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(All commands imply this if none exists yet.) import-nitb-db Add OsmoNITB db's subscribers to OsmoHLR db. Be aware that the import is somewhat lossy, only the IMSI, MSISDN, IMEI, nam_cs/ps, 2G auth data and last seen LU are set. The most recently associated IMEI from the Equipment table is used.Terminating due to SIGINT hlr_db_tool.cTalloc Report due to SIGUSR1 Unable to open OsmoNITB DB %s; rc = %d $imsi$last_luUpdate last_lu_seen for subscriber IMSI='%s': SQL Error: %s Cannot update last_lu_seen for subscriber IMSI='%s': no such subscriber Update last_lu_seen for subscriber IMSI='%s': SQL modified %d rows (expected 1) Warning: subscriber has more than one auth key, importing only the first key, for IMSI=%s OsmoNITB import to %s: Cannot import auth data for IMSI %s: too large blob: %u OsmoNITB DB: SQL error: (%d) %s, during stmt '%s'%ldOsmoNITB DB import to %s: failed to create IMSI %s: %d: %s OsmoNITB DB import to %s: created IMSI %s, but failed to get new subscriber id: %d: %s !strcmp(imsi_str, subscr.imsi)Assert failed %s %s:%d OsmoNITB DB: Unable to prepare SQL statement '%s' OsmoHLR DB: Unable to prepare SQL statement '%s' struct hlr_db_tool_ctxg_hlr_db_tool_ctxOsmoHLR-db-toolError initializing logging hl:d:sTe:UV1.9.0.2-1a71OsmoHLR-db-tool version %s Copyright (C) 2017 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Error in command line options. Exiting. Error: You must specify a command. createimport-nitb-dbYou must specify an input db file Error: Unknown command `%s' Too many arguments: '%s' Error initializing random source Error opening database 0helpdatabasedebugdisable-colortimestamplog-leveldb-upgradeversionUPDATE subscriber SET last_lu_seen = datetime($last_lu, 'unixepoch') WHERE imsi = $imsiSELECT s.imsi, s.id, s.extension, s.authorized, SUBSTR(e.imei,0,15), STRFTIME('%s', s.expire_lu) FROM Subscriber s LEFT JOIN (SELECT imei, subscriber_id, MAX(Equipment.updated) AS updated FROM Equipment,EquipmentWatch WHERE Equipment.id = EquipmentWatch.equipment_id GROUP BY EquipmentWatch.subscriber_id) e ON e.subscriber_id = s.id ORDER by s.idSELECT algorithm_id, a3a8_ki from authkeys WHERE subscriber_id = $subscr_idhlr.db1 32 8 11 nitb_db:1991 48 40 9 aud2g:3101 32 4 15 