ss7_asp_vty_test> list
... !show cs7
  show cs7 instance <0-15> users
  show cs7 (sua|m3ua|ipa) [<0-65534>]
  show cs7 (sua|m3ua|ipa) (sctp|tcp) [<0-65534>]
  show cs7 config
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp name ASP_NAME
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-remaddr
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-remaddr name ASP_NAME
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-assoc-status
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-assoc-status name ASP_NAME
  show cs7 instance <0-15> as (active|all|m3ua|sua)
  show cs7 instance <0-15> route
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp addressbook
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp users
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp ssn <0-65535>
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp connections
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp timers
... !show cs7

ss7_asp_vty_test> enable
ss7_asp_vty_test# list
... !show cs7
  show cs7 instance <0-15> users
  show cs7 (sua|m3ua|ipa) [<0-65534>]
  show cs7 (sua|m3ua|ipa) (sctp|tcp) [<0-65534>]
  show cs7 config
  cs7 instance <0-15> asp NAME disconnect
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp name ASP_NAME
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-remaddr
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-remaddr name ASP_NAME
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-assoc-status
  show cs7 instance <0-15> asp-assoc-status name ASP_NAME
  show cs7 instance <0-15> as (active|all|m3ua|sua)
  show cs7 instance <0-15> route
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp addressbook
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp users
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp ssn <0-65535>
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp connections
  show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp timers
... !show cs7

ss7_asp_vty_test# show ?
  cs7             ITU-T Signaling System 7

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 ?
  instance  An instance of the SS7 stack
  sua       SCCP User Adaptation
  m3ua      MTP3 User Adaptation
  ipa       IPA Multiplex (SCCP Lite)
  config    Currently running cs7 configuration

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 m3ua ?
  [<0-65534>]  Local Port Number
  sctp         SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
  tcp          TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 m3ua 2905 ?

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 m3ua sctp ?
  [<0-65534>]  Local Port Number

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 m3ua sctp 2905 ?

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 instance ?
  <0-15>  An instance of the SS7 stack

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 instance 0 ?
  users             User Table
  asp               Application Server Process (ASP)
  asp-remaddr       Application Server Process (ASP) remote addresses information
  asp-assoc-status  Application Server Process (ASP) SCTP association status
  as                Application Server (AS)
  route             Routing Table
  sccp              Signalling Connection Control Part

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 instance 0 as ?
  active  Display all active ASs
  all     Display all ASs (default)
  m3ua    Display all m3ua ASs
  sua     Display all SUA ASs

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 instance 0 sccp ?
  addressbook  List all SCCP addressbook entries
  users        Show List of SCCP Users registered
  ssn          Find an SCCP User registered for the given SSN
  connections  Show List of active SCCP connections
  timers       Show List of SCCP timers

ss7_asp_vty_test# show cs7 instance 0 sccp ssn ?
  <0-65535>  Subsystem Number (SSN)

ss7_asp_vty_test# configure terminal
ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# cs7 instance 0

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# list
  description .TEXT
  network-indicator (international | national | reserved | spare)
  point-code POINT_CODE
  secondary-pc POINT_CODE
  point-code format <1-24> [<1-23>] [<1-22>]
  point-code format default
  point-code delimiter (default|dash)
  xua rkm routing-key-allocation (static-only|dynamic-permitted)
  asp NAME <0-65535> <0-65535> (sua|m3ua|ipa)
  asp NAME <0-65535> <0-65535> (sua|m3ua|ipa) (sctp|tcp)
  no asp NAME
  as NAME (sua|m3ua|ipa)
  no as NAME
  sccp-address NAME
  no sccp-address NAME
  sccp-timer (conn_est|ias|iar|rel|repeat_rel|int|guard|reset|reassembly) <1-999999>
  sccp max-optional-data (<0-999999>|standard)

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# ?
  description        Save human-readable description of the object
  network-indicator  Configure the Network Indicator
  point-code         Configure the local Point Code
  secondary-pc       Configure the local Secondary Point Code
  xua                SIGTRAN xxxUA related
  asp                Configure Application Server Process
  no                 Negate a command or set its defaults
  as                 Configure an Application Server
  sccp-address       Create/Modify an SCCP addressbook entry
  sccp-timer         Configure SCCP timer values, see ITU-T Q.714
  sccp               Configure SCCP behavior

