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Closing connection Sending info BTS is up BTS is down %s PCU interface (version %u) cannot handle more than %zu transceivers => skipped %s unavailable for PCU (op=%s adm=%s) %s PDCH on ts=%u is available (tsc=%u hopping=yes hsn=%u maio=%u ma_bit_len=%u) hopping=no arfcn=%u) Failed to accept a new connection PCU connects but we already have another active connection ?!? Failed to register new connection fd PCU socket connected to external PCU Sending rts request: is_ptcch=%d arfcn=%d block=%d Sending data indication: sapi=%s arfcn=%d block=%d data=%s Updating SI%s to PCU: %s Revoking SI%s from PCU Failed to send SI%s to PCU: rc=%d OsmoPCU version %s connected SI%s is not available on PCU connection btsUnknown TXT_IND type %u received ActivateDeactivatepcu_sock_rxReceived %d bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive hdr size is %zu, discarding Received %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive %s size is %zu, discarding pcu_prim->u.data_reqReceived PCU Prim for non-existent BTS %u Data request received: sapi=%s arfcn=%d block=%d data=%s Rx malformed DATA.req for PCH pcu_agchReceived PCU data request with not existing TRX %d Received PCU data request with not existing TS %u %s: Received PCU DATA request for non-PDCH TS %s: Received PCU DATA request for inactive lchan Received PCU data request with unsupported sapi %d pcu_prim->u.pag_reqPaging request received: chan_needed=%d length=%d (dropping message because support for PCU_IF_MSG_PAG_REQ is not yet implemented) pcu_prim->u.act_req%s request received: TRX=%d TS=%d %s request, but lchan is not of type PDTCH (is %s) %s request, but lchan in dyn TS is not configured as PDCH in lower layers (is %s) pcu_prim->u.txt_indpcu_prim->u.containerReceived %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive container size is %zu, discarding Received unknown PCU msg type %d Sending RACH indication: qta=%d, ra=%d, fn=%d Paging identity too large (%d) PCU socket not created, ignoring paging message Sending DATA.cnf: sapi=%s msg_id=%08x struct pcu_sock_stateCould not create %s unix socket: %s pcu_sock.c:1240Could not register listen fd: %d pcu_sock.c:1251Started listening on PCU socket (PCU IF v%u): %s pcu_sock.c:1279RACHBCCHPDTCHPRACHPTCCHPCH_2AGCH_2GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0AAaeabi7Cortex-A15 A   "*,D !&+(0`B|QV`[4joty~tHh `H h | "T(<.8=CIxO   U cio\u{, T $H $ $hXT(P       L #p ) /< 5  ;E( Q[ep    {K2L`rd$ (8M^qd<(5:FWk{2@3H4 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