option_index:96*.Lubsan_data106*.Lubsan_data105*.Lubsan_data104*.Lubsan_data103*.Lubsan_data102*.Lubsan_data101*.Lubsan_data100*.Lubsan_data99*.Lubsan_data98*.Lubsan_data97*.Lubsan_data96*.Lubsan_data95*.Lubsan_data94*.Lubsan_type8*.Lubsan_data93*.Lubsan_data92*.Lubsan_data91*.Lubsan_data90*.Lubsan_data89*.Lubsan_data88*.Lubsan_type7*.Lubsan_data87*.Lubsan_data86*.Lubsan_data85*.Lubsan_data84*.Lubsan_data83*.Lubsan_type6*.Lubsan_data82*.Lubsan_data81*.Lubsan_data80*.Lubsan_data79*.Lubsan_data78*.Lubsan_data77*.Lubsan_data76*.Lubsan_data75*.Lubsan_data74*.Lubsan_data73*.Lubsan_data72*.Lubsan_data71*.Lubsan_data70*.Lubsan_data69*.Lubsan_type5*.Lubsan_data68*.Lubsan_type4*.Lubsan_data67*.Lubsan_type3*.Lubsan_data64*.Lubsan_data57*.Lubsan_data55*.Lubsan_data54*.Lubsan_data51*.Lubsan_data49*.Lubsan_data48*.Lubsan_data46*.Lubsan_data44*.Lubsan_data42long_optionsbufkihlr_db_stmthlr_db_stmt_sqlnitb_stmtnitb_stmt_sqlcmdline_opts*.LC62*.LC16*.LC53*.LC20*.LC8*.LC25*.LC35*.LC54*.LC0*.LC33*.LC9*.LC39*.LC30*.LC24*.LC15*.LC49*.LC23*.LC2*.LC11*.LC38*.LC48*.LC46*.LC17*.LC63*.LC57*.LC22*.LC47*.LC68*.LC10*.LC28*.LC5*.LC50*.LC51*.LC67*.LC55*.LC21*.LC60*.LC18*.LC12*.LC7*.LC4*.LC37*.LC34*.LC14*.LC1*.LC42*.LC6*.LC56*.LC41*.LC71*.LC69*.LC45*.LC13*.LC43*.LC59*.LC29*.LC65*.LC61*.LC36*.LC70*.LC66*.LC44*.LC3*.LC64*.LC522 48 32 12 imsi_str:363 112 464 10 subscr:359H=H=H=HD$HD$H=H=H=HL$HL$H=H=H=1H5H=H=L$L$AWAVAUATUSHHXLd$]H1I$AHID$Ml$@HID$LHǀǀHHHwH5I L=H=H5L5H=HHH HH=H=HHH=LHƀLHƀAEHMLHHމTIcLH5H=1H=1H=HHH=H5HHH=H=HHdHH1HǺ H=HH#H=1H=HHHHsH=HHH=1E1HH5H=H=HHHHH=Hٺ(H=IAƄ$HHH8|D%AE)E'EMcAJD5L$HKI9KMALHM$$MH5LH5LD%AE)WE EMcAJD5L$HI9MALHeI$HD%AE)EvH=H-HD\ HH5HIHHHL#HHxHH\H;HHH޿ H`ՉH=HH]THH8H;1@L9LHH=L9HLHH=1H=HHH=t~1H=HHaH=to1tL E1H11H 1Ҿ1H=u1L E1H 1Ҿ1H=<@HLELLH=:LH=H=HHuaHHHٺ#H=McHcH=L]LH=H=HHHHHٺ"H=aMcHcH=LH=HHu=HHLH5H1LLH=kHHH=IcHH,H9H@HHH=HmHHunHHHH5%IcHcH=HHH=tHHH=(HHH=BH9&HHH=f.HH=H ,  5%% ,uuuueJJ'^mhldsTeUVa341*@@@@@ @ @ @ @@ @@ @ @@@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @(`(`(`(`(`(`(`(`(`(` @ @@@@ @@@@#`(`CQX@H@ @2`2`Ia)`=`(`K3`  @@@@ @@X?`[E$`@@@@@@JAA@<`]I@4`"`@@\ @X@@P @ @@L @@6` @@H=>; 6<int=W &W *j ,I -6 I I I=    6> H,1!<=?q"j"j"" 1 3= 6  7  8  9  : ( ; 0 < 8 = @ @ H A P B X D` Fh H=p I=t J x Mc Nq O Q* Y  [4 \> ] ^  _ * `= bC q@ + q *6/9 S6%S S $ 2 = 2 4 7= 8val 9=%= x  .(0(0(.(.cat3 j j8= --     jRjђ8ctx 6  A=.,-0=25X8 `:j<j >j @j Bj Dj GBdBhp  H | !Cvty "&j|&j&j&JoutL SMORS=T=W-vtyX [Brb\ _r`wabrerawf DIPUY]-cBg| 6! j!C =j==C < Ej 'DDB'DSS'DLU# #-P#0 % #f  F= ^5 len *val 5  E 6Wjl j j       !"#/(2 3db4 5  6" /[ \id^ _ ` (b 8c Hd he i j klm nop q s Gt H 6( ? opcksqn =j(U kiH w I Jgsm? 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