/* (C) 2017 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de> * All Rights Reserved * * Author: Neels Hofmeyr <nhofmeyr@sysmocom.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <osmocom/core/application.h> #include <osmocom/core/utils.h> #include <osmocom/core/logging.h> #include <osmocom/gsupclient/cni_peer_id.h> #include <osmocom/hlr/db.h> #include <osmocom/hlr/logging.h> #define comment_start() fprintf(stderr, "\n===== %s\n", __func__); #define comment(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, "\n--- " fmt "\n\n", ## args); #define comment_end() fprintf(stderr, "===== %s: SUCCESS\n\n", __func__); #define fill_invalid(x) _fill_invalid(&x, sizeof(x)) static void _fill_invalid(void *dest, size_t size) { uint8_t *pos = dest; size_t remain = size; int wrote = 0; do { remain -= wrote; pos += wrote; wrote = snprintf((void*)pos, remain, "-invalid-data"); } while (wrote < remain); } /* Perform a function call and verbosely assert that its return value is as expected. * The return code is then available in g_rc. */ #define ASSERT_RC(call, expect_rc) \ do { \ if ((expect_rc) == -ENOKEY) \ fprintf(stderr, #call " --> -ENOKEY\n"); \ else if ((expect_rc) == -ENOTSUP) \ fprintf(stderr, #call " --> -ENOTSUP\n"); \ else \ fprintf(stderr, #call " --> " #expect_rc "\n"); \ g_rc = call; \ if (g_rc != (expect_rc)) \ fprintf(stderr, " MISMATCH: got rc = %d, expected: " \ #expect_rc " = %d\n", g_rc, expect_rc); \ OSMO_ASSERT(g_rc == (expect_rc)); \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ } while (0) /* Do db_subscr_get_by_xxxx and verbosely assert that its return value is as expected. * Print the subscriber struct to stderr to be validated by db_test.err. * The result is then available in g_subscr. */ #define ASSERT_SEL(by, val, expect_rc) \ do { \ int rc; \ fill_invalid(g_subscr); \ if ((expect_rc) == -ENOKEY) \ fprintf(stderr, "db_subscr_get_by_" #by "(dbc, " #val ", &g_subscr) --> -ENOKEY \n"); \ else if ((expect_rc) == -ENOTSUP) \ fprintf(stderr, "db_subscr_get_by_" #by "(dbc, " #val ", &g_subscr) --> -ENOTSUP \n"); \ else \ fprintf(stderr, "db_subscr_get_by_" #by "(dbc, " #val ", &g_subscr) --> " \ #expect_rc "\n"); \ rc = db_subscr_get_by_##by(dbc, val, &g_subscr); \ if (rc != (expect_rc)) \ fprintf(stderr, " MISMATCH: got rc = %d, expected: " \ #expect_rc " = %d\n", rc, expect_rc); \ OSMO_ASSERT(rc == (expect_rc)); \ if (!rc) \ dump_subscr(&g_subscr); \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ } while (0) /* Do db_get_auth_data() and verbosely assert that its return value is as expected. * Print the subscriber struct to stderr to be validated by db_test.err. * The results are then available in g_aud2g and g_aud3g. */ #define ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi, expect_rc, expect_id) \ do { \ fill_invalid(g_aud2g); \ fill_invalid(g_aud3g); \ g_id = 0; \ ASSERT_RC(db_get_auth_data(dbc, imsi, &g_aud2g, &g_aud3g, &g_id), expect_rc); \ if (!g_rc) { \ dump_aud("2G", &g_aud2g); \ dump_aud("3G", &g_aud3g); \ }\ if (g_id != expect_id) {\ fprintf(stderr, "MISMATCH: got subscriber id %"PRId64 \ ", expected %"PRId64"\n", g_id, (int64_t)(expect_id)); \ OSMO_ASSERT(g_id == expect_id); \ } \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ } while (0) #define N_VECTORS 3 #define ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi, expect_rc) \ do { \ struct osmo_auth_vector vec[N_VECTORS]; \ ASSERT_RC(db_get_auc(dbc, imsi, 3, vec, N_VECTORS, NULL, NULL, false), expect_rc); \ } while (0) /* Not linking the real auc_compute_vectors(), just returning num_vec. * This gets called by db_get_auc(), but we're only interested in its rc. */ int auc_compute_vectors(struct osmo_auth_vector *vec, unsigned int num_vec, struct osmo_sub_auth_data2 *aud2g, struct osmo_sub_auth_data2 *aud3g, const uint8_t *rand_auts, const uint8_t *auts) { return num_vec; } static struct db_context *dbc = NULL; static void *ctx = NULL; static struct hlr_subscriber g_subscr; static struct osmo_sub_auth_data2 g_aud2g; static struct osmo_sub_auth_data2 g_aud3g; static int g_rc; static int64_t g_id; #define Pfv(name, fmt, val) \ fprintf(stderr, " ." #name " = " fmt ",\n", val) #define Pfo(name, fmt, obj) \ Pfv(name, fmt, obj->name) /* Print a subscriber struct to stderr to be validated by db_test.err. */ void dump_subscr(struct hlr_subscriber *subscr) { #define Ps(name) \ if (*subscr->name) \ Pfo(name, "'%s'", subscr) #define Pgt(name) \ Pfv(name, "%s", osmo_ipa_name_to_str(&subscr->name)) #define Pd(name) \ Pfv(name, "%"PRId64, (int64_t)subscr->name) #define Pd_nonzero(name) \ if (subscr->name) \ Pd(name) #define Pb(if_val, name) \ if (subscr->name == (if_val)) \ Pfv(name, "%s", subscr->name ? "true" : "false") fprintf(stderr, "struct hlr_subscriber {\n"); Pd(id); Ps(imsi); Ps(msisdn); Ps(imei); Ps(vlr_number); Ps(sgsn_number); Ps(sgsn_address); Pd_nonzero(periodic_lu_timer); Pd_nonzero(periodic_rau_tau_timer); Pb(false, nam_cs); Pb(false, nam_ps); if (subscr->lmsi) Pfo(lmsi, "0x%x", subscr); Pb(true, ms_purged_cs); Pb(true, ms_purged_ps); fprintf(stderr, "}\n"); #undef Ps #undef Pd #undef Pd_nonzero #undef Pb } void dump_aud(const char *label, struct osmo_sub_auth_data2 *aud) { if (aud->type == OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_NONE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: none\n", label); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: struct osmo_sub_auth_data2 {\n", label); #define Pf(name, fmt) \ Pfo(name, fmt, aud) #define Phex(name) \ Pfv(name, "'%s'", osmo_hexdump_nospc(aud->name, sizeof(aud->name))) #define Phexl(name, len) \ Pfv(name, "'%s'", osmo_hexdump_nospc(aud->name, aud->len)) Pfv(type, "%s", osmo_sub_auth_type_name(aud->type)); Pfv(algo, "%s", osmo_auth_alg_name(aud->algo)); switch (aud->type) { case OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_GSM: Phex(u.gsm.ki); break; case OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_UMTS: Phexl(u.umts.opc, u.umts.opc_len); Pf(u.umts.opc_is_op, "%u"); Phexl(u.umts.k, u.umts.k_len); Phex(u.umts.amf); if (aud->u.umts.sqn) { Pf(u.umts.sqn, "%"PRIu64); Pf(u.umts.sqn, "0x%"PRIx64); } if (aud->u.umts.ind_bitlen) Pf(u.umts.ind_bitlen, "%u"); break; default: OSMO_ASSERT(false); } fprintf(stderr, "}\n"); #undef Pf #undef Phex #undef Phexl } void db_raw_sql(struct db_context *dbc, const char *sql) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; fprintf(stderr, "raw SQL: %s\n", sql); ASSERT_RC(sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbc->db, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL), SQLITE_OK); ASSERT_RC(sqlite3_step(stmt), SQLITE_DONE); db_remove_reset(stmt); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } static const char *imsi0 = "123456789000000"; static const char *imsi1 = "123456789000001"; static const char *imsi2 = "123456789000002"; static const char *short_imsi = "123456"; static const char *unknown_imsi = "999999999"; static int db_subscr_lu_str(struct db_context *dbc, int64_t subscr_id, const char *vlr_or_sgsn_number, bool is_ps) { struct osmo_ipa_name vlr_nr; osmo_ipa_name_set_str(&vlr_nr, vlr_or_sgsn_number); return db_subscr_lu(dbc, subscr_id, &vlr_nr, is_ps, NULL); } static void test_subscr_create_update_sel_delete(void) { int64_t id0, id1, id2, id_short; comment_start(); comment("Create with valid / invalid IMSI"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi0, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); id0 = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi1, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi1, 0); id1 = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi2, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi2, 0); id2 = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi0, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EEXIST); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi1, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EEXIST); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi1, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EEXIST); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi1, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi2, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EEXIST); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi2, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EEXIST); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi2, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, "123456789 000003", DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, "123456789000003", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, "123456789000002123456", DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, "123456789000002123456", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, "foobar123", DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, "foobar123", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, "123", DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, "123", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, short_imsi, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, short_imsi, 0); id_short = g_subscr.id; comment("Check if subscriber exists (by IMSI)"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_exists_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0), 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_exists_by_imsi(dbc, unknown_imsi), -ENOENT); comment("Set valid / invalid MSISDN"); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "54321"), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "54321", 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "54321012345678912345678"), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "54321", 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "54321012345678912345678", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "543 21"), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "543 21", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "foobar123"), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "foobar123", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "5"), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "5", 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "54321", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "543210123456789"), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "543210123456789", 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "5432101234567891"), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "5432101234567891", -ENOENT); comment("Check if subscriber exists (by