/* testing the agch code */ /* (C) 2011 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther * (C) 2014 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH * * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include <osmocom/core/talloc.h> #include <osmocom/core/application.h> #include <osmo-bts/bts.h> #include <osmo-bts/bts_sm.h> #include <osmo-bts/logging.h> #include <osmo-bts/gsm_data.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <unistd.h> static struct gsm_bts *bts; static int count_imm_ass_rej_refs(struct gsm48_imm_ass_rej *rej) { int count = 0; count++; if (memcmp(&rej->req_ref1, &rej->req_ref2, sizeof(rej->req_ref2))) { count++; } if (memcmp(&rej->req_ref1, &rej->req_ref3, sizeof(rej->req_ref3)) && memcmp(&rej->req_ref2, &rej->req_ref3, sizeof(rej->req_ref3))) { count++; } if (memcmp(&rej->req_ref1, &rej->req_ref4, sizeof(rej->req_ref4)) && memcmp(&rej->req_ref2, &rej->req_ref4, sizeof(rej->req_ref4)) && memcmp(&rej->req_ref3, &rej->req_ref4, sizeof(rej->req_ref4))) { count++; } return count; } static void put_imm_ass_rej(struct msgb *msg, int idx, uint8_t wait_ind) { /* GSM CCCH - Immediate Assignment Reject */ static const unsigned char gsm_a_ccch_data[23] = { 0x4d, 0x06, 0x3a, 0x03, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b }; struct gsm48_imm_ass_rej *rej; msg->l3h = msgb_put(msg, sizeof(gsm_a_ccch_data)); rej = (struct gsm48_imm_ass_rej *)msg->l3h; memmove(msg->l3h, gsm_a_ccch_data, sizeof(gsm_a_ccch_data)); rej->req_ref1.t1 = idx; rej->wait_ind1 = wait_ind; rej->req_ref2.t1 = idx; rej->req_ref3.t1 = idx; rej->req_ref4.t1 = idx; } static void put_imm_ass(struct msgb *msg, int idx) { /* GSM CCCH - Immediate Assignment */ static const unsigned char gsm_a_ccch_data[23] = { 0x2d, 0x06, 0x3f, 0x03, 0x0c, 0xe3, 0x69, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b }; struct gsm48_imm_ass *ima; msg->l3h = msgb_put(msg, sizeof(gsm_a_ccch_data)); ima = (struct gsm48_imm_ass *)msg->l3h; memmove(msg->l3h, gsm_a_ccch_data, sizeof(gsm_a_ccch_data)); ima->req_ref.t1 = idx; } static void test_agch_queue(void) { int rc; uint8_t out_buf[GSM_MACBLOCK_LEN]; struct gsm_time g_time; const int num_rounds = 40; const int num_ima_per_round = 2; const int num_rej_per_round = 16; int round, idx; int count = 0; struct msgb *msg = NULL; int multiframes = 0; int imm_ass_count = 0; int imm_ass_rej_count = 0; int imm_ass_rej_ref_count = 0; g_time.fn = 0; g_time.t1 = 0; g_time.t2 = 0; g_time.t3 = 6; printf("Testing AGCH messages queue handling.\n"); bts->agch_queue.max_length = 32; bts->agch_queue.low_level = 30; bts->agch_queue.high_level = 30; bts->agch_queue.thresh_level = 60; for (round = 1; round <= num_rounds; round++) { for (idx = 0; idx < num_ima_per_round; idx++) { msg = msgb_alloc(GSM_MACBLOCK_LEN, __func__); put_imm_ass(msg, ++count); bts_agch_enqueue(bts, msg); imm_ass_count++; } for (idx = 0; idx < num_rej_per_round; idx++) { msg = msgb_alloc(GSM_MACBLOCK_LEN, __func__); put_imm_ass_rej(msg, ++count, 10); bts_agch_enqueue(bts, msg); imm_ass_rej_count++; imm_ass_rej_ref_count++; } } printf("AGCH filled: count %u, imm.ass %d, imm.ass.rej %d (refs %d), " "queue limit %u, occupied %d, " "dropped %"PRIu64", merged %"PRIu64", rejected %"PRIu64", " "ag-res %"PRIu64", non-res %"PRIu64"\n", count, imm_ass_count, imm_ass_rej_count, imm_ass_rej_ref_count, bts->agch_queue.max_length, bts->agch_queue.length, bts->agch_queue.dropped_msgs, bts->agch_queue.merged_msgs, bts->agch_queue.rejected_msgs, bts->agch_queue.agch_msgs, bts->agch_queue.pch_msgs); imm_ass_count = 0; imm_ass_rej_count = 0; imm_ass_rej_ref_count = 0; for (idx = 0; 1; idx++) { struct gsm48_imm_ass *ima; int is_agch = (idx % 3) == 0; /* 1 AG reserved, 2 PCH */ if (is_agch) multiframes++; rc = bts_ccch_copy_msg(bts, out_buf, &g_time, (is_agch) ? CCCH_MSGT_AGCH : CCCH_MSGT_PCH); ima = (struct gsm48_imm_ass *)out_buf; switch (ima->msg_type) { case GSM48_MT_RR_IMM_ASS: imm_ass_count++; break; case GSM48_MT_RR_IMM_ASS_REJ: imm_ass_rej_count++; imm_ass_rej_ref_count += count_imm_ass_rej_refs((struct gsm48_imm_ass_rej *)ima); break; default: break; } if (is_agch && rc <= 0) break; } printf("AGCH drained: multiframes %u, imm.ass %d, imm.ass.rej %d (refs %d), " "queue limit %u, occupied %d, " "dropped %"PRIu64", merged %"PRIu64", rejected %"PRIu64", " "ag-res %"PRIu64", non-res %"PRIu64"\n", multiframes, imm_ass_count, imm_ass_rej_count, imm_ass_rej_ref_count, bts->agch_queue.max_length, bts->agch_queue.length, bts->agch_queue.dropped_msgs, bts->agch_queue.merged_msgs, bts->agch_queue.rejected_msgs, bts->agch_queue.agch_msgs, bts->agch_queue.pch_msgs); } static void test_agch_queue_length_computation(void) { static const int ccch_configs[] = { RSL_BCCH_CCCH_CONF_1_NC, RSL_BCCH_CCCH_CONF_1_C, RSL_BCCH_CCCH_CONF_2_NC, RSL_BCCH_CCCH_CONF_3_NC, RSL_BCCH_CCCH_CONF_4_NC, }; static const uint8_t tx_integer[] = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 32, 50, }; int T_idx, c_idx, max_len; printf("Testing AGCH queue length computation.\n"); printf("T\t\tBCCH slots\n"); printf("\t1(NC)\t1(C)\t2(NC)\t3(NC)\t4(NC)\n"); for (T_idx = 0; T_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(tx_integer); T_idx++) { printf("%d", tx_integer[T_idx]); for (c_idx = 0; c_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(ccch_configs); c_idx++) { max_len = bts_agch_max_queue_length(tx_integer[T_idx], ccch_configs[c_idx]); printf("\t%d", max_len); } printf("\n"); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { tall_bts_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 1, "OsmoBTS context"); msgb_talloc_ctx_init(tall_bts_ctx, 0); osmo_init_logging2(tall_bts_ctx, &bts_log_info); g_bts_sm = gsm_bts_sm_alloc(tall_bts_ctx); bts = gsm_bts_alloc(g_bts_sm, 0); if (bts_init(bts) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open bts\n"); exit(1); } test_agch_queue_length_computation(); test_agch_queue(); printf("Success\n"); return 0; }