/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2009, Atmel Corporation * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * Atmel's name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Headers *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "board.h" #include "simtrace.h" #include "simtrace_usb.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "iso7816_fidi.h" #include #include volatile uint32_t char_stat; volatile ringbuf sim_rcv_buf = { {0}, 0, 0 }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Interrupt routines *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void Callback_PhoneRST_ISR(uint8_t * pArg, uint8_t status, uint32_t transferred, uint32_t remaining) { printf("rstCB\n\r"); PIO_EnableIt(&pinPhoneRST); } void ISR_PhoneRST(const Pin * pPin) { int ret; // FIXME: no printfs in ISRs? printf("+++ Int!! %lx\n\r", pinPhoneRST.pio->PIO_ISR); if (((pinPhoneRST.pio->PIO_ISR & pinPhoneRST.mask) != 0)) { if (PIO_Get(&pinPhoneRST) == 0) { printf(" 0 "); } else { printf(" 1 "); } } if ((ret = USBD_Write(SIMTRACE_USB_EP_PHONE_INT, "R", 1, (TransferCallback) & Callback_PhoneRST_ISR, 0)) != USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE_ERROR("USB err status: %d (%s)\r\n", ret, __FUNCTION__); return; } /* Interrupt enabled after ATR is sent to phone */ PIO_DisableIt(&pinPhoneRST); } /* * char_stat is zero if no error occurred. * Otherwise it is filled with the content of the status register. */ void mode_trace_usart1_irq(void) { uint32_t stat; char_stat = 0; // Rcv buf full /* if((stat & US_CSR_RXBUFF) == US_CSR_RXBUFF) { TRACE_DEBUG("Rcv buf full"); USART_DisableIt(USART1, US_IDR_RXBUFF); } */ uint32_t csr = USART_PHONE->US_CSR; if (csr & US_CSR_TXRDY) { /* transmit buffer empty, nothing to transmit */ } if (csr & US_CSR_RXRDY) { stat = (csr & (US_CSR_OVRE | US_CSR_FRAME | US_CSR_PARE | US_CSR_TIMEOUT | US_CSR_NACK | (1 << 10))); uint8_t c = (USART_PHONE->US_RHR) & 0xFF; // printf(" %x", c); if (stat == 0) { /* Fill char into buffer */ rbuf_write(&sim_rcv_buf, c); } else { TRACE_DEBUG("e %x st: %lx\r\n", c, stat); } /* else: error occurred */ char_stat = stat; } } /* FIDI update functions */ void update_fidi(Usart_info *usart, uint8_t fidi) { if (NULL==usart) { return; } uint8_t fi = fidi >> 4; uint8_t di = fidi & 0xf; int ratio = iso7816_3_compute_fd_ratio(fi, di); if (ratio > 0 && ratio < 0x8000) { /* make sure USART uses new F/D ratio */ usart->base->US_CR |= US_CR_RXDIS | US_CR_RSTRX; /* disable write protection */ if (usart->base->US_WPMR) { usart->base->US_WPMR = US_WPMR_WPKEY(0x555341); } usart->base->US_FIDI = (ratio & 0x7ff); usart->base->US_CR |= US_CR_RXEN | US_CR_STTTO; //TRACE_INFO("updated USART(%u) Fi(%u)/Di(%u) ratio(%d): %u\n\r", usart->id, fi, di, ratio, usart->base->US_FIDI); } else { //TRACE_WARNING("computed Fi/Di ratio %d unsupported\n\r", ratio); /* don't print since this is function is also called by ISRs */ } }