MSISDN)"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_exists_by_msisdn(dbc, "543210123456789"), 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_exists_by_msisdn(dbc, "5432101234567891"), -ENOENT); comment("Set MSISDN on non-existent / invalid IMSI"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, unknown_imsi, "99"), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "99", -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_msisdn_by_imsi(dbc, "foobar", "99"), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(msisdn, "99", -ENOENT); comment("Set valid / invalid IMEI"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_imei_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "12345678901234"), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imei, "12345678901234", 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_imei_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "123456789012345"), -EINVAL); /* too long */ ASSERT_SEL(imei, "12345678901234", 0); ASSERT_SEL(imei, "123456789012345", -ENOENT); comment("Set the same IMEI again"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_imei_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, "12345678901234"), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imei, "12345678901234", 0); comment("Remove IMEI"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_imei_by_imsi(dbc, imsi0, NULL), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imei, "12345678901234", -ENOENT); comment("Set / unset nam_cs and nam_ps"); /* nam_val, is_ps */ ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, false, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, false, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, true, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, true, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); comment("Set / unset nam_cs and nam_ps *again*"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, false, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, false, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, false, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, false, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, true, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, true, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, true, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, imsi0, true, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); comment("Set nam_cs and nam_ps on non-existent / invalid IMSI"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, unknown_imsi, false, true), -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, unknown_imsi, false, false), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, unknown_imsi, -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, "foobar", false, true), -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_nam(dbc, "foobar", false, false), -ENOENT); comment("Record LU for PS and CS (SGSN and VLR names)"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "5952", true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "712", false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); comment("Record LU for PS and CS (SGSN and VLR names) *again*"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "111", true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "111", true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "222", false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "222", false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); comment("Unset LU info for PS and CS (SGSN and VLR names)"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "", true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "", false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "111", true), 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, "222", false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, NULL, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, id0, NULL, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(id, id0, 0); comment("Record LU for non-existent ID"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, 99999, "5952", true), -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_lu_str(dbc, 99999, "712", false), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(id, 99999, -ENOENT); comment("Purge and un-purge PS and CS"); /* purge_val, is_ps */ ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, true, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, true, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, false, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, false, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); comment("Purge PS and CS *again*"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, true, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, true, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, false, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, false, true), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, true, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, true, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, false, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, imsi0, false, false), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); comment("Purge on non-existent / invalid IMSI"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, unknown_imsi, true, true), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, unknown_imsi, -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_purge(dbc, unknown_imsi, true, false), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, unknown_imsi, -ENOENT); comment("Delete non-existent / invalid IDs"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, 999), -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, -10), -ENOENT); comment("Delete subscribers"); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id0), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id0), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi1, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id1), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi1, -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi2, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id2), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi2, -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, short_imsi, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id_short), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, short_imsi, -ENOENT); comment("Create and delete subscribers with non-default nam_cs and nam_ps"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi0, 0x00), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); id0 = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi1, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi1, 0); id1 = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi2, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi2, 0); id2 = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id0), 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id1), 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id2), 0); comment_end(); } static const struct sub_auth_data_str *mk_aud_2g(enum osmo_auth_algo algo, const char *ki) { static struct sub_auth_data_str aud; aud = (struct sub_auth_data_str){ .type = OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_GSM, .algo = algo, .u.gsm.ki = ki, }; return &aud; } static const struct sub_auth_data_str *mk_aud_3g(enum osmo_auth_algo algo, const char *opc, bool opc_is_op, const char *k, unsigned int ind_bitlen) { static struct sub_auth_data_str aud; aud = (struct sub_auth_data_str){ .type = OSMO_AUTH_TYPE_UMTS, .algo = algo, .u.umts.k = k, .u.umts.opc = opc, .u.umts.opc_is_op = opc_is_op ? 1 : 0, .u.umts.ind_bitlen = ind_bitlen, }; return &aud; } static void test_subscr_aud(void) { int64_t id; comment_start(); comment("Get auth data for non-existent subscriber"); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(unknown_imsi, -ENOENT, 0); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOENT); comment("Create subscriber"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi0, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); id = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOKEY); comment("Set auth data, 2G only"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v1, "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef")), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, N_VECTORS); /* same again */ ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v1, "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef")), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v2, "BeadedBeeAced1EbbedDefacedFacade")), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v3, "DeafBeddedBabeAcceededFadedDecaf")), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_XOR_2G, "CededEffacedAceFacedBadFadedBeef")), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); comment("Remove 2G auth data"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONE, NULL)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOKEY); /* Removing nothing results in -ENOENT */ ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONE, NULL)), -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_XOR_2G, "CededEffacedAceFacedBadFadedBeef")), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONE, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000")), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOKEY); comment("Set auth data, 3G only"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", true, "C01ffedC1cadaeAc1d1f1edAcac1aB0a", 5)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, N_VECTORS); /* same again */ ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", true, "C01ffedC1cadaeAc1d1f1edAcac1aB0a", 5)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "Deaf0ff1ceD0d0DabbedD1ced1ceF00d", true, "F1bbed0afD0eF0bD0ffed0ddF1fe0b0e", 0)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", false, "DeafBeddedBabeAcceededFadedDecaf", OSMO_MILENAGE_IND_BITLEN_MAX)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "CededEffacedAceFacedBadFadedBeef", false, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", 5)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); comment("Remove 3G auth data"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONE, NULL, false, NULL, 0)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOKEY); /* Removing nothing results in -ENOENT */ ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONE, NULL, false, NULL, 