#!/bin/sh # jenkins build helper script for osmo-trx. This is how we build on jenkins.osmocom.org # # environment variables: # * INSTR: configure the CPU instruction set ("--with-sse", "--with-neon" or "--with-neon-vfpv4") # * WITH_MANUALS: build manual PDFs if set to "1" # * PUBLISH: upload manuals after building if set to "1" (ignored without WITH_MANUALS = "1") # * INSIDE_CHROOT: (used internally) set to "1" when the script runs with QEMU in an ARM chroot # set -ex case "$INSTR" in "--with-neon"*) case "$(arch)" in arm*) ;; *) set +x echo "ERROR: trying to build with INSTR=$INSTR but not running on a 32-bit arm machine! (arch=$(arch))" exit 1 ;; esac ;; esac if ! [ -x "$(command -v osmo-build-dep.sh)" ]; then echo "Error: We need to have scripts/osmo-deps.sh from http://git.osmocom.org/osmo-ci/ in PATH !" exit 2 fi base="$PWD" deps="$base/deps" inst="$deps/install" export deps inst osmo-clean-workspace.sh mkdir "$deps" || true osmo-build-dep.sh libosmocore "" "--enable-sanitize --disable-doxygen --disable-pcsc" PARALLEL_MAKE="" osmo-build-dep.sh libusrp export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$inst/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$inst/lib" export PATH="$inst/bin:$PATH" CONFIG=" --enable-sanitize --enable-werror --with-bladerf --with-ipc --with-lms --with-mstrx --with-uhd --with-usrp1 $INSTR " # Additional configure options and depends if [ "$WITH_MANUALS" = "1" ]; then CONFIG="$CONFIG --enable-manuals" fi set +x echo echo echo echo " =============================== osmo-trx ===============================" echo set -x cd "$base" git submodule status autoreconf --install --force ./configure $CONFIG $MAKE $PARALLEL_MAKE $MAKE check \ || cat-testlogs.sh if arch | grep -v -q arm; then DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="$(echo $CONFIG | tr -d '\n')" $MAKE $PARALLEL_MAKE distcheck \ || cat-testlogs.sh fi if [ "$WITH_MANUALS" = "1" ] && [ "$PUBLISH" = "1" ]; then make -C "$base/doc/manuals" publish fi $MAKE $PARALLEL_MAKE maintainer-clean osmo-clean-workspace.sh