
OsmoBTS Abis Protocol Specification
Neels Hofmeyr <nhofmeyr@sysmocom.de>

== Introduction

This document describes the A-bis interface of *OsmoBTS*. Based on 3GPP TS
12.21 and 08.58, this document indicates which of the 3GPP specified A-bis
messages and IEs are implemented according to 3GPP specifications, which of
these are not or not fully implemented, as well as OsmoBTS-specific extensions
to the A-bis interface not specified by 3GPP.

Extensions to the A-bis interface specific to OsmoBTS are detailed in this
document. For details on the messages and IEs that comply with above mentioned
3GPP specifications, please refer to those documents.

.3GPP document versions referred to by this document
|3GPP TS 08.56 | version 8.0.1 Release 1999
|3GPP TS 08.58 | version 8.6.0 Release 1999
|3GPP TS 08.60 | version 8.2.1 Release 1999
|3GPP TS 12.21 | version 8.0.0 Release 1999

.IETF documents referred to by his document
|IETF RFC 768 | User Datagram Protocol
|IETF RFC 791 | Internet Protocol
|IETF RFC 793 | Transmission Control Protocol
|IETF RFC 1889 | RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications
|IETF RFC 3551 | RTP Profle for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control
|IETF RFC 4867 | RTP Payload Format and Files Storage Format for the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) and Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) Audio Codecs
|IETF RFC 5993 | RTP Payload Format for Global Systems for Mobile Communications Half Rate (GSM-HR)

== Overview

The OsmoBTS A-bis interface consists of traffic management messages (RSL, Radio
Signalling Link) and network management messages (OML, Operation & Maintenance
Link), encapsulated in an IPA multiplex.

OML and RSL each use a separate TCP connection.

.TCP port numbers used by OsmoBTS Abis/IP
|TCP Port Number|Usage
|3002|A-bis OML (inside IPA multiplex)
|3003|A-bis RSL (inside IPA multiplex)

Both TCP connections for OML and RSL are established in the BTS -> BSC
direction, i.e. the BTS is running as a TCP client, while the BSC is
running as a TCP server.

The BTS first establishes the TCP connection for OML.  Via OML, the BSC
instructs the BTS to which IP address the RSL connection shall be

.Overview of A-bis connection establishment

=== Identities

The BTS is locally configured (via administrative means, out of band of
this specification) to have a Unit ID.  The Unit ID consists of three

* The Site Number
* The BTS number at the site
* The TRX number within the BTS







