# Early proof-of-concept implementation of # GSMA eSIM RSP (Remote SIM Provisioning BSP (BPP Protection Protocol), # where BPP is the Bound Profile Package. So the full expansion is the # "GSMA eSIM Remote SIM Provisioning Bound Profile Packate Protection Protocol" # # Originally (SGP.22 v2.x) this was called SCP03t, but it has since been # renamed to BSP. # # (C) 2023 by Harald Welte # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # SGP.22 v3.0 Section 2.5.3: # That block of data is split into segments of a maximum size of 1020 bytes (including the tag, length field and MAC). import abc from typing import List import logging # for BSP key derivation from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.x963kdf import X963KDF from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES from Cryptodome.Hash import CMAC from osmocom.utils import b2h from osmocom.tlv import bertlv_encode_len, bertlv_parse_one # don't log by default logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE = 1020 class BspAlgo(abc.ABC): blocksize: int def _get_padding(self, in_len: int, multiple: int, padding: int = 0) -> bytes: """Return padding bytes towards multiple of N.""" if in_len % multiple == 0: return b'' pad_cnt = multiple - (in_len % multiple) return bytes([padding]) * pad_cnt def _pad_to_multiple(self, indat: bytes, multiple: int, padding: int = 0) -> bytes: """Pad the input data to multiples of 'multiple'.""" return indat + self._get_padding(len(indat), multiple, padding) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ class BspAlgoCrypt(BspAlgo, abc.ABC): def __init__(self, s_enc: bytes): self.s_enc = s_enc self.block_nr = 1 def encrypt(self, data:bytes) -> bytes: """Encrypt given input bytes using the key material given in constructor.""" padded_data = self._pad_to_multiple(data, self.blocksize) block_nr = self.block_nr ciphertext = self._encrypt(padded_data) logger.debug("encrypt(block_nr=%u, s_enc=%s, plaintext=%s, padded=%s) -> %s", block_nr, b2h(self.s_enc), b2h(data), b2h(padded_data), b2h(ciphertext)) return ciphertext def decrypt(self, data:bytes) -> bytes: """Decrypt given input bytes using the key material given in constructor.""" return self._unpad(self._decrypt(data)) @abc.abstractmethod def _unpad(self, padded: bytes) -> bytes: """Remove the padding from padded data.""" @abc.abstractmethod def _encrypt(self, data:bytes) -> bytes: """Actual implementation, to be implemented by derived class.""" @abc.abstractmethod def _decrypt(self, data:bytes) -> bytes: """Actual implementation, to be implemented by derived class.""" class BspAlgoCryptAES128(BspAlgoCrypt): name = 'AES-CBC-128' blocksize = 16 def _get_padding(self, in_len: int, multiple: int, padding: int = 0): # SGP.22 section # Append a byte with value '80' to the right of the data block; # Append 0 to 15 bytes with value '00' so that the length of the padded data block # is a multiple of 16 bytes. return b'\x80' + super()._get_padding(in_len + 1, multiple, padding) def _unpad(self, padded: bytes) -> bytes: """Remove the customary 80 00 00 ... padding used for AES.""" # first remove any trailing zero bytes stripped = padded.rstrip(b'\0') # then remove the final 80 assert stripped[-1] == 0x80 return stripped[:-1] def _get_icv(self): # The binary value of this number SHALL be left padded with zeroes to form a full block. data = self.block_nr.to_bytes(self.blocksize, "big") #iv = bytes([0] * (self.blocksize-1)) + b'\x01' iv = bytes([0] * self.blocksize) # This block SHALL be encrypted with S-ENC to produce the ICV for command encryption. cipher = AES.new(self.s_enc, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) icv = cipher.encrypt(data) logger.debug("_get_icv(block_nr=%u, data=%s) -> icv=%s", self.block_nr, b2h(data), b2h(icv)) self.block_nr = self.block_nr + 1 return icv def _encrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: cipher = AES.new(self.s_enc, AES.MODE_CBC, self._get_icv()) return cipher.encrypt(data) def _decrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: cipher = AES.new(self.s_enc, AES.MODE_CBC, self._get_icv()) return cipher.decrypt(data) class BspAlgoMac(BspAlgo, abc.ABC): l_mac = 0 # must be overridden by derived class def __init__(self, s_mac: bytes, initial_mac_chaining_value: bytes): self.s_mac = s_mac self.mac_chain = initial_mac_chaining_value def auth(self, tag: int, data: bytes) -> bytes: assert tag in range (256) # The input data used for C-MAC computation comprises the MAC Chaining value, the tag, the final length and the result of step 2 lcc = len(data) + self.l_mac tag_and_length = bytes([tag]) + bertlv_encode_len(lcc) temp_data = self.mac_chain + tag_and_length + data old_mcv = self.mac_chain c_mac = self._auth(temp_data) # The output data is computed by concatenating the following data: the tag, the final length, the result of step 2 and the C-MAC value. ret = tag_and_length + data + c_mac logger.debug("auth(tag=0x%x, mcv=%s, s_mac=%s, plaintext=%s, temp=%s) -> %s", tag, b2h(old_mcv), b2h(self.s_mac), b2h(data), b2h(temp_data), b2h(ret)) return ret def verify(self, ciphertext: bytes) -> bool: mac_stripped = ciphertext[0:-self.l_mac] mac_received = ciphertext[-self.l_mac:] temp_data = self.mac_chain + mac_stripped mac_computed = self._auth(temp_data) if mac_received != mac_computed: raise ValueError("MAC value not matching: received: %s, computed: %s" % (mac_received, mac_computed)) return mac_stripped @abc.abstractmethod def _auth(self, temp_data: bytes) -> bytes: """To be implemented by algorithm specific derived class.""" class BspAlgoMacAES128(BspAlgoMac): name = 'AES-CMAC-128' l_mac = 8 def _auth(self, temp_data: bytes) -> bytes: # The full MAC value is computed using the MACing algorithm as defined in table 4c. cmac = CMAC.new(self.s_mac, ciphermod=AES) cmac.update(temp_data) full_c_mac = cmac.digest() # Subsequent MAC chaining values are the full result of step 4 of the previous data block self.mac_chain = full_c_mac # If the algorithm is AES-CBC-128 or SM4-CBC, the C-MAC value is the 8 most significant bytes of the result of step 4 return full_c_mac[0:8] def bsp_key_derivation(shared_secret: bytes, key_type: int, key_length: int, host_id: bytes, eid, l : int = 16): """BSP protocol key derivation as per SGP.22 v3.0 Section""" assert key_type <= 255 assert key_length <= 255 host_id_lv = bertlv_encode_len(len(host_id)) + host_id eid_lv = bertlv_encode_len(len(eid)) + eid shared_info = bytes([key_type, key_length]) + host_id_lv + eid_lv logger.debug("kdf_shared_info: %s", b2h(shared_info)) # X9.63 Key Derivation Function with SHA256 xkdf = X963KDF(algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=l*3, sharedinfo=shared_info) out = xkdf.derive(shared_secret) logger.debug("kdf_out: %s", b2h(out)) initial_mac_chaining_value = out[0:l] s_enc = out[l:2*l] s_mac = out[l*2:3*l] return s_enc, s_mac, initial_mac_chaining_value class BspInstance: """An instance of the BSP crypto. Initialized once with the key material via constructor, then the user can call any number of encrypt_and_mac cycles to protect plaintext and generate the respective ciphertext.""" def __init__(self, s_enc: bytes, s_mac: bytes, initial_mcv: bytes): logger.debug("%s(s_enc=%s, s_mac=%s, initial_mcv=%s)", self.__class__.__name__, b2h(s_enc), b2h(s_mac), b2h(initial_mcv)) self.c_algo = BspAlgoCryptAES128(s_enc) self.m_algo = BspAlgoMacAES128(s_mac, initial_mcv) TAG_LEN = 1 length_len = len(bertlv_encode_len(MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE)) self.max_payload_size = MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE - TAG_LEN - length_len - self.m_algo.l_mac @classmethod def from_kdf(cls, shared_secret: bytes, key_type: int, key_length: int, host_id: bytes, eid: bytes): """Convenience constructor for constructing an instance with keys from KDF.""" s_enc, s_mac, initial_mcv = bsp_key_derivation(shared_secret, key_type, key_length, host_id, eid) return cls(s_enc, s_mac, initial_mcv) def encrypt_and_mac_one(self, tag: int, plaintext:bytes) -> bytes: """Encrypt + MAC a single plaintext TLV. Returns the protected ciphertex.""" assert tag <= 255 assert len(plaintext) <= self.max_payload_size logger.debug("encrypt_and_mac_one(tag=0x%x, plaintext=%s)", tag, b2h(plaintext)) ciphered = self.c_algo.encrypt(plaintext) maced = self.m_algo.auth(tag, ciphered) return maced def encrypt_and_mac(self, tag: int, plaintext:bytes) -> List[bytes]: remainder = plaintext result = [] while len(remainder): remaining_len = len(remainder) if remaining_len < self.max_payload_size: segment_len = remaining_len segment = remainder remainder = b'' else: segment_len = self.max_payload_size segment = remainder[0:segment_len] remainder = remainder[segment_len:] result.append(self.encrypt_and_mac_one(tag, segment)) return result def mac_only_one(self, tag: int, plaintext: bytes) -> bytes: """MAC a single plaintext TLV. Returns the protected ciphertex.""" assert tag <= 255 assert len(plaintext) < self.max_payload_size maced = self.m_algo.auth(tag, plaintext) # The data block counter for ICV caluclation is incremented also for each segment with C-MAC only. self.c_algo.block_nr += 1 return maced def mac_only(self, tag: int, plaintext:bytes) -> List[bytes]: remainder = plaintext result = [] while len(remainder): remaining_len = len(remainder) if remaining_len < self.max_payload_size: segment_len = remaining_len segment = remainder remainder = b'' else: segment_len = self.max_payload_size segment = remainder[0:segment_len] remainder = remainder[segment_len:] result.append(self.mac_only_one(tag, segment)) return result def demac_and_decrypt_one(self, ciphertext: bytes) -> bytes: payload = self.m_algo.verify(ciphertext) tdict, l, val, remain = bertlv_parse_one(payload) logger.debug("tag=%s, l=%u, val=%s, remain=%s", tdict, l, b2h(val), b2h(remain)) plaintext = self.c_algo.decrypt(val) return plaintext def demac_and_decrypt(self, ciphertext_list: List[bytes]) -> bytes: plaintext_list = [self.demac_and_decrypt_one(x) for x in ciphertext_list] return b''.join(plaintext_list) def demac_only_one(self, ciphertext: bytes) -> bytes: payload = self.m_algo.verify(ciphertext) _tdict, _l, val, _remain = bertlv_parse_one(payload) # The data block counter for ICV caluclation is incremented also for each segment with C-MAC only. self.c_algo.block_nr += 1 return val def demac_only(self, ciphertext_list: List[bytes]) -> bytes: plaintext_list = [self.demac_only_one(x) for x in ciphertext_list] return b''.join(plaintext_list)