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# description ?
  TEXT  Text until the end of the line

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# network-indicator ?
  international  International Network
  national       National Network
  reserved       Reserved Network
  spare          Spare Network

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# point-code ?
  POINT_CODE  Point Code
  format      Configure Point Code Format
  delimiter   Configure Point Code Delimiter

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# point-code format ?
  <1-24>   Length of first PC component
  default  Default Point Code Format (3.8.3)
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# point-code format 1 ?
  [<1-23>]  Length of second PC component
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# point-code format 1 1 ?
  [<1-22>]  Length of third PC component

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# point-code delimiter ?
  default  Use dot as delimiter
  dash     User dash as delimiter

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# xua ?
  rkm  Routing Key Management
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# xua rkm ?
  routing-key-allocation  Routing Key Management Allocation Policy
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# xua rkm routing-key-allocation ?
  static-only        Only static (pre-configured) Routing Keys permitted
  dynamic-permitted  Dynamically allocate Routing Keys for what ASPs request

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# asp ?
  NAME  Name of ASP
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# asp foo ?
  <0-65535>  Remote port number
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# asp foo 0 ?
  <0-65535>  Local port number
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# asp foo 0 0 ?
  sua   SCCP User Adaptation
  m3ua  MTP3 User Adaptation
  ipa   IPA Multiplex (SCCP Lite)
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# asp foo 0 0 m3ua ?
  sctp  SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
  tcp   TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# as ?
  NAME  Name of the Application Server
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# as foo ?
  sua   SCCP User Adaptation
  m3ua  MTP3 User Adaptation
  ipa   IPA Multiplex (SCCP Lite)

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-address ?
  NAME  Name of the SCCP Address

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# no ?
  asp           Disable Application Server Process
  as            Disable Application Server
  sccp-address  Delete an SCCP addressbook entry
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# no asp ?
  NAME  Name of ASP
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# no as ?
  NAME  Name of AS
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# no sccp-address ?
  NAME  Name of the SCCP Address

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-address foo
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# list
  no point-code
  no subsystem-number
  no global-title
  routing-indicator (GT|PC|IP)
  point-code POINT_CODE
  subsystem-number <0-4294967295>
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# ?
  no                 Negate a command or set its defaults
  routing-indicator  Add Routing Indicator
  point-code         Add point-code Number
  subsystem-number   Add Subsystem Number
  global-title       Add/Modify Global Title

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# point-code 1.2.3

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# do show cs7 instance 0 sccp addressbook

Name         RI: PC:       SSN:       GT:
------------ --- --------- ---------- --------------------------------------- 
foo          PC  1.2.3     (none)     (none)

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# exit

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-address foobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobar
Error: SCCP address name too long: 'foobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobar'
% Command incomplete.

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# exit
ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# cs7 instance 1
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-address foo
Error: SCCP address name already used in cs7 instance 0: 'foo'
% Command incomplete.
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-address bar
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# point-code 1.2.3
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-sccpaddr)# exit
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# exit
ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# no cs7 instance 1
% Unknown command.

ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# cs7 instance 0

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# asp my-asp 12345 54321 m3ua
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# list
  description .TEXT
  remote-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) [primary]
  no remote-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
  local-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) [primary]
  no local-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
  qos-class <0-255>
  role (sg|asp|ipsp)
  transport-role (client|server)
  sctp-param init (num-ostreams|max-instreams|max-attempts|timeout) <0-65535>
  no sctp-param init (num-ostreams|max-instreams|max-attempts|timeout)

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# ?
  description     Save human-readable description of the object
  remote-ip       Specify Remote IP Address of ASP
  no              Negate a command or set its defaults
  local-ip        Specify Local IP Address from which to contact ASP
  qos-class       Specify QoS Class of ASP
  role            Specify the xUA role for this ASP
  transport-role  Specify the transport layer role for this ASP
  sctp-param      Configure SCTP parameters
  block           Allows a SCTP Association with ASP, but doesn't let it become active
  shutdown        Terminates SCTP association; New associations will be rejected

