Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- n -
- nai
: osmo_sccp_gt
- name
: osmo_sccp_addr_entry
, osmo_sccp_user
, osmo_ss7_as
, osmo_ss7_asp
, osmo_ss7_instance
, osmo_ss7_link
, osmo_ss7_linkset
, osmo_ss7_route_table
, osmo_ss7_user
, xua_dialect
, xua_msg_class
- network
: pcap_hdr
- network_indicator
: osmo_ss7_instance
- next_id
: osmo_sccp_instance
- ni
: m3ua_data_hdr
- node
: sccp_connection
- notice
: osmo_scu_prim
- notify
: osmo_xlm_prim
- npi
: osmo_sccp_gt
- num_ostreams_present
: osmo_ss7_asp
, osmo_xua_server
- num_ostreams_value
: osmo_ss7_asp
, osmo_xua_server