0)), -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "CededEffacedAceFacedBadFadedBeef", false, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", 5)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, N_VECTORS); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONE, "asdfasdfasd", false, "asdfasdfasdf", 99999)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOKEY); comment("Set auth data, 2G and 3G"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v3, "CededEffacedAceFacedBadFadedBeef")), 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", false, "DeafBeddedBabeAcceededFadedDecaf", 5)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, N_VECTORS); comment("Set invalid auth data"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(99999, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000")), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_XOR_2G, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000f00000000")), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_XOR_2G, "f00")), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef")), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "0f000000000000f00000000000f000000", false, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000", 5)), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000", false, "000000000000f00000000000f000000", 5)), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000", false, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000", OSMO_MILENAGE_IND_BITLEN_MAX + 1)), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "X000000000000f00000000000f000000", false, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000", 5)), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "f000000000000f00000000000f000000", false, "f000000000000 f00000000000 f000000", 5)), -EINVAL); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); comment("Delete subscriber"); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, -ENOENT); comment("Re-add subscriber and verify auth data didn't come back"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi0, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); /* For this test to work, we want to get the same subscriber ID back, * and make sure there are no auth data leftovers for this ID. */ OSMO_ASSERT(id == g_subscr.id); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOKEY); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, -ENOENT); ASSERT_DB_GET_AUC(imsi0, -ENOENT); comment_end(); } /* Make each key too short in this test. Note that we can't set them longer than the allowed size without changing the * table structure. */ static void test_subscr_aud_invalid_len(void) { int64_t id; comment_start(); comment("Create subscriber"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi0, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); id = g_subscr.id; /* Invalid Ki length */ comment("Set auth data, 2G only, with invalid Ki length"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v1, "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef")), 0); /* Use raw SQL to avoid length check in db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(). This changes all rows in the table, which * is fine for this test (implicit WHERE 1). */ db_raw_sql(dbc, "UPDATE auc_2g SET ki = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde'"); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); comment("Remove 2G auth data"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_2g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONE, NULL)), 0); /* Invalid K length */ comment("Set auth data, 3G only, with invalid K length"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", true, "C01ffedC1cadaeAc1d1f1edAcac1aB0a", 5)), 0); db_raw_sql(dbc, "UPDATE auc_3g SET k = 'C01ffedC1cadaeAc1d1f1edAcac1aB0'"); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -EIO, id); /* Invalid OP length */ comment("Set auth data, 3G only, with invalid OP length"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", true, "C01ffedC1cadaeAc1d1f1edAcac1aB0a", 5)), 0); db_raw_sql(dbc, "UPDATE auc_3g SET op = 'BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFe'"); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -EIO, id); /* Invalid OPC length */ comment("Set auth data, 3G only, with invalid OPC length"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", false, "C01ffedC1cadaeAc1d1f1edAcac1aB0a", 5)), 0); db_raw_sql(dbc, "UPDATE auc_3g SET opc = 'BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFe'"); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -EIO, id); comment("Delete subscriber"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id), 0); comment_end(); } static void test_subscr_sqn(void) { int64_t id; comment_start(); comment("Set SQN for unknown subscriber"); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, 99, 999), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(id, 99, -ENOENT); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, 9999, 99), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL(id, 9999, -ENOENT); comment("Create subscriber"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_create(dbc, imsi0, DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_CS | DB_SUBSCR_FLAG_NAM_PS), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); id = g_subscr.id; ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); comment("Set SQN, but no 3G auth data present"); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, 123), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, 543), -ENOENT); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, -ENOKEY, id); comment("Set auth 3G data"); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_update_aud_by_id(dbc, id, mk_aud_3g(OSMO_AUTH_ALG_MILENAGE, "BeefedCafeFaceAcedAddedDecadeFee", true, "C01ffedC1cadaeAc1d1f1edAcac1aB0a", 5)), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); comment("Set SQN"); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, 23315), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, 23315), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, 423), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); comment("Set SQN: thru uint64_t range, using the int64_t SQLite bind"); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, 0), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, INT64_MAX), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, INT64_MIN), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); ASSERT_RC(db_update_sqn(dbc, id, UINT64_MAX), 0); ASSERT_SEL_AUD(imsi0, 0, id); comment("Delete subscriber"); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, 0); ASSERT_RC(db_subscr_delete_by_id(dbc, id), 0); ASSERT_SEL(imsi, imsi0, -ENOENT); comment_end(); } static void test_ind(void) { comment_start(); #define ASSERT_IND(VLR, IND) do { \ unsigned int ind; \ struct osmo_cni_peer_id vlr; \ OSMO_ASSERT(!osmo_cni_peer_id_set_str(&vlr, OSMO_CNI_PEER_ID_IPA_NAME, VLR)); \ ASSERT_RC(db_ind(dbc, &vlr, &ind), 0); \ fprintf(stderr, "%s ind = %u\n\n", osmo_quote_str((char*)vlr.ipa_name.val, vlr.ipa_name.len), ind); \ if (ind != (IND)) \ fprintf(stderr, " ERROR: expected " #IND "\n"); \ } while (0) #define IND_DEL(VLR) do { \ struct osmo_cni_peer_id vlr; \ OSMO_ASSERT(!osmo_cni_peer_id_set_str(&vlr, OSMO_CNI_PEER_ID_IPA_NAME, VLR)); \ ASSERT_RC(db_ind_del(dbc, &vlr), 0); \ fprintf(stderr, "%s ind deleted\n\n", osmo_quote_str((char*)vlr.ipa_name.val, vlr.ipa_name.len)); \ } while (0) ASSERT_IND("msc-23", 1); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-11", 2); ASSERT_IND("msc-42", 3); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-22", 4); ASSERT_IND("msc-0x17", 5); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-0xaa", 6); ASSERT_IND("msc-42", 3); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-22", 4); ASSERT_IND("msc-0x17", 5); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-0xaa", 6); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-0xbb", 7); ASSERT_IND("msc-0x2a", 8); ASSERT_IND("msc-42", 3); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-22", 4); ASSERT_IND("msc-23", 1); ASSERT_IND("sgsn-11", 2); IND_DEL("msc-0x17"); /* dropped IND == 5 */ ASSERT_IND("msc-0x2a", 8); /* known CS remains where it is */ ASSERT_IND("any-unknown", 9); /* new VLR takes a new IND from the end */ comment_end(); } static struct { bool verbose; } cmdline_opts = { .verbose = false, }; static void print_help(const char *program) { printf("Usage:\n" " %s [-v] [N [N...]]\n" "Options:\n" " -h --help show this text.\n" " -v --verbose print source file and line numbers\n", program ); } static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv) { while (1) { int option_index = 0, c; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"verbose", 1, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hv", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'h': print_help(argv[0]); exit(0); case 'v': cmdline_opts.verbose = true; break; default: /* catch unknown options *as well as* missing arguments. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error in command line options. Exiting.\n"); exit(-1); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "too many args\n"); exit(-1); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("db_test.c\n"); ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 1, "db_test"); handle_options(argc, argv); osmo_init_logging2(ctx, &hlr_log_info); log_set_print_filename2(osmo_stderr_target, cmdline_opts.verbose ? LOG_FILENAME_BASENAME : LOG_FILENAME_NONE); log_set_print_timestamp(osmo_stderr_target, 0); log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0); log_set_print_category_hex(osmo_stderr_target, 0); log_set_print_category(osmo_stderr_target, 1); log_parse_category_mask(osmo_stderr_target, "DMAIN,1:DDB,1:DAUC,1"); /* omit the SQLite version and compilation flags from test output */ log_set_log_level(osmo_stderr_target, LOGL_ERROR); /* Disable SQLite logging so that we're not vulnerable on SQLite error messages changing across * library versions. */ dbc = db_open(ctx, "db_test.db", false, false); log_set_log_level(osmo_stderr_target, 0); OSMO_ASSERT(dbc); test_subscr_create_update_sel_delete(); test_subscr_aud(); test_subscr_aud_invalid_len(); test_subscr_sqn(); test_ind(); printf("Done\n"); db_close(dbc); return 0; } /* stubs */ void *lu_op_alloc_conn(void *conn) { OSMO_ASSERT(false); return NULL; } void lu_op_tx_del_subscr_data(void *luop) { OSMO_ASSERT(false); } void lu_op_free(void *luop) { OSMO_ASSERT(false); }