[[ecbe]] == ECBE REST interface The ECBE (External Cell Broadcast Entity) REST interface is specified in the JSON schema files `cbc.schema.json` and `smscb.schema.json`, which are part of the OsmoCBC distribution. The REST interface binds to the IP and TCP port as configured and can be reached at `http://IP:PORT/api/ecbe/v1` NOTE:: It is your responsibility to properly secure access to the REST interface endpoint to ensure only legitimate users can access it. This may be achieved via packet filtering and a reverse HTTP proxy. === API endpoints ==== `POST /api/ecbe/v1/message` This command is used to create a new SMSCB or ETWS message inside the CBC. The `cbc_messsage` type as specified in the JSON schema (<>). ==== `DELETE /api/ecbe/v1/message/:message_id` This command is used to delete an existing SMSCB or ETWS message from the CBC. The `:message_id` parameter is the decimal integer representation of the cbc_message.smscb.message_id that was specified when creating the message via the POST command stated above. [[ecbe-json]] === JSON Schema ==== `cbc.schema.json` This is the main JSOM schema for osmo-cbc. In many places, it references `smscb.schema.json` described further below. ---- include::{srcdir}/../../cbc.schema.json[] ---- ==== `smscb.schema.json` This JSON schema describes a lot of the basic data types relevant for SMSCB. It is used heavily by `cbc.schema.json` described above. ---- include::{srcdir}/../../smscb.schema.json[] ----