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# no ?
  sctp-param  Configure SCTP parameters
  quirk       Disable quirk to work around interop issues

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# remote-ip
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# local-ip
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------
my-asp        ?             uninitialized  m3ua  sg    server      
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# remote-ip
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# local-ip
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------
my-asp        ?             uninitialized  m3ua  sg    server     (|  (|
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# ! Mark as primary:
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# remote-ip primary
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# ! 'local-ip primary' cannot be tested here since output may be different based on sysctl available
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# local-ip
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------
my-asp        ?             uninitialized  m3ua  sg    server     (|  (|*):12345
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# show running-config
  remote-ip primary
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# ! Mark as non-primary:
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# remote-ip
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# local-ip
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------
my-asp        ?             uninitialized  m3ua  sg    server     (|  (|
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# show running-config
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-asp)# exit

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# as my-ass m3ua
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# list
  description .TEXT
  asp NAME
  no asp NAME
  traffic-mode (broadcast | loadshare | roundrobin | override)
  no traffic-mode
  recovery-timeout <1-2000>
  qos-class <0-255>
  routing-key RCONTEXT DPC
  routing-key RCONTEXT DPC si (aal2|bicc|b-isup|h248|isup|sat-isup|sccp|tup)
  routing-key RCONTEXT DPC ssn SSN
  routing-key RCONTEXT DPC si (aal2|bicc|b-isup|h248|isup|sat-isup|sccp|tup) ssn SSN
  point-code override dpc PC
  point-code override patch-sccp (disabled|both)

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# ?
  description       Save human-readable description of the object
  asp               Specify that a given ASP is part of this AS
  no                Negate a command or set its defaults
  traffic-mode      Specifies traffic mode of operation of the ASP within the AS
  recovery-timeout  Specifies the recovery timeout value in milliseconds
  qos-class         Specity QoS Class of AS
  routing-key       Define a routing key
  point-code        Point Code Specific Features

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# no ?
  asp           Specify ASP to be removed from this AS
  traffic-mode  Remove explicit traffic mode of operation of this AS

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# do show cs7 instance 0 as all
                          Routing    Routing Key                          Cic   Cic   Traffic
AS Name      State        Context    Dpc           Si   Opc           Ssn Min   Max   Mode
------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ---- ------------- --- ----- ----- -------
my-ass       AS_DOWN      0          0.0.0                                             override

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# do show cs7 instance 0 as active
                          Routing    Routing Key                          Cic   Cic   Traffic
AS Name      State        Context    Dpc           Si   Opc           Ssn Min   Max   Mode
------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ---- ------------- --- ----- ----- -------

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# do show cs7 instance 0 as sua
                          Routing    Routing Key                          Cic   Cic   Traffic
AS Name      State        Context    Dpc           Si   Opc           Ssn Min   Max   Mode
------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ---- ------------- --- ----- ----- -------

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# do show cs7 instance 0 as m3ua
                          Routing    Routing Key                          Cic   Cic   Traffic
AS Name      State        Context    Dpc           Si   Opc           Ssn Min   Max   Mode
------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ---- ------------- --- ----- ----- -------
my-ass       AS_DOWN      0          0.0.0                                             override

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# asp my-asp
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# routing-key 0 3.2.1

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------
my-asp        my-ass        ASP_DOWN       m3ua  sg    server     (|  (|

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7-as)# exit
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------
my-asp        my-ass        ASP_DOWN       m3ua  sg    server     (|  (|

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# exit

ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------
my-asp        my-ass        ASP_DOWN       m3ua  sg    server     (|  (|

ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# do show cs7 instance 0 as all
                          Routing    Routing Key                          Cic   Cic   Traffic
AS Name      State        Context    Dpc           Si   Opc           Ssn Min   Max   Mode
------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ---- ------------- --- ----- ----- -------
my-ass       AS_DOWN      0          3.2.1                                             override

ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# show running-config
cs7 instance 0
 asp my-asp 12345 54321 m3ua
  role sg
  sctp-role server
 as my-ass m3ua
  asp my-asp
  routing-key 0 3.2.1
 sccp-address foo
  routing-indicator PC
  point-code 1.2.3
cs7 instance 1
 sccp-address bar
  routing-indicator PC
  point-code 1.2.3

ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# do show cs7 instance 0 users

ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# do show cs7 m3ua

ss7_asp_vty_test(config)# cs7 instance 0
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# no asp unknown-asp
No ASP named 'unknown-asp' found

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# no asp my-asp

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# do show cs7 instance 0 asp
ASP Name      AS Name       State          Type  Role  SCTP Role  Local Addresses          Remote Addresses
------------  ------------  -------------  ----  ----  ---------  -----------------------  -----------------------

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# do show cs7 instance 0 as all
                          Routing    Routing Key                          Cic   Cic   Traffic
AS Name      State        Context    Dpc           Si   Opc           Ssn Min   Max   Mode
------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ---- ------------- --- ----- ----- -------
my-ass       AS_DOWN      0          3.2.1                                             override

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# do show cs7 instance 0 sccp timers
SS7 instance 0 has no SCCP initialized

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
... !sccp-timer

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-timer ias 5
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# do show cs7 instance 0 sccp timers
sccp-timer conn_est 60
sccp-timer ias 5
sccp-timer iar 900
sccp-timer rel 10
sccp-timer repeat_rel 10
sccp-timer int 60
sccp-timer guard 1380
sccp-timer reset 10
sccp-timer reassembly 10
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
... !sccp-timer
 sccp-timer ias 5
... !sccp-timer

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-timer ias 420
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# do show cs7 instance 0 sccp timers
sccp-timer conn_est 60
sccp-timer ias 420
sccp-timer iar 900
sccp-timer rel 10
sccp-timer repeat_rel 10
sccp-timer int 60
sccp-timer guard 1380
sccp-timer reset 10
sccp-timer reassembly 10
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
... !sccp-timer

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-timer?
  sccp-timer  Configure SCCP timer values, see ITU-T Q.714

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-timer ?
  conn_est    Waiting for connection confirm message, 1 to 2 minutes (default: 60)
  ias         Send keep-alive: on an idle connection, delay before sending an Idle Timer message, 5 to 10 minutes (default: 420)
  iar         Receive keep-alive: on an idle connection, delay until considering a connection as stale, 11 to 21 minutes (default: 900)
  rel         Waiting for release complete message, 10 to 20 seconds (default: 10)
  repeat_rel  Waiting for release complete message; or to repeat sending released message after the initial expiry, 10 to 20 seconds (default: 10)
  int         Waiting for release complete message; or to release connection resources, freeze the LRN and alert a maintenance function after the initial expiry, extending to 1 minute (default: 60)
  guard       Waiting to resume normal procedure for temporary connection sections during the restart procedure, 23 to 25 minutes (default: 1380)
  reset       Waiting to release temporary connection section or alert maintenance function after reset request message is sent, 10 to 20 seconds (default: 10)
  reassembly  Waiting to receive all the segments of the remaining segments, single segmented message after receiving the first segment, 10 to 20 seconds (default: 10)

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp-timer conn_est ?
  <1-999999>  Timer value, in seconds

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp ?
  max-optional-data  Adjust the upper bound for the optional data length (the payload) for CR, CC, CREF and RLSD messages. For any Optional Data part larger than this value in octets, send CR, CC, CREF and RLSD messages without any payload, and send the data payload in a separate Data Form 1 message. ITU-T Q.713 sections 4.2 thru 4.5 define a limit of 130 bytes for the 'Data' parameter. This limit can be adjusted here. May be useful for interop with nonstandard SCCP peers.

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp max-optional-data ?
  <0-999999>  Set a non-standard maximum allowed number of bytes
  standard    Use the ITU-T Q.713 4.2 to 4.5 standard value of 130

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
... !sccp max-optional-data

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp max-optional-data 0
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
 sccp max-optional-data 0

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp max-optional-data 123
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
 sccp max-optional-data 123

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp max-optional-data 999999
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
cs7 instance 0
 sccp max-optional-data 999999
cs7 instance 1
... !sccp max-optional-data

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp max-optional-data standard
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
... !sccp max-optional-data

ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# sccp max-optional-data 130
ss7_asp_vty_test(config-cs7)# show running-config
... !sccp max-optional-data