pySim - Read, Write and Browse Programmable SIM/USIM/ISIM/HPSIM Cards ===================================================================== This repository contains a number of Python programs that can be used to read, program (write) and browse all fields/parameters/files on SIM/USIM/ISIM/HPSIM cards used in 3GPP cellular networks from 2G to 5G. Note that the access control configuration of normal production cards issue by operators will restrict significantly which files a normal user can read, and particularly write to. The full functionality of pySim hence can only be used with on so-called programmable SIM/USIM/ISIM/HPSIM cards. Such SIM/USIM/ISIM/HPSIM cards are special cards, which - unlike those issued by regular commercial operators - come with the kind of keys that allow you to write the files/fields that normally only an operator can program. This is useful particularly if you are running your own cellular network, and want to configure your own SIM/USIM/ISIM/HPSIM cards for that network. Homepage -------- Please visit the [official homepage]( for usage instructions, manual and examples. Documentation ------------- The pySim user manual can be built from this very source code by means of sphinx (with sphinxcontrib-napoleon and sphinx-argparse). See the Makefile in the 'docs' directory. A pre-rendered HTML user manual of the current pySim 'git master' is available from and a downloadable PDF version is published at . A slightly dated video presentation about pySim-shell can be found at . pySim-shell vs. legacy tools ---------------------------- While you will find a lot of online resources still describing the use of and, those tools are considered legacy by now and have by far been superseded by the much more capable pySim-shell. We strongly encourage users to adopt pySim-shell, unless they have very specific requirements like batch programming of large quantities of cards, which is about the only remaining use case for the legacy tools. Git Repository -------------- You can clone from the official Osmocom git repository using ``` git clone ``` There is a web interface at . Installation ------------ Please install the following dependencies: - bidict - cmd2 >= 1.5.0 - colorlog - construct >= 2.9.51 - pyosmocom - jsonpath-ng - packaging - pycryptodomex - pyscard - pyserial - pytlv - pyyaml >= 5.1 - smpp.pdu (from ``) - termcolor Example for Debian: ```sh sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \ pcscd libpcsclite-dev \ python3 \ python3-setuptools \ python3-pycryptodome \ python3-pyscard \ python3-pip pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt ``` After installing all dependencies, the pySim applications ````, ```` and ```` may be started directly from the cloned repository. In addition to the dependencies above ```` requires ``tshark`` and the python package ``pyshark`` to be installed. It is known that the ``tshark`` package in Debian versions before 11 may not work with pyshark. ### Archlinux Package Archlinux users may install the package ``python-pysim-git`` [![](]( from the [Arch User Repository (AUR)]( The most convenient way is the use of an [AUR Helper](, e.g. [yay]( or [pacaur]( The following example shows the installation with ``yay``. ```sh # Install yay -Sy python-pysim-git # Uninstall sudo pacman -Rs python-pysim-git ``` Forum ----- We welcome any pySim related discussions in the [SIM Card Technology]( section of the osmocom discourse (web based Forum). Mailing List ------------ There is no separate mailing list for this project. However, discussions related to pySim are happening on the simtrace mailing list, please see for subscription options and the list archive. Please observe the [Osmocom Mailing List Rules]( when posting. Issue Tracker ------------- We use the [issue tracker of the pysim project on]( for tracking the state of bug reports and feature requests. Feel free to submit any issues you may find, or help us out by resolving existing issues. Contributing ------------ Our coding standards are described at We are using a gerrit-based patch review process explained at