require 'rake/clean' # ============== # important info # ============== target = "simtrace" version ="version").chomp date ="%Y-%m-%d") revision = `git log --pretty=oneline "#{target}.sch" | wc -l`.chomp.to_i # symbol library for gschem LIB = "lib/symbols/" # gEDA scheme GEDA_SCHEME_DIRS=["/usr/share/gEDA/scheme","/usr/local/gEDA/scheme"].collect{|path| ? path : nil}.compact unless GEDA_SCHEME_DIRS.size==0 then GEDA_SCHEME_DIR=GEDA_SCHEME_DIRS[0] else GEDA_SCHEME_DIR=nil puts "warning: could not find gEDA scheme directory. can not print schematic" end # schema sch = "#{target}.sch" # schema with version vsch = "#{target}_v#{version}.#{revision.to_s.rjust(3,'0')}.sch" # ================ # helper functions # ================ # read schema # return a list of components def read_sch(path) # get all symbols symbols = read_symbols(LIB) # read schema text = # parse all elements elements = [] element = {} block = false text.each_line do |line| l = line.chomp if l=="{" then block = true element[:block] = {} unless element[:block] elsif l=="}" then block = false elsif block then # only take attributes if l.include?("=") then k,v = l.split("=") element[:block][k] = v end elsif !block then elements << element unless element.empty? element = {} element[:line] = l element[:type] = l[0,1] if element[:type]=="C" then element[:symbol] = l.split(" ")[-1] # get the default attributes (if any) element[:block] = symbols[element[:symbol]].dup if symbols[element[:symbol]] end else raise "don't know how to handle line: #{l}" end end return elements end # read the attributes from a symbol # return { name => value } # warning: it only get uniq attributes (not multiple slots, ...) def read_symbol(file) text = symbol = {} block = false text.each_line do |line| l = line.chomp if l=="{" then block = true elsif l=="}" then block = false elsif block then next elsif l.include?("=") then name = l.split("=")[0] value = l.split("=")[1..-1]*"=" symbol[name] = value else next end end return symbol end # read all symbols # return a list fo symbols { name => symbol } (see read_symbol) def read_symbols(folder) symbols = {} Dir.entries(folder).each do |file| next unless file =~ /\.sym$/ symbols[file.split("/")[-1]] = read_symbol(folder+"/"+file) end return symbols end # ========= # the tasks # ========= task :default => [:version,:print,:pdf,:install,:check] desc "set version in schema" task :version => vsch CLEAN.include(vsch) CLOBBER.include("#{target}_*.sch") desc "print schema (into ps)" task :print => "#{target}.ps" CLEAN.include("#{target}.ps") desc "get printed schema in pdf" task :pdf => "#{target}.pdf" CLEAN.include("#{target}.pdf") desc "put printed schema in output folder" task :install => "#{target}.pdf" do mkdir "../pcb/schema" unless "../pcb/schema" cp "#{target}.pdf","../pcb/schema/#{target}.pdf" end CLOBBER.include("../pcb/schema/#{target}.pdf") # every component should have: refdes without ?, device, value, # footprint, manufacturer, documentation, digikey task :check => sch do elements = read_sch(sch) elements.each do |element| if element[:type]=="C" then if element[:block] and element[:block]["refdes"] then name = element[:block]["refdes"] name += " (#{element[:block]['device']})" if element[:block]["device"] puts name+" has no ID" if element[:block]["refdes"].include? "?" ["device","value","footprint","manufacturer","manufacturer-part","documentation","digikey-part"].each do |attribute| puts name+" has no "+attribute unless element[:block][attribute] break if element[:block]["footprint"] =~ /^HEADER/ or element[:block]["footprint"] =~ /^JUMPER/ end end end end end # =============== # file processing # =============== file vsch => sch do sh "cp #{sch} #{vsch}" # on \ is to prevent ruby interpreting it, th other is for sed # the version sh "sed -i 's/\\(version=\\)\\$Version\\$/\\1#{version}/' #{vsch}" # the date sh "sed -i 's/\\(date=\\)\\$Date\\$/\\1#{date}/' #{vsch}" # the revision sh "sed -i 's/\\(revision=\\)\\$Revision\\$/\\1#{revision}/' #{vsch}" end file "#{target}.ps" => vsch do if GEDA_SCHEME_DIR then sh "gschem -p -o #{target}.ps -s #{GEDA_SCHEME_DIR}/print.scm #{vsch} > /dev/null 2>&1" else puts "can not print schematic. gEDA scheme directory missing" end end file "#{target}.pdf" => "#{target}.ps" do sh "ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 #{target}.ps" end