $DISTROS" exit 1 } get_backing_img_path() { local ret="" case "$DISTRO" in centos8) ret="$IMG_DIR/alma-8.5.qcow2" ;; debian10) ret="$IMG_DIR/debian-10.qcow2" ;; debian11) ret="$IMG_DIR/debian-11.qcow2" ;; debian12) ret="$IMG_DIR/debian-12.qcow2" ;; *) set +x echo "ERROR: script error, missing img path for $DISTRO" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac if [ -e "$ret" ]; then echo "$ret" else set +x echo "ERROR: file not found: $ret" >&2 echo "ERROR: qemu images not installed via ansible?" >&2 exit 1 fi } find_free_ssh_port() { SSH_PORT="$(echo "($PPID % 1000) + 22022" | bc)" while nc -z "$SSH_PORT"; do SSH_PORT=$((SSH_PORT + 1)) done echo "$SSH_PORT" > "$PORT_FILE" } prepare_img() { mkdir -p "$(dirname "$IMG_PATH")" qemu-img \ create \ -f qcow2 \ -b "$(get_backing_img_path)" \ -F qcow2 \ "$IMG_PATH" } qemu_start() { if [ -n "$KEEP_VM" ] && [ -e "$PID_FILE" ] && kill -0 "$(cat "$PID_FILE")"; then SSH_PORT="$(cat "$PORT_FILE")" return fi prepare_img find_free_ssh_port (timeout 1h qemu-system-x86_64 \ -cpu host \ -device "virtio-net-pci,netdev=net" \ -display none \ -drive "file=$IMG_PATH,format=qcow2" \ -enable-kvm \ -m 1024 \ -netdev "user,id=net,hostfwd=tcp:$SSH_PORT-:22" \ -nodefaults \ -pidfile "$PID_FILE" \ -serial stdio \ -smp 16 >"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1) & } qemu_ssh() { timeout "${TIMEOUT:-1m}" \ sshpass -p root \ ssh \ -p "$SSH_PORT" \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \ root@ \ -- \ "$@" } qemu_scp() { timeout "${TIMEOUT:-1m}" \ sshpass -p root \ scp \ -P "$SSH_PORT" \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \ "$@" } qemu_prepare_vm() { case "$DISTRO" in centos8) # https://almalinux.org/blog/2023-12-20-almalinux-8-key-update/ qemu_ssh dnf upgrade -y almalinux-release ;; esac } qemu_run_test_script() { cat <<- EOF > "$TEST_DIR/run-inside-env.sh" #!/bin/sh -ex export DISTRO="$DISTRO" export DOMAIN="$DOMAIN" export FEED="$FEED" export PROJ="$PROJ" export PROJ_CONFLICT="$PROJ_CONFLICT" export SKIP_PREPARE_VM="$SKIP_PREPARE_VM" export TESTS="$TESTS" /repo-install-test/run-inside.sh EOF qemu_ssh rm -rf /repo-install-test/ qemu_ssh mkdir /repo-install-test qemu_scp -r "$TEST_DIR"/* "root@" TIMEOUT="1h" qemu_ssh sh -ex /repo-install-test/run-inside-env.sh } qemu_print_log() { echo echo "Contents of $LOG_FILE:" echo cat "$LOG_FILE" echo echo "---" echo "NOTE: If you have just set up a new jenkins node, and get the" echo "error 'Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied'," echo "then you probably need to disconnect jenkins, connect it again" echo "and retry." echo "---" echo } qemu_ssh_wait() { set +x echo echo "Waiting for VM to boot up..." echo set -x # PID file does not get created immediately sleep 1 local pid="$(cat "$PID_FILE")" for i in $(seq 1 6); do if [ -z "$pid" ] || ! kill -0 "$pid"; then set +x echo "ERROR: qemu failed, pid: $pid" qemu_print_log exit 1 fi if TIMEOUT=10s qemu_ssh true; then return fi sleep 1 done set +x echo "ERROR: timeout, VM did not boot up. Log file contents:" qemu_print_log exit 1 } clean_up() { if [ -n "$KEEP_VM" ]; then return fi if [ -e "$PID_FILE" ]; then kill $(cat "$PID_FILE") || true fi rm -f "$IMG_PATH" } clean_up_trap() { if [ -n "$INTERACTIVE" ]; then TIMEOUT="1h" qemu_ssh bash -i fi set +x echo echo "### Clean up ###" echo set -x trap - EXIT INT TERM 0 clean_up } check_usage FEED="${FEED:-nightly}" PROJ="${PROJ:-osmocom:$FEED}" if [ -z "$TESTS" ]; then TESTS=" test_conflict install_repo_packages test_binaries services_check " fi if [ -z "$PROJ_CONFLICT" ]; then case "$FEED" in latest) PROJ_CONFLICT="osmocom:nightly" ;; nightly) PROJ_CONFLICT="osmocom:latest" ;; next) PROJ_CONFLICT="osmocom:nightly" ;; esac fi clean_up trap clean_up_trap EXIT INT TERM 0 qemu_start qemu_ssh_wait set +x echo echo "VM is running!" echo set -x qemu_prepare_vm qemu_run_test_script